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Explain to me how Homosexuals are "born that way".

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posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

Well I am going to answer your question based on my experience and opinion. I am a bisexual woman and I can tell you that I personally believe there are about 3 different kinds of "gay"

1.Those actually born that way...You can spot one a mile away. They are effeminate from their toddler years to their adulthood for men. And for women they are the extreme tom-girls that refuse to embrace anything feminine during their childhood.
2. Those early sexualized by rape and molestation and become victims and traumatized. They are often very confused about their sexuality and go back and forth. If they seek counseling from their trauma they are likely to make a choice of preference but not always. Being early sexualized has lasting lifetime effects.
3. And finally the most magnificent gays of all THE BISEXUALS. Why? Because we are human and human sexuality falls on a sliding scale as Dr. Alfred Kinsey proved and tested. Also, women's sexuality falls on a continuum that is very fluid. She may be more likely to try homosexual behavior in her early 20's then totally go the other way in her 30's but then in 40's and 50's be open to homosexuality again. I believe this has to do with genetics and "child bearing age".

Point of Information: I am a Graduate student. I have studied homosexuality in depth to try to explain my own as well as others. I am not an expert and for that matter, neither is anyone else. Sexuality is fluid in my opinion but there are those born that way and traumatized into. Your question was to explain it to you. I hope I answered a little. However, if you are a Christian. Jesus came to this earth to teach us but one thing "LOVE" they didn't understand it then, and very few people get it now. I implore you to simply love each person like you said you do and just look at your own sins and own behavior and don't look for anyone else's sins. Jesus said this "How can you remove the plank from your brother's eye when you have one in your own." He was saying "Don't look at other's sins. Only look at your own. Care for others only when you are pure from any sin"

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

Now, here's where I'm confused. You get your genetics from your BIOLOGIC parents, correct? So.. how do homosexuals "receive" these supposed "inherent" genes.. if they got them from HETEROSEXUAL parents?

Know anything about recessive genes? If you're asking this question then I'm assuming you're not a genetics professor.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

Alright, let me start off by saying I do not by ANY means have hatred toward Homosexuals. Yes, you can see my avatar very clearly to the left - but make no mistake, I love Homosexuals with all of my heart, and so does God. I am a Christian, and though I do not approve of Homosexual relations (i.e. sexual relations between same genders, lusting, etc.), I classify it as any other sexual sin - i.e., fornication, sexual immorality, adultery and lusting. Yes, that means we are ALL guilty of sin, except for those who aren't attracted to ANYTHING, because apparently there are some people out there like that.


Who gives a flyiing f......

It's non of your damn business.

Why are you obsessed with other peoples' sexlives. Isn't that a sin or something?

I am so sick of this religious BS. Just mind your own damn business.

Jeez man get over yourselves.

edit on 29-4-2012 by RandomEsotericScreenname because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by frazzle

There were no vaccines in ancient Greece and Rome...They had an awful lot of homosexuality. The quote you posted is exactly what happens...It can happen from several different factors

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by secretagentwomyn

I'm a guy, and your number 3 is also my personal belief. I think bisexuals are the most honest people (in terms of sexuality). I think all humans are bisexual, but most are too afraid or ashamed to embrace it. I found out in my early twenties that I could enjoy men as well as women. And it's even better with both!

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:43 PM

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

You are born heterosexual; you are born that way. Without your parents telling you so, you love woman (or man). It's the same thing for the homosexual; without any people telling them, they love the same gender than them.
Of course, that was my opinion.

edit on 29-4-2012 by starheart because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:50 PM
When Jesus speaks about His teaching on marriage and divorce in Matthew 19, He clearly says that not all men should marry, and not all of them have an attraction, or ability to be attracted to women.

Here He says clearly that not all men are born heterosexual, as so many Christians today claim as a false and alienating teaching. Heterosexual marriage is clearly not for everybody:

But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save them to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb ...
(KJV Matt 19:10-12)

However one wants to translate the term "eunuch" here, by implication people have sexual and social possibilities based on how they are born. In other words, sexuality is innate.

A following verse says that another class of "eunuchs" can make themselves eunuchs for "heaven's sake".
Apparently Origen took that verse literally and castrated himself.
Wow, now that's true fundamentalist devotion!

