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Why Does the Government Think We're Idiots?

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posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:33 AM
Because...Nah too easy

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by Doalrite parents that let their kids walk all over them and don't spank them or hold them accountable for their actions those children grow up with no respect and cannot be controlled and wind up in jail or worse, the government is our child...


My parents spanked me, held me accountable and tried to instill respect but I still grew up with no respect for them. "Cannot be controlled", is that really a bad thing?

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Doalrite
Because we are lol

Actually its simple... like parents that let their kids walk all over them and don't spank them or hold them accountable for their actions those children grow up with no respect and cannot be controlled and wind up in jail or worse, the government is our child... we allow them to lie and cheat and steal from us yet we say "well its our government and they mean the best" or "they aren't all bad" or "well I'll just wait it out because surely they will get some common sense"

We need to spank the crap out of our government, and the people need to rule it with an iron fist.

When the government fears the people then the government governs for the people.

We fear the government, we allow the government to control our lives.

I really don't think that it matters anymore, we have raised a homicidal maniac of a kid who has murdered thousands and stolen billions and has drugged itself to the point of suicide, we have allowed it to have the weapons to kill us and itself and because it has no disipline it really looks like it will.

edit on 23-4-2012 by Doalrite because: (no reason given)

I wish I said all that first! Well put. I'll just add that we are "entertaining ourselves to death" to borrow from the title of that famous book. This is why when I discuss with certain family members some of my findings as an investigative reporter I am met with polite smiles and the topic-changing responses such as "Did you see that new [insert product] commercial? Oh, it's hilarious!" -- even though that same person knows I cancelled cable years ago. Some people embrace the "ignorance is bliss" worldview. And like the above-mentioned commenter stated, many parents are failing and others are calling for the government to play surrogate.

Additionally, as a former high school English teacher (former, not retired) I can say with certainty that true critical thinking is not encouraged and, I hate to say, by time these kids get to HS many lack the ability to compare and contrast, never mind analyze.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 07:32 AM
We are idiots. Plain and simple.
We take no responsibility for our actions.
It’s our parent’s fault that we can’t hold a job.
It’s our teachers fault we didn’t do our homework.
It’s the banks fault we didn’t repay the mortgage.
It’s big oils fault we drive SUVs.

It’s our fault we want to believe in something bigger than ourselves.
Its Gods fault he died.
TPTB are spraying chemicals at 30K feet that make us sheeple.
TPTB are behind every big event for some nefarious untold reason.
TPTB are controlling the economy for their own benefit.
TPTB are watching our every move so they may counter it.
TPTB should do X to make my life better.

If you do or believe in any of the above you too are an idiot.
You are responsible for your lot in life.
No one is watching you. You are not worth it. You are a nobody.
TPTB are in it for a career not what’s best for the masses.
TPTB do what the masses want not what’s right.
Whining and crying on a website will not get you a raise.
Voting in the next super star politician will not get you a better job.

As to the dropping IQ’s in the developed countries:
Demographics are changing.
Racism is true. But part of it is their culture.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by Xandyr101

I personally do not think that the government thinks we are idiots. I think that they just spoon feed us everything that we know, and they know that we will believe it because they are the ones who wear the suits and ties. We are a product of the "reality" that they fabricated.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by ScottishBiker420
reply to post by Xandyr101

Its not so much that the government thinks we are stupid,but that even when the writing is on the wall like 9/11,roswell,exposed govt. cover-ups etc who is going to challenge it?? the government is faceless,sure someone might be elected as a face but nothing more everything is all going on behind the scenes,its blatantly obvious
but they still refuse to comment on it or give some BS answer that doesnt mean anything!Be transparent about issues like these,imagine if the US govt came out tomorrow and said yeah this really happened at roswell and gave a truthful account!,people would favour governements more if they were honest about issues rather than covering them up or insulting our intelligence!!!

Exactly...that came to my mind too...what about the JFK...and a dozen other cover-ups.


