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Life is pointless

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posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

That's REALLY bad advice to tell an unhappy teenager.
He could have something that could be helped with medication or with sessions with a psychologist. I'm all for assisted suicide, but you really jumped on it a bit too fast for my taste. Also - Whatever is causing his problem now will just be there again in the next life because he hasn't worked through it in this life. That's how those things work. (at least, that's how 'they' say it works)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:17 AM
What we have here is a very de-motivated individual.

Some suggest going into the wild etc... Well, challenging yourself is a very good way to get motivated once more. If you like losing yourself in video games (like me once upon a time) then try this: Imagine this life you're in right now is a giant, super-realistic video game complete with kinetics like that of the XBOX and more! You've got motion capture, sensory stimulation, the whole lot. One could say you're plugged into the matrix. Now that's a console. Skynet for a gaming console... sigh.

Anyway, enjoy your super high-tech video game because it comes with challenge - you only gots one life pops. No unlimited continues, not even a single extra life, only one life to live. So do your best with it. The only way those games stimulate you is because they're full of challenges. But those challenges are not so difficult so as to have no one play the game. More often than not, they are surpass-able/solve-able, and sometimes they're even easy. But when you find it too easy, don't you get bored and tire of the game? That's when you change the disc and play something else.

Now in real life, when you get bored of walking, try running. The really fun part about this is that you're leveling up a tremendously realistic character - YOU. Life is but a dream, but I do hope you have it as a sweet dream and not turn it into a nightmare.

So sweet dreams, effendi.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:19 AM

You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking if you were to really challenge yourself, you just might end up like Julian Assange.

Cool. Or you could be better/worse. Same banana. Good luck!

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by morpheusxxz

First off, you must realize it takes a special kind of person to even realize the illusions you've mentioned exist. Be proud that you are one of so few that can see the truth in this world!

The mass majority are too concerned with who's drunk and banging who on the jersyey shore, or the latest and greatest frankensandwich from Mc Burger-in-a-box to even begin to realize there is so much more to this world than they'll probably ever know.

You are curently in a state of limbo...I know because I've been there myself. It is very difficult to want to continue when you feel like your the only one around you that's seeing the world for what it is. It makes it even more disheartening knowing that even if could help everyone see what you see, most would rather continue living in the illusions.

You must always remember though, that you have a gift! The illusions of the world are immensly strong, as is aparent by our current global condition. However, it takes someone even stronger to take down those illusions and be one of the first to look upon our world with an untainted vision.

Use that gift! Tear down the illusions of others! At first they will most certainly want to go back to before you showed them the truth...but like yourself, once they've had a glimps of true reality there will be no returning to the illusions they once knew!

In the end though, they will thank you!

Stay strong my brother!

It seems dark and intense now...a sense of purpouse seems lightyears away...but in the end you'll find yourself on the greatest rollercoaster ride of your existence!
edit on 8-4-2012 by mutatismutandis because: addition

edit on 8-4-2012 by mutatismutandis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:21 AM
I am not religious but reading this made me understand everyone is connected and everything affects everyone. A teacher once told me, "By the end of this class I'll take the hands in front of your face and remove them so you can see the world for what it truly is." The whole time I thought I saw everything fine and my hands were at my sides, but I was very very wrong.

"PERCHANCE he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think myself so much better than I am, as that they who are about me, and see my state, may have caused it to toll for me, and I know not that. The church is Catholic, universal, so are all her actions; all that she does belongs to all. When she baptizes a child, that action concerns me; for that child is thereby connected to that body which is my head too, and ingrafted into that body whereof I am a member. And when she buries a man, that action concerns me: all mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated; God employs several translators; some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice; but God's hand is in every translation, and his hand shall bind up all our scattered leaves again for that library where every book shall lie open to one another. As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come, so this bell calls us all; but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness. There was a contention as far as a suit (in which both piety and dignity, religion and estimation, were mingled), which of the religious orders should ring to prayers first in the morning; and it was determined, that they should ring first that rose earliest. If we understand aright the dignity of this bell that tolls for our evening prayer, we would be glad to make it ours by rising early, in that application, that it might be ours as well as his, whose indeed it is. The bell doth toll for him that thinks it doth; and though it intermit again, yet from that minute that that occasion wrought upon him, he is united to God. Who casts not up his eye to the sun when it rises? but who takes off his eye from a comet when that breaks out? Who bends not his ear to any bell which upon any occasion rings? but who can remove it from that bell which is passing a piece of himself out of this world?

