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Why are THEY blocking the sun in Washington state?

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posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by jcarpenter

Originally posted by 00nunya00

You know why? Because planes are usually on a schedule, like buses. You will see those planes every morning doing the exact same thing, if they are not delayed and the jet stream pattern stays the same.

Grids and Xs happen when people need to get from Seattle to NY, but other people need to get from BC to Mexico, all at the same time. They have to pass each other sometimes.

Seriously. The majority of your pictures are cirrus clouds. Mother Earth is conspiring to bock the sun from you! Oh noes!

So .... maybe you have an answer for soil studies showing contamination of soils with aluminum and barium too?

Ok, lets go back to class, just in case you missed it the previous thousand times it was said ... soil samples prove absolutely *NOTHING* dealing with "chemtrails", unless you have some magical way of tracking particles as they descend from your fantasy chemtrailing planes to the ground.

Oh yeah, that other thing, too ... you're aware that aluminum is one of the most abundant minerals contained in our soil, right?

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by Billybonewhacker

Er, except that EVERY SINGLE 'fake plane' video on you tube is complete BS, how about denying ignorance instead of spreading it?

As far as hiding something goes, drawing a thin pencil line in front of it has to be the dumbest idea ever. Try it yourself, first position a plank of wood horizontally on a trestle so that it obscures something from your line of sight. Now move. Oops, doesn't work does it

In case you didn't pick it up, that previous bit of frivolity was designed to get you to think about something called 'perspective'
edit on 22-1-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 03:42 AM
Here are a couple of local articles that might help.

Inlander Northwest
Check #9, the rest are good too.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by Thorneblood

Just like to point out that the photo of the 747 with 6 smoke trails in the 1st article is a NASA photo from 1974 of a 747 they were doing studies of vortexes with!

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 05:30 AM
Amazing thread! S&F
I wish I had more of this useful input in mine

These appear quite similar to the clouds I posted a thread about recently. Especially the cris-cross contrail thing. I have also noticed the wave-like patterns in these type of cloud. I understand patterns like these are sometimes referred to as "gravity waves" in the meteorology community. (obviously not actual waves of gravity..) I have seen this effect numerous times when the suspicious clouds come flying in. Allot of the time its quite picturesque.

Z32 Driver

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 06:59 AM
I noticed a bunch yesterday morning, and was ready with my camera I took quite a bit of photo's.

I was odd to me and not sure if im on the band wagon yet with chemtrail/contrail theories!

I noticed about 7:30am yesterday a bunch of contrails, so since fresh from reading about them here i took the camera, got some good pics and video.

I honestly don't know what to think, but this is what i observed~

Not sure how early they started or if "they" started anything, but as the sun rose the more contrails i noticed. And yesterday in the midwest was a beautiful clear blue sky other than contrails. I noticed there was a good breeze from the north to south a little chilly not cold i was in shorts. Our house faces east and west so i see the sun rise every morning but noticed only in the east was there contrail's, looking out the front door towards the western sky nothing but blue, not a single cloud in sight. Out the back mainly towards the southeast and especially where the sun was rising were contrails, they took a good hour if not longer to drift to the south not disapate but drift almost out of site. As they drifted together towards the south they combined and became bigger, from my eyes making an overcast just as the sun came up but towards the south above us was still clear other than a few drifting, then around 11am they stopped. I know with cooler air and excess moisture in the air from just a breif reading will increace the contrail, from what they say!

Still curious, so i texted a friend for a little experiment. He like's to stay pretty close with the weather so I asked if he would keep an eye out for anything different, odd or just something that pops up from Iowa down towards northern Texas. Well he didnt find anything but just a storm in south texas. I was on clicked the little blue dot for kansas city and noticed a swirl of I have no idea, not good with radar or dopolar, just south of where the contrail's started. It was only on that site I found no other radar had anything remotely close to our area yesterday, I took a pic of the computer screen. Anyway here are my picture's not sure if any are of value/use but after pondering for a little I came up with an imaginitive theory.











I'm still working on trying to get the radar pic uploaded, i'm not good at this computer stuff yet. Also I havn't had time to check that same radar this morning to see if anything is different. Like i said up top i'm not sure what to beleive, if any at all.

edit: i'm have no idea how i made them that small!

edit on 6-2-2013 by offmyrocker because: learning the computer, from a caveman perspective lol.....