Perhaps it's because the faith spread by Jesus focused on conversion (where the missionizing apostles had to be fairly undistracted by family concerns), rather than increasing the numbers of a group of "chosen people" that the teaching here limits the Old Testament commandment to go forth and multiply at all costs (even through polygamy, concubinage and rape).
edit on 29-4-2012 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte


When did you make the conscious decision that you are sexually attracted to females? I bet you that you can't answer that question, because you were born with a certain preference.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
In a nut shell here you go... EVERYONE starts off as a female when they are a zygote, which is the reason men have nipples (seriously). About 3 weeks after conception, the chromosomes decide what they are going to do. Will they stay female, or will they go male? During this process the chemistry of the body starts to form, and the sex is decided. This is where a male is made, but some of the female chromosomes are left over, or vice versa. This is how people are born gay.

I have embraced this theory as well for the "born that way" gays

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Manunnaki
The egg carrier has gay people in her family. The more children she has the higher the tolerance level the womb has to one of the gender chemicals ie testosterone or estragen. the more children she has example sons the more likely the youngest is going to be homosexual. Also it depends on how much estragen the male son is exposed to in the womb. If he's exposed to alot of estragen most likely his mind will be female.

Hi man,
I agree with you. Also with dominant recessive traits and an ecosystem saturated with birth control and animal hormone waste.yikes
Some folks may choose but I think most can't
There are lots of web sites on the subject too.
the best ljb

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:21 PM
I don't know much about this sort of stuff, but I would think you would have to first find a genetic difference in a homosexual vs. a homosexual before you could ever track what comes from what genetic carrier (parents).

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:23 PM
Late to the party and I haven't read past the first page, so I'm probably going to repeat what has already been said.

People who think homosexuality is a choice obvioulsy do not know any gay people. Or at least talked to them about it.

It is not a choice, it is a struggle.

Something I don't tell many people but I am bi, I didn't choose to have those feelings. It is something that made my younger days, before I even knew that you could be bi, extremely confusing. But I mostly hide it and don't act on it, even though I'm single and could easily where I live lol. But I'm a coward, and at 48 I still can't come to grips with it, and the social stigma associated with it.

I have so much respect for openly gay people, because it's not easy, not by a long shot. You gay-bashers need to grow the hell up and stop trying to force your morality on other people, when you have no freakin idea what you're talking about. You are straight up oppressing people and using the Bible as an excuse.

Being gay is not a choice, taking on the life-style is. But those that do take on the camp lifestyle are a minority, most gays act straight simply because of the problems it creates. People who live in gay communities are usually more out there.

Not every effeminate acting man is gay, and not every gay man acts effeminate.

What I think it comes down to, as much as you like to think you're an individual, people very much see themselves as part of a group, men for example often feel that other men reflect on the group as a whole, and don't see them as an individual. So they will see a gay man, or a man who doesn't fit the male stereotype, as making men, as a whole, look bad. If we were truly free individuals it wouldn't matter, you wouldn't see someone else's actions as a reflection on you.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by ExploitedAliens
Males are usually turned homosexual. They are either raped or had a "gay" experience when they were small. There is no such thing as a "Gay gene." Scientists say "in theory." That's not a fact but a theory. Besides I don't hate or dislike homosexuals. They're are people just like us but with different sexual orientation. I'm just saying there's no "Gay Gene." Every homosexual is born heterosexual and is turned homosexual at a point in there Life.

So what happens when a fetus is growing normally as a female and Y gene get triggered late?

It's been proven in tests on rats that XX genes can switch to XY later than normal and that XY can switch back to XX. In either case the later the switch takes you can have a fetus that has been growing as one sex then switch to the other sex...If this process happens even further along we can see physical abnormalities too such as we see in hermaphrodites. So you are correct that there is no "gay gene" but I would not rule out a physical abnormality in the womb as the cause either.

The vast majority of gays come from a normal life and know before puberty that they are different. This is not to say that there can't also be a purely psychological issue to why some are gay.

edit on 29-4-2012 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Lionhearte
Alright, let me start off by saying I do not by ANY means have hatred toward Homosexuals. Yes, you can see my avatar very clearly to the left - but make no mistake, I love Homosexuals with all of my heart, and so does God. I am a Christian, and though I do not approve of Homosexual relations (i.e. sexual relations between same genders, lusting, etc.), I classify it as any other sexual sin - i.e., fornication, sexual immorality, adultery and lusting. Yes, that means we are ALL guilty of sin, except for those who aren't attracted to ANYTHING, because apparently there are some people out there like that.