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee. Neither can we call this a begging of misery, or a borrowing of misery, as though we were not miserable enough of ourselves, but must fetch in more from the next house, in taking upon us the misery of our neighbours. Truly it were an excusable covetousness if we did, for affliction is a treasure, and scarce any man hath enough of it. No man hath affliction enough that is not matured and ripened by and made fit for God by that affliction. If a man carry treasure in bullion, or in a wedge of gold, and have none coined into current money, his treasure will not defray him as he travels. Tribulation is treasure in the nature of it, but it is not current money in the use of it, except we get nearer and nearer our home, heaven, by it. Another man may be sick too, and sick to death, and this affliction may lie in his bowels, as gold in a mine, and be of no use to him; but this bell, that tells me of his affliction, digs out and applies that gold to me: if by this consideration of another's danger I take mine own into contemplation, and so secure myself, by making my recourse to my God, who is our only security."

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by deloprator20000

Thanks for the read on absurdity.

The aftermath of World War II provided the social environment that stimulated absurdist views and allowed for their popular development, especially in the devastated country of France.

What a stimulus. First the Germans roll thru and destroy their way of life, then the Americans come and the two fight and destroy whats left thru modern warfare. The survivors dust themselves off and, looking around their shattered country surely state, "This is absurd."

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:28 AM
I feel the same way OP. I know this life is an illusion. I've seen what reality is, I've been there, and the long and short of it is...there is no one here on this planet but me, they only exist because I exist. When I go, they all go.

But it's a sickening thought the endless cycle I am being tormented with so I try to just enjoy the ride, but when the time comes, I will go out on my terms.

Maybe this video will help you, I found it inspiring for when I start thinking about the truth too much. Inspiring...well more like it helps me to remain ignorant to the above facts that life is pointless really.

edit on 8-4-2012 by Nola213 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Nostalging

Did you assume that everyone would recognized this as the work of John Donne (1572-1631)?

"No man is an island..." exerpt taken from Donne's "Meditation XVII (17)."
edit on 8-4-2012 by AuranVector because: clarity

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by AuranVector
reply to post by Nostalging

Did you assume that everyone would recognized this as the work of John Donne (1572-1631)?

"No man is an island..." exerpt taken from Donne's "Meditation XVII (17)."
edit on 8-4-2012 by AuranVector because: clarity

A little haha its a classic! No I seriously forgot, to cite him. People need to know the name behind the words, Thanks.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:37 AM

We, the product evolution just simply exist.

My wife and I talk about this on occasion. Yes, I believe you are probably right - we are just the product of evolution, and so we "just exist." But why does that have to be a bad thing? Does your life require you to have a specific purpose.. a grand design if you will, for you to enjoy it?

It's sort of ironic - most life revels in survival. It has joy simply in the fact of surviving and being alive. It does not need a greater purpose - surviving and continuing -is- the purpose. As humans, we have overcome many barriers that make it necessary to survive like this. Personally I think this has taken something out of human life. Just like all other life, we evolved through survival - the necessity of surviving being gone from so many lives (although not everyone's), I think hasn't sunk into our brains.. our DNA yet. It's built into us as a creature. Why do you think so many people enjoy disaster stories? Just look at this site and others like it - people WANT a calamity. They are excited by the thought of it. In my mind, this is because as a creature, humans simply haven't shed that survival need. It's not coincidence imo, that humans are often at their best when facing dire odds. Unfortunately like some feral creatures, humans can also be at their worst when survival is on the line - it's an animal instinct to survive, and it will probably take many generations to wean ourselves from that desire and needs.

Which brings us to your problem of feeling pointless. I don't think the above is the sole reason you feel as you do, but I think it's a part of it. What used to be "the point of life is surviving" has turned into the "the point of life is.. what?"

