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The Body Can Beat Terminal Cancer — Sometimes

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posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 09:52 PM
The Body Can Beat Terminal Cancer — Sometimes

I came across an interesting article [1] that covers
the topic of spontaneous cancer remission with clues to why, and documents a few cases
of people who overcome their terminal cancer.
Some of them lived a long time before the cancer returned and took their life, even though their initial prognosis was grim.

One guy, Matzke, when told he was terminal, went hiking/healthy living/meditating for a month instead of following his doctors advice.
To his doctors amazement, he came back with no evidence of the previous cancer.
He lived 18 years before another? cancer returned and claimed his life.

"Matzke’s case provides a tantalizing clue that the immune system may sometimes be at work. During his month of meditation and healthy living, white rings developed around his skin tumors, causing what doctors call a halo sign. These findings are considered evidence that the immune system is attacking melanocytes. [ibid]"

The article addresses the problems with anecdotes and has estimates on the actual spontaneous remission rate.

The article also mentions Coley's Toxins/infections and cancer remissions and how they can be used on compassionate grounds in certain clinics/countries.
(Coley's was shown in a randomized double blind placebo controlled study to be effective compared to an placebo in the treatment of cancer [2] One of the few alternative treatments backed up by solid science that I have come across.)

Other topics that are covered are the mind-body connection (Spiegel’s study [3]) and details a randomised study
showing no survival effect but a definate increase in quality of life, all of which you can find online if you do some digging around on the internet.


[2] Johnston B. Clinical effects of Coley's Toxins. 1. Controlled study. 2. A seven-year study. Cancer Chemotherapy Reports 1962;21:19-68.
[3] Spiegel, D., Bloom, J.R., & Gottheil, E. "Effects of Psychosocial Treatment on Survival of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer." Lancet, 2(1989): 888-891.

edit on 27-3-2012 by Limbo because: Fixed mangled web url

edit on 27-3-2012 by Limbo because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-3-2012 by Limbo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Limbo

I beat it,knew I had it in the pancreas....refused to see the doctor,felt really down for a bit and it just went away like a bat out of hell....I honestly think the mind can control the body....phewy,lucky to be alive
...take care please

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 11:04 PM
Fasting can be a way of purifying the body. I have read that in the Philippines in some hospitals they will treat cancer and other illnesses by puting the patient on a 30 day water or juice fast. Thy claim a high success rate.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by SarnholeOntarable

Hi was your cancer biopsy proven?


posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by UsualSuspect

The body has a defense mechanism (if you can call it that) called "cachexia"
it is claimed that this mechanism is to prevent the body from eating proteins
and thus conserves the enzymes the pancreas makes which are claimed to be anti tumor.
Why this mechanism fails to function in the majority of cases is counter intuitive to that argument.


posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:36 PM
On October 1st 1890, William B. Coley, a young bone surgeon barely two years out of medical school, saw one of his first patients in private practice at the New York Memorial Hospital. Although he’d only finished his residency earlier the same year, he'd already gained a good reputation and many considered him a rising star of the New York surgical scene.

The seventeen year old patient had a painful, rapidly growing lump on the back of her right hand. She had pinched the unlucky appendage between two railway carriage seats on a transcontinental trip to Alaska some months before, and when the bruise failed to heal she assumed the injury had become infected. However the bruise turned into a bulge, the pain steadily worsened, and her baffled doctors were eventually compelled to call for Dr. Coley. As a surgical man, Coley would never have guessed that this innocuous referral would take his career in a totally new direction-- into an unusual branch of medicine now known as cancer immunotherapy.

At first Dr. Coley was also uncertain about the diagnosis. But as the girl’s condition rapidly deteriorated– with the lump becoming larger, more painful, and associated with the loss of sensation in some of the surrounding skin– the awful truth became apparent. She had a sarcoma, a type of cancer that affects bone and connective tissue in the body. Unfortunately, 19th century medicine offered very few treatment options.