PS And nobody gave you a star for your reply?....I did.
Talking about put it mildly

edit on 24/4/2012 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Xandyr101

good coverups these days sums up to having an idiotic coverup, or just making fun of debunkers, believers etc. i doesnt really matter to them because the media still wont broadcast the real truth, that is why there is no need to do good disinformation. The problem isnt disinformation, its finding the truth in the lies. or finding whats missing in this article or press release.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Xandyr101

Originally posted by Xandyr101

Maybe the moral of this post is to say wake up and see whats in front of your face!
A better moral might be:
[color=B5FFE1]Think for yourself. Don't believe what you're told, simply because you have been told that it is (or is not) true, and regardless of whom it was that told you.

Originally posted by Xandyr101

....However, the Pheonix UFO sighting should be enough evidence to support my claims, as well as other sightings and conspiracies out there. We're talking about several minutes of stationary lights in the sky, all of which can be seen from more than one camera angle to support this. It is obvious that it is not flares, but to each their own.
Your assumptions have caused you to miss my point. There is no evidence here↑. You assume that I know what you're talking about. You assume that I have seen the same evidence that you have, and that I believe it to be true.

Originally posted by Xandyr101

I am not here to start an argument at all but to express my concern.
This thread is based on an opposing viewpoint.
To put it simply: "They say this. I disagree."

[color=B3DEAB]All I am saying is that if you truly want others to share your concern, then at least attempt to provide some sort of evidence that backs up what you say.

By using words alone, nothing will change. Those who already share your same concern, will agree with you. Those who don't, will disagree. Those who don't really care, still won't care. Seems kinda pointless.

edit on 4/24/12 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Xandyr101

Could it be because we (sic) keep electing them over and over and over again, despite seeing the damage that the good ol' boys are doing?

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Xandyr101

Do you not read the post on here?..Your answer right there

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Xandyr101

Come on now.
One only has to watch this to realize that most people can't tell their ass from their elbow.


posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:33 AM
And they get to elect our next round of politicians.
We are the idiots.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Xandyr101
The title of this post pretty much sums up the topic.

This has been bothering me for a long time and I would like to hear what others have to say about this subject.

This one is simple. Most people are.

Now you might want to argue that the term idiot is relative, yes, I would agree. Relative to your/my own level of intellect. I don't know about you so I pass comment on that but I can tell you from watching and participating in several dozen threads on ATS this place is chock full of idiots. ATS, imo, is a very fair representation of the populous en masse.

Don't think for a moment that "the Government" isn't fully aware of the percentage, high percentage, of the population that is truly and fully idiotic. They count on it. They have taken great steps at great lengths to insure that our education system is taught by idiots and produces idiots. GIGO.

I propose a more appropriate item to inquire is why does anyone have to ask the question "Why Does the Government Think We're Idiots"?

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:41 AM
They're trying to make us that way and it looks by the level of public reaction, education standards, work ethic and general integrity that they've made a pretty good job of it!! That's why.....simples!

edit on 24-4-2012 by Alien44 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2012 by Alien44 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Why Does the Government Think We're Idiots?

Do they? Or is that the impression we are meant to have? Are we? Or are we perpetually in a state of "assessment" since the information flow is constant and inconsistent? I.Q.? Is that really a metric we can rely upon to determine the overall attentiveness and ingenuity of the country?

We have a problem that transcends the question.

Some are inclined to propose that our collective civic lethargy is not something 'spontaneous' to the population. That is has been 'encouraged' by systematic and purposeful manipulation. Between the advent of mass media influence, and socio-psychological applied theories of crowd control, it may be argued that we are as stupid as we have been trained to be.

Information flooding, most of which is couched in crafted and produced media, could account for the decline in citizen engagements with the ruling political parties. There are those quite content to accept what they are told. It requires neither consideration nor action on the audience's part.

