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The big secret is.....

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posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by XXX777

Could you post any one of the anchor dates for the 40 week cycle? thanks

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:54 PM

reply to post by XXX777

Could you post any one of the anchor dates for the 40 week cycle? thanks

The best way to remember is the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping and return. You can always access this information by looking up the details of the Elizabeth Smart story. She was kidnapped on the Night Of The Watcher which is June 5th. She was kidnapped June 5, 2002. She was found March 12, 2003.

These two dates fall on Wednesday of their own respective 40th Week. This is a weekly trading thing and the business of trading takes place from Sunday to Friday. There might be a daily count, but I currently think the count is weekly, and I think the event took place on a Wednesday simply for the reason that Wednesday is the day of Mercury who is the messenger of the gods. Think of the planet Mercury being the closest to the Sun. He can receive word from God and pass it along to others.

So you can think of these weeks as occurring exactly like most calendars display, left to right, Sunday through Saturday. The week of June 2, 2002 would be Week 40. The week of March 9, 2003 would be the next Week 40.

If there is a daily count I am not aware of it. Not yet at least.

We are currently in Type 3, Round 2, Week 34. I believe we have seen events communicating a market top and it culminated in the 33rd Week, on Wednesday, with Obama standing firm on his Obamacare and refusing to allow it to be delayed or defunded. The news came to us on Wednesday last week. You may also remember a news item about a stenographer who was saying peculiar things last Wednesday.

There were multiple things occurring to give warning to Obama and/or his advisers ever since May of this year. I believe the people running this show have been in the process of selling and turning the market since May. There is even an old saying about selling in May and going away. The correct thing to do now is to sell stocks and make the market fall for a period long enough to impact the minds of all people. If the market were allowed to rise it would validate Obama's policies. For the health of the Republic of America the market must crash and upset people's ideas about government control of resources. This is not to say that the cycle is anti-government, but rather the cycle is pro-America. If the persons behind the cycle are not pro-America then we have a very serious issue.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by XXX777

Its YOU that thinks we havent seen things we "wouldnt believe". Thats a pretty presumptious opinion in a forum with an extremely wide and varied membership as ATS.

Dr's, lawyers, military, students, policemen -women, military, bankers, ....all the variety of education one can think of regarding "seeing things we wouldnt believe". Really?

You perhaps should rephrase that to "Personally? Im JUST NOW starting to see a correlation of things I didnt believe"...because....Im sure there are many here that have you beat to that assumption.

Just sayin...youre apparently late to the train....but thats ok!

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

Thanks! Your response is actually very cool.

Can you offer some facts or hints on this cycle thing I'm observing?

I haven't found anybody researching this thing. It is the most quiet conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:39 PM
I wonder if Jim Marrs knows.

Or Alex Jones.

Or David Icke.

Or Art Bell.

Or Jordan Maxwell.

Or any number of high profile occult and conspiracy researchers.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:14 AM

reply to post by XXX777

I took one of the anchor dates you had and added 40 days to it. if it is incorrect, either the anchor date or the adding of 40 days do let me know - thanks

You've got me thinking of days. So I eventually thought what if the days of the Moon have something to do with it.

Last week was the 33rd week. During that week there was the showdown vote for the debt ceiling without any delay or defunding of Obamacare. That was on Wednesday, October 16, and there was the thing with the stenographer. Then the Full Moon on Friday, October 18. That would be the arrest date. The New Moon is on Sunday, November 3. That would be the sacrifice date.

Maybe when the market opens on Moonday, November 4 we see a massive selling of the Dow 30.

Also, I'm thinking the Miriam Carey thing is a show of the Terrible Mother. That would be the bad side of the Great Mother archetype. We are currently inside the 3rd Type (Separation Of The World Parents, the principle of opposites), the 2nd Round (Great Mother) and the 34th Week.

My sell-off target date falls inside Week 36 and you can see some very interesting symbolism is attached to the Number 36.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by XXX777

I don.t see the pattern. I.'ve gone back and tried to make a sense of this thread but it's very jumpy... is there a way to tune ME (dumb dinger) into the system so I can see? How did you start rounds and weeks.. why not days and hours.. specific times... it's not making any sense

