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'Alien Abduction' Research Suggests Episodes Are Actually Lucid Dreams

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 08:44 AM
To the OP. How did my two friends get taken from their car by a lucid dream? How did 4 people in my town get taken from their car by a lucid dream, and at the same time some other guy saw saw this lucid dream happen while walking his dog?

You might not be far off the mark with your theory though.

Just what are dreams? To me they're a lot like reality, and that's strange.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 08:49 AM
Its taken seriously by the people that experience it. Being abducted by a being that isnt supposed to exist is not something you just put in the back of your mind. And people with a thirst for knowledge will seek the answer.

Now i do believe that there would be a large portion of people who mistake an OBE for being abducted, i would imagine it to be fairly similar. The thing is, the "aliens" are multi-dimensional and can switch dimensions at will. That's why those ufo's magically disappear in the 100th of a second.
This ability is nothing that unbelievable, after all, we are capable of doing so had we chosen that path.

I take it you have never had an OBE? learn to master your astral body and you will find a whole lot more is right in front of you hidden from your physical eyes.

My point is, there is no evidence because they do their doings on a astral plane.

Everyone has different experiences because the entities are able to read people aura's, this is not hard to do.
They then project themselves as an image that would be more suited to that person. Matter responds differently in the next dimension....

Call me a crack pot and do as you will, if you want to know the truth, you must never stop searching. I learnt the things i know through hard work and desire, so don't take my word for it, work it out yourself. If you want the truth enough it will come to you!

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

I always try to look at the issue of alien abduction from the victims side. I do this because I don't think MY doubt and suspicions of their story should burden someone who claims such a trauma happened to them. If they actually were abducted, think of the further emotional damage we may be doing by calling them a liar, or indicating that they might be crazy or deluded. If it actually did happen, then they were traumatized and the most they we can hope for is a compassionate family, because a LOT of people will simply condemn and scuff at the abducted individual. Great. So automatically, they don't want to go to the doctors, no evidence is collected, and whatever case or proof that might be found is lost because society doesn't know how to be compassionate and keep their mouths shut. Everyone has to have an opinion, a weigh in - on someone else's story and experience. It's frustrating for those who wish a serious study of the matter might someday be conducted, but I don't see how when people want to assign what they think is occurring! We can't say what it is, because no proper scientific investigation into the phenomenon has been able to be amassed! It's rare.

I personally don't think they are deluded or crazy and I think the occurrences miniscule. Millions to billions. It's a very small fraction of the whole. I've never, in person, met anyone claiming alien abduction. But I've met lots of people who admit to seeing a UFO and moving on to telling their story. I do believe some of the stories may be made up to garner attention, however, I won't base the whole of my opinion on those type of people. Not everyone is a liar or attention-seeker. There is much to indicate that an alien intelligence exists apart from our own, so I won't completely discount the possibility of abduction by these entities. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire. There is even enough evidence through-out the centuries to know the "alien" concept is not new either. Neither is abduction by non-human entities. What they are and where they come from? I don't know, for my thoughts on the matter are not PROOF. They are just my guess based on my own experience and education. But my guess is there is something to the phenomenon.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:06 AM
The Aborigines said they control dream time. Have you seen their particular cave pictures? Almost identical to our modern day abductors,the grey.

As usual,plenty of evidence is present in ancient caves,pictures,writings. Proof exists but it will all be discounted as art work or fables from people who weren't very bright. These people were very real and had no reason to lie. Why is it so hard for people to believe earliest of man has creation stories involving sky people and star people? Today,we have millions who claim to have been abducted by beings who match these descriptions from. Thousands of years ago. It is such a slap in the face for those of us who never asked to be taken.

I have been awake numerous times when my abductors popped in. They put me to sleep right after but this is how I know for certain mine are not just bad dreams or sleep paralysis. I've also woken up during procedures.There is a putrid stench for one thing. It is a spicey bad air freshner cinnamon that makes me wanna gag. I still haven't figured out how they put us to sleep or keep us awake for the time they want us that way,then instantly asleep again.