Recognizing this alone is a huge step. Realizing that your life is freed from many dangers we faced in the past, opens the door for you to do whatever you like. Take advantage of this! There are so many things you could do with your life. Even if it's just going downtown and wandering around into businesses, museums, the library etc., just to see if you can find something that sparks your interest. If you really want to "make a difference," take up some volunteer work, or go full out, and join an organization that needs your help abroad. You really do get a great feeling out of helping others.

I've had a diverse number of hobbies and distractions during my life - because I recognized that there is no reason to bother questioning "why," but rather just to do. I won't be getting an answer any time soon about the why. What is, is. Instead of taking it as a negative, instead I choose to do things to fill that "void" of life. There is actually plenty to do and experience in life, so you might as well do it! Revel in your existence, and your ability to not have to scrape for your survival, except for having to do that "work" thing to keep the money rolling in. Work is what has replaced farming, hunting, or just trying to survive day-to-day. It's onerous, sure.. but working 8 hours a day is a huge improvement of spending your entire day from sunup to sundown just trying to survive.

Just consider - there is a huge number of things you have never done! A massive world out there. Take advantage of it - don't hate it. If you want the ultimate "challenge," just up and move to a foreign country. That kicks in the survival factor nicely, and might change your life for the better. Just because life may not actually have a grand design, doesn't mean it has to be pointless. Your life has a lot of purposes.. being whatever you decide you want in it. Make your own purpose, and enjoy it.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Infrasilent
Life has no purpose, and therein lies its beauty.

Of course life has purpose, and i'm not saying that just because this site say so

You came into this world with a purpose that was chosen by your higher self, the aspect of you which is one with God. You were specially designed for the fulfillment of it. Your life conditions that you were born into were also specially chosen as part of that purpose. Your innate personality traits, talents and physical qualities were also given for the work you were meant to do. The dreams that you came to have and the desires of your heart were inspired by your higher self for your purpose as you grew in life.

I'm not saying that just because the above site says so,

I know other people who are very interested in "spiritual" topics, and they told me that some people around the world claim to be in contact with "ascended masters", these people who claim to be in contact with them says that your real home is the divine "heaven world", but that most souls have to be reborn into physical worlds at least some million times before they finally can go home to the divine "heaven world".
Every soul who are born into this physical world reportedly have a "mission" to make. Most souls reportedly get reborn into physical worlds some million times before they come home to the divine "heaven world".

Cherokee indians told that Pleiadian star people came to Atlantis in ancient times, intermingled with Earth inhabitants, and having children with the beginnings of higher consiousness.

"Pleiadian contactee" Billy Meier explained that the Pleiadians told him there exist over 40 million different kind of Human looking extraterrestrial species with 343 different kind of skin colors in this Universe, and that about 7 million and 500 thousand different kind of human looking extraterrestrial species reportedly exist in this Galaxy.

There are many people who claim to be in contact with Pleiadians, like for example Colleen Thomas

The Pleiadians reportedly travel in a "Split Second" between the wast distances in space, for example from the Pleiades to this starsystem at a distance of about 420 light years, or much larger distances, they also reportedly even travel between galaxies.

Also Andromedans (according to "Andromedan contactee" Alex Collier) reportedly travel wast distances in space in a "Split Second" for example from one end of the galaxy to the other end of the galaxy, or from galaxy to another galaxy, and yes, still in a "Split Second", much faster than they do in for example the Star Trek movies, or Star Wars movies, or Stargate movies

And yes, there seems to be many souls born into these many worlds, this planet Earth, the Pleiades and many other places throughout the Universe...
edit on 8-4-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by morpheusxxz
...perhaps it maybe that I am loosing my ability to keep myself occupied with illusions. Yes, I still have been trying to just survive and spend my days occupied with video games the whole day. For couple of weeks, it worked but again today I was haunted by the same question. I have cut connection with all my friends and I rarely meet anyone as every single one of them just talk about money/career/other illusions.

Actually, you defined your problem and the source of your problem right there.

