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Absolute Proof has been Discovered

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posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99

Hmmmm.....lose their jobs, recieve death threats, be ridiculed and marginalized for the rest of your life. The box science and researchers is in is very very real and it has big repercussions for them.

hmmm, one can only wonder why other scientists do not get involved with alleged alien implants!? Maybe they have good reason not to as you suggest--- or maybe they think it's all bull-sh!te. I know what one I'll go for!
i think Steve Colbern is one of the Roger Leir gang..... They're all still about as far as I know-- unless one of them has recently been killed under suspicious circumstances?
edit on 1-4-2012 by dejarmaX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by NullVoid
reply to post by nineix

Yes, and cannot.

Yes, we should do that, but problems arise when you found out the truth and you dont have control over it.
How do you monitor "beings that monitor you" ?

You mention GPS tracking, lame, "beings that monitor you" actually monitor all the things we sent out there.

We are lab rats compared to them, so, again, what was it ?
Tag some mice to see where they brought it in their lab ? Then what ?
We cant even get off this planet for all I know.

Back to topic
Absolute truth is when the ET crash down/captured, but then again, the gov willing to kill everyone in the town than leaking the news out.

Talk about defeatism.
You insult your own intelligence and the the intelligence of every other human being on this planet to solve a problem.

If there are ET's, and IF they are indeed abducting people, there's a technology at work giving them such capability to be as sneaky as they are.
Any technology, however, no matter how advanced, will have limitations.
Sitting around, being defeatist, saying they the 'aliens are too smart man, and there's nothing we can do man'. is entirely counterproductive.
Through being proactive, and probing at the problem, seeking answers, and looking for solutions to problems like cameras losing power around UFOs, or other such, we probe back, and with time, find the limitations of the technology in use, if any such thing is occurring.

If you can defeat a $50,000 security system with a pair of $5 pliers with wire cutters, I'm certain if there's aliens, their own sophisticated tech can also be defeated on the cheap.
Finding out how, however, takes some doing, and doing aint getting got done while defeatists are sitting around moaning like helpless little princesses that it can't be done.

Putting abductees on GPS would possibly give us data points during an abduction event. Should an abduction occur, and GPS gives indication that the abductee suddenly travelled 1500 miles at 35,000 miles an hour to disappear inside the side of a mountain, then, that would indeed be an interesting data point.
If other data points indicate similar data with other disappearing into the side of the same mountain, that would also be very interesting.
We'd then not only have the WHERE of abductees to stake out, but, we'd have the WHERE of the side of that mountain to go check out.
If the mountain turns out to be a Deep Underground Military Base, then, we've evidence on the conspiracy front of either man-piloted craft abducting people under the guise of aliens, or, alien/human cooperation as told in stories about the fabled Dulce base.

If there's no indication of anything at the mountain location, or, any other possibility, including those mentioned, further camera traps could be set up to monitor the site from a distance using common remote connectivity solutions, regardless the isolation.
Data enabled 3g or 4g phone or 3g/4g wireless + solar cells for recharge during daylight + cheap netbook + PPP VPN + plus any sundry number of camera surveillance solutions, gives anyone with the know how (like me), or access to said setup, the ability to monitor any place, anywhere on the planet, remotely.
Toss in some RC wheels, and you've got yourself, or your group of investigators a drone to move around like the mars drones, but, totally civilian, and here on earth, data encrypted, and totally under your control.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by thesearchfortruth
reply to post by Unity_99

Can you give examples of the terrible things you mentioned in your last post? I don't doubt you but I haven't really heard of scientists getting death-threats and such just for publishing findings in modern times.

I believe in alien abduction, but I don't see the 'absolute proof'. All I see is one scientist claiming that the materials are extraterrestrial.