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:17 AM
Who knows anythinv about stocks and shares?
I downloaded an ap and you can choose demo or real money to trade and the ap goes off actual stock market. I made £1500 in half an hour and I believe I know the next big money spinners. If you or anyone else knows how the technical side works I will share what I know what to buy and what to have nothing to do with.
Theres a massive change coming out with the old and in with the new.
You want nothing to do with oil and thats for certain and all industries that rely heavily on this waste product are currently trying to shift. They cant do it in one go because it will cause chaos. Aviation and automotive industries are just 2.
We all need to accept. Give these companies and in particular the work forces time, do not shut down nor lay off the people. We need to adapt and flow and not try saving the old way.
Think of how we have adapted through the ages. It was in past gradual. Ice age, iron age, copper age etc etc this time because of our speed so to speak it will be quick and we all should realise that money should be put on a lower importabce than life.
I hope you understand what I am saying. Not fearmongering nothing of the sort.
Theres a great change coming. We can either adapt to it and accept a new better way or we can all put up with the misery of trying to save a system of things that doesn't work, hasn't worked and wont work. The reason is because some value money way above that of life.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:21 AM

reply to post by Pelvi

I know. It is difficult to understand until you actually understand. It is easy. There are coded messages in the mainstream Media. Period. The code is based upon archetypes. You have to know what to look for and when. Think about the days of the week.... on Sunday look for a sun story.... on Monday look for a moon story.... get it? You have to know what time it is on the secret calendar. Not the 365 calendar. A different calendar. Then you just follow along and read the storyline.

So...what you're that "talking points" are codes for stock brokers?????
On Sunday...the markets are closed??? right?
What's on Tuesday???
Should I buy stock in KFC on Fryday???
Should I buy Saturn stock on Saturday???
What kind of stories do they have on hump day???
Why does the market have to wait for the MSM to tell them what day it is???

Can I get a copy of your super secretive stock market/MSM day of the week Calendar???

I can totally understand the talking points as a cue to buy or sell...
but the archetype thing???

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by AFewGoodWomen

You must be rich OP.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 05:19 AM

Who knows anythinv about stocks and shares?
I downloaded an ap and you can choose demo or real money to trade and the ap goes off actual stock market. I made £1500 in half an hour and I believe I know the next big money spinners. If you or anyone else knows how the technical side works I will share what I know what to buy and what to have nothing to do with.
Theres a massive change coming out with the old and in with the new.
You want nothing to do with oil and thats for certain and all industries that rely heavily on this waste product are currently trying to shift. They cant do it in one go because it will cause chaos. Aviation and automotive industries are just 2.
We all need to accept. Give these companies and in particular the work forces time, do not shut down nor lay off the people. We need to adapt and flow and not try saving the old way.
Think of how we have adapted through the ages. It was in past gradual. Ice age, iron age, copper age etc etc this time because of our speed so to speak it will be quick and we all should realise that money should be put on a lower importabce than life.
I hope you understand what I am saying. Not fearmongering nothing of the sort.
Theres a great change coming. We can either adapt to it and accept a new better way or we can all put up with the misery of trying to save a system of things that doesn't work, hasn't worked and wont work. The reason is because some value money way above that of life.

Well just wow.
Money outlives life.
Money kills babies.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 05:32 AM


reply to post by Pelvi

I know. It is difficult to understand until you actually understand. It is easy. There are coded messages in the mainstream Media. Period. The code is based upon archetypes. You have to know what to look for and when. Think about the days of the week.... on Sunday look for a sun story.... on Monday look for a moon story.... get it? You have to know what time it is on the secret calendar. Not the 365 calendar. A different calendar. Then you just follow along and read the storyline.

So...what you're that "talking points" are codes for stock brokers?????
On Sunday...the markets are closed??? right?
What's on Tuesday???
Should I buy stock in KFC on Fryday???
Should I buy Saturn stock on Saturday???
What kind of stories do they have on hump day???
Why does the market have to wait for the MSM to tell them what day it is???

Can I get a copy of your super secretive stock market/MSM day of the week Calendar???

I can totally understand the talking points as a cue to buy or sell...
but the archetype thing???

Well if you smoke crack, and you smoke meth, then you go back and smoke crack and snort meth, and then smoke some more crack, then will you transcend the world of question marks??? ??? ???

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 05:46 AM

reply to post by XXX777

I don.t see the pattern. I.'ve gone back and tried to make a sense of this thread but it's very jumpy... is there a way to tune ME (dumb dinger) into the system so I can see? How did you start rounds and weeks.. why not days and hours.. specific times... it's not making any sense



A ''round'' is sort of an abstract unknown period of time. A ''week'' is something people are commonly aware of and able to comprehend. The ''week'' is seven. The ''round'' is ~something~.

You have ''days''. I'm open to the idea of days. Hours and specific times could be accomplished I suppose. I don't know. Stocks trade slowly over long periods of time.

And there is the idea of the ''archetype'' consisting of six different stages of development.