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 07:33 AM
The weather at ground level does not make a difference. At the altitude of a flight path, it is always extremely cold. The atmosphere is made up of different levels and pockets each with their own conditions of temperature, humidity and wind. Weather radar will not show these differences either. So you had a drier area in the west and a more saturated area in the south east. Simple stuff, really.
Contrails (there is no thing as "chemtrails") will drift, combine, and persist for hours, given the right conditions. That is the reason they are studied, and why they were first studied back in WWI. What do they do to the atmosphere and the weather is still up for debate, but studies the day after 9/11 showed skies were more clear and the temperature was a bit warmer.
Why they happen is basic physics, fluid dynamics, and thermodynamics. And also basic earth science. Learn about weather, how clouds form, what each type of cloud's all very fascinating. Well, to me at least.
And learn about how plane navigate and where their flight paths are. I have not come across anything in the years I've been on the web looking at "chemtrail" stories that I could not explain with science. I'm not a professional; if something happens that I can't explain, I learn. If science has an answer, science is the answer.
The flip side of this is that nothing any "chemtrail" proponent has claimed that has ever had any good, real proof attached. Claims of chemicals? Not sampled correctly. Invisible planes? Plane just too far away to see.
Clouding the skies? Yes, contrails do cloud up the sky.
Are "they" doing it? "They" don't have to. Every plane in the sky does it already.
How can contrails be stopped? Right now, the only way is to not fly. That is not a viable solution.
edit on 6-2-2013 by stars15k because: fixed the code

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 08:07 AM
I'd have to agree with science, but there is also my imagination that tends to attach itself to things like this. I enjoy discussing about paranormal, conspiracy's and the odd, only to imagine life isn't really as dull as it seems with the daily grind. Then i "stub my toe" so to say that let's reality slap me in my face and wake up. As I could see someone toying with the weather sitting back with an evil grin laughing, I also like or hope to believe it dosn't happen but with all the corruption with power sometime's it hard to look the other way. Either way I hope im prepared for it or my kids are if i don't see it in my days.

As I pondered yesterday and a little this morning with a IMAGINITIVE THEORY I couldn't help but wonder what the future will hold for our kids and grandkids. What if throwing some metallic particles in the sky, letting them drift to a destination then using the HAARP to manipulate the ionosphere or something with electromagnetic energy attracting more, then using it to focus the energy in a particular area to create a storm or change the force. That to me sounds more convenient than poisoning the air for human population control. Just an imaginitive theory to pass the time of the daily grind, nothing I think of i take to heart unless proven otherwise!

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Why do I get the feeling that nobody you're debating with on this thread is watching the videos you post?

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 01:10 PM
Once again someone is looking up in the sky and says they know exactly what it is.
It knid of reminds me of fortune tellers. No Proof of anything.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 02:52 PM
Like I originally posted, I do not know what is causing this, only that it looks WEIRD and un-natural. After doing a ton of research I have finally come to the conclusion that it is the effect of WEATHER MANIPULATION using directed energy. The work of Thomas Bearden has proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that what is going on with these strange clouds and mysterious booms and rumbles that have been heard recently and in the past are caused by people using a physics that is not understood by the masses or excepted by the academics, at least officially. Planes dumping chemicals ARE NOT INVOLVED. Look here for the answer: and here is another interesting film by the bbc about global dimming:

edit on 6-2-2013 by nitro67 because: (no reason given)

More booms
edit on 6-2-2013 by nitro67 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

Why do I get the feeling that nobody you're debating with on this thread is watching the videos you post?

Because that would be to simple for them...

Also I really don't expect them to...

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by nitro67

After doing a ton of research I have finally come to the conclusion that it is the effect of WEATHER MANIPULATION using directed energy.

And who would be the owners and operators of this said device?

The work of Thomas Bearden has proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that what is going on with these strange clouds and mysterious booms and rumbles that have been heard recently and in the past are caused by people using a physics that is not understood by the masses or excepted by the academics, at least officially.

So could you explain this new physics that no one seems to understand?

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
reply to post by nitro67

After doing a ton of research I have finally come to the conclusion that it is the effect of WEATHER MANIPULATION using directed energy.

And who would be the owners and operators of this said device?

I'd be interested to see how that conclusions was reached - let alone any evidence that such a device exists.

The work of Thomas Bearden has proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt...

Unfortunately that says more about your wilingness to believe stuff for which there is no actual evidence.

Bearden's continual inability to deliver anything real should be a warning sign - not a recomendation!

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