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Night Paralysis and AP, help..

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posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 11:01 PM
Something has been happening to me all too much lately, and I'm starting to get freaked out. I have read up, and understand what Night Paralysis is, but my case seems strangely different and more severe. DEFINITELY becoming more like reality rather than being idly waved off as a dream.

Basically what is happening is at the point between being awake and asleep, I feel myself slowly slip away, sort of a sinking feeling, I can feel it in my stomach as well. I struggle mightily, knowing that it is going to happen again; sometimes I manage fight my way out, and other times I just can't. It seems like I am being involuntarily pulled into the Astral Plane.

I slowly become aware of new surroundings, even though I am in the same physical place. Maybe I'm becoming aware of different variations in energy? It seems like an OBE, but it's different because I am still completely aware of my physical surroundings, including time. I am positive of this because I even know what is happening on the T.V. if I happened to leave it on. I have even tested this by recording a T.V. show and making sure it matches up to what I've been seeing during my occurance, and it does match. I even know if a friend came into my room, by verifying it with them later. Another clue that it's WAY more than a dream.

Anyway, I begin to see odd things, hear haunting sounds, etc. I try to fight my way out the whole time but usually by this time it's too late. I relax as much as possible, but when I finally realize that I'm stuck, things go downhill, fast. Some sort of entity will notice my presence and I am overcome with extreme fear. I am totally paralyzed and helpless. I won't describe some of the things that happen to me, or some of the horrors that unfold, but things get bad...

I have however managed to control myself on occassion and defend myself. I've developed methods to remove the paralysis and either hold my own, or run. I can only rarely do this though, depending on the situation, but even when I can there is still the fear.

Relevant Info: A few years ago I used to medidate regularly, and developed a few abilities or Gifts, predominantly the ability to travel to the Astral Plane. Astral Projection was always cool to me after I realized what it was, I loved it, the different sensations I would get, feelings of freedom and pure joy. It was incredible. But as I have come to realize, not everything in the Astral Plane is friendly...there are some malevolent presences. After a few horrifying encounters, I refused to use AP anymore unless I really felt compelled to.

I did do AP several more times, and each experience was worse than the last. Vicious attacks, stalkings, paralysis, etc. They would leave me physically drained and tired the next day or that night. After a few of these experiences, I never voluntarily used AP again, and gave it up. Not long after my Night Paralysis, half awake-half asleep problems began.

I think I am being involuntarily sucked into the Astral Plane by who knows what, and my semi-concious dreamlike state is only exacerbating the problem even worse.

There has to be a way to make it all stop, right? Does anyone know how I can help myself, or what I can do about all of this? Personal experiences would be great. Living in fear is not good.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 11:38 PM
I had 2 strong occurances of sleep paralysis just about a week ago - accompanied by auditory hallucinations, and everything. I posted my experience a couple of days ago.

There have been a number of posts lately, from people reporting incidents of sleep paralysis. Not only on this site but on others too....

Coincidence? Or is something subtle happening around us on some energy level?

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 04:51 AM
Last time I had a profound sleep paralysis experience there was a short man in a grey space suit whom was kind enough to grab me by my ankle and lead me to the light.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Last time I had a profound sleep paralysis experience there was a short man in a grey space suit whom was kind enough to grab me by my ankle and lead me to the light.

You've got to be kidding, right? Or, are you leading us to ask the question if you feel that you have ever been abducted. Your description of the short man could be taken for a "grey" alien. Perhaps you were paralyzed/immobilized and then transported to their craft for probing.

P.S. Should I believe any of this?

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 04:11 PM
Astral projection is more commoon thatn people think. It is caused by a brain chemical irregularity that basically tell your brain to put your body into a safe stae of sleep way before you're psychologically ready. These weird phenomena are the side-effects. Nothing wrong, and COMPLETELY HARMLESS. I used to "astral travel" s well when I was a kid, but it went away after a while and turned unpleasant.

Try mastering your feelings. There are techniques to make the experience more pleasurable. Otherwise, realize that you're not being "sucked in" anywhere. What you;re experiencing is a natural, physiological phnomenon that is harmless. You cannot be hurt. Simply experiment a bit. It might freak you out a bit, but just go with it.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 10:36 PM
I know that it is a natural phenomenon, and is considered harmless, but there is still a chance that it might not be harmless after all. We hardly know anything about it all, so in some way it could be harmful. Anyway, thanks for the replies all.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 11:28 PM
for all the people in this thread that have successfully reached the astral plane or can. Can you give me some good resources cause I am very interested in this. I have experienced wild things while asleep or falling asleep I wish I could harness these things and experience them whenevr I like.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 11:51 PM
It takes meditation, devotion, commitment, and time. If you cannot reach deep stages of meditation yet, you probably can't control or harness these things your experience, including astral projection. You have to be extremely relaxed and in a very calm state. Try some really really deep meditations for a while to get into the practice of doing that. You should slow and control your breathing, but don't think about it, feel your heart rate, and try to slow it by becoming even more relaxed. You may also want to use some sort of a foci or focus as well, to channel energy into, some sort of gemstone or crystal if you have one.

Harnessing the astral plane is not really something you can do on a whim, unless you are practiced. Most of the time it's subconcious, starting through some sort of night paralysis. When you're almost asleep, or half-awake half-asleep, your body is extremely relaxed, sort of like what you can reach in deep meditation. Your mind is in complete control. When sleep paralysis happens, and you get that sinking feeling, the feeling of utter horror and terror and being consumed, if you are strong willed enough and can accept it, and let yourself give up rather than fighting, that's when you can experience OOBE's and sometimes astral projection. Mind you it is hard as hell, basically confronting your fears, and letting go of reality. In order to do this voluntarily, without having sleep paralysis, it takes lots of meditation, so I suggest just practicing meditations and focusing energy for now. Keep me up to date on how all of that is going if you'd like to know more. Or if you have any other questions.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Last time I had a profound sleep paralysis experience there was a short man in a grey space suit whom was kind enough to grab me by my ankle and lead me to the light.

You've got to be kidding, right? Or, are you leading us to ask the question if you feel that you have ever been abducted. Your description of the short man could be taken for a "grey" alien. Perhaps you were paralyzed/immobilized and then transported to their craft for probing.

P.S. Should I believe any of this?

Actually, I am a polysomnographer, a sleep technician, I run sleep study tests, and seeing a gray figure is one of the defining hallucinations that accompanies sleep paralysis. Do a search on the subject, and you will find that this is the case.

Yes, many people that think they have been abducted by aliens actually have sleep paralysis.

You can also search on The gray ghost, incubi/succubi, and you will start to see the pattern.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by LTD602
What you;re experiencing is a natural, physiological phnomenon that is harmless. You cannot be hurt. Simply experiment a bit. It might freak you out a bit, but just go with it.

I would still say that being in this state sucks. Ive never seen things like other people have. But Ive seen stuff like the tv on and see whats on and look at myself at the same time, weird. Ive also had that really weird sound before too, its very scary. The first time this happened to me when I was a little kid was crazy. I was looking at myself sleep and I went to touch my face and woke up, I thought I was going crazy because it was so real, that was the first time I realized that dreams are more then dreams, they are some sort of alt. reality we have in our brain. Sorry to rant...

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