Humans are social creatures. My snake is NOT a social creature -- rat snakes don't live together in groups, don't rely on each other for survival, interact only to mate and then go to someplace where there's no competition from other snakes. If she had the intelligence of a human, she could probably "live inside" video games and get all the emotional satisfaction she needed from hunting and chasing in a video game.

Humans are social. I have been reading a number of papers recently (on Psychology Today and other sites) about how Internet fosters a disconnect and a depression in many people. In general, scholars (you may not agree with them) and researchers think that as we get away from being with people AND getting outdoors (parks, the "get back to nature") we lose a lot of what our genetic makeup needs. We need physical activity, we need challenges, and we need interaction.

Have you thought about offering yourself as a volunteer to an organization like a museum or library or nature center? I do all of those things and find that it really helps. If I go too long without the sound of a human voice or something interesting to do in physical activity (identifying local butterflies in the park, for instance... and no, nobody has ever studied anything that simple as "what butterflies show up in your park and when do they show up") that your mental state swings toward depression and hopelessness.

Altruism in humans means more than just helping another person. It also helps us inside.

And that's my 2 cents' worth.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
reply to post by LoveisanArt

That's REALLY bad advice to tell an unhappy teenager.
He could have something that could be helped with medication or with sessions with a psychologist. I'm all for assisted suicide, but you really jumped on it a bit too fast for my taste. Also - Whatever is causing his problem now will just be there again in the next life because he hasn't worked through it in this life. That's how those things work. (at least, that's how 'they' say it works)

You really believe what they say, do you?
What about people smoking and drinking even after knowing that it might cause them to develop a disease and then maybe die in pain? What about people stuffing their stomach with junk food all the day even while knowing that it will eventually cause obesity and will make their life difficult?

Above stated cases and suicide is pretty similar. In both of these, people want to achieve the state of happiness knowing that they can die in the process. A person who smokes/drinks knowingly commits a slow suicide in pursuit of happiness. While a person in a state of depression commits suicide, again in pursuit of happiness by getting rid of his pain which mostly results in instant death.

Dismissing suicide just by saying that it will result in going to hell afterlife shows one's fear of death. And even if the person who has committed suicide comes back here to complete his task, what is wrong with being released from pain and starting fresh?

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by sIx6vI
reply to post by morpheusxxz

Iv felt the same for a few years now. the hollow conversations with people that don't go any-ware,

Everyday, people talk to me about the weather. I can't stand it! I want to scream, GET A BRAIN! LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERYDAY AND COME TALK TO ME ABOUT THAT! I swear if I hear, "Looks like rain," one more time I'm gonna puke!

Do you know what 99% of my acquaintances think a computer is? An electronically operated SOLITAIRE game! I try telling them that there's a whole universe of knowledge just waiting for them to click on the frikkin' 'E'!!
Nope, they won't do it. They are happy knowing how to play Solitaire, talkng about the weather, and watching sports. That's it! I try talking to them about evolution, the Big Bang, history, anything and everything about science.

And they look at ME as if *** I *** am the freak!

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by morpheusxxz

Hi Morpheusxxz,

I hear ya! Sometimes it is definitely hard to keep living and to question why we're here during those times is common. I find this especially true when people understand certain truths like the fact that our world economy is fake and simply a means of control. BUT... there's more...

I once went through a period when I thought I would become a Buddhist monk. I wanted to escape, I wanted to feel love... or nothing? I wasn't sure. I spent a long time in this phase and eventually I asked myself one question: Does life have a purpose?

With various thoughts on Philosophers and spiritual beings, the idea of marriage, teaching people ones own beliefs, and lots of things I kept seeing my same question!! Does life have a purpose?

Morpheusxxz, I believe you're right that much of what we experience is illusion. We, in fact, are a bunch of energy vibrations tied together in a way that we can't see. So what do we do about it? I believe we need to look at our perception of life. We as humans believe we are individuals when this is isn't actually true, so by definition there MUST be some reason for that... I mean why would we believe something that isn't true unless there was a benefit to it?

I personally believe the reason is so we can live with the idea of freedom of choice. In an interconnected world there is just a flow of energy, but in our Individualistic world there is the illusion (or even reality - because we believe it) of freedom of choice.