On November 8th, Coley amputated her arm at the elbow. Although the operation appeared to go well, the girl– named Elizabeth Dashiell– developed severe abdominal pain three weeks later. Soon thereafter she noticed more lumps in her breasts and armpits, signs that the cancer was metastasizing, or spreading. She rapidly lost strength and died on January 23rd 1891, a scant three and a half months after her initial consultation, with a traumatized Dr. Coley at her bedside.

Elizabeth’s death hit the young surgeon hard. While a more experienced physician might have shrugged away the apparent failure and moved on, Coley was determined to do something. His ensuing efforts culminated in the development of a famous fluid that, for a time, appeared to promise the fulfillment of that long-held dream: a universal cure for cancer.

Coley began by poring through the hospital’s records, looking for clues from previous sarcoma cases that might lead to better treatments in the future. He soon found what he was looking for: the case of a German man who came to the hospital with an egg-sized sarcoma in his left cheek some seven years earlier. There were several attempts to excise the tumour but none of them were successful-- each time the cancer came back, as aggressive as before. The final operation could only partially remove the huge mass, leaving an open wound that subsequently became infected.

The unfortunate immigrant was deemed a terminal case.

Yet four and a half months later, the man was discharged with no trace of disease. Coley personally tracked down the former patient to verify that the miraculous cure had taken place. Indeed, the man was healthy and happily settled into his new life in the United States. The records showed that after the wound became infected with a commonplace bacterium, Streptococcus pyogenes, the patient went through several bouts of fever. With each attack of fever the tumour shrank until eventually it disappeared entirely, leaving only a large scar under the left ear. Coley surmised that the infection had stimulated the German’s immune system– as evidenced by the repeated fevers– and that it was this immune response that had caused the eradication of the cancer.

The story so convinced Coley that he– perhaps cavalierly– contrived to contaminate his next ten suitable sarcoma cases with Streptococcus. His initial approach was to inject a solution of live bacteria deep into the tumour mass on a repeated basis over several months. The first patient to undergo this treatment was a bedridden man with inoperable sarcoma in the abdominal wall, bladder, and pelvis. Using this experimental method, the patient was cured spectacularly. He staged a full recovery, and survived another twenty-six years before dying from a heart attack. But subsequent results were mixed; sometimes it was difficult to get the infection to take hold, and in two cases the cancer responded well to treatment but the patients died from the Streptococcus infection.

Coley’s discovery, as it turns out, was actually a re-discovery. The idea of a link between acute infection and the resolution of tumours was not new, and the phenomenon of infection-related "spontaneous regression" of cancer has been documented throughout history. A 13th century Italian saint was reputed to have his tumour-afflicted leg miraculously healed shortly after the malignant growth burst through the skin and became infected. Crude cancer immunotherapies working along similar lines to Coley’s early experiments were known in the 18th and 19th centuries, and may extend back to the time of the pharaohs. Ancient writings suggest that the renowned Egyptian physician Imhotep may have used a similar infect-and-incise method to treat tumours.

But Coley took those first important steps in dragging this old remedy into the twentieth century. After the fatalities with the ‘live’ version of his therapy, he developed an improved fluid containing killed bacteria of two different strains, Streptococcus pyogenes and Serratia marcescens. This was based on the idea that the dead bacteria would still have the immune-stimulating capability of their living brethren (in the form of purported ‘toxins’), but not share their inconvenient tendency to cause death.

His invention became variously known as ‘Coley’s Toxins’, ‘Coley’s Vaccine’, ‘Mixed Bacterial Toxins’ or ‘Coley Fluid.’ The treatment was met with considerable success, with one study in 1999 suggesting that it was at least equally as effective in treating cancer as conventional modern therapies. With due care in dosing and management of the induced fever, it was also remarkably safe.

Although Coley took the concept of immunotherapy much further than his pharaonic forebears, he had no clear idea how his toxins actually worked, and the tools did not yet exist for him to find out. But given the rapid scientific progress at the turn of the last century, he reasoned that a deeper understanding of his therapy would arrive soon enough. Although the true extent of his "Toxin" success has been questioned by historians, the validity of his approach has never been seriously called into doubt. Indeed his results are regularly cited in the cancer research literature to this day.