Nope! Short and sweet. People are murdered, innocent medical professionals have had random acts of violence occur. Some people invovled in ufology are deeply medicated, and threatened constantly with institutions. Its a deep rabbit hole, and I heard a bit from a horses mouth, so that is enough.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by nineix

On the cheap, camera batteries fail, so go back to older mechanical cameras and film. Both Still and Motion. See if they can effect them to malfunction.

There are also passive detection/location monitoring systems though the only ones available to the public are short range, but I bet the military has some that work at very long range.

edit on 1-4-2012 by Wolfie0827 because: added tracking info.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by nineix
As i keep saying, if aliens are abducting people as described, why is it that MUFON and all the other interested organizations are wasting their time chasing saucer craft reports and such.

If aliens are abducting people, every abduction claimant should be have a request for participating in a research program to track them, and keep them under close watch, because if they really are being abducted by aliens, then, wherever they are is where the aliens, or whatever is abducting them, if they are indeed being abducted, will eventually show up.

If you have a WHERE, then all one needs do is stake out and wait. Eventually, if anything is going to happen, something will happen.

Do this enough, and a methodology for reliably capturing abduction phenomenon without hiccups may be worked out.
If reliable methods for capturing events on video can be worked out, then next step would be to capture a flesh and blood alien (if indeed they are real and culpable).

Unfortunately, MUFON and essentially the rest of ufology is broken and money will continue to be spent chasing random craft sightings and other events after the fact, and piling up circumstantial data to add to the 50 years of already accumulated circumstantial data that has yet to prove anything. Noone is being proactive that I've seen.

Be proactive. Stake out the abductees. Put them on constant GPS monitoring (with their permission).
Stake them out and monitor for data points.

You are so right about MUFON. I have heard through research that they did track abductees similar to Dr. Jacobs. They did it differently then Jacobs ever did, they had electronic equipment detecting frequencies, David had video tapes. There are seperate reports of husband and wife tying themselves together during the night. Abductees were walking out of rooms, surprisingly they were waking up at 3 in the morning and turning off the cameras - Lo and behold an abduction would occur. We are dealing with a species that is not 1,000 years more advanced but like a million. Well I also heard that MUFON didn't follow up on all the tapes and they're locked up in some volt in Texas, sounds like what the government would do..

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Wolfie0827

whatever is on the market for the consumer, with some fiddling can be taken apart, and 'fixed' with a bit of know how, patience, trial and error, and parts from any electronics parts outlet.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 10:11 PM

Absolute Proof has been Discovered

Well I sure didn't see it. Not "absolute" proof.
It may be a start, and something to have documented for later, but alone it means nothing.
If it were absolute proof, Bigfoot would be a classified species already from the numerous hair samples that have conclusively proved it was not hair from known mammals.
Nice try though.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by greyer
A scientist has discovered that a claimed alien implant is factually from another planet in the universe. We know from a percentage of these individuals that their 'alien abductions' come with physical evidence and attempts to retrieve the memories about their abductions with skilled therapists only point to an alien conclusion. The important discovery along with the technology inside of the implant is that the object did not come from earth's solar system. If a scientist has declared this object of extraterrestrial origin and has given a report, why is this not considered absolute proof that ETs exist?

Boy, do you go off the deep end with your assumptions! That scientist must be one hell of a researcher if he tested the alleged implant and did a study of all materials in creation to come up with that super answer. You say "We know..." No, we don't know. More correctly, we (actually you) assume that alleged alien abductions really happen even though there is no evidence for them, just hearsay. The physical evidence has not really passed muster 'cause if they had all you need is one to set the world on fire and I don't see any firemen running around.

Skilled therapists? Only a qualified hypnotist can grade "skilled therapists" and the grading will usually be a failing grade 'cause it's a well known fact that very few, if any, "abduction therapists" are really qualified and have been shown to lead patients when being questioned. Your scientist needs to have his research checked and doubled checked by other scientists (peer review) before any conclusions are announced. Until that happens claims of anything ET have to played down.

