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Legit Questions for ATS Liberals…Shed Some Light Please

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posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Nite_wing

Originally posted by lordtyp0

I am against Sarah Palin because she ... quit her job to get more spotlight. It is that simple.

Not quite. Sarah Palin quit her job because of all the lawsuits filed by liberals which cost her to defend out of her own pocket. Defense of these suits were not paid for by the State of Alaska although many of the suits against her were financed by liberal organizations though straw men. Just want to set the record straight.

P.S. I do consider people who have close ties to Communism to be evil.
edit on 8-4-2012 by Nite_wing because: Post Script

edit on 8-4-2012 by Nite_wing because: (no reason given)

Interesting, and here the rest of the world thought she quit so she could run as VP.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Indellkoffer

I may disagree with a few of your points, as it may be perspective, but I appreciate your civility. I am not sure if you were going off of statistics you have seen on that Christians beating up gays guess is that no one has expressly studied least not with a real grant.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

He's continued and expanded Bush's wars.
He's continued and allowed the expansion of "national security".
He's caved to conservative demands on the budget.
His stimulus package was about half the size it needed to be with all of it going to the top.
His health care plan mimicked Romney's health care plan in MA, yet liberals wanted a single payer option.

...for a start.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by lordtyp0

Originally posted by Nite_wing

Originally posted by lordtyp0

I am against Sarah Palin because she ... quit her job to get more spotlight. It is that simple.

Not quite. Sarah Palin quit her job because of all the lawsuits filed by liberals which cost her to defend out of her own pocket. Defense of these suits were not paid for by the State of Alaska although many of the suits against her were financed by liberal organizations though straw men. Just want to set the record straight.

P.S. I do consider people who have close ties to Communism to be evil.
edit on 8-4-2012 by Nite_wing because: Post Script

edit on 8-4-2012 by Nite_wing because: (no reason given)

Interesting, and here the rest of the world thought she quit so she could run as VP.

Nobody thought she quit to run as VP. She quit after the election was over and all those people filed frivolous lawsuits against her. One thing is often overlooked though, that George Soros financed the campaigns of Hillary, Barack and John McCain and yet only Sarah Palin is ridiculed so viciously. She also met with Kissinger at one point.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by lordtyp0

Only the liberal world. Repeat a lie long enough and the foolish will believe it.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:46 PM
Liberal (Mind Kontrol activation word)

Fox News Sorcery.

Tends to be the entire talking point of Neoconazi Goebbels and Bernays.

Liberal this liberal that liberal this liberal that lb this libtard etc etc. Try to be more intelligent than the Fox News Parrot club

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:47 PM


This thread seems to have devolved into off topic posts and bickering....certainly not a discussion of the topic.

This is the second and final notice in this thread:

Post civilly and on topic or not at all

Failure to do this will result in further post removals, and the thread closure.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by seabag
1) Homosexuality and Muslims - Devote Muslims kill homosexuals for being homosexual (fact). Yet, liberals support both the Homosexual agenda in America as well as Muslim Sharia Law. What gives?

I'm pretty sure liberals only support the idea of Sharia law as a cultural way of resolving small scale non-criminal disputes in western countries. This is because it is a lot more effective at getting the communities acceptance and actually permanently resolving the dispute. Examples of this being used for other cultures would be specifically jewish dispute resolution courts, or various native courts (takes place in places like the USA, Canada, Australia).

2) Racism – (Hot topic these days…I know…I will tread lightly) It seems liberals keep the term “racists” alive. Why are vocal black democrats given praise by the left (Sharpton, Jackson, Rangel, Shiela Jackson Lee, etc) while vocal black conservatives (Clarence Thomas, Alan West, Herman Cain, etc) called names by the left?

Also, why do liberals continue to promote social programs that enslave blacks at poverty level? Left policies have NEVER led to black prosperity (Chicago, Detroit, ALL of California, etc are good examples) yet they get the majority of the black vote. What does the left offer that should inspire black Americans and keep their vote? I think the tide is turning, by the way. This video is a good illustration of what I’ve said.

