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DIVINE INTERVENTION: ETs Defeating Old World Order

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posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:36 AM
I think you have to give money donations to Billy Meier, and go through a process of doing lotsa sparkle sparkle rainbow chaka shaka chakra ding dong dang meditation while waving crystals around or something.

You need to rub pine needles all over yourself to open up your pine-eel gland so your 5th eye can see that your fourth and third eyes are open while you keep waving crystals around, saying ohms, burning incense, and imagining different colors in other different parts of your brain.

I might have some of that mixed up, but, I'm sure a little variation on the routine would be quite understandable by such higher order of magnitude vibrational beings since we're just pretty much dumb animals not worth the respect of them actually showing themselves except to a few people of resoundingly dubious credibility.

Oh yes, if you want any sort of Galactic Federation contact, you have to make sure that your credibility is almost nonexistent, so, please, make sure you have a history of perjury, alcoholism, fraud, dishonesty, mental illness, and other sort of things that will decrease your credibility once found out after you make an announcement that representatives from the Galactic Federation are talking to you.

At least that's how I think it happens. The sorts of other people claiming contacts would seem to indicate these are the requirements for contact.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by AlchemicalMonocular
I think you have to give money donations to Billy Meier, and go through a process of doing lotsa sparkle sparkle rainbow chaka shaka chakra ding dong dang meditation while waving crystals around or something.

You need to rub pine needles all over yourself to open up your pine-eel gland so your 5th eye can see that your fourth and third eyes are open while you keep waving crystals around, saying ohms, burning incense, and imagining different colors in other different parts of your brain.

I might have some of that mixed up, but, I'm sure a little variation on the routine would be quite understandable by such higher order of magnitude vibrational beings since we're just pretty much dumb animals not worth the respect of them actually showing themselves except to a few people of resoundingly dubious credibility.

Oh yes, if you want any sort of Galactic Federation contact, you have to make sure that your credibility is almost nonexistent, so, please, make sure you have a history of perjury, alcoholism, fraud, dishonesty, mental illness, and other sort of things that will decrease your credibility once found out after you make an announcement that representatives from the Galactic Federation are talking to you.

At least that's how I think it happens. The sorts of other people claiming contacts would seem to indicate these are the requirements for contact.

i love your rituals bro!

if you would like a showing or contact or whatever, go out into nature alone...chill out and ask
be patient as it may take some time..


posted on May, 13 2012 @ 10:01 AM
Pointing out the faults and inaccuracies of Wilcox would take more space than available.
Let's start with the things he's said that have come true.

Well, there ya go.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 10:17 AM
All I can think of with ET, especially the ones that operate out of this physical dimension, is what Sleeper/Lou Baldin said on his own site, paraphrased:

That when the bullets are flying make sure you're wearing clean under wear.

We could turn alot of things around here, and get alot of help in, if we worked on overcoming our karma and lack of compassion for fellow humanity, for children and nature. We could also all strive to not pollute and even not support corporate pyramids but only each other's small businesses, we can replace their greed structures with small ethical businesses and only buy from each other, we could utlize different energy already, and reduce need for grid or replace in our homes. From sterling engines, parabolic mirrors, solar, wind, there are plenty of projects online. If we're all concerned, awake and wearing clean underwear, and giving to those in need, not waiting for government solutions, but deciding we can do the right things.

Then we wouldn't be waiting for the wrong ones to show. We'd be growing our lights and more and more Goodness would show instead, and enter the world.

To me, those behind the scenes wouldn't show up unless its the time of the upgrade, something in the Perfect Plan, unless we're ready, unless something needed to be done. They would operate behind the scenes, either bad things would escalate, or more and more good would come and memories, awakening, depending on what is happening. But we are certainly allowed to ask for this, and if enough do, then it may happen.

Also, if they do bring out the bad ones, if they do pretend the bad ones are attacking, ie project blue beam if they reveal the presence of ET, in our history and reveal officially, the presence of ET in the skies, disclosure has occurred to the human race.