Here is an interesting article that has more believeability than your account.
Scientific Analysis of an "Alien Implant" - Published in UFO Magazine Nov/Dec 1997
Dr Susan Blackmore

edit on 1-4-2012 by The Shrike because: To correct reply.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by greyer

Yes, I've heard about the whole mind control excuse where abductees supposedly get mind controlled into turning cameras off.

I find that extremely suspect. Two solutions to this would be to 1. Make the cameras tamper proof inside cages, inside Faraday cages too, with battery backup UPS systems for uninterruptable power, where keys to unlock the tamper proof cages are frozen inside a block of ice in the freezer for extra inconvenience, and 2. Ensure that the really conspicuous camera that the subject knows about is just a dummy camera, while the real camera is mounted somewhere else, or part of the camera in such a way that the subject will only 'think' they are turning off the camera.

For video traps to be successful, they need to be poisoned against tampering and hoaxing by the subjects under study for the simple fact that not everyone that says they are an abductee, is going to actually be an abductee, having other mental issues instead.

At the top of the ladder, a controlled access full-time live-in facility with with every centimeter covered by regular video, IR, NV, UV and thermal where subjects are on constant watch and protection in a controlled environment would be key.
Such a facility would be even more key in cases where women claim rape/forced impregnation as such a facility could serve as safe house against, or mitigating potential for repeat abduction where, according to stories from other abductees claiming forced impregnation another abduction may occur where the growing fetus is then forcefully removed close to the end or just after the first trimester.

Additionally, if there's alien hybrid forced impregnation going on, and re-abduction is prevented by housing a subject at such a facility, we'd then have a potential alien/human hybrid child come birth, and the child can be examined (without harming the child) from blood and hair samples, as well as obvious morphology differences if they happen to be present.
If child comes out with big black alien grey wrap around eyes, then hmmm. If child comes out looking and testing completely normal human, then, also hmmm.

Either way, regardless the results, data happens than can indicate a real physical phenomenon, or, something else, possibly even psychological.

It's a complex issue and one data set shouldn't be used for the entire sampling. There's going to be crazy people that just want attention. There's going to be crazy people that are legitimately crazy and wholey beleive something is happening to them when in fact nothing is. There's going to be lots of crazy people on varying levels.
On the other hand, there very well might be real legitimate physical abductions occurring amongst all this craziness, and that's what we're most interested in, but, while focuses on that, can also collect data on the crazy people aspect such so that proper medications and counsel may set them right.

As to the real physical abductions, no matter the technology, it will have limitations, no matter if it's 100, 1000, 10,000, or 10 million years more advanced that our current tech.
A rock upside someone's head is extremely low tech, used millions of years ago, but, it's just as effective in knocking someone out or taking them down as the most advanced bullet if both are used at the same optimum range for effective use of the rock. Yes a bullet has advantages, but, within certain boundaries, it isn't anything a rock can't also do.
Thus, no matter the technology at play, our tech, vs. alien tech need only be as effective as a rock.

All we're really looking for is 'proof' anyway, and if we can do that by developing methods to reliably camera trap abduction events, then we can also take that a step further by developing a method to trap a physical alien.

All we need is just ONE real alien body in the hands of a private organization.

Disclosure won't happen, ever, no matter how many witnesses and testimonies you have from however many former astronauts, military, and other sorts. If you've got a live alien capture, or just a body with a rock-shaped dent side of it's head, disclosure will happen because you force the hand.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99

Originally posted by thesearchfortruth
Interesting, but suspicious.

How come other scientists have not confirmed these findings?
For something to be considered 'absolute proof' it has to be at least peer-reviewed evidence.
edit on 1-4-2012 by thesearchfortruth because: eta

Hmmmm.....lose their jobs, recieve death threats, be ridiculed and marginalized for the rest of your life. The box science and researchers is in is very very real and it has big repercussions for them.

This info has come out before, people can lose their whole careers even though the information is real, and the implant findings can be backed up by many labs.