This is a very biased view of the whole thing. yes there are problems with the whole welfare model, however, is the conservative model of leaving them to themselves any better? Surprisingly when people are left to their own devices when they are raised in a poor environment they won't succeed, and it isn't always their own fault for not dragging themselves out of a difficult situation. There is a lot of effort going into looking at new ways at giving aid to people by academics, but the politicians as always are very slow to adopt good changes.

3) Pro Women yet Anti Conservative Women – Liberals say they’re for women’s rights yet they destroyed Sarah Palin and her family in 2008. Liberals love Hillary but what did they have to say about Condoleezza?? Have liberals ever denounced all of the chauvinist remarks about Bachman?

Sarah Palin campaigned specifically on a moral platform, therefore her own personal morals and actions (eg the big questions around her family) are fair game. She made morals an issue, liberals just looked into it. Politics are ugly!
As for the others, I like Condoleezza, I'm happy for anybody who does well at their career. Also yeah I didn't like those remarks either, but two wrongs don't make a right, so conservatives and liberals should stop crying when politics gets a little ugly.

4) Pro Abortion yet Anti-Death Penalty – Need I say more on this issue?

Well abortion is really based on certain philosophical beliefs, like the status of a foetus. I don't think that a foetus is a human, and would honestly rather a kid who is not wanted and wouldn't be raised properly not have to come into the world. I'm anti-death penalty because it is such a long process, with so many appeals and costs involved in getting it through.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Nite_wing
reply to post by lordtyp0

Only the liberal world. Repeat a lie long enough and the foolish will believe it.

She did quit to run for VP, how is that a lie?

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Nite_wing
reply to post by braindeadconservatives

Actually I have read almost the same reasoning here on about 1/2 of the previous posts.

That's a lie on your behalf... Your email was clearly written by an emotional
conservative who does not understand the liberal perspective one bit.
Those reasons are so base, it seems clear a conservative penned them
however. - Me like food, food taste YUMM!!!

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Not quite. Sarah Palin quit her job because of all the lawsuits filed

I'm sorry but this is a fact for many politicians, especially those who choose to put themselves in the lime light. Obama, McCain,Bill Clinton, they've all had lawsuits filed against them, many of them are silly lawsuits, but you didn't see them resigning or dropping out. I was lead to believe that Palin was a 'strong woman' who was perfect for the position? Yet I find that many of her supporters treated her like a vulnerable barbie doll during her time on the campaign.

One thing is often overlooked though, that George Soros financed

Yes, George Soros gave alot of money to liberal politicals, goodness forbid they have rich people financing them, only conservatives are allowed to be financed by rich people, no?

yet only Sarah Palin is ridiculed so viciously.

This is false. Obama, Hillary, all received vicious insults, ridicule during their run to the presidency, even McCain did.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
This is false. Obama, Hillary, all received vicious insults, ridicule during their run to the presidency, even McCain did.

Yes, for Obama it has expanded -

He use to only be a secret Muslim

Now he is also a Communist and an Illegal Immigrant.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

He's continued and expanded Bush's wars.
He's continued and allowed the expansion of "national security".
He's caved to conservative demands on the budget.
His stimulus package was about half the size it needed to be with all of it going to the top.
His health care plan mimicked Romney's health care plan in MA, yet liberals wanted a single payer option.

...for a start

So he didn't get all he wanted for a start but that has not stopped him and the Democrat machine from pushing health care down our collective throats(pun intended). If he caved to conservative demands on budget, it is only because he had little choice. Even Clinton had to deal with Republicans in Congress
It's not like there's only Democrats in office. Oh the horrors of having to deal with the rest of Congress when he has openly wished to sidestep them altogether.
As for the issues of national security, is TSA Republican or Democrat? Is bragging about getting Osama Republican or Democrat?
Is Romneycare really Republican or RINO as Tea Partiers suggest? A lot of Tea Party think that RomneyCare was the precursor to Obamacare and they are both socialist in nature with Romney care being only at the State level not Federal.
Wilson was a Democrat and yet he signed one of the most Draconian pieces of legislation, the Sedition Act

