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Stop the christian hate

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posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by Ellie Sagan

You have just succumbed to the world my friend,

So have I and everyone else,

Jesus still lives in you and you in Him, and I'm sure you'll come back to Him eventually,

Once convicted, it's hard to permanently turn back,

I'll be praying for you to go back to Dad

(Theres a reason you haven't paid the sin debt yet)
edit on 4/12/2012 by Iason321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

How true these words!
WBC is a family of lawyers passing themselves off as a church.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Stop right there, lets be real for 30 seconds..

-- Gays aren't allowed to marry in Muslim nations, moot point.

Justifying discrimination because others do it is NOT a valid defense. If you were in the middle of a riot and people were looting a store, would it be ok for you grab a few things for yourself? Others are doing it, so using that logic you're justified in following suit. Two wrongs don't make a right, and not doing the right thing leads to resentment and ill will.

-- Muslims have been killing the other factions in their religions for centuries. In case you haven't watched the news lately Sunnis and Shiites are murdering each other constantly.

My question to you is why do their actions impact your actions? Claiming that "they're bad" doesn't justify their intentional marginalization from western society. What I've seen in the US is an (erroneous) assumption that "we're a Christian nation" so we should be able to integrate our beliefs into society and banish all others. You're not gaining friends that way.

-- The secular world doesn't trust anyone who doesn't bow to the golden calf of Evolution.

Are we not all human beings? Free will and the ability to think critically for ourselves is probably the greatest gift we have, and I really don't believe that Christ would have advocated distrust simply because others choose to explore the wonders of life in a different fashion.

Calvinists and Baptists aren't in armed conflict over OSAS doctrine.

I'll agree that that's a positive step in the right direction, but how long will that last? Religion is the most divisive subject of all time, and because of its negative nature many people shy away from churches.

** Others don't hate Christians, we disagree with the lifestyle of preaching one thing but practicing another. We're tired of christians using religion to justify discrimination and denial or equal rights. We're tired of being looked down on because we don't share the same belief system.

Christianity in it's purest form, following the core teachings of Christ is a great guideline for living life. Religions, however, have distorted and defiled that message to drive their own political agendas. Few people of faith are willing to stand up and follow their heart to stand for peace, love, acceptance and equality, and instead choose to follow the herd and parrot the religious philosophies, formulated by men, that run counter to the teachings of Christ.

If Christ really is destined to return soon, I truly hope that he returns in the form of a lesbian woman. It would be the ultimate irony and learning lesson for all those that wrongfully practice discrimination in his name.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by cloudyday

It is a christians' duty to spread the gospel.We are to be
as a voice in the desert crying prepare ye the way of the L-rd.
If no one will listen,we are to shake the dust off our feet and
move along.

And if you do a word study, stones or pebbles can be referred to as gentiles in places, now consider the context of what Christ said on Palm Sunday when the Pharisees told Jesus to makes His Jewish disciples be quiet.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Iason321
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I have faith that the Christians who frequent this forum have the wits to see through the lies and deception of all the new age garbage and atheistic nonsense...

That's why God has placed watchers here brother. And most of that non-sense is easily refuted anyways with scripture.

I do worry a little about someone who's new in the faith stumbling across a post here and getting sucked in and falling, as you say.....

The babes are tender and need special attention, you are 100% correct there.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Iason321
reply to post by blupblup

I've yet to see any Christians on this forum hate anyone....

(actually, I have seen one or two "hellfire and brimstone" types here, which is bordering on hate, but I think they say the things they do out of love)

I've seen a couple, it's rare though. And I'm that type of evangelist too and always have to put my thoughts in check and remember to speak the truth in love.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by blupblup

Originally posted by Iason321
reply to post by blupblup

I've yet to see any Christians on this forum hate anyone....

(actually, I have seen one or two "hellfire and brimstone" types here, which is bordering on hate, but I think they say the things they do out of love)

Really.... what in the 3 months you've been here you haven't seen any?

He likely has a different operating definition of hate than you do. Me personally I don't define mine based on whether or not someone gets upset if they don't like the truth being said.

You might consider a friend telling another friend if he doesn't stop snorting 5 8balls of coke a day he might die as hatred. I call that love.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by blupblup

Most religious folks hate and judge and pour scorn and ridicule others.

That's because they are religious. Jesus and religion aren't exclusive and are diametrically opposed to one another:

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by Iason321

But I have definitely seen hate filled Christians, and it's sickening (WBC comes to mind),

WBC is not, nor have they ever been a church of Christ. They became a "church" so they can go out and picket peoples funerals or soldiers returning from abroad and say harsh things to people and rile them up so those people will come over and punch them in the face or violate their rights so they can sue. They are a family full of lawyers who are hijacking the system, they are not, nor have they ever been believers in Christ and their actions show it.

