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A quote I saw today had me thinking

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by OGOldGreg
reply to post by BIHOTZ

stuff like that make me think of this

It's just true I thought it deserved a second go around. Thanks for the pic and the thought. Couldn't agree more.

Um...second line?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Dude at this point youre just trolling. Hence why no one else is responding to you.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 12:54 PM

There's some new phenomena thats gonna end the world every 5-10 years anyway. I believe 2012 is more than likely just the next big thing.

Exactly this. Remember Elenin folks?
The bottom line is that hype sells and money talks. As long as humans live there will be people creating stories and hype about a new doomsday just to make a buck.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by SaltireWarrior
If 2012 comes and goes with nothing significant happening then people will just continue their daily ritual of being indoctrinated with propoganda and being a good little consumer.

I really want change, not on a apocolyptic scale, I just want people to wake up and take down the corrupt elite.

Human life on this planet at present day is of the best quality it has every been more people are happy and well of now. People are more healthy, happy and equal then every. Even tho there is great injustice in the world, planet earth is not a bad place to live.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by OGOldGreg
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Dude at this point youre just trolling. Hence why no one else is responding to you.

I think your reply was a little harsh . All OccamsRazor04 did was to offer a different insight and in my opinion he has every right , because nobody can say for sure what will happen , maybe something , maybe nothing .

The part I don't understand is why do we ( collectively ) have to wait for a given date to become more enlightened ?
Surely collective enlightenment can begin any time ?

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by dawnprince

He wants to claim I am trolling because he can not refute what I said. When logic fails and you can not counter your opponents position the natural reaction is to insult them.

The best translation of the 2012 idea from what I understand is that all they really know is that this date in time is supposed to be a time of great enlightenment and information. Maybe they(the ancients? the mayans? wherever else these theories are based from?) knew our world would be how it is today and didn't deem that fitting.

He can not logically challenge my synopsis that he is stating that nothing happening on 2012 means 2012 happened.

He states they knew what would be going on at this point in time. In order for this to be true it is not them tracking cosmic events, they have the ability to see into the future and see what our current civilization is like.

He then formulates a hypothesis that they create a prophecy for 2012 making people think something will happen, and when it does not happen, they will alter their livs and thus "they" will have changed our civilization.

There is no way around it, this is flat out stating that NOTHING can happen, and the Mayans (or "they") were still right, in fact it's proof!

The only troll here is you OGOldGreg. When nothing happens in 2012 it is proof there never was any prophecy, and it's all a big hoax, nothing else.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 01:41 PM
You're still not understanding that i' m saying the myans came up with this plan to teach us a lesson, so while physically nothing happens, theoretically the whole world(or really anyone who believes in it i guess) will be changed. Take my theory based off the quote I posted in the OP, you're generalizing it and taking it out of context. So use as many big words as you want, you're still just not understanding what i'm saying at all.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by OGOldGreg
i' m saying the myans came up with this plan to teach us a lesson, so while physically nothing happens, theoretically the whole world(or really anyone who believes in it i guess) will be changed.

I completely get what you are saying. Somehow you are not understanding me, because it's clear I am right and you don't want to admit it. You are saying the Mayans posessed the ability to see into the future, see our current society, and created a prophecy in order to change what they saw.

In other words NOTHING will happen, and that is exactly what the Mayans intended. When NOTHING happens the prophecy will actually be fulfilled, and not a hoax. Therefore NOTHING is, to you, PROOF the prophecy was real all along. So now you are covered, something happend and you were right the 2012 prophecy was real, or nothing happens and you were right the 2012 prophecy was real, albeit misunderstood. No matter what happens the prophecy is real and can not be disproven.

Now for reality, NOTHING is proof that the prophecy is a HOAX, not that it was real afterall and we just didn't understand it.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by OGOldGreg
Today I was reading in another thread about the sun an stumbled upon this comment

Originally posted by cointelprotroll
too bizarre! I keep telling my girlfriend that if something big doesn't happen in a year or so, and I don't die, I'm really gonna have to get my life together.

it got me thinking. The best translation of the 2012 idea from what I understand is that all they really know is that this date in time is supposed to be a time of great enlightenment and information. Maybe they(the ancients? the mayans? wherever else these theories are based from?) knew our world would be how it is today and didn't deem that fitting.

I hear lots of people say things like that quoted above. Which led to me to think maybe this date is just instilled to make people so thankful and motivated from the world not ending, as sort of a kick in the butt to be more productive.

The fact that people don't care enough about their lives to really do anything and need a false phenomena to do so doesn't really reflect well on our society.

Just a thought.

EDIT:In no way is this a shot at the person from the quote. This is more of a general consensus.
edit on 1-5-2012 by OGOldGreg because: (no reason given)

Either that or it's to keep us in their control for more centuries to come. And by control I mean keep on slaving away like we've been doing all these thousands of years. They want us to think "If the world doesn't end in 2012, I better get my act together!" and they know we will be thinking that, so it's right back into the matrix for us while they laugh at all of us.

What needs to happen is something so catastrophic, that will change us all forever. 9/11 made us come together but it was really nothing at all because we all obviously gone back to our every day lives.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by OGOldGreg

Well, this year has been and will continue to be a wake up call, if that is what you are getting at.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by OGOldGreg
reply to post by BIHOTZ

stuff like that make me think of this

I wish I could give you 100 stars for that. I really do.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by OccamsRazor04
reply to post by OGOldGreg

As far as your picture is concerned .. I could not agree more, and I say that as a Christian.

I applaud you for saying that. Many "Christians" that I have encountered would be offended by such a statement.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

That is because they like the idea of Christianity, and have been socialized into it, but have not given their hearts and lives. OT though.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by mkpetrov
Nah, most people (Well at least me and my surrounding) see 2012 as the last hope for a real change, so if nothing happens by then, this will be the biggest DEmotivator and will make many people lose any hope. It think of this date as the date that prevents many people from losing it....

You could also look at it like this: if nothing happens then it's time we do something about it ourselves.

Always two sides.

edit on 15-5-2012 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by OGOldGreg

I dramatically changed my life at the beginning of this year, and people do say 2012 isn't an end but rather a change. So, who knows.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by OGOldGreg

Well, this year has been and will continue to be a wake up call, if that is what you are getting at.


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