Over the following years Coley continued to refine his technique. He determined that the toxins should be administered to patients at progressively higher doses to counter the body’s innate "immune tolerance" to the treatment. Other physicians in America and Europe also experimented with the method, and found that the toxins appeared to work just as well in a number of different non-sarcoma cancer types such as carcinoma, lymphoma, and melanoma. They could also be given intravenously some distance from the site of the tumour, and still be effective. Variations on the basic bacterial recipe and different dosing regimes were tried, depending on the individual patient and the particular cancer’s type and proliferation. Through his career Coley himself treated over one hundred patients with his concoction, and countless more were treated by other doctors.

As the fame of his fluid grew, so did Dr Coley’s stature: in 1915 he became head of the Bone Service at the New York Memorial Hospital (which later became the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center). By the time he died in 1936, Coley’s Toxins were mentioned in a number of different surgical textbooks as a standard anti-cancer therapy.

Conventional modern medicine, however, very rarely employs Coley’s Toxins in the treatment of cancer, for reasons almost as complicated as the human immune system itself. One concern is the far-from-complete understanding of the mechanism of action; generally, doctors are reluctant to administer treatments whose workings they don’t fully comprehend. The stimulated human immune system is a whirling tempest of different physiological and biochemical responses, and even now there’s much uncertainty about how Coley’s Toxins modified this complex mechanism to better attack its cancerous target.

One theory stresses the importance of the fluid-induced fever in killing the cancer cells; another considers the debris-engulfing macrophage cells to be the main players, while others consider various different immune messenger molecules-- or cytokines-- to be important.

The eclipsing of Coley’s Toxins also had something to do with the concurrent development of radiation therapy and, a little later, chemotherapy. Soon after Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895, the possibility of using radioactivity to treat cancer was investigated. The technology was exciting, new, and developing fast along well-understood principles. Although the first results of radiotherapy weren’t all that impressive, it had the advantage of fractional doses, and once the equipment was in place it didn’t require the complicated, patient-specific preparation which was needed with Coley’s Toxins. Likewise chemotherapy was based on known scientific principles, and could be manufactured and used relatively easily.

Furthermore, both radiotherapy and chemotherapy have an immune-suppressing side-effect. Since both treatments kill the rapidly dividing cells of the immune system along with the rapidly dividing cancer cells, both can be used together if care is taken. But immune-stimulating Coley’s Toxins work entirely differently, and their effect would be cancelled out if used at the same time as high-dose immunosuppressant chemo- or radiotherapy. It became an either/or situation-- and in the end, the fashionable new treatments won out over Coley’s fiddly reworking of an ancient 'natural' remedy.

So when the US Food and Drug Administration changed the status of Coley’s Toxins to that of a 'new drug' in 1963– meaning that it could only be used in clinical trials, and greatly reducing its availability– it seemed that its time had already long passed. But cancer immunotherapy does have limited applications today. Perhaps its most frequent mainstream use is in the treatment of bladder cancer; solutions containing the tuberculosis vaccine are routinely instilled into cancer-affected bladders, and are effective in causing regression of tumour deposits. It is theorized that the bladder's immune response deals with the cancer in a similar way to the whole-body immune effect of Coley’s Toxins.

Melanoma, a particularly nasty type of skin cancer that responds poorly to conventional radiotherapy and chemotherapy, is sometimes treated with an immune-stimulating cytokine called interferon.

In some ways this century-old form of treatment is still a fringe area of medicine. But researchers have once again begun to probe the possibilities of immunotherapy. New antibody-based treatments like Mabthera and Herceptin are making a real difference in the treatment of common cancers like lymphoma and breast cancer. Although these therapies don’t stimulate the body’s immunity as a whole, they are based on antibody molecules which are key components of the human immune system. They show that our increasing knowledge of the molecular nitty-gritty of the body’s own defence and repair network is starting to make a real difference in the battle against cancer. One tumour at a time, such advances in modern medicine are finally vindicating William Coley and his one-hundred-year-old cancer-killing concoction.’s-cancer-killing-concoction/

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:37 PM
Coley Fluid is back! The most famous and effective therapeutic vaccine against existing cancers is back!