The Sedition Act of 1918 (Pub.L. 65-150, 40 Stat. 553, enacted May 16, 1918) was an Act of the United States Congress that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light or interfered with the sale of government bonds. One historian of American civil liberties has called it "the nation's most extreme antispeech legislation."
It forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt. Those convicted under the act generally received sentences of imprisonment for 5 to 20 years.[2] The act also allowed the Postmaster General to refuse to deliver mail that met those same standards for punishable speech or opinion. It applied only to times "when the United States is in war."[3] It was repealed on December 13, 1920.[4]


That was in addition to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913

So it is your opinion that because the the PATRIOT ACT was enacted during the Bush admin that it is necessarily Republican? The first draft of it was during the Clinton admin and even Joe Biden claims to be responsible for it. Somehow, though only one member of Congress actually voted against it the first go round, Democrats found it to be a convenient political football to be manipulated in a later time.
Now tell me who it is that is for all this Draconian Internet censorship? Do you really believe it is strictly one party or the other?
I think you are looking at the wrong set of criteria, but that is just my opinion.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by seabag
1) Homosexuality and Muslims - Devote Muslims kill homosexuals for being homosexual (fact). Yet, liberals support both the Homosexual agenda in America as well as Muslim Sharia Law. What gives?

You screw up right out of the gate on your first question. There is no "Homosexual agenda." Liberals cannot support something that does not exist.

There are homosexual people who want equality who are denied it by an anti-homosexual society and work to achieve the same rights that heterosexual people get. Wanting equality is not an agenda. They're not going to take over or make kids gay who aren't already gay.

What liberal support of Muslim Sharia Law? In the USA, or are you talking about liberals supporting Muslim Sharia Law in foreign countries? As far as I know about liberals, they don't want any religion anywhere in the U.S. government. Anti-war liberals also aren't going to support the violent overthrow of Muslim nations who already have Sharia Law in order to remove it. Is that what you're talking about in regards to support? That some liberals don't want to kill foreign Muslims to convert them to a form of government that has no basis in religion? You have no point whatsoever here and it wasn't even coherent.

2) Racism – (Hot topic these days…I know…I will tread lightly) It seems liberals keep the term “racists” alive. Why are vocal black democrats given praise by the left (Sharpton, Jackson, Rangel, Shiela Jackson Lee, etc) while vocal black conservatives (Clarence Thomas, Alan West, Herman Cain, etc) called names by the left?

Can you give any example of the "left" calling black conservatives names? Please don't use some anonymous commenter on the internet as your evidence. I want you to quote an actual known liberal in the media. You're grasping at straws here.

Also, why do liberals continue to promote social programs that enslave blacks at poverty level? Left policies have NEVER led to black prosperity (Chicago, Detroit, ALL of California, etc are good examples) yet they get the majority of the black vote. What does the left offer that should inspire black Americans and keep their vote? I think the tide is turning, by the way. This video is a good illustration of what I’ve said.

Your conservative beliefs have clouded your thought process so thoroughly that you're equating social programs with slavery. There really is no point in arguing with you.

Social programs need to exist to help those in need. They do not enslave anybody.

You really think Republicans, after all the venom, vitriol, and anti-minority immigrant legislation going on in the USA, are going to suddenly capture minority votes? Delusional to the extreme.

3) Pro Women yet Anti Conservative Women – Liberals say they’re for women’s rights yet they destroyed Sarah Palin and her family in 2008. Liberals love Hillary but what did they have to say about Condoleezza?? Have liberals ever denounced all of the chauvinist remarks about Bachman?

Nobody "destroyed" Sarah Palin. She had a television show on cable last year and was a guest host on NBC's Today show just last week. If that is being "destroyed" then I want to be "destroyed" too.

Sarah Palin has engaged in public attacks upon progressive causes and accused the sitting U.S. President of conspiracy theories ("death panels" in the ACA law and his birth certificate). I remember less than a decade ago it was considered traitorous to accuse the current President of any wrongdoing. Mrs. Palin deserves all the attacks she gets and we also need to get to the bottom of her own conspiracies. Did she actually did give birth to Trig instead of covering up for her daughter? She opened the conspiracy theory floodgates so its all fair game.