I prefer being taken while asleep. I am less terrified and only remotely aware of them.They became very lazy after awhile. If I happpened to be awake it was the same routine. Appear out of nowhere, freeze my cat or spouse or whoever else was in the house. They are rumored to have the ability to freeze a 30 mile radius so a few people in a house,a dog that could attack and a cat are no problem.They used to get me into panic mode just by seeing them but I got used to it after several years. Some experiences were kinder than others. The worst is being unable to move but mentally aware. I am very combative in that state. Unable to move,or open my eyes but mind wide awake.

I would tell them off telepathically. Sometimes it was amusing to them. Others they woould cause horrible pain to make me submit. My head and ears would feel like they could blow up if they wanted them to.

I've been told time and time again by these beings They are evolution. They clearly believe this. For all we know might be the reason Sleep Paralysis even exists?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:39 AM
lucid dreaming?

thank god its not swamp gas,or should i say hallucinations from natural gas if you catch my pun

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:50 AM
No doubt, especially after family shared a sighting of a craft, and lucid dreams occur pertaining to that with wounds, missing time.

I'll give an example of a lucid dream episode.

My brother and his driving partner, I'll name Bruce. They were taking the truck to the coast for produce. They knew the route well.

At 3 30, a craft, (oops I should say a delusional sighting of a chinese lantern) flew behind a cloud, and then a couple seconds later, went out the other side and angled off sharply, taking off.

That couple seconds made the clock leap to 5 30 pm, 2 hours later, and the truck was driving 2 hours ahead of schedule as well.

That was some Lucid Dream.
edit on 9-5-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:47 AM
Here is a series of videos of the late Dr John Mack responding to questions on the abduction reality ,he is with a couple of his patients he worked with and studied, he gives a very clear indication that what these people are describing and experiencing are not dreams, hallucinations or lucid dreams.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:50 AM
not sure the Hills would've agreed they were sharing the same dream, or Mr Walton was dreaming for the better part of a week but at this stage, for the most of us, a theory is still a theory and is as valid as any other

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 11:06 AM
Any theory has to be tested by scientific means or by those qualified in this case of the human mind and its complexity of mental disorders or dream like states like lucid dreaming.Below is the five tests or Macks five "pointers" that have to be addressed in any final claim to the abduction phenomenon.

MACK: These experiences often occur in literal consciousness. Not in a hypnogogic or dreamlike state. The person may be in their bedroom quite wide awake. The beings show up. And there they are and the experience begins. That they're not occurring in any dreamlike state. Now sometimes they do occur when a person is dozing off or in a hypnogogic state. But very frequently not. Also, any theory that is going to look upon this as a purely endogenous phenomenon, by which I mean generated purely from the psyche of the person themselves. Which is a kind of arrogance too, really.

Because it means that we just can't accept the notion there could be another intelligence at work here. Which is a much more economical explanation. But if we must find a theory within ourselves, then we should keep in mind that any theory that's going to even begin to address this, has to take into account five factors:

Number one; the extreme consistency of the stories from person after person. Which you would not get simply by stimulating the temporal lobes.

You would get very variable idiosyncratic responses that would differ a great deal from person to person.

Number two, you would have to deal with the fact that there is no ordinary experiential basis for this. In other words, there's nothing in their life experience that could have given rise to this, other than what they say. In other words, there's no mental condition that could explain it.,(THIS COMING FROM A VERY EXPERIENCED PROFESSOR OF Psychiatry from Harvard University is to me profound).

Third, you have to account for the physical aspects: the cuts and the other lesions on their bodies, which do not follow any psychodynamic distribution, like the stigmata associated with the identification with the agony of Christ.