I had something told me a couple years ago, certainly won't go into this and there certainly is no proof, but some doctors who discover the implants in xrays, are eliminated.
edit on 1-4-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

This line of logic is just silly.

So, the initial researcher ISN'T going to lose his job, get death threads, be ridiculed or marginalized for the rest of his life, but anyone who might want to review and repeat his research would be? What a joke.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 07:22 AM
I guess none of you saw the post about it being April Fool's Day?

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by nineix
As i keep saying, if aliens are abducting people as described, why is it that MUFON and all the other interested organizations are wasting their time chasing saucer craft reports and such.

If aliens are abducting people, every abduction claimant should be have a request for participating in a research program to track them, and keep them under close watch, because if they really are being abducted by aliens, then, wherever they are is where the aliens, or whatever is abducting them, if they are indeed being abducted, will eventually show up.

If you have a WHERE, then all one needs do is stake out and wait. Eventually, if anything is going to happen, something will happen.

Do this enough, and a methodology for reliably capturing abduction phenomenon without hiccups may be worked out.
If reliable methods for capturing events on video can be worked out, then next step would be to capture a flesh and blood alien (if indeed they are real and culpable).

Unfortunately, MUFON and essentially the rest of ufology is broken and money will continue to be spent chasing random craft sightings and other events after the fact, and piling up circumstantial data to add to the 50 years of already accumulated circumstantial data that has yet to prove anything. Noone is being proactive that I've seen.

Be proactive. Stake out the abductees. Put them on constant GPS monitoring (with their permission).
Stake them out and monitor for data points.

edit on 1-4-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

didnt you hear, MUFON has government ties, that means they are just as much on the disinfo train as any of them.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Mogget
I guess none of you saw the post about it being April Fool's Day?

Yeah I saw it but because someone posted that do you just accept it ?
It may well have been April Fool's Day when the thread was posted but this is no April Fool's joke , the examiner article is from November 7, 2010 and the video is from Dec 13, 2011 .

Colbern works for Dr. Roger Leir who is known for these kind of claims so its hardly surprising he should make them as well .

edit on 2-4-2012 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99

Nope! Short and sweet. People are murdered, innocent medical professionals have had random acts of violence occur. Some people invovled in ufology are deeply medicated, and threatened constantly with institutions. Its a deep rabbit hole, and I heard a bit from a horses mouth, so that is enough.

Thank you for your explanation.

Is their an Ignore feature or button that I can use on her?

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by johnnyl22
Here is my idea:
Remove said implants
Analyze them
Have other scientists and engineers agree its not man made

If the implants are made with materials we do not have, or use technology we do not have, then you might have proof it is alien in origin. Without doing so you cannot prove anything. Also a lot of skeptics can claim that TPTB abducted then chipped these people and hide the technology they use so we think it is alien so we don't catch on to human experimentation

so are you insinuating that the implants are man made?

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 11:05 AM
Bogus titles are really a pet peeve of mine. This belongs in HOAX because the OP has NOT provided absolute proof.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99

Originally posted by thesearchfortruth
Interesting, but suspicious.

How come other scientists have not confirmed these findings?
For something to be considered 'absolute proof' it has to be at least peer-reviewed evidence.
edit on 1-4-2012 by thesearchfortruth because: eta

Hmmmm.....lose their jobs, recieve death threats, be ridiculed and marginalized for the rest of your life. The box science and researchers is in is very very real and it has big repercussions for them.

This info has come out before, people can lose their whole careers even though the information is real, and the implant findings can be backed up by many labs.

I had something told me a couple years ago, certainly won't go into this and there certainly is no proof, but some doctors who discover the implants in xrays, are eliminated.
edit on 1-4-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Well, its a basic in the scientific method. Publish the results so that redundancy can either confirm or show evidence to the contrary... If a credentialed scientist who has been published before isnt going to publish for peer review, whats the point? Its considered opinion until otherwise.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by mindblower23

Originally posted by johnnyl22
Here is my idea:
Remove said implants
Analyze them
Have other scientists and engineers agree its not man made

If the implants are made with materials we do not have, or use technology we do not have, then you might have proof it is alien in origin. Without doing so you cannot prove anything. Also a lot of skeptics can claim that TPTB abducted then chipped these people and hide the technology they use so we think it is alien so we don't catch on to human experimentation

so are you insinuating that the implants are man made?

