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United States inhumane act of punishment toward NORTH KOREAN PEOPLE.

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posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by eriktheawful

North Korea made their choices: Weapons vs Food for their people.

How is it a choice they made. Was it there idea to impose sanctions upon their own country so that they could not afford to feed their own people.

Are you seriously trying to be an a$$hole?

Agreement made in February. No missile/nuke program = food aid for your people (or wherever it may go)

What happens? They turn their backs on the food to launch a missile.



posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by olliemc84

Congratulations, you have officially derailed this thread and turned it into something that has nothing to do with the original post.

maybe because you bought up economics into the thread....

North Korea has absolutely no right to be testing rockets and nuclear weapons. They cannot feed their country on their own

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Firstly, what North Korea does as a sovereign nation is nobody else's business. Unless they somehow are threatening another country with arms.

2nd; No other country is responsible for the people of North Korea. Foreign aid in the form of money is ludicrous, doesn't work and stupid.

3rd. The United States has no business imposing sanctions on any nations. That's Finanacial Terrorism; no matter how you look at it.

4th. Who cares? North Korea is the most isolated society on Earth and when the people get fed up, they will revolt and get to be as miserable as the rest of us who have a "democracy".

5th. It COULD have been a test for ICBM launch capability, doesn't matter what was in the payload on the top. It's missile testing. No ammount of arguing will change the fact that you require "missiles" to launch things into space.

1.An object that is forcibly propelled at a target, by hand or mechanically.

6th. It didn't work, or so NK would like you to believe. I bet they failed the rock on purpose so they could pretend like they haven't mastered long range ICMB's or Nuclear payloads.

So there you go.

Actually to add, whenever the US states that a country may be a potential "threat" that is code for " This is the nation we intend of invading next."


Amen to that!

People here love to argue things we have no business about, it's human nature I guess!

The real reason the U.S. is behaving like this over N.K. is simply because the U.S. can't control them!
No one says anything to the "Greatest country in the world" when they do things, but when someone else does it's war!

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by purplemer

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by olliemc84

I do consider my self lucky. But your Government effects us all. It is your Imperial Empire. We all live in it. Its just that not all of us are Imperial citizens that actually have a right to vote in your elections. We cannot keep your leaders in check. Only American's can do that.

America is not the empire. The banking system is. The US is a private company and the military is an arm of a banking empire that spreads of 3/4 of the world..

I agree. These people have no soveriegnty.

But America is the centre of the Death Star you must admit.

Delaware to be specific.
edit on 14-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by olliemc84

While this may or may not be 100% correct, there is nothing that I, or another other person living here, can do about it.

and that is the attitude that allows them to get away with the things they do....

So WTF would you like me to do?? Please tell me.

Contact my congressman?? Yeah that will get me far.

I can't even get anyone on the phone from the DMV.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by olliemc84

Congratulations, you have officially derailed this thread and turned it into something that has nothing to do with the original post.

maybe because you bought up economics into the thread....

North Korea has absolutely no right to be testing rockets and nuclear weapons. They cannot feed their country on their own

Really? I did? I was the first to mention anything about economics or money in general?

Skim over the first page of the thread and get back to me.

And even if I did bring up economics....whats the problem with that?

Its all about the economic failures of North Korea. They wouldn't be starving and begging for food if the hadn't WASTED MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON A FAILED ROCKET PROGRAM!!!!!

edit on 14-4-2012 by olliemc84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by olliemc84

Really? I did? I was the first to mention anything about economics or money in general?

Yes you did and I quoted it for you in the last post.. However I am happy to repeat it for you...

North Korea has absolutely no right to be testing rockets and nuclear weapons. They cannot feed their country on their own

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by olliemc84

Really? I did? I was the first to mention anything about economics or money in general?

Yes you did and I quoted it for you in the last post.. However I am happy to repeat it for you...

North Korea has absolutely no right to be testing rockets and nuclear weapons. They cannot feed their country on their own

So it's the US's fault that north Korea chose to spend 800 million dollars on this rocket, instead of feeding their starving people? So, it's our fault that they violated, knowingly, the ban on launching such rockets?