Fourth, the tight association with UFOs, which are often observed in the community, by the media, independent of the person having the abduction experience, who may not have seen the UFO at all, but reads or sees on the television the next day that a UFO passed near where they were when they had an abduction experience. And finally,



posted on May, 9 2012 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Goosegash
not sure the Hills would've agreed they were sharing the same dream, or Mr Walton was dreaming for the better part of a week but at this stage, for the most of us, a theory is still a theory and is as valid as any other

Yup a theory is a theory no matter how poor it is, and no matter how many people have to be ignored to formulate it.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 11:46 AM

One recent experiment, in which participants trained in lucid dreaming techniques were able to dream up vivid alien encounters, supports this hypothesis.

That's rich.. does she know you can control your dream when you're lucid dreaming?
This means people lucid dreaming can create any scenario under the sun, meaning this little point doesn't support the hypothesis at all.

Another interesting point to consider for those of us with a spiritual bent is that dreams occur in the astral realm, by all means an objective space on it's own just like the physical plane, only given to other rules - there's all kinds of research pointing to the reality of this, for me personal experience suffices.
From this point of view abductions happening on the astral plane could very well be real too, conducted by aliens adept at travelling this plane either spiritually or perhaps with the help of some kind of technology.

I know I've had my fair share of meetings with entities from other planes in the astral, I've never been abducted though.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:07 PM
Have you ever wondered if alien abduction might be someone else's lucid dream?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by wigit

You mean someone astral projecting/lucid dreaming and creating this horrible scenario for another person?

Nope, but that would be pretty damn wicked though! So evil....

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

Huffington Post... enough said...

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
reply to post by wigit

You mean someone astral projecting/lucid dreaming and creating this horrible scenario for another person?

Yes, but on a big scale, like organised crime.

Just a theory. But think, IF it could be done would they do it? TPTB, I mean.

I think they would.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by wigit

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
reply to post by wigit

You mean someone astral projecting/lucid dreaming and creating this horrible scenario for another person?

Yes, but on a big scale, like organised crime.

Just a theory. But think, IF it could be done would they do it? TPTB, I mean.

I think they would.

What if they don't have to use psychic powers to do this? What if, merely by having a tools like the mainstream media, movies, advertising etc, they are able to induce a certain percentage of the population into having delusions? And what if part of that is a natural human reaction to the stereotypical hollywood image of an alien? That would count as psyops. Much of the advertising & propaganda system IS psyops.

If your goal is to make people afraid and cause chaos (so you can continue to profit profit from and exploit people), this could be one of many techniques used to scare people.

But I sometimes think that people having these obsessions with US military bases and crashed UFOs etc, because they're afraid to see the reality of what the bases really represent. Namely that the military is probably being used to a) profit from you b) keep you oppressed. These ideas are such a clash with many people's idea of patriotism, that they end up doing mental gymnastics to avoid the reality.

Hollywood and corporate tv are happy to buy into this from multiple angles. In many instances, programming & production decisions are made in cooperation with the intelligence agencies/military. None of what they're publishing or promoting has anything to do with helping you understand the world around you.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by wigit

It's probably theoretically possibly in my opinion, I doubt that it's going on though.

This project here is somewhat related, in case you haven't heard about it:

They're probably still operational even if they deny it(just like MK-ULTRA), in that case they're out there doing SOMETHING.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:26 PM
Yeah. I thought about that. But, really, even today in my old age, I rarely drive while asleep. And I certainly wasn't in that October night in 1964.

Like explanations of sleep paralysis and childhood sex trauma explanations, they grasp for impossible answers.
Of course, psychologist know better than anyone what "cognitive dissidence" means.
That is part of the problem, however, they think they know better.

When we finally admit to the existence of ETs, psychology is another field of science that will have to start throwing out much of what they believe and start helping those many people they have ignored and degraded for decades. You gotta wonder how they will cover their asses for not being more open-minded.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

I made a post of my exp with this I completely believe this could be so.