Chemo not working anymore? Radiation not possible? Aromatase inhibitors failing? Gerson Therapy not stopping new tumors? Macrobiotic diet not controlling cancer?

Coley Fluid can help. Coley Fluid wakes up your immune system by introducing an ancient enemy, Streptococcus pyogenes. S. pyogenes and people go way back – to the time of early humans – and we have evolved a powerful immune response to deal with it; an immune response powerful enough to take out tumors as collateral damage.

Coley Fluid is safe. Don't let the name "Coley's toxins" frighten you. It can’t infect you, because it is heat-sterilized, i.e., dead; but its carcasses literally freak out the first-responder immune cells and trigger a whole-body inflammatory immune response. Immune cells can find cancer anywhere in your body.

If Coley Fluid is back, where did it go? Let’s hear from an expert:

“There is no question that inappropriate judgments have resulted in injury to good observations: if we look at Coley’s toxins, a turn-of-the-century pyrogenic bacterial endotoxin anti-cancer treatment, we see a valid approach to nonspecific host resistance set back by being falsely labeled a ‘quack remedy’ by the American Cancer Society.” (William Regelson. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1980;243(4):337-339).

The five-year survival rates for advanced, inoperable cancers of the breast, ovary, cervix, and uterus, as well as giant cell bone sarcoma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma met or exceeded two thirds of all patients treated with Coley Fluid (Coley's toxins) alone. For inoperable melanoma, the five-year survival rate was a remarkable 60%. (Helen Nauts. Cancer Research Institute Monograph No. 18:1984).

These survival rates are all the more remarkable in light of the fact that Coley did not attempt to adjust for many variables, such as nutritional status of the patient, immune competence, negative influences like liquor, tobacco, etc. Further, there were no antibiotics in his time, no heart drugs, no blood pressure drugs, not even insulin (until 1922). Coley simply injected his vaccine (Coley's toxins) repeatedly.

Stephen Hoption-Cann of the University of British Columbia recently wrote:

“Despite the 'crude' approach taken by Coley, his vaccine stimulated a complex immune response that could induce the complete regression of both extensive primary and metastatic lesions. Furthermore, his vaccine was universally effective against many types of malignancies. Tumors that were observed to partially or completely regress following treatment with Coley's vaccine included: lymphomas, melanomas, myelomas, sarcomas and a wide spectrum of carcinomas.” (Medical Hypotheses. 2002;58(2):115-119).

In the same article, Hoption-Cann lamented the fact that standardized cancer management not only fails to consistently produce lasting cures, it has in all likelihood reduced the number of non-treatment-related remissions of the disease:

“Modern approaches to treatment have reduced the occurrence of spontaneous regressions. Aseptic techniques and antibiotics significantly reduce postoperative infections, while chemotherapy and radiation impair immune activation even when an infection does occur.”

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:37 PM
MBVax Results

The patients who have used MBVax Coley Fluid are almost exclusively end-stage, suffering from the many effects of previous treatments and with few remaining treatment options. The table is a preliminary summary of physicians’ reports on patients treated for four or more weeks under the MBVax compassionate use program. The table may not include all patients treated due to lack of or inadequate reporting from the administering clinics. MBVax believes these results are indicative of the results of the entire program

