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"EPA knew MONSANTO caused Colony Collapse Disorder in bee populations" UN Global Bee Crisis 2012

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posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:56 PM
How do we determine the difference between these...mutant bees(?) and regular bees? I have like two different and very active bee hives on my street and if they're not legit bees I'm going to exterminate.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Echo3Foxtrot
How do we determine the difference between these...mutant bees(?) and regular bees? I have like two different and very active bee hives on my street and if they're not legit bees I'm going to exterminate.

Here's a sure-fire way to determine if they are 'regular' bees and not GMO mutant ones:

Do they exist?

Then they arent GMO mutant ones.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:15 PM
Monsanto was working on a resistant Bee they could sell.

Capitalism is all about WIPING OUT THE COMPETITION. Right?

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst
Monsanto was working on a resistant Bee they could sell.

I have not seen one shred of proof of that claim presented anywhere on this or any other website.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by thebtheb
Just a humble reminder to everyone: unless we ourselves eat organic as often as possible, we're simply contributing to this problem.

Most every company you buy organic from has been bought out and is actually owed by those very same companies who sell you the pesticide laden junk.

You can buy organic, and maybe get less allergies, carcinogens and genetic altering franken foods -- but you won't be making the bad guys go bankrupt.

>> And eventually, they will probably buy up the EPA and FDA and they'll just TELL us it's organic food but nobody will be investigating if that is true or not.

The ultimate problem is that there is no longer any accountability for companies like Monsanto -- and whether they are or aren't killing off bees either intentionally or because they don't care to prevent it -- we would have no clue from any of these agencies, the media, or our leadership. They could be sterilizing half the country -- and I'm almost sure we'd get exactly the same reaction from agencies that have been co-opted by Monsanto; absolutely nothing.

Don't have so much faith in a company like Monsanto that would do anything for a buck. If they aren't killing off bees to sell their own resistant bee -- they would do it if they could make a buck and it was technically feasible. Maybe they are too busy raking in the cash suing farmers for their patented seeds, or reselling crops to Iraqi farmer who are FORCED to only buy from this company.

>> Paranoia and conspiracy theories will only increase because everybody knows that companies like Exxon, Monsanto and Goldman Sachs run the show. Nobody works for us -- they work for the oligarchs.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:15 PM
The more you make up false claims about Monsanto the harder it will be for factual claims to stick. I know a lot of people have immense hate for what Monsanto is doing, but sensationalizing isn't going to create converts. It'll just label you as a conspiracy nut and get more people to side with Monsanto when these same people try to make Monsanto and those in bed with it accountable.

This is why it's important to keep the facts straight and the likely scenarios and presumptions at bay.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Originally posted by hadriana

And WHO is trying to genetically alter bees so they can live with their pesticides? lol

No they aren't. Get a ficking clue.

I think I've read they are engineering bees so they only pollinate their GMO crops. Might be a thread on here about that.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:05 PM
I just can't help but see Monsanto as the Umbrella corp in the RE series.....

They need to be stopped!

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by BiggerPicture

I don't understand myself why this doesn't register higher on the outrage scale. There are people fighting tooth and nail against the environmentalist in order to protect the interests and concerns of polluters. Could there be any more corporate collusion? Monsanto and the EPA, Big Pharma and the FDA. We need to clean out governing AGENCIES since they have proved culpability and corruption and can no longer operate reliably in the peoples interest. I wish ordinary citizens who enjoy produce, trees and flowers would wake up and smell the ROUND UP.

Well, I know nothing about law or how to go about something like this... but why don't WE, the people of USA, file a lawsuit against those agencies?

You can't change Monsanto, it's a corporation hell bent on profit, by any means necessary. Same thing with big pharmaceuticals. But we can blame those who have been placed into those positions to oversee such companies in the interest of the people. They have failed miserably and maliciously.

We need to hold the employees and the heads of the government agencies responsible for this, simple as that. If you make sure the prison guards do their job, it's less likely the convicts will be allowed to cause trouble.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:28 PM
Here you go:

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

Monsanto is a multinational corporations and corporations now share rights just like people, so I expect a criminal trial against Monsanto.

The charge should be attempted murder against all of humanity. Monsanto upper management and major stock holders can stand in for trial.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Please we have to keep working at this. We don't want this food-we may have to live with taxes but Ihave been buying only organic food, and I will continue to also. I am also starting a garden with organic seeds-don't buy seeds unless they are organic too.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:58 PM
Here's an article about genetically engineered bee's from the UK


He hopes to reverse the decline of the honeybee by breeding cleaner bees to protect hives from harmful diseases. The cleaner bee is a breed of worker bee that will be genetically programmed to keep hives clean.

They will be responsible for removing pupae and larvae from the hives if they are dead or dying. Currently these cleaner bees only exist in very small numbers. The hygienic bee was first observed in the 1930s, but at most only 10-percent of a hive has bees with this gene. Source: Planetsave (

edit on 4/16/2012 by IpsissimusMagus because: video

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:59 PM
Everyone blames Monsanto, but the bee farmers also know that bees are dying off at alarming speeds when the hives are placed near cell phone towers.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 08:23 PM
Aussie bees are fine. Australia uses GMOs. Please explain anomaly...

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

Nicholas Cage: "No NOT THE BEES NOT THE BEES!" lolol

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Sablicious
Aussie bees are fine. Australia uses GMOs. Please explain anomaly...

Huh? Explain anomaly? Where does it say GMOs killed the bees?

Monsanto & Bayer jointly promoted Clothianidin as a pesticide. It is a potent neurotoxin. It's not a "GMO"

GMOs are genetically modified *organisms*

Clothianidin reportedly killed off 50%-90% North American and European bee populations

Regarding GMOs down under, apparently some farmers are outraged as to the requirements to keep their crops organic and GMO-free:

Julie Newman, from a Fair Dinkum Aussie, gives us the real run down, on the Genetically Modified Food (if you can call it food), that our Government and companies like, Monsanto, are trying to cram down our throats. Julie lays out the ludicrous guidelines that Non-GMO Farmers will face, such as if you grow next door to a GMO farm, you might have to have, up to a 3 kilometre buffer zone, to claim GMO free!! She exposes the lies about crop yields...

and apparently there is an Aussie GMO Wheat 'scandal'?

back to bees, the decline is reportedly generally global... according to scientists from the United Nations, repeating vid:

Scientists from the United Nations (UN) say the phenomenon is now a global crisis, afflicting bees across China, Japan, and Africa, as well as in other places. The report, issued by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), explains,,

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:48 AM
Monsanto probably wants to kill all the bees so they can create, patent, monopolize, and sell a "pollination spray" that will be needed to grow all plants, but of course the spray will only work on GMO Monsanto seeds so everything else will die off until there's nothing but GMO!!!

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by samlf3rd
reply to post by LDragonFire

Please we have to keep working at this. We don't want this food-we may have to live with taxes but Ihave been buying only organic food, and I will continue to also. I am also starting a garden with organic seeds-don't buy seeds unless they are organic too.

As long as its legal to do so, but if monsanto and its government lobbyist and special interests groups have there way they will out law your garden and organic seeds, its coming soon....

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 01:04 AM
I used to think the seed vaults were 'insurance' but then I learned how Mansanto was rifling through them finding ones with unique genetics to patent. IE they patented roma tomaoes as roma vf.

They hate open seed saving and sharing.
edit on 17-4-2012 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

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