However last night I had a very terrifying experience with them, My wife was watching a movie downstairs and I decided to head to bed early. This is what happened I put the headphones on and had a hard time falling to sleep, Normally I can get to sleep with in 20 minutes, an hour with them on and nothing. I believe at some point I must of fallen asleep, I experienced a few moments of sheer terror accompany with a sharp pain in my neck, I saw flashing lights all around and could not move for what seemed like forever. It took a great force of will to come out of it, I actually fell out of my bed and was disoriented, I was in a cold sweat and my neck hurt.

also while this was happening I had a sense that I did not want to turn around to see what was behind me, as I sensed a malevolence of some kind to my back.

ever since than I have suspended any attempts at Lucid dreaming and Binaural Beats.

The entire time I couldn't move, it really didn't stop until I started to will my way out of it, I could of swore I heard a voice say "he said no" at some point near when it stopped.

lol I very much hope it was all just part of a dream ... cause otherwise...
edit on 9-5-2012 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 04:10 PM
I also wrote a thread about this ages ago when we used to have the old "alt substances" forums here .... ill repost it in here

I see a lot of people on these forums talking about being abducted by aliens and such, but most of you do not understand what is actually happening when you think you are being physically abducted, the real truth is that physically your still in your bed fast asleep. I will explain more below:


N,N-Dimethyltryptamine ('___') is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic drug of the tryptamine family. This drug is found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body, where its natural function remains undetermined. Structurally, it is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) and other hallucinogenic tryptamines such as 5-MeO-'___', bufotenin (5-OH-'___'), and psilocin (4-HO-'___'). '___' is created in small amounts by the human body during normal metabolism by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase. Many cultures, indigenous and modern, ingest '___' as a psychedelic, in either extracted or synthesized forms.

Dimethyltryptamine ('___' for short) is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter similar in structure to serotonin.It is created in trace amounts by the pineal gland during normal metabolism, and may be released in massive amounts during birth, death, hallucinations and dreams.

This psychedelic drug is found in many plants used by South American shamans. It is also used in certain religious practices, presumably for its ability to induce divine insights, visions and feelings of euphoria. Strassman's studies have even linked high doses of '___' with the perception of alien entities from alternate realities.

Analysis of the alien abduction story suggests that the sequence of events is comparable to some experiences of the shamanic spirit world as revealed by '___', a hallucinogenic drug. In the trance state, some people see beings similar to those reported by abductees. Therefore, it is possible that abductees involuntarily manufacture excessive endogenous '___', which then opens the door to the spirit world. Further, the physical evidence associated with some abductions suggests that happenings in the spirit world can manifest in the physical world. Finally, since the alien abductors appear in the '___' visions, they are inhabitants of the spirit world and likely are not directly responsible for the UFOs seen in the physical world.

In a study done by Dr. Rick Strassman, he found that while people were under the influence of '___' (Dimethyltryptamine) would experience alien abductions with the "greys" where they would talk to them and get taken into space ships and be given knowledge, but the thing is all they were doing is tripping out on '___' while still under observation in the hospital bed.

There is pretty much countless videos of or about '___' all over the net if you want to research this further. (I wasn't going to add any videos to this article but I thought I better give you guys a break from the wall of text for a bit hehe)

More interviews here

Dr. Rick Strassman and '___' (Dimethyltryptamine)

Between 1990 and 1995, Dr Rick Strassman studied the effects of this extremely short-acting yet intense psychoactive compound using human test subjects. The research generated a wealth of biological and psychological data, much of which was published in scientific journals. So Strassman decided to publish individual accounts from the human volunteers in his book, The Spirit Molecule.

His '___' experiments shone a whole new light on unexplained phenomena such as alien abductions. Strassman even reproduced mystical and religious experiences with the psychedelic drug. Skeptics can say, then, that this drug is merely a hallucinogen. It makes you see things that aren't there. And it explains thousands of historical accounts of paranormal phenomena at one fell swoop.

On the other hand, the experiments provided new and startling information. Volunteers described bizarre visions of alien life forms - even subjects that wanted and fully expected to see angels and fairies saw other-worldly beings. It provokes the question: is '___' like a door to an alternate reality? Does it facilitate lucid dreams, the out-of-body state and glimpses into other dimensions?

edit on 9/5/12 by King Loki because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/5/12 by King Loki because: (no reason given)

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