That would imply that over time, many other groups would come forward, and wearing clean underwear would really change things. Doing Good by each other and the world.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 10:35 AM
Clean underwear, closes doors on ones accessing now and those who want to, and opens doors on Good coming in. Clean underwear means striving to grow up, not propping up corruption, not turning a blind eye to it or the suffering/poverty and injustices occurring to others. It means redistributing via ethical businesses, and creating a real solid grass roots economy that they can't crash. It means creating our own banks, our own credit unions with very fixed low interest, and only investing in each other. It means, equalizing and helping those in need, getting together in communities and getting land donations for the homeless, and creating homes on wheels, starting small, pop out tents on bicycles with solar and salt water capacity, modded bikes and light weight tent trailers, then green houses and gardens on their eco farm, and then creating bigger homes on wheels with cob, and a varitety of things.

Really working for the good of all.

And homeschooling, keeping the kids expertise in the communities, the science serving us.

It means creating our own energy and really striving to be light on the fossil fuels and caretaking nature and the world.

it means seeing through the politics and religions, taking only the good and loving with us. Searching more within, never buying control or obeying others, but thinking for ourselves.

Helping feed those overseas and getting eco farms going there, export what is done for the homeless here, there, and also, for the orphans, the children, setting up half way houses, setting up, drop in centers, and all kinds of things.

It means circumventing their restrictions and control, and working under the scenes to help region by region, our lives and all around us, equally.

There would be quite alot of changes occurring, there are no permissions given to the dark side then, the matrix crumbles. They would try to instigate War and Events to Distract and Lower Frequency. Refuse ahead of time to participate of be pulled into anything. Nohting on the news interests us, not their crimes, not the things they do to distract or cull an awakening.

This is what it takes.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 11:03 AM
we are all going somewhere amazing

"this is an interview i did to Sananda a canadian traveller n visionary that i met in a solstice ceremony at palenque, he has a very particular mesage, that might not be understood by most of the people that hear ir, but will be true for some. just take what u need of it."

David Wolfe interviews David Wilcock

David Wolfe interviews David Wilcock at Eden Hot Springs about EVERYTHING!

good stuff yo


posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:09 PM
Whenever I think of aliens trying to help humans, I think of humans trying to help dolphins.

Now if you think aliens are not THAT much more capable than maybe humans are like a hush-hush tribe of human cannibals or religious militants. Either way, the situation doesn't look good to me.

Why should the aliens care about us anymore than we care about religious militants (at best)?

In a roundabout way, what I mean to say is that humans have to carry out their won trash. If we're going to make it to the next level, if there is one, then we've got to mostly do it ourselves. Period.

There's no savior. No patriarchal god to care for you. No restart button.

What WE earn we can generally keep. If we fly with our own wings it's usually not too high. However, if a god handed us wings to get us to the moon, we would probably die on our way up. The air thins until there's no oxygen and the air temperature can drop and rise dramatically. But what do we know about that? God gave us the wings, but god didn't give us the knowledge of space travel. God is a fool to give us those wings. It's like handing a kid a gun. The kid didn't make the gun. Neither did the kid need it. And kids try anything at least once. So they'll probably shoot somebody. That's why we hold onto the guns and let them grow up a bit before giving them the chance to hold one. And sometimes we just can't use something, let alone understand it on a deeper level. Like giving a grizzy bear a computer. The grizzly bear might have a flicker of a insight, but it'll most likely be hopeless to ever figure it out. Wisdom and intelligence are earned, not given.
edit on 13-5-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
Whenever I think of aliens trying to help humans, I think of humans trying to help dolphins.

Now if you think aliens are not THAT much more capable than maybe humans are like a hush-hush tribe of human cannibals or religious militants. Either way, the situation doesn't look good to me.

Why should the aliens care about us anymore than we care about religious militants (at best)?

In a roundabout way, what I mean to say is that humans have to carry out their won trash. If we're going to make it to the next level, if there is one, then we've got to mostly do it ourselves. Period.

There's no savior. No patriarchal god to care for you. No restart button.

What WE earn we can generally keep. If we fly with our own wings it's usually not too high. However, if a god handed us wings to get us to the moon, we would probably die on our way up. It's like handing a kid a gun. The kid didn't make the gun. Neither did the kid need it. And kids try anything at least once. So they'll probably shoot somebody. That's why we hold onto the guns and let them grow up a bit before giving them the chance to hold one. Wisdom and intelligence are earned, not given.
edit on 13-5-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

I for one am thankful that ATS has someone like you who knows all of this as fact.
Here I was just sitting here being all neutral and everything and then you come along and set us all straight as to what exactly IS or more to the point ISN'T EVER going to happen.