So first I had to read Blavatsky and put this idea of 280 days or 7 times 40 weeks into my mind. I didn't know anything about what I was going to learn about. I just read a book and put the idea into my mind. Then I saw a news report about an event that aligned with this idea of 280 days or 7 times 40 weeks. So the 7 is there. The ''weeks'' is there. 280 divided by 40 is the same 7. The entire event stank of number funk.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 06:06 AM
So then I'm thinking about 40 weeks. Instant Bible connection. 40 days and 40 nights. I think the Bible is actually the most popular book of occult literature. Right now. In this current time.

Why is there a division of days and nights? Isn't a day and a night one unit commonly called a day??? So many questions??? ??? ??? Yes.

The arbitrariness of the unit is the key to understanding this part. Days. Nights. Weeks. The unit doesn't matter as much as the specific numeric value 40. Blavatsky even hints at this in her book when she talks about blinds.

And the unit that matters is weeks. 40 of them. Human gestation. And humans develop in six stages. And actually the entire sensory universe develops in six stages as broadcast.

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by XXX777

Can't take any satire???
Don't insult meth and crack by including them in this thread.
What did meth and crack do to you???
Your OP makes NONSense.
You can't expound on your seem to get angry with those who don't understand your logic.
EVERYONE is going to get this treatment if the OP is confusing...don't get mad about it, improve your posts.

I went through this too...
As did everyone else.
Find a better way to make your points clearer.

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by AFewGoodWomen

Calm down. This takes time. You have to study Helena Blavatsky and Erich Neumann. You have to be thinking symbolically. I have explained my 40-Week hypothesis in great detail, giving exact dates and showing you the symbolic news stories that align with the dates.

The Dow and the other two major indexes touched new highs today. This is Wednesday of Week 35. This weekend is going to be very important. We could see a major stock move this week or next week. I am expecting Friday or Monday because of the Moon phase.

That is my hypothesis. Ask questions if you want. I really have detailed everything in this long thread. Some of my posts are beer related. Maybe ignore those if they confuse you. But the really detailed posts are golden. Have you looked at the graphics and really tried to understand it?

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by XXX777

That about sums it up.. the stocks are about to belly up

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 06:07 AM
Take a look....

The story of Jesus tells us that the arrest took place at the time of the Full Moon.
Later, Jesus was crucified between two thieves.
Jesus was 33.
And the sky was darkened as the Moon perfectly aligned between the Earth and the Sun creating a solar eclipse.

We are currently in (arche)Type 3 - Round 2 - Week 35, Thursday, October 31st.
A couple of weeks ago the Full Moon occurred on Friday, October 18 during Week 33. This could be the time of arrest. Review the peculiar things that happened in Week 33.

The New Moon doesn't fall exactly two weeks later. It actually occurs sixteen days later on Sunday, November 3 around 8:50am on the East coast. That is the first day of Week 36. The number 36 is extraordinary when it comes to symbolism.... Number 36 Symbolism
This could be the time for sacrifice.

Of course it could all be mumbo jumbo in my braino.
But I think it is definitely interesting to see the Obama debt ceiling vote/Obamacare showdown, the quirky comments about Freemasons made by the stenographer, and of course the Full Moon in Week 33.

The question in my mind is when does the ''event'' occur. And by event I mean the real reversal. So far, I have been seeing what I believe to be theatrical presentations at numerically significant times since May this year. When do these thirty pieces of silver Dow stocks actually make the turn?

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 06:10 AM
what the heck are you talking about

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by XXX777

What you are saying is not clear in any way. Those who "know" what you are talking about also know that what you are saying is very vague and really doesn't have anything to build any logical idea on. You obviously have a lot on your mind and it seems you are showing signs of over-reading (much like, if not the same as psychosis) and thus might perhaps be starting to see connections that aren't there (a very common symptom of psychosis). Like connecting a single suburbia shooting to the way banking cabals operate; it seems pretty far fetched.

I'm almost sure that if you where to sit down and write down how you got to that conclusion, step by step, I am sure you would confuse yourself more than a few times before you finished.

But if I'mm somewhat correct, I doubt you will take anything of what I say to heart. Most likely you will brush what I say off as words from someone who knows nothing about what you are talking about, and that I could not even begin to comprehend what you are trying to explain; jealous because I don't understand, I'm trying to pull you back to the mainstream where you will be just another sheep like myself, an unknowing agent of "The Matrix".

What I recommend you do is stop absorbing information, pull back, and carefully examine how what you know affects your personal life. What you should discover is that you are almost violently isolating yourself from the world that your "discoveries" apply to. Some, perhaps a lot of the information you have accumulated may be applied usefully to your own benefit and understanding, but take time deciding.
Right now it seems you are overloading.

I hope you will be able to regroup yourself and realize that the only thing we know is that we don't really know anything.

edit on America/Chicago47Thu, 31 Oct 2013 09:47:04 -0500900000031 by eirgud because: spelling.

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