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Wait, Did CNN Just Lose HALF Of Its Viewers?

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posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by David9176
This article doesn't say anything about MSNBC. Did their viewership go down as well?


Too small a sample size to be included.

You must have at least 100 viewers, so MSDNC didn't make the cut.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Leftist

Interesting CNN and FOX are losing viewers like a sieve loses water.

This is what happens when you turn a once-objective news source into non-stop 24-hour-a-day shilling and propaganda.

People are waking up to the MSM lies. O happy day!

The article goes on to note: "They are turning to independent shows, like mine, and like The Young Turks... they are turning to news sites like The Huffington Post and Daily Caller... " Press TV is also up

And maybe ATS?
(visit the link for the full news article)

But, the Young turks are nothing but biased, left wing shills for the Democrat party. Pretty much all they do is trash conservatives, Republicans and Christians.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Leftist

Originally posted by TDawgRex
People are saving their money by cutting out the cable networks, but not the internet. A move I made two years ago. It's the economy.

Yeah, that could be part of it.

Who wants to pay for news that keeps saying, "the economy is getting better," when everyone's actual experience is that things are getting worse and worse?

Getting propaganda jammed down your throat is bad enough. Being forced to pay for it adds insult to injury.

edit on 3/30/2012 by Leftist because: (no reason given)

You're a riot.

A self-admitted Communist wants to complain about 'getting propaganda jammed down your throat"?

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Doalrite
Funny all Fifty viewers must've went to florida to protest.... Does CNN count its employees as viewers?

Everyone I know is switching over to RT news because it at least reports news that is news..

People are tired of the drama and opinions

If your a news station report the news...

Don't exploit peoples horrors for your profit

Report news.... not propaganda

RT is extremely biased. Its like MSNBC on crack........

I guess what a few of you are saying is that people are just moving to new sources of biased propaganda.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:34 AM
link Dumps User Submitted News Feature

I stopped watching cable news last year when Anderson Cooper called Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" show "a joke". I later found an internet news site., a start-up within MSNBC.

Nothing but headlines and stories.

And it even featured a user submitted ticker where anybody could upload a link to a story and it would be posted under the "Submitted News" heading. All updated live.

I paid much more attention to the user uploaded links.

I took to submitting news.

Until a few days ago.

They changed their policy such that only "Partners and Journalists" may submit links to news stories.

Previously there were many under-reported items and stories you would never hear about through such a larger news outlet, all thanks to people like you and me uploading links. Now there's none of that. Just more of the same MSM drivel and propaganda and filler.

It seems like they don't want people like us spreading the information that they won't through their venue.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by TheXoor
I blame Zionism (NOT the Jewish people - big difference).

CNN and FOX have become 24-7 Zionist shills. It's all pro-Isreal, all the time.

Makes me freaking sick. I live in the US, not Israel. I'm sick of having our media turened into an endless 24-7 zionist propaganda outlet. How did this happen, when did this happen? Oops we aren't allowed to talk about that, are we? Funny how that works, isn't it?

Fortunately, people are waking up. People are sick of seeing the US dragged into the ground to serve Zionist agendas.

Your time is gonna, come, Israel-firsters!

Maybe because the media outlets are owned by Hope I don't come of as a anti Semite (god forbid) Jewish $

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by Leftist

cnn is a biased left wing organization run by china everyone know this

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by dreamstalker

i didnt know that ted turner was jewish he owns cnn. lasyt i heard he was christian like me. he is only worth 2 billion

i have not seen to many jews on cnn since larry king retired

edit on 30-3-2012 by thebarbecuemaster because: add something

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:21 AM
I'm really loving all the conservative responses to this thread, talking about people realising that the mainstream media only promotes left wing propaganda, and people giving it up for that reason. Apparently you didn't take much of a look at the username, or the avatar, of the person who made the OP.

Seriously funny stuff.

edit on 30-3-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:22 AM
i didnt know fox was a jewish organization

fox is owned by murdoch he is as jewish as a pork bbq

we christians should be proud that we own fox and cnn

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:29 AM
While all of these hopeful comments (such as people are seeing through the MSM strategy for misinformation, folks waking up, etc...) I have one theory that conforms to Occam's Razor...

Perhaps folks just cannot afford cable TV any longer. Coupled with internet access and a land line, a package deal runs about $200 (15% of which are taxes). THEN pile on a 3g or 4g cell phone (duplicative internet access) and *BAM!* you're now spending close to $350/month.

Just more evidence that these so-called "jobless numbers" are not a true measure of reality.