How you could possibly know all of this is beyond me.

Let me ask you this ohh seer of destiny.
Is there even a possibility that you are COMPLETELY WRONG???

I await your enlightened answer.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Screwed

I just don't believe ET's will save us anymore than I think we'll save dolphins or monkeys. I'm not ruling out that they'll do a few things, but you can throw out "Aliens are our saviors!"

In fact, if aliens DO care about us than they'll mostly leave us alone.

These threads about alien saviors are not any different than going to church and praying to god for help. It's a plea for something external to us to rescue us. It's not an answer, it's desperation.

If you want an answer then start believing in people around you. Start standing behind them and giving them the support they need. Start believing in humanity. Start contributing what you can.
edit on 13-5-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by Screwed

I just don't believe ET's will save us anymore than I think we'll save dolphins or monkeys. I'm not ruling out that they'll do a few things, but you can throw out "Aliens are our saviors!"

In fact, if aliens DO care about us than they'll mostly leave us alone.

So, you never really answered my question.
Is there any possibility in your mind that you're completely wrong?

There is a HUGE difference in declaring something imperically and 'belief'.
You may believe whatever you want but that does not make it so.
Just like Christians can, just like new agers can, just like the KKK can.

I will try to remain neutral as best I can and in cases where I can not or will not remain neutral I will ALWAYS leave room for the fact that I could be completely wrong.
To get on here and just declare that "ALIENS WILL NOT" or "ALIENS WOULD NEVER" is just laughable.


SAYS WHO?!?!?!?

says YOU!!!
Who are YOU?!?!?!
How could you possibly know any of this?!?!?!



and neither do I.
edit on 13-5-2012 by Screwed because: (no reason given)


posted on May, 13 2012 @ 01:59 PM
The first pose on this thread is thick w. fallacies: "divine" intervention by e.t.'s (in other words just let them run your planet), "the galactic federation" - which is totally wrong because the grays' alignment isn't even from this galaxy, so it's insignificant here and not representative of aliens in our galaxy, and finally the assumption that the grays' alignment is separate from the human cabal. Instead, we see that, as Sgt. Clifford Stone, Lt. Col Steve Wilson, Clark McClelland, Robert Dean and others attest, an elite human cabal is actually allowing those same aliens on human bases (behind our backs). So, instead of working against the cabal, they're using it to gain further terra and influence over human resources, apparently.

Don't expect abducting aliens to save us. Expose them and cabal secrecy. Save yourself and help others here be competitive with aliens, instead.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 02:15 PM

i love you guys...

so scared of "aliens", lol

if you only knew...

oh and if you knew what the powers that were are trying to do right now because they know the game is over, you would ask for help too..

i'm talking about some evil stuff

oh well not going to work

thanks to all brothers and sisters of love & light, human, non-human, does not matter what body they/we/you are in, it's all about consciousness..

if you could create a universe, how would you run it?

would you let everything die or become enslaved?

honestly you people should wake up, honestly..please

i would just like to live with awakened beings, in peace and joy all day.....gosh that would be soo cool..

we could focus on exploring the universe, creating new worlds and beings, raising consciousness, exploring creation...celebrations, love, utopia, nirvana and heaven..

oh yes....untill then i will experience that in myself while relaxing on the beach with a nice cold drink...then make love to exotic females from the orient



posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:26 AM

I have been thinking a lot... had a terrible night the other night which made me very sick. There was heat coming off my abdomen again... actual heat to the point where i thought it might catch the bed clothes on fire. horrible thoughts etc etc...

So my question is this...

Why are these bad people the way they are? Is it in their brains or in their souls and why are their souls different? Even good people can be lead astray but some cannot seem to be reached. Are they victims of circumstance that simply need to be retaught or are they truly different from others who are more receptive to the values and principles of everyone else around them?

While having my bad spell for about a half an hour, I couldn't shake the thought that there will always be polarity and thus there will always be evil if there is good. When i get stuck in certain patterns it seems there really isn't much to look forward to and that the self is truly alone and is a reflection/model of a lone God/Universe. i don't want to get too far into and it is really hard for me to put it into words how inescapable this pattern seems.

