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Seems like it's impossible to get attention for the new Internet Censorship Bill due to be passed i

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posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by Jayhews
The reason no one really cares about sopa, pippa or piggy wig. Is that they are meaningless. A total joke. Who cares? We can steal all the apps , films, tunes, all your medical docs and any info on you and anyone else, just like that. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do. For example i am online right now downloading tons of films on torrent, i don’t care i don’t encrypt anything either, how do i do it- i will tell you, i went into wall mart i got a pay as you go sim card with cash, i put it into a mobile phone i topped up with cash, i tethered my laptop to it and i can download and surf all i want, yea sure 18+ sites are banned and porn too, but torrent no, a ha ha ha ha. That’s just one of a million ways, you will never stop us arrrrrr arr, and to add insult to injury i faked some one else’s IP so by the time i am done i am long gone.

I don't think it's in any goverment's itinerary to things just a little bit. If the U.S. government sticks its nose into the internet it will take total control within a very short time. Those torrents, amongst other things, would be gone in very short order.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by DoNotForgetMe

Hilary is not a Marxist, she's nothing but a sell-out, like the rest of them, ists and isms seem to stop where money starts lining pockets. I think it's well beyond time to stop participating in the ideological war when it's clear our politicians and officials have no ideology what so ever. All of them are a complete farce acting a part so that you and I never see the truth.

Well Said ..

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 03:20 AM
I posted the info around about it. To my surprise this time barely anyone even paid attention! I'll keep trying and with different formats. They must be immune to the news because SOPA didn't make it so they see it as no concern. Well, maybe that was intention of SOPA, shoot it down pass one later that no one will be talking about because it's ignored by companies, news and people think they are safe.
edit on 8-4-2012 by dreamingawake because: added more

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by awakehuman

Hillary is more than just a Marxist. If you follow her career before politics, she, for many years, embodied Karl Marx himself. The fact that Obama was more than happy to have her in his cabinet shines light on his own beliefs, (Not trying to de-rail topic, lets leave Obama out if it beyond this statement) as well as the beliefs of everyone else around them. How has someone, anyone, in our government NOT stepped up and spoken out???

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj

Originally posted by Jayhews
The reason no one really cares about sopa, pippa or piggy wig. Is that they are meaningless. A total joke. Who cares? We can steal all the apps , films, tunes, all your medical docs and any info on you and anyone else, just like that. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do. For example i am online right now downloading tons of films on torrent, i don’t care i don’t encrypt anything either, how do i do it- i will tell you, i went into wall mart i got a pay as you go sim card with cash, i put it into a mobile phone i topped up with cash, i tethered my laptop to it and i can download and surf all i want, yea sure 18+ sites are banned and porn too, but torrent no, a ha ha ha ha. That’s just one of a million ways, you will never stop us arrrrrr arr, and to add insult to injury i faked some one else’s IP so by the time i am done i am long gone.

I don't think it's in any goverment's itinerary to things just a little bit. If the U.S. government sticks its nose into the internet it will take total control within a very short time. Those torrents, amongst other things, would be gone in very short order.

First, to Jaynews: Good luck with that when the IP addresses are tightly locked up. Sure, torrents will still be around, but probably mainly just as a way to catch people up. You really don't understand how serious this is, do you?

@jigger I think you're missing a word: I don't think it's in any goverment's itinerary to do? things just a little bit.

That statement is absolute truth. Since Reagan, the G'mint has passed all sorts of intrusive laws into effect without even so much as the public getting a whiff. The things leaked are usually leaked on purpose, to gauge public reaction. I'm of the mind that although Wikileaks was accurate in much of its information, that said information was purposely passed off to them. Another gold star on the chart for TPTB, as MSM regulates Wikileaks and other such organizations to a "mentally unstable" state, thereby making those truths obtained seem false. If Wikileaks is fake, well, then, we can ONLY trust our G'mint. Right?