Following are case summaries of 22 patients.
Case 1 – breast cancer

On diagnosis in 1993, a 6 cm mass was detected in the left breast. First line therapy was a modified radical mastectomy with lymph-node dissection; six of 21 lymph nodes were invaded by malignant cells; patient was staged as IIIA (T3 N1 M0). Chemotherapy with Cytoxan, methotrexate, and 5FU was given per standard protocol. Patient was started on tamoxifen, which was discontinued immediately when she developed endometrial cancer for which she had a total abdominal hysterectomy. In January 2001, she underwent two additional cycles of chemotherapy. In September 2003, a PET scan demonstrated multiple lymph nodes and skeletal lesions, and a chest x-ray revealed a 1.5-cm left mid-lung mass. In January 2004, CT revealed multiple lung tumors and a bone scan demonstrated progression with new extensive metastatic disease involving the anterior calvarium, the left sternoclavicular region, several bilateral ribs, the sternum, the spine throughout its cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae, as well as multiple lesions in the pelvis, and at least two lesions in the right proximal femur. Patient tried various alternative treatments before starting Coley Fluid in October 2006. A PET/CT of May 2007 demonstrated “Stable uptake in the left clavicle; stable right hilar uptake, probably benign; widespread mottled appearance of the bones, but no sugar uptake, suggesting healed metastatic bone disease.” Patient achieved complete remission.
Case 2 – breast cancer

An 18-year history of breast cancer (invasive ductal carcinoma) initially treated with radiation and lumpectomy. Two years later, cancer recurred in the opposite breast and was again operated and radiated, and subsequent recurrences required a total of 15 lumpectomies. Upon starting Coley Fluid in December 2006, the patient had an open ulcer on a very enlarged left breast and half a dozen satellite tumors under the breast, and ultrasound demonstrated one right-sided nodule and six left-sided nodules with a non-healing ulcer. Her oncologist advised mastectomy, but she declined. She had many sub range fevers in the beginning months, and quite a few gaps of weeks between injections, but graduated to higher fevers as she became more aggressive in the summer of 2007. Once leukocytosis began, the breast shrank rapidly over the course of about six weeks. Her breast is entirely normal now, and there are no residual signs or scars. She was treated with intratumoral injections only (no intravenous or intramuscular injections). Patient achieved complete remission.
Case 3 – breast cancer

Patient with metastatic breast cancer received less than one week Coley Fluid therapy at a foreign clinic. She was very sensitive to the vaccine and produced fevers above 40C. On return to her home country, she continued treatment with Coley Fluid. In September 2007, her chest X-ray was clear and blood work including all tumor markers normal. A bone scan came back normal. Whole-body PET/CT scan found no metastases. Patient achieved complete remission.
Case 4 – cervical cancer

Massive, rapidly growing cervical cancer with bone metastases and large ulcerating tumor on the left leg, patient was not able to walk. The attending physician stated, “Her cancer was one of the worst I have ever seen”. Following initiation of intravenous Coley Fluid, edema and cancer pain were reduced and there was a prominent reduction in primary tumor and bone metastases. After 3 weeks, patient improved to the extent that she was up and walking, and was sent home from the hospital. On returning home, treatment was not continued and disease began to progress. Patient subsequently lost to follow-up.
Case 5 – colon cancer

Large metastatic colorectal cancer with metastases to pelvic cavity and vagina. After 3 weeks of intravenous Coley Fluid treatment, there was a dramatic reduction in the tumor (over 70% of volume).
Case 6 – colon cancer

Colon cancer with metastases to bone. Patient had two previous intra-abdominal surgeries. Approximately 50% reduction of tumor since starting Coley Fluid intramuscularly.
Case 7 – esophageal cancer

Stage 4 esophageal cancer recurrence after previous esophagectomy in 2000. In March 2007, patient presented with weight loss, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and weakness. A large fast-growing pancreatic tumor and smaller lung tumor were diagnosed tumor with marker CEA measured at 223.8. After intramuscular Coley Fluid, cough was alleviated, lung function improved and there were no difficulties in swallowing. In September 2007 patient developed bleeding from the pancreatic tumor. A PET/CT scan showed partial necrosis of the lung and pancreatic tumors that may have precipitated the bleeding. Decreased SUV values were seen for both tumors compared to Mar 07 scan. Bleeding was halted with 15 treatments of local radiation (not to lung). During period to correct bleeding patient discontinued vaccine and lung tumor increased in size. Patient reinitiated Coley Fluid treatment and by March 2008 PET/CT scan showed pancreatic tumor was dead. The CEA reduced to 2.1 (normal

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:38 PM
Case 8 – liver cancer