...but after it faded and it does rather quickly, which i find very odd when partnered with this heat that seems to be coming from somewhere and not myself/my own body... when it fades i am back to the polarity of hope in progression. While still being aware that this is one sided because in that particular mindframe the bigger picture can get sad and frightening, sickening... my hope is that what is good gets better, and what is evil gets a little better as well... thus we still have the polarity and the constant shifting progression, but it is not the same exact inescapable pattern.... at least that is my hope.

but what of these people??

if we kill them , we revictimize them... putting the blood back on OUR hands this time.
Even if we could call it self defense, if we killed them on this earth... or simply locked them away and let them die here, their souls would be bound to this planet and they would be reborn once again.

My question for you is this... what do you think about this and is there a planet they can be taken too... somewhere away from us assuming there is something fundamentally wrong with these people that keeps them from learning what the rest see as relatively right. perhaps they have no souls? i mean what is wrong with these people?

if they were taken somewhere else, would they not just build up that planet and come fight us again one day in the future? I mean really, what do we do with these people?

edit on 14-5-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:29 AM

hi Swan

the future is new age,....

as consciousness rises you will notice this fact

do a google search for gfl stuff if you're interested...

check out my ufos/aliens are our brothers and sisters thread

I am pleased by your politeness! Some folks around here are down right unpleasant, unlike you.
I think there are two New Ages: one that the New World Order wants us to believe, and the other is a more... esoteric kind of new age.
In the Bible they say that after the final battle between the force of God (God Force of Light, aka Galactic Federation of Light) and the forcers of Satan, Eternity will begin. We may conclude that this ''eternity'' is a new age.
But we have to be careful to avoid confusion: in the 70s, if I remember right, the New World Order and the CIA created a ''new age'' movement which included the use of drug. The NWO is currently planning its own ''new age'', in which the NWO will destroy almost all population using nuclear bombs, and use eugenics to play with mankind's genes.
These two new ages are very different, but some desinformation from the NWO is clouding the line. The Navy is currently building GFL-like ships and have an army, called the Navy Space Command, around Earth. The 1977 broadcast was a hoax by the NWO. Ashtar is not the GFL, Ashtar is the force of Satan, the force of the NWO. This ''third eye'' thing is not the GFL; only reptiles have third eyes. The current technique for ''channeling'' ''Federation's messages'' is as follow (taken from a site on GFL):
Close your eyes and write down whatever comes to your mind.
That's it. Now, what if you are receiving HAARP's broadcast? (Google Project Blue Beam, from NASA) What if you are receiving government's subliminal messages, conducted throughout the 60-Hz-electrical power grid that acts like the biggest antennae in the World?
The true GFL is out there, and it is damn elusive. No ships are ever seen of it, and its members have not speaked physically to us since decades. It seems they want to install the real new age, but they can't because of the NWO's agenda for its own new age. And the GFL have to respect mankind's decision to follow the wrong new age (I am sure that you are aware of their Prime Directive, as you are very informed
The GFL is out there. One day the thruth will be known... one day we will meet them... It is bound to happen... I mean, we can't go past the year-3000 mark without meeting them at least once, that would be illogical.
I agree we need a New Age! As long as it's not the NWO's ''new age'' which includes bombs in its planning.
A star for you, mate! I am pleased to meet a peaceful mind.

edit on 14-5-2012 by swan001 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by cornucopia

Originally posted by AlchemicalMonocular
I think you have to give money donations to Billy Meier, and go through a process of doing lotsa sparkle sparkle rainbow chaka shaka chakra ding dong dang meditation while waving crystals around or something.

You need to rub pine needles all over yourself to open up your pine-eel gland so your 5th eye can see that your fourth and third eyes are open while you keep waving crystals around, saying ohms, burning incense, and imagining different colors in other different parts of your brain.

I might have some of that mixed up, but, I'm sure a little variation on the routine would be quite understandable by such higher order of magnitude vibrational beings since we're just pretty much dumb animals not worth the respect of them actually showing themselves except to a few people of resoundingly dubious credibility.

Oh yes, if you want any sort of Galactic Federation contact, you have to make sure that your credibility is almost nonexistent, so, please, make sure you have a history of perjury, alcoholism, fraud, dishonesty, mental illness, and other sort of things that will decrease your credibility once found out after you make an announcement that representatives from the Galactic Federation are talking to you.