That was from amongus's post. The first post after the OP.

But I was THE FIRST to bring up economics.

Why don't you just shut the # up and concentrate on the thread at hand instead of attacking me. Because you are blatantly wrong.
edit on 14-4-2012 by olliemc84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by eriktheawful

North Korea made their choices: Weapons vs Food for their people.

How is it a choice they made. Was it there idea to impose sanctions upon their own country so that they could not afford to feed their own people.

It was a choice that as a country their government made.

They could use their own money to invest in agriculture in their own country, and use money sent as aid to also invest in in agriculture to feed their own people.

Instead, they used the money to invest in weapons.

It really is as simple as that. If they had been busy investing to find ways to feed their people off of their own land, they would be in much better shape (and most likely would not of had many of the sanctions you mentioned put upon them in the first place).

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by olliemc84

Are you seriously trying to be an a$$hole?

Now then no need to be rude...
Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones...

Agreement made in February
No missile/nuke program = food aid for your people (or wherever it may go) What happens? They turn their backs on the food to launch a missile.

I am trying to understand you here. Please explain how it was their choice to impose sanctions on their own country. Some of these sanctions have been in place for years. NK has been stripped of its financial assets and has had trade restrictions imposed upon them. This in turn has had an affect on the economy of the nation and impoverished the people.

In there impoverished state the US has turned around and offered them food... If they stop testing ballistic missiles.... So how is this their choice..

If I came to your home and built a brick wall around it so that you could no longer go to work and therefore went hungry.. Would this be your choice. If I then turned around to you and said.. Hey I will give you some food if you abide by my rules... Would this be your choice...

NK has not broken any laws they are entitled to fire a satellite into the sky if they wish without the US throwing its toys out of the pram..

Really I find it amazing that you are sitting worried about a little country half way around the world trying to fire a satelite in space. When your own military it just returning from a illegal occupation of countries in the middle east. Two wars neither of which were ratified by the UN and the genocide of a million or so civilians..

Really get your own house in order.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by MissCoyote

They wouldn't get the food anyways! The reason they are starving in the first place is that their leader considers them slaves. Don't worry too much about the N. Koreans starving, as soon all of in the U.S. will be under the same kind of tyranny!

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by eriktheawful

They could use their own money to invest in agriculture in their own country, and use money sent as aid to also invest in in agriculture to feed their own people.

Instead, they used the money to invest in weapons. It really is as simple as that. If they had been busy investing to find ways to feed their people off of their own land, they would be in much better shape (and most likely would not of had many of the sanctions you mentioned put upon them in the first place).

Just like every other sovereign nation on earth the NKs have every right to create a military machine to defend themselves. The sanctions are in place not because of their urge to create weapons but because they are one of the very few countries left that have not got a Rothschild central bank installed in their country.

They cannot invest in ways to feed their people if their country has been cut off from the financial institutions of the world and their assets frozen.

Who the hell do you think you are to go around the world imposing an imperial form of dictatorship on other nations... I had family die in the great wars to keep such ideas out of the UK.....

North Korea never signed up to your imperialism what right do you think you have to impose it upon them...

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by olliemc84

No I think you are confused.. the quote did belong to you and still does. scroll back and have a look. It even has your name above it..!

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Boomer1941

Maybe North Korea should start spending their own money on AGRICULTURE instead of on their military, missiles and nuclear bombs???

Why just NK.. It is a far point but it would have been better if you had worded it like this..

Maybe the world should start spending their own money on AGRICULTURE instead of on their military, missiles and nuclear bombs???

Yes if the world spent a fraction of the money they spend on war on food instead. No one would starve..