Well with all the conspiracies abound on this site, who is to say it isnt? Do you know what the super secret military industrial complex has on its hands to experiment on its on citizens with? No, so how can you be sure its NOT man made?

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Smack
Bogus titles are really a pet peeve of mine. This belongs in HOAX because the OP has NOT provided absolute proof.

I totally agree with you. As members, I think it's about time we start to make a move like ^ and get to work cleaning up the BS that has flourished around here in the past several months.
Now time to go voting with my Anti-BS Hoax alert button.

edit on 2-4-2012 by Marrr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:42 PM
Hoax or not there are discussions running in the thread. Sit, read and participate or click something on the right.
Back to the table.

reply to post by nineix

If the alien working by themselves - I'm defeatist, we are at their mercy
I do agree that low tech might overcome / found glitch in theirs, but being so advance and blessed / modified with advance senses and perception, I guess the chance is pretty slim.
If theres connection with the gov, secret or not, this is much much worse for they have "reasons and cause" to do nasty things.
Anyway, its still 99.98% lose on human side, for now.

I would like to reiterate what you should realized by now,
1.They have the ability to "feel and know" what the bait have in mind (telepathy is a curse and a bless). - 0 human
2.Their technology especially the spacecraft somehow nullify electrical gizmos, which means no electricity - the camera turned off, GPS not working, - 0 human
3.Even if the camera still running, they "know and feel", simply access the bait conscious and give the "I need to turn off the monitoring" feeling to the bait. - 0 human
4.If the gizmos is secret, then their sense might still see it as glowing auras (the electric), thus still knew, plausible. - 1 human win

At the top of the ladder, a controlled access full-time live-in facility with with every centimeter covered by regular video, IR, NV, UV and thermal where subjects are on constant watch and protection in a controlled environment would be key.

I agree about a controlled environment - quarantine for the bait, especially on the "forced pregnancy" cases. That would be a super since its worth more to them. But, alas, resource is scarce and with the public eye closed, who is interested in such "wasting money" endeavors ?

As to the real physical abductions, no matter the technology, it will have limitations, no matter if it's 100, 1000, 10,000, or 10 million years more advanced that our current tech.

Yes, I agree. Here are some suggestions for those interested to avoid.
1.Strong magnets near where you sleep
2.Pets, the strong and loud, obvious - dog. The more the better.
3.Heres a website that I remember from years ago, provide plausible solution, was mentioned in ATS. Stop Abductions
4.Crowd, its the hardest way, but wheres there lots of people, they have darn hard time to manage the crowd, I guess.

Monitoring challenge.
Since gizmo most probably will not work, we have to rely on "lesser way" to combat the abduction. Lets make a simple test.
Switch off everything in your house in the middle of the night and pretend theres somebody who can read mind and create intuition, walk through walls and have not much feelings or moral. How do you know he is there and avoid being hypnotize ?.

You mentioned Faraday cage, thanks, I'm very interested in that solution and will look into it later. I have think deep and long about this, matching puzzles, questioning and answering myself, and found out, with our current mindset, it cant be helped. They have no harmful intentions but really taking advantage of our lack.
I arrive at the key to solution - telepathy, which is a blessing and a curse, double edge sword. I assume, its what the Pleadians are waiting for (if they are real at all) - the awareness, the universe language, which sadly, we dont have.
Thus I'm defeatist.

p/s: I assume the aliens are the greys like and its diverse hybrids.
You may think I'm creating fantasies, but it is the conclusion of what I read, scrutinize, project, think and arrive - brainstorming.

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