Locally advanced liver cancer. Patient taking chemotherapy and Coley Fluid intramuscularly. Approximately 70% reduction in tumor since starting therapy.
Case 9 – lung cancer

Upper left lung carcinoma with metastases kidneys, liver and bones (female, H 153cm; W 64.3kg [27.5 kg/m2]). After six weeks intensive (five days weekly) intravenous Coley Fluid therapy, patient had improved appetite, mood, disappearance of chest pain, and X-ray and CT scans showed no remaining evidence of cancer. Patient achieved complete remission.
Case 10 – lung cancer

Lung cancer with kidney metastases (H 167cm; W 85kg [30.5 kg/m2]) and a long history arthritis/arthrosis. Tried two courses of chemotherapy, but felt worse and discontinued. After starting Coley Fluid patient was able to go up and down stairs more easily, improved sleep. Patient said, “I can’t explain but I feel better, I breathe better, I eat better, I am better.” Chest mass diminished in size. Patient was able to go back to work as salesman
Case 11 – lymphoma

Patient with metastatic mediastinal lymphoma diagnosed in 2003 and previously treated with chemotherapy, but due to lack of efficacy and poor quality of life patient declined further treatment. Began Coley Fluid in May 2009 with steady improvement in health. Returned to work in November 09. Patient achieved complete remission.

Case 12 – lymphoma

Patient with Hodgkin lymphoma with enlargement of nodes in the neck. No previous treatments. The patient had one 3 cm node and a cluster of small lymph nodes that could be felt by palpation. The largest node was reduced to 1.5 cm and was more mobile and the small cluster of nodes was less palpable. There have been no intratumoral or peritumoral injections. Patient discontinued vaccine in Nov 07 and by Mar 08 tumors had grown back to their original size. Patient then resumed intravenous Coley Fluid and tumors again started to decrease. Patient then discontinued treatment and tumors regrew. In the summer of 2009, the patient began intravenous Coley Fluid treatment again achieving a 50% reduction in his tumors with moderate fevers.

Case 13 – lymphoma

Patient with mantle cell lymphoma. Tumors on the neck were reduced to one-quarter original size after three weeks of intramuscular Coley Fluid treatment. Patient subsequently received a stem cell transplant with chemotherapy and is presently in remission.

Case 14 – lymphoma

Patient with follicular lymphoma originally diagnosed in 1995 as stage 4 due to bone marrow involvement. Many previous chemotherapy treatments. In 2007 prior to Coley Fluid therapy there were several large nodes in groin, a small node on clavicle, and many enlarged nodes in abdomen causing swelling and itchiness, also pain below liver, and hand and foot cramps. Due to hydronephrosis in left kidney, a stent was inserted into the left ureter. Coley Fluid therapy was injected intratumorally into groin. Improved kidney function led to permanent removal of ureter stent in Dec 08. External nodes in groin regressed, liver pain disappeared, swelling of abdomen reduced, platelets and liver function tests improved, itching and cramps have disappeared. CT scans up to Nov 09 show continuing shrinkage of tumors with the disappearance of many lesions, including nodes in groin. Now active, hiking and continuing Coley Fluid.

Case 15 – lymphoma

Patient with B cell lymphoma with one mediastinal tumor (3.6 cm) and one neck tumor measuring 5.9 cm. The latter tumor was compressing his trachea and his carotid artery by 75%. Following alternating intramuscular and intravenous Coley Fluid, a CT scan showed a 51% reduction in the neck tumor and a stable mediastinal mass. Following a second course of Coley Fluid, the patient’s bloodworm normalized and a subsequent PET/CT scan showed only a ring of hypermetabolic activity with a necrotic core in both tumors. All previous tissue injection sites were hypermetabolic on the PET/CT as were draining lymph nodes (this would represent non-malignant inflammation). The carotid artery now shows normalized blood flow and the cough has disappeared.