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by MissCoyote

I understand the concern of North korea testing rockets due to their potential for Nuclear delivery capabilities, but I think it's a little more than just that. When you think about it, the only nations that are " super " powers have space programs. It's the much overlooked key in being a super power. He who masters the sky, masters the world. If North Korea, managed a successful space program, they could launch satellites. Satellites provide a key piece of intelligence that North Korea does not have. It's hard to consider a country with land lobbed nukes a threat if there isn't a system to guide them to their target. Hell, aside from knowing the US is where it is, what states it's broken into, and the location of it's cities math only get's you so far. It's incredibly difficult to guess any atmospheric conditions, wind streams, storms that could potentially divert your rocket from it's target. I mean, yeah IF they had a rocket that could hit the US, they could just point it to the middle and cross their fingers, but it's still dicey. Enough head wind, it will plop in the Atlantic and then a hellstorm would fall on Korea. Too risky they won't do it.

Even if they had satellites they wouldn't do it. The world has come a long way from the 70's and even then it was suggested they would know a launch moments after, and track an object En route. Today, I'm sure they would know before hand, it wouldn't make it into International airspace, and the retaliation would be instant. How ever, NK having a space program provides new threats other than the media circus directing it the nuclear route. Whats in space? About 99.99999999999999999999%repeated of the universe, do the super powers really want NK having a chance at all those resources? All that fame and fortune ? Not to mention, it's widely proposed we know way more than the average man is let to know. Everyone is bonkers about china's space program, as they have released nothing but superior pictures and data, that appears completely unaltered. Why is it that Nasa who for 60 or so years has practiced improved and revisited it's missions with ever advancing technology is what we are given so sub par ? I'm not saying this because I expect to see ET or Structures, but I expect to see images I can see grains of sand, with out sudden spots of smudge or blur. IT often seems the HD images are few and far between, and repeatedly certain areas always come back the same quality. Now it could be a perfectly logical explanation, position of craft, orbit, technological capabilities, perhaps let's say the moon, does have an atmosphere thicker than we are led to believe and this is responsible for some of the distortion. I don't know, I really like to believe I'm "allowed" to know all there is to know, but it's quite apparent that's not the case.

I tried to leave out any crazy conspiracies, but I believe this is a hot button issue for a different reason than a nuclear threat. Space is money, apparently we don't want korea to have a slice.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by MissCoyote
I am so ashamed of my country right now because the leader wanted to fire a "ROCKET" we are going to starve the people

Be ashamed of your country, to be sure. But not for these sanctions. For, it's not the sanctions that are starving NK's people. What's starving them and, indeed, has stunted an entire generation's growth, is that Orwellian state's triumvirate of self professed god-king leaders. Why do you think all three 'queer beavers' are portly pigs while the entire genuflecting nation (including military) starve?
A. Because a comparatively fat gut is a sign of superiority. That, and starving the larger population is all part of the process to weaken the peoples' will, making them easier to subjugate and indoctrinate. It's a lot harder to rip off the brainwash propaganda spewing speaker tacked to your lounge room wall on an empty stomach.

Why, with all the upheaval in the comparatively paradise-like Middle East, do you think NK denizens still worship this tyrannical dynasty like they are literal gods? It's because a) after 60 years of indoctrination, they know no better and, more pertinently, b) they are too hungry and weak to do anything about their predicament.

This, for once, is not the US' doing (...discounting the Capitalism Vs Communism thang). Many of NK's neighbours want the regime crushed. It's the moderation of the US and its allies - with full knowledge of the ramifications that would ensue from attempting an external coup d'état - that keeps the status quo. The sanctions are required to hamstring NK from becoming militarily potent enough to cause real strife in the region, á la 1950.

This "rocket" (lol! See: History Channel on 60s tech versus 2012) was just another ploy by the NK brass; this time to ensconce the latest queer beaver's place on the ethereal throne in the eyes of his graveyard of zombies. The kid's >30 years and looks positively lost, even through the skewed NK camera lens. So, they needed a display of the great sucker's worthiness. Hence the fear of a subsequence nuke test (...which, again, will be blamed on the West's "provocation").

They knew full well they would be upbraided for such action; not only by the US / UN, but also by NK's fretful neighbours. Yet, they went ahead with it... in all its pomp and eventual inglory. (Karma?)