However, I have a sincere, honest question in response to the claim LGBTs and LGBT-defenders make - that they are, for some reason, born that way. For example - we wouldn't discriminate someone who was born with a disease or something, because it isn't their fault, they had no choice, they were born that way.

So, we've all heard that argument before. First off - to be born in a certain way, we are talking about genetics, correct? So, somebody with a heart disease, possibly received that disease because of a parent, an uncle, a grandparent, etc. It was in their family - that is why you hear the commercials that say "If your family has a history of heart problems", etc, etc.

Now, here's where I'm confused. You get your genetics from your BIOLOGIC parents, correct? So.. how do homosexuals "receive" these supposed "inherent" genes.. if they got them from HETEROSEXUAL parents?

It is a proven fact, undeniably so, that there has never, EVER been a case of a homosexual couple having a biologic child - they can adopt, sure. But that child got his genetics from his BIOLOGICAL parents.

So, LGBTs and LGBT defenders, please answer this for me - where does the gene come from that makes a homosexual "born that way"?

There was a feathered boa on the x chromosome.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

Your first sentence is a lie. It is how people who hate something.someone, begin ... i.e., "now I don't hate black ppl, but ..." You're post is meaningless because you are a bigot. However, bigots can not be permitted to speak unfettered so I will respond.

Homosexuality has been observed in science among animals (i.e. "born gay"). There is also evidence to support that people are born "religious" and that it is something difficult to overcome. I think you need healing and intervention for your disease.

The fact that you dcare, and perpetuate bigotry, is sad and pitiful.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by boncho

Now, here's where I'm confused. You get your genetics from your BIOLOGIC parents, correct? So.. how do homosexuals "receive" these supposed "inherent" genes.. if they got them from HETEROSEXUAL parents?

People are predisposed genetically, but it doesn't mean that all will live up to their predispositions. Some are happy filling their heads with things that stops certain behaviors, some would rather embrace the feelings they have.

The notion that one has a choice about whether or not to live up to a genetic predisposition seems to indicate that there is a volitional element to the discussion which contradicts the entire determinist argument. This is not how genetics works. One cannot choose whether or not to have been born with a gene for red hair, or hazel eyes, or the direction of a hair whorl on the back of one's scalp. Genetic expression is not subject to whimsy. If it is true that one is homosexual by genetic predetermination, then social pressures will not be able to change the fact. They may mask this fact by adopting particularly torturous manipulations of their psychological and emotional makeup in order to conform. This process is inherently destructive to the individual's self concept, and can result in every type of psychological disorder from depression and low self-esteem to various sociopathic and psychopathological disorders. Forcing a square peg into a round hole damages the peg.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:39 PM
What's so hard to understand? It's a genetic defect. Just like people born with Down's Syndrome or say, Progeria.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by ExploitedAliens
Males are usually turned homosexual. They are either raped or had a "gay" experience when they were small. There is no such thing as a "Gay gene." Scientists say "in theory." That's not a fact but a theory. Besides I don't hate or dislike homosexuals. They're are people just like us but with different sexual orientation. I'm just saying there's no "Gay Gene." Every homosexual is born heterosexual and is turned homosexual at a point in there Life.

That is by far the most ignorant thing I have ever heard on the topic. First of all there is no way in hell that you could know or even presume to know that males are turned homosexual. Not all gays were raped or had gay experiences when they were small. That is beyond ridiculous.

Not to mention, why the hell does it even matter? Why do straight people seem to care so much why and or if someone is gay? What business is it of yours? And for those religious folk out there, you have enough of your own sins to pre occupy yourself with for an entire life time. Leave others sins between God and the sinner. PS.. I'm pretty sure from when I was a kid and had no choice but to go to church that there is no differentiation in sins. A sin is a sin is a sin.. no difference in God's eyes. So just worry about your own sin and leave others to theirs.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:52 PM
Both of my parents HATE broccoli....I love it! Go figure.....

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