Case 16 – lymphoma

Patient with large inoperable left sided mantle cell lymphoma. The tumor under his left arm extended to the sternum with associated enlarged nodes. Patient could not lower his arm due to the extensive size of the tumor. The patient was treated with Coley Fluid intratumorally only, beginning in April 2009. After 5 months of treatment, the tumor regressed to size of a lemon and patient could lower his arm with greater mobility. Malignant nodes opened up twice during treatment with drainage of necrotic tumor tissue. The Coley Fluid caused prolonged fevers lasting up to 2 days, which were often associated with nausea and vomiting. Despite regression of the primary tumor, the inguinal nodes in the groin began to enlarge. Due to side effects, patient decided to discontinue treatment in October 2009 and appeared in poor health. In April 2010, the patient returned to his physician who observed that the tumor under his arm had disappeared and the nodes in the groin regressed. The patient has now gone back to his favorite pastime, golfing.
Case 17 – multiple myeloma

Patient had two previous bone marrow transplants with chemotherapy. She had a history of increasing tumor markers (M protein) before starting the therapy. Patient began Coley Fluid in October 2006. In January 2007, a skeletal survey, bone marrow biopsy, and 24 hour urine test were negative for myeloma. Subsequently discontinued vaccine in Nov 07. Follow-up MRI in Apr 09 was negative. Tumor markers stable showing a low residual M protein level up to last follow-up in Feb 2010. Patient is physically well.
Case 18 – ovarian cancer

Patient had multiple cancerous lesions in her abdomen before treatment. A CT scan in Dec 2006 showed disappearance of all lesions, except one. Her hemoglobin improved, as did her strength and energy. Adverse effects included an increase in bone pain following the vaccination. This is believed to be due to stimulation of the bone marrow to produce more immune cells as the patient did not have evidence of cancer in the bone. This patient also developed a superficial staphylococcal infection near points of injection. This was successfully treated with antibiotics. Finally, this patient was overweight and lost about 15 pounds since the start of the therapy.

Case 19 – ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer in abdominal region. Intramuscular Coley Fluid treatment led to reduced ascites, tumor shrinkage by approximately 50%, improved appetite and decreased tumor pain.
Case 20 – ovarian cancer

Patient with metastatic ovarian cancer received two weeks intravenous Coley Fluid therapy at an international clinic. CA 125 marker in the thousands declined to 36 following two weeks of intravenous Coley Fluid therapy. Patient was unable to continue therapy on return home.
Case 21 – pancreatic cancer

Patient was rapidly losing weight (2 pounds per day) when diagnosed in December 2007 with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Pre-treatment, a CT scan showed the largest tumor, surrounding the mesenteric vein and artery, to be 15.5 cm. There were metastases in the liver and possibly bone. Patient received three weeks Coley Fluid therapy at an international clinic. After three weeks therapy, ultrasound examination showed the large pancreatic tumor had reduced to 9.4 cm and four liver metastases previously seen on CT were no longer visible. The patient regained some weight, and digestion and liver function tests improved. Patient returned to home country where therapy could not be continued. Disease progressed.

Case 22 – stomach cancer
Male, 60 years, with locally advanced ulcerated stage IV stomach cancer. Tumor was greater than 5 cm with metastases to surrounding lymph nodes. Patient received 55 intramuscular Coley Fluid treatments. Patient achieved complete remission.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:40 PM

The spontaneous healing of cancer is a phenomenon that has been observed for hundreds and thousands of years and after having been the subject of many controversies, it is now accepted as an indisputable fact. A review of past reports demonstrates that regression is usually associated with acute infections, fever, and immunostimulation. It is stated that in 1891, William Coley of New York's Memorial Hospital developed the most effective single-agent anticancer therapy from nature, which faded into oblivion for various reasons. Cancer therapies have been standardized and have improved since Coley's day, but surprisingly modern cancer patients do not fare better than patients treated 50 or more years ago as concluded by researchers in 1999. This article peeks into the history of immunostimulation and the role of innate immunity in inducing a cure even in advanced stages of malignancy. The value of Coley's observation is that rather than surviving additional years with cancer, many of the patients who received his therapy lived the rest of their lives without cancer. In our relentless efforts to go beyond nature to fight cancer, we often overlook the facts nature provides to heal our maladies.

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