Sorry if somebody espoused this idea time to read through all the pages of comments.


posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Leftist

If Fox News and CNN weren't catering towards what it's audience wanted, people wouldn't be watching it and paying it's bills. That is the elegance dynamics offered by a free-market, little of which could be offered by state media.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by TheXoor
I blame Zionism (NOT the Jewish people - big difference).

CNN and FOX have become 24-7 Zionist shills. It's all pro-Isreal, all the time.

Makes me freaking sick. I live in the US, not Israel. I'm sick of having our media turened into an endless 24-7 zionist propaganda outlet. How did this happen, when did this happen? Oops we aren't allowed to talk about that, are we? Funny how that works, isn't it?

Fortunately, people are waking up. People are sick of seeing the US dragged into the ground to serve Zionist agendas.

Your time is gonna, come, Israel-firsters!

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Avardan
While all of these hopeful comments (such as people are seeing through the MSM strategy for misinformation, folks waking up, etc...) I have one theory that conforms to Occam's Razor...

Perhaps folks just cannot afford cable TV any longer. Coupled with internet access and a land line, a package deal runs about $200 (15% of which are taxes). THEN pile on a 3g or 4g cell phone (duplicative internet access) and *BAM!* you're now spending close to $350/month.

Just more evidence that these so-called "jobless numbers" are not a true measure of reality.

Sorry if somebody espoused this idea time to read through all the pages of comments.


That could explain some but not a 50% drop.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:48 AM
The article also said that the viewership was up from 4th quarter 2011.

Not getting my hopes up for an enlightened public.


posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:50 AM
Back in 1987, I was given an assignment in college for a Film/Television class. The assignment was we had, was to look up this incident that happened in South America or the Mexico area. We were to find five articles in the newspapers and/or news broadcasts and to determine the facts and reasons for the event. What we discovered was you couldn't find a set of consisting facts, or reasons. The news is censored and flawed right from the source. The reporters are not always accurate with their facts. The reporter's personal opinions and biases are a part of their reporting it to their personal objectives. Then you have what happens at the office and the owner's adgendas of censoring the news.
I hate the national news. I few they are slick liars and manipulators. Local news seems more factual and honest.
The national news has so many holes in their reporting, it is annoying. After 911, and the Sadam Statue being pulled over I stopped watching. I did watch the Hurricane Katrina events unfold and couldn't believe how slow rescues were and preplanning evacuations didn't happen. That was horrible. I perfer to read the news online or in newspapers or magazines. I don't think you can rely on one source to be accurate.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:50 AM
I don't watch CNN as much as I did because:

They hired a bunch of new pretty girls, who interview themselves. They absolutely will not let a person who is interviewed complete a sentence. They are silly; and annoying. That Brooke Baldwin person is the worst. She should be moved to their other network to gossip and junk with the rest of those silly people. Let her scream and talk really fast like that awful "Jane" person.

They have switched around the programming, and instead of "The Situation Room" with Wolf being the evening news, it's now Erin somebody, with her little "Out Front" show. Wolf Blitzer comes on so early, it's over by the time I get in, and that is supposed to be their premier news show.

I never, ever, want to hear the words "Britney, Lohan, or Kardashian" come out of Wolf's mouth. Ever. And they do all too often.

The commercials are LOUD, obnoxious, and I can't abide them.

But on Sunday's they have Fareed Zakaria and Candy Crowley's show, and those are the two best news shows on TV period.

My two.
edit on 3/30/2012 by BellaSabre because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Leftist

I used to be a huge news just leave it on the tv all I prefer to read my news...I have about 10 sites I will quickly visit in the morning then select all the tabs of news I want to read....I have no need for cable any more.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 08:11 AM
I watch the news shows all the time (know thy enemy).
Its absolute garbage,,,,,Im in Cleveland its 9:00 and im watching Fox 8

The whole morning show is dedicated to the F*ing Lottery.

My pops watches this crap all day,CNN,FOX,MSNBC (seriously,ALL DAY) same few channels. And i can tell you,,,,,,THEY REPEAT THE SAME S#!T ALL DAY

So im assuming that after watching the same news repeated day in day out,,,,you just move along (pops has even started "channel surfing"),,,,,good, he doesnt get any other exercise

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 08:30 AM
Finally the sheeple see that the Caballa News Network is just a propaganda machine. Or it's spring and folks are just not watching t.v. And Fox, well they just suck. Caballa News Network has not ONE but TWO specials this weekend about,.......wait for it.....Race Relations in America. Go Figure. I can hear the producers at CNN now, Rub the salt in the wound, rub the salt in the wound, chanting it over & over & over &over............

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