Condoleezza Rice is a war criminal who has gotten away with lying to the people of the United States and cost countless foreign lives, the lives of several thousand U.S. soldiers, trillions of tax dollars, and billions in property destruction. As the White House National Security Advisor she knew quite well Bush was lying about the non-existent Iraqi WMDs. Every day she and the rest of the Bush administration live free is a day that crime, murder, treason, and injustice rule the land. Obama is also guilty in this for not seeking prosecution against any Bush administration official over Iraq.

What "chauvinist remarks" about Michele Bachmann? I really need a citation here. Again, not some anonymous internet post, please. I recall the conservative website Daily Caller starting an attack on Bachmann over some alleged stress-related migraine condition, but nothing else.


4) Pro Abortion yet Anti-Death Penalty – Need I say more on this issue?

You didn't say anything on the issue. So I won't bother either.
edit on 8-4-2012 by Frith because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by elitegamer23

agreed... but I have some words to speak on this situation because I am an American too.

the republic is stabil and the forest is frolicable as long as we defend the constitution.. never vote against it no matter which politician promises what.

England and France are dying a torturous death... France played the biggest role in our freedoms in USA in which England's aristocrats and monarchs we got away from and established this new union of justice.

I don't care about colors anymore, considering all the interracial couples and relationships... people who came out of the civil rights era do, Obama's voters are the racist apparently because man we haven't had such a large dose of it ever since I was born.

those who went before, whose shoulders we ride upon, were suckered to vote for Obama and now a whole new generation gets to experience racism's lovable respect and teachings for one another.

the News is just filled with racism these days, interracial couples are breaking up...

good call though... we're moving backward to their time not forward, and our streets are burning again. Liberals need an education in American history in their public school system atleast 3 classes per day. We stopped burning witches and demons and sorcerers at the stake some time ago.

This is great! the 60's must have been a riot? because that is basically what we have out there now and Obama won't make a speech to his supporters to stop the violence that the Occupiers brought to our TV screens.

where's the love? because it apparently turned to hate with the vote for it...
edit on 8-4-2012 by SisyphusRide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by seabag

Do you really think people only fit into one of two boxes 'liberal or conservative' and then all agree to everything under either banner, in total lockstep?

Do you really think it fair or accurate to claim 'all liberals' feel one particular way, o to hold 'all conservatives' accountable for the actions of one person who identifies as conservative?

Or is this one of those "I'm just as bad as those I criticize" threads?

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by braindeadconservatives

I don't know who wrote it. I posted it because I thought it relevant and got it while this thread was hot. I read many of the same reasons posted here on the liberal side of the discussion. Check the previous posts yourself.

It will go around long enough and eventually you will receive it also. Then you will know I am not lying.

PS Why is it you attack me personally and not what is in the post? Should not be too hard for a liberal who believes in their agenda.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by seabag

I’m a lib. I am against ism’s, and owe very little to any particular ideology. I dislike guns, but have no problem with other people owning them. I don’t care what anyone does in the privacy of their own home, with other consenting adults. I am hugely against moronic wastes of money -- like the “war on terror (fake), the “war on drugs” (pointless as alcohol prohibition), and bailouts for ANY banks or corporations (it’s ok -- the people will rise up to fill any niche left open by the mercantilists once they abandon us. I am FOR space, science and small business. I am against patronage, lifetime political appointments, “money-as-speech” and “corporations as people.”

1) Homosexuality and Muslims - Devote Muslims kill homosexuals for being homosexual (fact). Yet, liberals support both the Homosexual agenda in America as well as Muslim Sharia Law. What gives?

I think homosexuals are awesome. In fact -- my dad is gay. He was a lousy dad, but that’s neither here nor there. I spent over a decade in several touring rock n roll bands, and my philosophy was always pretty simple: “Here’s to queers, more girls for me.” Now that I am older, I have a different philosophy: One woman is enough. I’ve been married for 15 years now and have managed to raise a couple of great kids, so what do I know, right? One thing I don’t care for? Fundamentalists. It doesn’t really matter to me whether they are Christian, Muslim, or Scientologists. I don’t care for them, and I think their nonsense belief structures should be mocked until they either kill themselves, go underground, or catch a ride on a spaceship to Jesus-Land. I have no beef with Christians who act like Jesus, but if they aren't freely feeding the sick and hungry, the tired and homeless? Well -- what good are they?