When I get off work (7am, ugh) and have a little more time, i'll dig up some of these laws & post the links. Many that i've found are just simply ridiculous.
edit on 8-4-2012 by Etarson because: Hit post too soon
...Stupid wireless mouse.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by Jayhews
The reason no one really cares about sopa, pippa or piggy wig. Is that they are meaningless. A total joke. Who cares? We can steal all the apps , films, tunes, all your medical docs and any info on you and anyone else, just like that. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do. For example i am online right now downloading tons of films on torrent, i don’t care i don’t encrypt anything either, how do i do it- i will tell you, i went into wall mart i got a pay as you go sim card with cash, i put it into a mobile phone i topped up with cash, i tethered my laptop to it and i can download and surf all i want, yea sure 18+ sites are banned and porn too, but torrent no, a ha ha ha ha. That’s just one of a million ways, you will never stop us arrrrrr arr, and to add insult to injury i faked some one else’s IP so by the time i am done i am long gone.

It sounds like you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Ip spoofing is a good idea but you need to change your mac address as well. Also your route is easy to follow and trace with the routing information and mac address you are easy to catch. All they will do is look up who bought the computer registered with that mac address derp so take care of that first. Plus they can trace the route back to your location you master thief you lol internet cafe or a star bucks would be a smart idea

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Rhetoric. I have no interest in following you down your rabbit holes and I find that it is you who has the blinders on. I've done my research and have reached a different conclusion than you have, that's all. The right left paradigm is an illusion, one that the elite all over the world thrive on, they depend on us to believe it. Behind that illusion they're all chummy and laughing at the fools who believe they represent anything but malice, greed and control. It's what enables them to enslave the poor in welfare, decimate entire countries with missiles and bombs, profit off of destroying the world economy. I could go on.

I truly believe that NO ideology has ever been truly represented by a person in power. But you go on believing that the commies and marxists are out to get you and destroy your freedom when it's all sides pressing the attack on not just Americans but the entire human population, you serve your purpose well. They are all vile pigs.

ETA I'm sorry for going so far off topic OP, but I think it's this kind of BS exactly that keeps us from acting in our own best interests. Seriously look at how the Congress and Senate are voting these days and tell me where the hell the ideologies are? Non existent is where. Both sides voting with record speed and little debate on anything and everything that strips freedoms away.
edit on 8-4-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 02:28 PM
unlike PIPA and SOPA this one is getting no main stream publicity either. I don't know why, as it's effects will be just as bad if not worse. The anti-SOPA websites like wikipedia should be all over this.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:38 PM
I never thought my first Rage Comic would be about this, but hopefully the message gets across.

I just submitted it and am trying to send it to everyone I know.

It is pretty scary how people don't know about it. I don't know what made SOPA/PIPA so different, it's the same end with a different cause. Maybe congress was just upset that the last attempt to quickly pass it didn't work, and now they are trying harder. I hope that people get informed before it goes up to vote. Who knows, maybe the same kind of protest with SOPA can be gathered in time for voting. It is the internet after all, anything is possible with it.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by AliceBlackman

Cyber attacks, and all such activity, are done by military and police personell. with exceptions, of course. The purpose of these attacks, is to help provide means to regulate the internet, which has been an agenda for around 30 years. It was already an agenda, when it was only a BBS, and it's more an agenda today, than ever before.

Despite people arrogant belief, that they live in a society better than communist china or the soviet union, such beliefs are merely beliefs. We, the human race, had a breif moment of glory under the sunrays of people with vision. Visonaries like Gates, Jobs, Braun, Einstein and others .... but now we are living under the shadow of billionaires who have no other agenda, but to ensure their own sons and daughters future. This is their first and only agenda. They are the barons of our time, their agenda is to ensure their own lineage above that of the common man.

Today when you surf the internet, you will come across a link that will state "the following site is KNOWN to cause your computer damage". There is no such thing as a computer virus spread by malicious teenagers. And there is no such thing, as Assagne getting his information through non-government channels. He, just like Osama Bin Laden, is a weapon ... just like the name Bin Ladin always came up, when the US was in need of help to get their "war on Iraq" a little kick start, so does Assagne come up with non-volatile information to show TPTB how dangerous the internet is. The sites they refer to as malicious, are discussion forums, that voice dissident information ... like ATS. This is censorship, at it's birth ... it is dictatorship, at it's start. The west, is going into a dictatorship ... and it's done for our own protection.

