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Jesus Said When He Would Return to the Day

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posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Parture

Originally posted by Hunger4freedom

Where are you coming up with this stuff?????? You may need to get some help. So this so called god gets to pick and choose who gets to live??? Is he going to smite us all down, because if he was real he should be charged with crimes against humanity just like the united states government.

You get the choice to be with God or without Him. Without you go to Hell. Your Creator gave you the choice.

What crimes against humanity has God committed?

How about constantly showing up a day late and a dollar short ? You know, you hear it all the time.
Oh what a miracle, the fire didnt kill all the horses in the barn. God helped the horses escape the flames. Sure, where was God to stop the fire in the first place? The car crash didnt kill the children in the van. Its a miracle. Where was God before the crash that put them at risk in the first place ? Do you get the idea ? It's always a miracle of God that allows for survival of any tragic event. I want to know where is this God before hand? Is he a joker or has too much on his plate or is easily distracted and so misses stuff and has to act after the fact ?

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by gavron

Originally posted by Parture
You get the choice to be with God or without Him. Without you go to Hell. Your Creator gave you the choice.

What crimes against humanity has God committed?


Slaying around 3 billion people because they don't believe in you is not a crime against humanity?

Then he lied in Genesis 8:21:

"The LORD smelled the soothing aroma; and the LORD said to Himself, "I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done ." Genesis 8:21"

Seems the Bible proves you wrong.

Besides...when you get right down to it, God is worse than Satan!!!

How many people has God killed verses how many has Satan killed"

Some put the numbers at God killing about 2.3 million in the Bible alone, SOURCE
And Satan? Only one example, and it was 10 people Job 1-19

Looks like Satan is MUCH kinder than God!

edit on 28-4-2012 by gavron because: (no reason given)
Who was the witness to this conversation that God had with himself ?

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Parture

Originally posted by gavron
Slaying around 3 billion people because they don't believe in you is not a crime against humanity?

Where do you come up with 3 billion? In Rev. 9.18 it says 1/3 of people are killed. 1/3 of 7 billion is 2.3 billion souls and it is man killing fellow man, not God doing it. Jesus returns to save the situation.

In the OT, let's view the flood in proper context. People were so corrupt and evil they were irredeemable. It was a local flood. In Gen. 1.2 was a global flood that wiped out all of the previous creation because it was so sinful. Dinosaurs were very sinful creatures infused by Satan.

What about Canaan? In Canaan they engaged in child sacrifices, and if that was allowed to continue today, it would be advertised weekly, a public sacrifice like in the movies Cabin in the Woods and Hunger Games.

Think how evil you are trying defend such evil.

What I find particularly funny is that all this killing is ok if God does not exist because it is part of nature but if God exists it is not ok? Sounds like a double standard to me. Doubestandards are unethical and expose you.
edit on 28-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

Oh please and just what was the dinosaurs sin ? They didnt even have language never mind relegion. You're out of your ever lovin mind my friend. This get more bizzare the more I read.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Parture

If you're not part of the solution you are part of the problem.
nuff said

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Parture

Originally posted by gavron

Originally posted by Parture
Since group hallucinations are impossible and people don't willingly die for a lie, nobody has been able to come up with a naturalistic explanation to account for their eyewitness testimony.

... you might want to look up Jim Jones, or Charles Manson. Obsessed followers will do anything for their cause.

They never accepted Christ so what do they have do with this? They are like you obsessed followers of a lie.

Jim Jones did. Manson, who knows what that crazy puck believes in. But Jones certainly did. To a point where it poisoned his mind.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard

So, that loving god will condem to hell a baby born in a jungle tribe that knows nothing about a bible? How does that work? Doesnt god need to be reasonable?

The constant refrain from atheists is that God is a murderer, condemning millions to their death. Before one makes accusation of murder, do consider:-

1. Is an artist a 'murderer', if he destroys his own works? No. Like an artist, our Creator made us and gave us free will, with far more capabilities than an art work, yet we disappointed him time and time again with the misuse of free will.

2. We this modern generation, espacially in these modern times, many have NO ideas on how our ancestors lived. It was barbaric and a time where law of the jungles ruled. The most recent time we can recall of such barbarity is during the 19th century Papau New Guinea.

When a New Guinean invite you to dinner, he LITERALLY meant you are the main course. And that's only mild compared to what our ancient ancestors had done. Would you prefer to live in those times, where you and your loved ones are dinner? Where serving mankind is LITERALLY meant?

I doubt so. It had been an act of mercy to destroy those ancestors whom had misused free will as well as the innocents then, or the sufferings would have prolonged.

Today, there are countries that allow euthanesia. I value human life, but if I am incapicitated, and have no hope for life, or as a vegetable on life support, I would want to terminate my own life. No because I wish to, for I will fight all the way to live, but with the cost of medicine, I would never want to saddle my loved ones and society with debts to keep me alive as a vegetable. Euthanesia, or death, would be a mercy for all.