Incidentally, don't lament this latest turn of events too much. Those that really need the food wouldn't have gotten a wiff. All of it would have gone directly to the military and co..
Raises the question why we even offer them aid at all without assurance of its recipients....

edit on 14-4-2012 by Sablicious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:06 AM
First off, I 100% support aid to North Korea as long as it gets to the right people but it actually doesn't. It goes to the dictatorship to build more concentration camps and a strong military.

North Korea needs to be liberated but the debate is how to do such a thing.

We're not punishing the North Koreans...INSTEAD, they're being punished by their own government by being sent to camps to be tortured, raped, and executed.

I am glad however the world is beginning to slowly wake up to the disgusting crimes against humanity over there.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by purplemer

I am trying to understand you here. Please explain how it was their choice to impose sanctions on their own country. Some of these sanctions have been in place for years. NK has been stripped of its financial assets and has had trade restrictions imposed upon them. This in turn has had an affect on the economy of the nation and impoverished the people.

When North Korea choose to back out of the Agreed Framework is the moment that they choose to be sanctioned. Which was in 2003, when they broke international laws due to detonating a nuclear warhead underground. Whether you feel as if it is the right for any country to possess nuclear weapons or not, that isn't the view of the United Nations Security Counsel.

In there impoverished state the US has turned around and offered them food... If they stop testing ballistic missiles.... So how is this their choice..

Do you now the definition of the word choice? The US agreed to ease off on some of the sanctions and assist the North Korean government in feeding their people. Now if that food would actually get to the people is a topic for another thread. The agreement would have been upheld AS LONG AS they called off their testing of a missile which would be capable of delivering a nuclear warhead onto a target. The launched anyway. That was THE CHOICE they made.

If I came to your home and built a brick wall around it so that you could no longer go to work and therefore went hungry.. Would this be your choice. If I then turned around to you and said.. Hey I will give you some food if you abide by my rules... Would this be your choice...

If you my neighbor, and there was an agreement that was made that as long as I didn't fire large fireworks over your house and the rest of the neighborhood, there would be no wall built around my house, but I defiantly fired said fireworks anyway, and the next morning I had a brick wall around my house, then yes, that was a choice I made.

NK has not broken any laws they are entitled to fire a satellite into the sky if they wish without the US throwing its toys out of the pram..

Yes. Any country can test nuclear devices willy nilly without any negative circumstances. Or shell their southern neighbor. Or sink the southern neighbors warships.

And you are still missing the point with the whole rocket/satellite thing. It may have been a satellite at the end of that rocket, but if the rocket is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, then yes, they are breaking international laws.

Really I find it amazing that you are sitting worried about a little country half way around the world trying to fire a satelite in space. When your own military it just returning from a illegal occupation of countries in the middle east. Two wars neither of which were ratified by the UN and the genocide of a million or so civilians..

And again with the satellite. You just dont get it, do you?

Why do you continue to bring up the two wars. I personally had nothing to do with it. It wasn't my call to send troops to Afghanistan and Iraq. Nobody from the White House or Pentagon called my house and asked for my opinion. Do I believe what our military is doing in the Middle East is right? No. Did I bring that topic of conversation into this thread. No. You did. And you continue to attempt to shove it down my throat like that means anything. And it is pretty insensitive to bring up that ugly topic whenever you wish because I have lost friends in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I know what it feels like to lose someone that I respected dearly due to fighting a make believe war. Do you?

Really get your own house in order.

Yes. I will get America shaped up to your liking all by myself.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by olliemc84

No I think you are confused.. the quote did belong to you and still does. scroll back and have a look. It even has your name above it..!

You are claiming that I was the very first person on this thread to bring up economics. And that is a blatant lie.

Can a mod help me out here because it feels like I am going around in circles.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by beam1

Do you realize how many of your ppl are famous becouse of america?

I missed this flamer. This comment is priceless. This seems to be the intelligence level of your average American. I am not surprised nfew of you understand how Foreign Aid works.

"Do you realize how many ppl are famous becouse of America?"

Keep this laughable statement in your minds and meditate on it. It says so much. You poor souls,you of the 'land of opportunity', you chaser's of 'the american dream'.
edit on 14-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

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