Right, WBC is a cult for the Phelps family.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by ~Vixen~

Justifying discrimination because others do it is NOT a valid defense.

I wasn't justifying anything, only pointing out your hypocrisy for putting it all on the shoulders of Christians. Heck even atheist countries don't allow gay marriage. Your point was moot, that was the issue.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:53 AM
"Stop the christian hate"

Hate is a felling as love is a feeling.Love is for all .Hate is for few.Why not bring love no matter how hate strong is!

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
If you do not believe Jesus so what? So people need something to believe in when they die, so that they can die in peace and not be afraid of death. Do you people really find it your calling in life to take away from these people the very last vestiges of HOPE in their lives? Do you want everyone to be just like you? One more walking zombie?

I think people should let others believe what they want to believe if it gives them the hope, strength, and courage to make it through life. None of us are in any positon to impose OUR own personal beliefs on to others. This is why people dislike Christians: they come door to door proclaiming to have the right religion and right god, and if you don't believe in my god then you're doomed to eternal hell while I get to spend eternity in heaven; yay for me, I'm special and you aren't. That's the attitude the vocal Christians give off.

So you're not afraid of death (so you say), if thats the case...go kill yourself, because your life has no meaning, and it does not matter and you're just as dead now as you would be 30 years down the road. You people are already dead you just haven't caught up to that fact yet. All that you ever were will cease to exist, and you will be forgotten, and your names will pass from history and the memory of you will fade into oblivion. Existence has no meaning for you, and you have no more hope for anything except to know that one day worms will eat your corpse.

Now you're falling into the typical Christian clap trap that people target vehemontly. Most people would have been content with your opening statement. But when you start attacking people personally, especially degrading their life to a standard lower than yours, that's when people start lashing out at you [Christians].

I find great meaning in my life without the need of a personal god. Death is just a natural part of life, so saying we're already dead really has no meaning. So a word of advice: don't project your feelings of hate onto others if you don't have the skin to have it dealt in return to you.

Better to live with hope and die in hope than to live in hopelessness and die an equally hopeless death.

Sounds like Pascal's Wager.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 10:08 AM
I was just listening to a song, and I came across this, and I want to share it, because this is how my mind works:

I love thieves, bums, whores, terrorists, abusers, televangelists, and abortion doctors, because Christ first loved me
I love cheaters, liars, homosexuals, drunks, drug addicts, perverts, and killers, because Christ first loved me

That is the mindset of someone who is in tune with the Christ,

do you see hate there?

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by ~Vixen~

Justifying discrimination because others do it is NOT a valid defense.

I wasn't justifying anything, only pointing out your hypocrisy for putting it all on the shoulders of Christians. Heck even atheist countries don't allow gay marriage. Your point was moot, that was the issue.

I didn't put it all on christians, but certainly a fair amount of the blame lies there. Mine was simply a reply on how to stop the hate. Leading by example can be a powerful persuader.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Iason321

do you see hate there?


I see * PEOPLE *

Who they are or what they do is irrelevant. It's not my place to judge or label them.
edit on 4/12/2012 by ~Vixen~ because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 10:33 AM
I come from generations of Southern Baptists. I no longer practice formal religion. I consider the bible a book of history, some factual and some made up. But it is a book we can learn from too about human nature. There was a time when you could walk into a country church and hear words that gave you strength that got you through your trials. No one knew what political party anyone belonged to. Then in the 80's, I began to see a change, more political instead of spiritual, mega churches instead of little churches, we just became the old catholic mega churches. The typical christian is just like the typical muslim. They put their faith in some hateful, loud mouth leader they believe is ordained by God. Can't think for themselves. I was one until I got weary of hating everyone. The conflict of reading how Jesus loved and the preacher in the pulpit telling me how everyone is going to Hell and we need to save them. You see, they think they will "earn a jewel in their crown by saving the lost".

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 10:45 AM
Christians were thrown to the lions in ancient times,like then, like,no worries.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by ~Vixen~

Well Vixen,

God forbid a sadistic murdering rapist ever crosses paths with you or a loved one,

Let's just hope they see things the way you do!

I think you're living in a fantasy's time to wake up to reality

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 11:24 AM
I don't hate Christians, I pity their attempts, especially when they try defending that their God is the one true God.

The Bible is a book that empowers the weak to feel like they are entitled to dictate the moral compass of other people's lives. The ultimate egotistical mentality backed up by a myth and self delusion.
edit on 12-4-2012 by Skepticesque because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Tell you what, you guys stop beating us over the head with anti-athiest threads and what not, and maybe we'll consider leaving you be. But if you guys continue to post hotbutton topics, and you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, expect to hear stupid stuff like some of what has already been posted in this thread.

No, I don't agree with it and find it rather immature.

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