At least that's how I think it happens. The sorts of other people claiming contacts would seem to indicate these are the requirements for contact.

i love your rituals bro!

if you would like a showing or contact or whatever, go out into nature alone...chill out and ask
be patient as it may take some time..


why does it have to be alone in nature?

what if this is just an opportunity to be taken by bad people?

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by cornucopia

i love you guys...

so scared of "aliens", lol

if you only knew...

oh and if you knew what the powers that were are trying to do right now because they know the game is over, you would ask for help too..

i'm talking about some evil stuff

oh well not going to work

thanks to all brothers and sisters of love & light, human, non-human, does not matter what body they/we/you are in, it's all about consciousness..

if you could create a universe, how would you run it?

would you let everything die or become enslaved?

honestly you people should wake up, honestly..please

i would just like to live with awakened beings, in peace and joy all day.....gosh that would be soo cool..

we could focus on exploring the universe, creating new worlds and beings, raising consciousness, exploring creation...celebrations, love, utopia, nirvana and heaven..

oh yes....untill then i will experience that in myself while relaxing on the beach with a nice cold drink...then make love to exotic females from the orient



There is good reason to be suspicious of such things, or "scared" as you put it. I'd like to direct your attention to this excellent thread here: death by ufo

You claim we should wake up? Tell that to the heavens gate cultists. They wont be waking up any time soon.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:47 AM
I theorize that applewhite was troubled, seeking answers, lead to believe certain things and brainwashed to discredit ETs and UFOs.

All highly possible.

one thing i have always found interesting is that all heaven's gate members died... except one.

Furthermore, why would ETs discredit themselves this way by telling applewhite to do these things?

Applewhite was a troubled soul. i'm not saying there was something fundamentally wrong with his brain prior to tinkering. i am saying that he had some bad luck and some hard times. He was desperately searching for meaning in his life and I think brainwashing fed straight into him the sustenance he was looking for. Facilitated by whom? HUMANS.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

Yeah, that's the NWO's new age. See my last post. The NWO is with Greys and reptilians and military complex.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:25 AM
Haven't yet looked at the posted link but will in the next few hours, just saying before i read anything into this...

"i have known of the plan and have been waiting, sometimes patienly...sometimes not.. "

why is this becoming so much more common? WHY does everyone know of all these plans/secrets? WHY do people insist on having secret knowledge of a special happenings?

cant you just sit down find some news and report it here? why must it be, i knew all about this... i just didn't mention it or anything close let alone in any detail...

I'm sorry if you are offended by this mate, i really am and if mods think it right my comment will be stricken.
BUT your not special, your not the pillar that holds up the roof... your not the link between the abyss and the light and you certainly are not above average. Unless you have a implant behind your ear like the 11yr old boy (from England i believe) which guided him through some seriously messed up situations, you have no special info...

I'm sorry if i came out ranting before seeing what you have posted. I'm so very over people sounding like a loonytoon...

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Aarcadius
Haven't yet looked at the posted link but will in the next few hours, just saying before i read anything into this...

"i have known of the plan and have been waiting, sometimes patienly...sometimes not.. "

why is this becoming so much more common? WHY does everyone know of all these plans/secrets? WHY do people insist on having secret knowledge of a special happenings?

cant you just sit down find some news and report it here? why must it be, i knew all about this... i just didn't mention it or anything close let alone in any detail...

I'm sorry if you are offended by this mate, i really am and if mods think it right my comment will be stricken.
BUT your not special, your not the pillar that holds up the roof... your not the link between the abyss and the light and you certainly are not above average. Unless you have a implant behind your ear like the 11yr old boy (from England i believe) which guided him through some seriously messed up situations, you have no special info...

I'm sorry if i came out ranting before seeing what you have posted. I'm so very over people sounding like a loonytoon...

please post some more on this implant story because I believe there is a guy running around this forum trying to constantly exonerate himself from any possible future punishment for his deeds- like putting implants into people to track them who are known contactees. (I am a contactee, I had an implant maybe more that i believe was put in not by the ET but by an agent of our government and no matter how many times people say BEWARE OF THE GREYS at least one of them knows the truth and i believe will tell me the truth and that agent is going to get what he deserves no matter how badly his cowardly butt tries to dodge it or steer the attention away from himself and away from his wrongdoings)

implants from the government good?

Is anybody really gonna buy this, you think?

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