You have a choice to sit around and play video games, perpetuating the meaninglessness of your chosen illusion, or you could step away from that and walk outside, breath in some fresh air, consider talking to someone about the diagnosis of depression you mentioned (but ignore that for a while if you like - it's a hard thing to hear). I believe our thoughts can be influenced by what we do, what we eat, what we focus on... so if meaning is gone for you, take some time to re-energize yourself rather than simply looking for this lost idea of meaning - go outside, feel the air, try something new, shut off the video games for a couple hours here n there. If you put yourself in a NEW lifestyle maybe some new thoughts and feelings will come along and give you a fresher perspective.

Best of luck my friend

(by the way, when I decided years ago that life has a purpose and that I didn't want to escape by becoming a monk, I went out and got a tattoo! I cherish that tattoo everyday as it marks a wonderful time and a new start to my life. Things can change!)
edit on 8-4-2012 by Thermo Klein because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by morpheusxxz
Yes, I still have been trying to just survive and spend my days occupied with video games the whole day.

If you quit being so self obsessed and sorry for yourself and did something worthwhile with your time (like volunteering/helping others?) you might find life becomes worthwhile.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by morpheusxxz

I know how you feel OPie, I have felt like this for a long time... should use this feeling to take a deep dive into The Nothingness (The Silence: our Prime Creator) and find the miracle in the pain you feel...

because when you do that, you will understand that feeling pointless is a miracle too

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by morpheusxxz

That's clininal depression. Give your self the needed help en see how you feel afterwards. A good psychiatrist can assess what it is you need exactly.

If your depression is relatively mild, things as running will help. Otherwise it's back to the medicine cabinet.

Now, you don't have to anything. Then again you don't know what's next after death so you might as well seek treatment and enjoy life.

Enjoying life is my only reason to be here.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj

Originally posted by LeTan
If you want to do something fun.. Use my emergency laughter plan.

Walk into a Walmart, go to the gun counter and look really depressed. Then ask them how much just ONE bullet is.

Hell you don't even have to actually do it. Thinking about it usually brightens my day.

You made me bust out laughing, but you bring up a great point. You enjoy your thoughts, more precisely, you enjoy YOU. I love my alone time. I love being with me. I love my thoughts, my curiosities, and the funny things my mind comes up with. If we forget to enjoy ourselves, then why in the hell would anyone else want to be around us?

So so true! I sometime get hysterical because of my own funny thoughts. I'll be lauging in my bed or where ever I am. Years ago I had those bouts in the bus and people were kind of curious as to what my case was.

Well it was the case of the giggles!

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by morpheusxxz

Originally posted by FlyersFan
reply to post by LoveisanArt

That's REALLY bad advice to tell an unhappy teenager.
He could have something that could be helped with medication or with sessions with a psychologist. I'm all for assisted suicide, but you really jumped on it a bit too fast for my taste. Also - Whatever is causing his problem now will just be there again in the next life because he hasn't worked through it in this life. That's how those things work. (at least, that's how 'they' say it works)

You really believe what they say, do you?
What about people smoking and drinking even after knowing that it might cause them to develop a disease and then maybe die in pain? What about people stuffing their stomach with junk food all the day even while knowing that it will eventually cause obesity and will make their life difficult?

Above stated cases and suicide is pretty similar. In both of these, people want to achieve the state of happiness knowing that they can die in the process. A person who smokes/drinks knowingly commits a slow suicide in pursuit of happiness. While a person in a state of depression commits suicide, again in pursuit of happiness by getting rid of his pain which mostly results in instant death.

Dismissing suicide just by saying that it will result in going to hell afterlife shows one's fear of death. And even if the person who has committed suicide comes back here to complete his task, what is wrong with being released from pain and starting fresh?

Morpheus...I respect your intelligence, and ability to communicate your complex ideas. But here is where I differ from you. I don't think people who choose to take their own lives are looking to enter a state of happiness. They are looking to enter a state of nothingness, numbness, the ultimate state of defeatism. The is no happiness involved, for anyone in suicide. The ripple effect Sweet Pea....will devastate many. I know this from personal experience.

Good to see you on your thread today....


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