Of course, the idea of creating an "undernet" has been along for decades. Many people have already taken the steps to create the "underverse", or "undernet", depending on how you want to see it. And what TPTB do not understand, is that their ideas will aid in creating such an underverse, and such an underverse will be their doom. Continue on this road, and a holocust WILL become a reality with time. Even if I use the "Chronicles of Riddick" here as a metaphore, the metaphore, just as 1984 has it's origin in reality. It's an extreme, taken to show, what reality may bring us. And for all of us, it remains true, what the little guy said in Matrix ... "how do you know, this is really chicken? maybe it's something else, and the idea that it's a chicken has only been planeted there". How many ideas in the past, have been planted in the human mind? How many of us taste our food, and think it's a chicken, because "it's always been a chicken"? And the wording "ignorance is bliss", still remain true ... for majority of the human race.

As I ended by saying, that "ignorance is bliss" for the majority, I will end by telling you that you shouldn't be using the slogan "we the 99%", because you aren't. For YOU are among the 1%, the 99% are the ones living in ignorance, and think you are a nuisance for making trouble.

edit on 10/4/2012 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 06:22 AM
The 28 known Corporations that support CISPA.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 07:36 PM
"I have heard the wind blow before"...."That will never happen"...."They can not do that"...."You are making something out of nothing"....and some many other ones I have lost count a long time ago. Any time you try to tell any one something like this you just get laughed at. People just do not believe such things can and do happen. That is how TPTB get away with all the crap they do. They do it in plan site and no one sees them. A freind of mine got hopping mad the other day because he could not find any 100 watt light bulbs. I told him about the ban years ago and yet he still acts like he did not know anything about it. This too will come to pass and people will be all mad saying they know nothing about it and is all over the net and TV and the newspapers but they still have not heard any thing about it. I have gave up trying to tell any one anything anymore. They just do not want to hear it.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
The 28 known Corporations that support CISPA.

Kali - do you have another link ..this is what is coming back today ..... be good to know who other than AT&T & Verison is supporting this legislation.

Oops! Internet Explorer could not connect to
•Access a cached copy of activepolitic.­com:­82/­News/­2012-­04-­09g/­The_28_Corporati­ons_that_support­_CISPA.­html
•Try reloading: activepolitic.­com:­82/­News/­2012-­04-­09g/­The_28_Corporati­ons_that_support­_CISPA.­html
•Search on Google:

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by bjarneorn

Loved the Matrix when it first came out, I thought it to be a very thinly veiled metaphor for our current state... well actually for most of human history actually..... Nothing new under the sun.. those in charge have always needed to control the "masses" , just technology has changed.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by dreamingawake
I posted the info around about it. To my surprise this time barely anyone even paid attention! I'll keep trying and with different formats. They must be immune to the news because SOPA didn't make it so they see it as no concern. Well, maybe that was intention of SOPA, shoot it down pass one later that no one will be talking about because it's ignored by companies, news and people think they are safe.
edit on 8-4-2012 by dreamingawake because: added more

Still no mention of this in the media, not even Democracy Now ... guess it's a done deal .... I'm speechless....

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 03:48 AM
The majority wouldn't even notice this unless they took away their beloved Facebook or Twitter, then they would be up in arms but it would be too late.
Goodbye internet, I loved you as you were.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 11:54 AM
Why do you think they been pushing the Martin/Zimmerman crap to the forefront? So they can pass crap like this while the racists are busy bickering

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:40 AM
Finally .... Democracy Now has reported on CISPA ..... not much but I was beginning to feel let down by Amy, at least she came the vote is this week and a piddly petition signature total of 750,000 mentioned.

What with the whistle blower thing on all our e-mails and now this looks set to be passed without a hitch ...

why do I feel like signing the national anthem ?

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:08 AM
Time to startup an internet of VPN's. They can do what they want with the layer everyone currently uses. We'll just tunnel our own secured traffic on top of that. Make it use common ports that they wouldn't dare just block wholesale. What would I need that for? I don't, really (other than to feel more secure about my privacy) - I'm not into porn or piracy, but it sounds fun to setup. (I'm an IT guy.)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by an0maly33
Time to startup an internet of VPN's. They can do what they want with the layer everyone currently uses. We'll just tunnel our own secured traffic on top of that. Make it use common ports that they wouldn't dare just block wholesale. What would I need that for? I don't, really (other than to feel more secure about my privacy) - I'm not into porn or piracy, but it sounds fun to setup. (I'm an IT guy.)

How would most of us have access to our own secure VPN'S ?

What do you think of the Tor Project ? .. They say they have free software that protects your's the link .. not having much luck getting the page to load today.....

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