Schools indoctrinate our children to be obedient workers who shun critical thinking as 'outside' their capability. When we are faced with news about a subject which we are told is "complex" and 'specialized' we allow ourselves to be told what is and isn't noteworthy. We are further conditioned to accept and appreciate 'cheer leading' as a means of self-expression. Personal creativity and the courage to submit our opinions for feedback is often seen as a waste of time, and not productive towards the goals the larger establishment defines as what we 'should' be doing (or thinking.) Nor do schools encourage or enable true introspection, or the value of reason... because it's all been reasoned out for us by the authority figures.

We are faced with media that tells us who we like, what we should worry about, and how we must be better consumers for the sake of everyone.

I think, this is not a US problem. It's a global one.

For those interested in the power of the media to create the illusion of reality (to which we must conform or be outsiders) there are many studies and treaties on how it can be (and may be) applied to any population you wish to control.

After all, there is no secret about the fact that nothing broadcast over American airways is necessarily anything more than propaganda and self-serving manipulation of events, interpreted for us, and delivered to evoke our conformity.

The five Big Media owners (and their combine of high powered think tanks), of course, would disagree.

I don't think that the government thinks we're idiots.... I think they want us to think we're idiots (especially those "other" people)... so that is all the corporate-political coalition shows us... instances of grotesque stupidity, shameless aberrations of social conduct, and copious examples of how citizens 'really' think we are NOT all equal... while implying we should oppose one another in the name of vague (and often inconsistent) ideologies and throwback nonsense which we should have shed from our cultures over a thousand years ago.

edit on 24-4-2012 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars

I don't think that the government thinks we're idiots.... I think they want us to think we're idiots

I couldn't disagree more. The education system is rigged so that idiots get certifications that supposedly declare they are educated, socially useful. The fact of the matter is that the majority of people are horribly uneducated and are only socially worthwhile as military fodder, robotic task performers and mindless tax supporters.

You don't get compliance from telling idiots they are so. You arrive at compliance by lowering educational standards, propagandizing military patriotism and making working heroes out of the lower and middle classed populace.

IOW, you fool the idiots most of the time.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

Schools indoctrinate our children to be obedient workers who shun critical thinking as 'outside' their capability.

No schools teach to "the test". They are required to force the kids to know certain things by a certain grade level.
This came about due to the 'liberal' attitudes of yesteryear. Parents didn't take an interest in their childs progress. So what we ended up with was free thinking idiots.
They couldn't read or write but they sure were artistic.

Now the teachers have a set of goals for each year and reduces time. So creativity goes out the window. Free thinking is not encouraged because it takes too much time.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by grey580
reply to post by Xandyr101

Come on now.
One only has to watch this to realize that most people can't tell their ass from their elbow.


well, if these kids were THE ONLY kids they interviewed, it would be sad....but...if a hundred other kids got it right and these 10 or 12 kids got it wrong, then it would be approx. 90% that got it right...this is why these are so phony. of course, to you, this represents "MOST PEOPLE" as you say in your post, with absolutely no proof that THIS IS "most people".
you can now apply for a job at FOX NEWS

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by samkent

No schools teach to "the test". They are required to force the kids to know certain things by a certain grade level.
This came about due to the 'liberal' attitudes of yesteryear. Parents didn't take an interest in their childs progress. So what we ended up with was free thinking idiots.
They couldn't read or write but they sure were artistic.

Now the teachers have a set of goals for each year and reduces time. So creativity goes out the window. Free thinking is not encouraged because it takes too much time.

It's impossible not to agree with you but the what and hows of "schooling" are not salient points. The end result is.

The end result, if you don't mind if I plagiarize your post, is unimaginative, selectively trained, tested and certified idiots.

edit on 24-4-2012 by AlchemicalBinoculars because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Doalrite
If you can't wonder them with wisdom, then baffle them with bull Sh@t.....

I believe that's the same as, "If you can't CONVINCE them...CONFUSE them"! If we can't believe the powers that be, are doing this to the masses, then we are in total denial. We really do live in a "ball of confusion!" (Temptations, circa 1970's).

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