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Understanding That You May Not Like it, But......

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posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:22 PM
This of course should not have to be told, on an adult site such as ATS, but for those out there that find it absolutely necessary to enter into a thread, and because you do not like the researcher the OP chose to reference you will not just derail another's threads, but having nothing to contribute except that you disagree with who they chose.

This is offensive, disrespectful, and down right annoying. The time it would have taken you to read the actual part that the member was trying to covey, you choose to stop reading, or disprove the actual subject.

You dont like so and so, fine then move on with your life, there are many members that appreciate the research, and dont have to be a fan of the person that presented it, but come on at least have a bit of respect for those that took the time to write the thread.

Someone will write a full length informative thread, and some will come with one liners as rebuttal.

How can we ever fully become "researchers" with close mindedness like that?

Peace, NRE.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:27 PM
Since you're on the subject and directing on how members should post accordingly, and sincerely no offense intended, but shouldn't this have been posted here:


posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Well said!

I experienced this as of recent...and it does suck (for lack of a better word)!

On the same note though...most long time member have gotten used to wading through that b.s. and going about the topic at hand!

I don't know that it is right...but I guess it is expected...which is sad to say the least!

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by UberL33t

Actually I chose to write it here, and if the mods feel that it needs to be moved I am sure that they will.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver
While I commend and flag your thread, I would like to caution you that we all are under "peer review" when we post.

Suffering "the slings and arrows" is just one of the facts of life.

That being said, posts like the ones you mentioned paint a very telling self portrait.

Mark Twain once said, "Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you a fool than opening your mouth and remove all doubt."

Let those posers remove all doubt.

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