Similarly so if I had lived during the barbaric ages. Death would be a mercy if the majority indulges in wild abandoned barbarism. A final form of release from endless sufferings and pain.

3. There is no need to believe what the insignificant and nobody me wrote here. I know I have no power to convince anyone, let alone deep seated atheist, nor wish to. But I would suggest one to read the bible a few times to comprehend what it is all about.

Then cross reference with historical, anthropological, archeological, palentropological records of other civilisations that existed during those times. They were certainly not like modern times and will never justify using our current standards against our barbarian ancestors.

And only then will you too get tired of the 'God is a murderer' refrain, like a tired old worn out tape recorder, and finally comprehend why it had to be done. Ignorance may be bliss, but when the truth is finally revealed to you, it will be so painful and the worst hell on Earth you can ever imagine, over wasted opportunities to grow but instead banging one's head on the wall consistantly to support lies and delusions.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Parture

Now that you know this what do you do? "Overcometh" so that you become a spiritual Christian and not a carnal one to receive your reward to be first raptured and return with Christ to reign 1000 years.

and by this.. you mean .. having White Tantric sex by omitting the orgasm and cultivating that spiritual energy in order to raise it up your spine, in order to activate the holy spirit within you which unlocks your Christ DNA and gives you super powers right? I'm not joking.. that's exactly what you mean right?

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by karen61057
They dont even possess the land yet. There is a muslim temple on the temple mount at this moment in time. That temple would have to first pass into the hands of Israel who would then destroy it so they can build the new temple. In less than four years? Yeah right. Do you see the nation of Islam giving up their temple any time soon? Do you see Israel taking it any time soon ? No me either.

This is the only post of the last dozen or two that I feel like responding to, because I prefer more intelligent discussion. If a post seems mindless without any conscientious thought behind it, I will pass over it.

The branch is tender for Israel since at least 1948 (Matt. 24.32). Then Jesus said once Israel is a nation again we can know when He returns even right at the door (v.33). Before the great and terrible day of the Lord are those 3 signs (Joel 2.31, Rev. 6.12).

In less than 4 years from now the 3rd Temple will be completed, that is, by April 20, 2016, 3rd day of the 4 day inspection of the lamb, so there are 2300 days from April 21, 2016 to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022. Jesus steps down on the mount of olives on the latter date.

Do not think 2014/15 will pass us by and nothing significant will happen. The 6th Tetrad since Christ was 1949/50 when Israel became a nation and the 7th was 1967/68 when Israel took over Jerusalem. The 8th will be the construction of the 3rd Temple. The next feast Tetrad on tabernacles and passover will be the years 2582/83.

Nation -----> Jerusalem -----> 3rd Temple.

I have reports it would only take 2 years to build the Temple.
edit on 29-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Parture


You won't reply to a post because it proves you wrong! That's ok, you can live in your delusional world. The rest of the world will live normal lives.

Oh, and by the way, if you did read the bible, you would also see that God commanded that anyone who works on Sunday be put to death. Seems people ignore this little part from the bible....

Exodus 35:2

edit on 29-4-2012 by gavron because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by karen61057
How about constantly showing up a day late and a dollar short ? You know, you hear it all the time.
Oh what a miracle, the fire didnt kill all the horses in the barn. God helped the horses escape the flames. Sure, where was God to stop the fire in the first place? The car crash didnt kill the children in the van. Its a miracle. Where was God before the crash that put them at risk in the first place ? Do you get the idea ? It's always a miracle of God that allows for survival of any tragic event. I want to know where is this God before hand? Is he a joker or has too much on his plate or is easily distracted and so misses stuff and has to act after the fact ?

Great post, Karen. Glad to see there are people that aren't brainwashed on here, and seeing things for what they actually are. Star for you!!

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by gavron
God commanded that anyone who works on Sunday be put to death.

Exodus 35:2

God never commanded that anyone who works on Sunday be put to death. Seems people make up stuff that is not in the Bible.

"Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death" (Ex. 35.2).

The sabbath is Saturday not Sunday and it was for the Jewish nation under the old covenant. Christians are under the new covenant in which we don't live by the law but the Spirit of the law. There is no such thing as a Christian Sabbath to keep a day of the week.

The Sabbath is fulfilled in Jesus ascended because the Holy Spirit is given to indwell believers with the veil now rent. This rest the Jews only had one day of the week is every day now for Christians who have the Holy Spirit indwelling.

Praise the Lord!
edit on 30-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by Parture

God never commanded that anyone who works on Sunday be put to death. Seems people make up stuff that is not in the Bible.