2) Racism – (Hot topic these days…I know…I will tread lightly) It seems liberals keep the term “racists” alive. Why are vocal black democrats given praise by the left (Sharpton, Jackson, Rangel, Shiela Jackson Lee, etc) while vocal black conservatives (Clarence Thomas, Alan West, Herman Cain, etc) called names by the left?

I think Al Sharpton is an attention whore. Everyone I know thinks he is an attention whore, including the 4 or 5 African Americans who run in our circle? This seems like a red-herring to me. Herman Cain? *shrug* Clarence Thomas? Even bigger shrug. Alan West? I’ve never even heard of him.

Also, why do liberals continue to promote social programs that enslave blacks at poverty level? Left policies have NEVER led to black prosperity (Chicago, Detroit, ALL of California, etc are good examples) yet they get the majority of the black vote. What does the left offer that should inspire black Americans and keep their vote? I think the tide is turning, by the way. This video is a good illustration of what I’ve said.

First up: What “social programs” are you speaking of? Whites use FOOD STAMPS 9 times as often as blacks in the US. California (one of YOUR examples) in 7.8% black. Let me ask you a question: Why are you so hot for CORPORATE WELFARE? These douche-clowns are the recipients of the biggest give-away program in history, and its served us nada. Corporate taxes are lower now than they have EVER been in the HISTORY of the nation, corporate profits are at record highs (the Dow is up over 14K right now) and unemployment is the highest its been since the great depression. Those are the social programs that I worry about, because they do nothing for the majority of us. They are “socialism” for the obscenely wealthy, the utterly old and the outrageously corrupt. Of course its “bootsrappin’ yeah yeah!” form the rest of us. Here’s an idea: Tie tax incentives for business to the number of employees retained by the firm -- in the US -- at a rate of pay above the federally mandated “poverty level.” Wal Mart? Go fish.

3) Pro Women yet Anti Conservative Women – Liberals say they’re for women’s rights yet they destroyed Sarah Palin and her family in 2008. Liberals love Hillary but what did they have to say about Condoleezza?? Have liberals ever denounced all of the chauvinist remarks about Bachman?

I am allergic to ignorant. I am averse to stupid. This question made me sneeze; If I think David Geffan is a pompous ass, does that mean I loathe all homosexuals? No. If I dislike GWB or Ronald Reagan, but like Nixon, what does that make me? A half-man hater?


4) Pro Abortion yet Anti-Death Penalty – Need I say more on this issue?

I’m going to paraphrase the late great comedian, Bill Hicks: Abortion? I don’t care what other people do with the children they conceive before they are born. I don’t believe in Heaven, and I don’t believe anything is ever actually wasted. Plus -- there are a lot of defenseless children the world over who desperately need love and shelter right now. Go make that happen, before you lecture me it.
edit on 8-4-2012 by 0zzymand0s because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by lordtyp0

July 4, 2009

The announcement that she will step down by the end of July stunned the political establishment...

Palin offered few clues about her ambitions but said she arrived at her decision in part to protect her family, which has faced withering criticism and occasional mockery, and to escape ethics probes that have drained her family's finances and hampered her ability to govern. She said leaving office is in the best interest of the state and will allow her to more effectively advocate for issues of importance to her, including energy independence and national security. Here

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by SisyphusRide

This is great! the 60's must have been a riot? because that is basically what we have out there now and Obama won't make a speech to his supporters to stop the violence that the Occupiers brought to our TV screens.

I think Obama is the Abbie Hoffman of this millenium. In the 60's we didn't look at color. We embraced it for a common cause. Well, actually I didn't believe in most of the causes but attending them was fun
edit on 8-4-2012 by Nite_wing because: (no reason given)

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