Are you saying that Exodus is not in the Bible? Perhaps you need to go back to Sunday school

Book of Exodus, Chapter 31 BIBLE LINK

[12] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: [13] Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: See that thou keep my sabbath: because it is a sign between me and you in your generations: that you may know that I am the Lord, who sanctify you. [14] Keep you my sabbath: for it is holy unto you: he that shall profane it, shall be put to death: he that shall do my work in it, his soul shall perish out of the midst of his people. [15] Six days shall you do work: in the seventh day is the sabbath, the rest holy to the Lord. Every one that shall do any work on this day, shall die.

Seems pretty clear God wants people put to death if they work the sabbath. Arey ou syaing that the Sabbath is not Sunday? Everyone has been going to church on the wrong day??

edit on 30-4-2012 by gavron because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:12 AM
I know this is hard for you to understand, but realize why this law was in place, because if it wasn't Israel would break up as a nation and not usher in the Messiah. Through the commitment of keeping the Sabbath and its consequences for not keeping the law, Jesus was able to come into the world through Mary because the nation of Israel remained together. The Sabbath thus finds its fulfilment in Christ so we no longer living by the law that shows nobody can keep the law but Jesus, but we live by the Spirit of the law.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by Parture're ok with killing people that work on the sabbath then? Or are you saying we should just skip this part of the bible? Only follow the parts that you favor?

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by Parture
The sabbath is Saturday not Sunday and it was for the Jewish nation under the old covenant. Christians are under the new covenant in which we don't live by the law but the Spirit of the law. There is no such thing as a Christian Sabbath to keep a day of the week.

Might check John 20:19, Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2, Collosians 2:16-17 and Romans 14:5/

Seems Paul preached on Sunday evenings.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by gavron
Might check John 20:19, Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2, Collosians 2:16-17 and Romans 14:5/

Seems Paul preached on Sunday evenings.

"So don't let anyone condemn you...for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths. For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality" (Col. 2.16,17).

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by gavron're ok with killing people that work on the sabbath then? Or are you saying we should just skip this part of the bible? Only follow the parts that you favor?

The Bible is not ok with killing people who work on the Sabbath today because we are no longer under the old covenant, and there is no Christian Sabbath. The Sabbath was just just for the Jewish nation under the old covenant before Christ. In such barbaric times such measures were needed to keep the nation of Israel together.

Put yourself in their shoes surrounded by tribes and nations around them that practiced child sacrifices in Canaan and other barbaric acts. If God did not institute these measures to hold Israel together they would have ceased to exist as a nation like those tribes in Canaan did.

This requires empathy on your part to sense what life was like back that and how treacherous it was.
edit on 30-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Not saying that god is a murderer. My idea of god is the force from which life springs forth. Something like that anyway.

Its religion that places god at the scene of the crime. Relgion that puts the murder weapon in gods hand. Then christianity and the NT (as interpreted by the Roman empire) teels us we are born into sin and will burn in hell unless we accept the lord jesus christ as our "savior".

Not buyin it. If christ did exist (jury is still out), he was trying to send a diff message IMO.

So according to your response, that cute little brown baby born to a loving mother in a tribe cut off from knowledge of the cross, when he dies, its because god is doing him a favor?

(scatches head in bewilderment)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Similarly so if I had lived during the barbaric ages. Death would be a mercy if the majority indulges in wild abandoned barbarism. A final form of release from endless sufferings and pain.

This reasoning troubles me. Just because you live in a barbaric age doesnt mean you should be destroyed to fix the barbaric system. Not all people are "bad" because of those that live during the same era. And best I can tell, religion teaches that their god wiped out not just a town or country, but the entire world. That means even those who lived far from the "wicked ones".

There are extremists ( a label applied to them by politicians and the media) that see our society as barbaric and want to wipe us out. Whos to say they arent backed by your god and you are on the wrong side?

when my fish tank water goes bad and the fish get sick, even i try to save the sick ones. I dont kill them all. Am I acting in a cold hearted way or being compassionate?

edit on 30-4-2012 by Mike.Ockizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Not saying that god is a murderer. My idea of god is the force from which life springs forth. Something like that anyway.

Its religion that places god at the scene of the crime. Relgion that puts the murder weapon in gods hand. Then christianity and the NT (as interpreted by the Roman empire) teels us we are born into sin and will burn in hell unless we accept the lord jesus christ as our "savior".

Not buyin it. If christ did exist (jury is still out), he was trying to send a diff message IMO.

So according to your response, that cute little brown baby born to a loving mother in a tribe cut off from knowledge of the cross, when he dies, its because god is doing him a favor?

(scatches head in bewilderment)

Why assume a child would be unsaved? We all need religion and we all have our own religion in our way. To deny this is not being honest with yourself. Whatever you are religious about that's your religion no matter how much you are its only follower.

Since the cross is a one time event in history, nobody is being cut off from it. If you accept the God of the mountains and stars, surely you will accept the Savior on the cross and thou shalt be saved.

I reject your religion because it does not agree with the proven religion of Christianity. That makes me sad that you reject religion yet engage in it. That is doubletalk.

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world" (James 1.27).
edit on 30-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

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