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Does The Truth Make Me Racist

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

How are IQ test racist? East Asians score higher than any other race on a "white" made IQ test so how is it racist? Just because blacks score lower that makes it racist?

I'm not understanding your logic here, please explain.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by abe froman
Here is the absolute truth: If george zimmerman wasn't walking around with a gun looking for trouble ,that young man would still be alive. absolute fact.

You forgot to mention..... that there would have been another robbery or break-in in that gated community!! Items that people cherish... gone and robbed because of some thug!! Now f that!! Never again will i let some thug steal from me... I would rather be sitting in prison, realizing i did my community a good deed!!

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:05 AM
I haven't been a member very long but I've been here daily, incognito, for many years.Some people here that I thought were cool are showing their true sides in threads like these. Here we go with this Affirmitive Action crap. If they scrapped that crap, it wouldn't bother me in the least. Me, my family, nor anyone that I know has benefitted fom AA. Both my grandfathers are decorated WW2 vets,my dad, uncles...vets Even got 2 cousins active now and one of them is a Lt. Colonel in the Corps. Affirmitive action had JACK to do with anything. Whatever my family has, we damn well earned it. And we did it on our own merits. If affirmitive action has done so much for blacks, it must be happening in a parallel universe. And contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of highly intelligent black people, and I happen to be one.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:06 AM
I don't get this thread. You post a bunch of facts but offer nothing else. If all these facts are true what should be done?

If blacks do have low IQ's what do we do?
If they are more generally disposed to being criminals what do we do?

I find it telling no one is brave enough to answer those questions.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by JBD1979

What came first the chicken or the egg (the Egg BTW came first but not relevant to this thread)

The welfare state that targeted young black mothers and broke apart the family (Hispanics and whites may be poor but they have stronger family ties as a rule not because they are better but they just haven't has as long as targets of the welfare (hard to escape) poverty system)

And the lower IQ comment is just out of line. The educational scores are as rigged as the elections.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by VforVendettea

How exactly are IQ tests biased/rigged? I'm still not understanding this. If it were true, than the people/race of people whom devised the test would consistently score higher, right?
edit on 26-3-2012 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Are you serious, please kind sir bend over and remove your head from your bottom. The lie of a black man cannot get ahead is the same BS the bottom feeders all cry. Did you notice the color of our president, perhaps the former secretary of defense, hmmmm how about congress and the senate. Look on Forbes list of millionaires and billionaires not a single person of color LMAO. Keeping making excuses for the losers or better yet just lower your expectationjs and you won't be disappointed. Oh make sure you some love and compassion for their plight while you are being robbed, it might save your life.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by kimish
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

How are IQ test racist? East Asians score higher than any other race on a "white" made IQ test so how is it racist? Just because blacks score lower that makes it racist?

I'm not understanding your logic here, please explain.

fair request
don't have the time to dwell upon it right now
here's something that might inspire you to find the information yourself

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:53 AM
Hmmmm....ATS is going to have to make a "Racist" forum for all these threads.

We all know what this is about. Zimmer and Martin. This thread is stupid. REALLY REALLY stupid.

What point is the OP trying to make? Seriously..."Does the truth make me racist"? What are you trying to say?
You were just sitting around with family one day & decided to say, "Hey! These are some opinions about blacks that stir up heated arguments when said around them but I'm going to say them out loud for no logical reason anyway".

Most of these are opinions anyway :

Even in areas of lower incomes, the lower income whites/asians/hispanics will commit less crime then blacks in the same area
*People of African decent have been proven to have lower I.Q's than other races on the planet (with the Australian Natives being the only exception)
*The vast majority of black youth embrace a culture of violence, crime. and overall immorality that is glorified by rap music.( rock music can be just as crude but is not as LITERALLY embraced by a race as a whole)
*Blacks that step out of the mold, be it their musical preference or their political preference are often ridiculed by the majority


I can make up stuff too. Check it :

In some areas of low income in Maine - on the 3rd street from the Pizza Hut, hispanics that come from Russia
commit more crimes than blacks who come from Texas.

And what is this business with IQ? Answering a bunch of math questions that someone made up, and it
tells you how smart you are.

So...What do you have to say about that fact that SOME BLACKS committed crimes before Rap music?
"rock music can be just as crude but is not as LITERALLY embraced by a race as a whole"

This is getting old. I'm just going to start ignoring threads like this. I mean, this is something you could have asked
your wife. I mean, your black wife. Why ask ATS'ers? Because you know a couple of 'em are racist and will
praise you and agree with you no matter how outlandish the claims are?

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
my best friend is black, my church pastor is black, my favour actor is Wesley Snipes etc etc.

MMMMM, I'm pretty sure that being married to a black or having a best friend who is black is rather different than your favourite actor being black or your pastor being black.

Actually, I'm certain it is.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:57 AM
For sure there are group differences, only a fool would deny it, but there is a lot of cases of the Emperor being fully clothed in the modern world.

Also, the establishment, media etc only accept groups and organisations which promote racial pride provided it is non white.

I don't care about the establishment or media and my kids will be taught to have no shame in their white heritage whilst treating people as individuals (with the caveat they should also be "sensible" about who and where they hang out)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:57 AM
For sure there are group differences, only a fool would deny it, but there is a lot of cases of the Emperor being fully clothed in the modern world.

Also, the establishment, media etc only accept groups and organisations which promote racial pride provided it is non white.

I don't care about the establishment or media and my kids will be taught to have no shame in their white heritage whilst treating people as individuals (with the caveat they should also be "sensible" about who and where they hang out)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:00 AM
And seriously, that bit about Rock music was just stupid. You have obviously never listened to most non-mainstream rock acts. Suicide, drug use, heck...take a gander at this:

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:00 AM

The moderators better make good work cleaning up all the racist diatribe. Otherwise they can enjoy losing a whole bunch of views and members, I sense.

WTF is this crap???

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Jukiodone

Whenever you statistically sample from a smaller group ( ie a Minority) the statisitical average is likely to be lower than the majority ( nonewithstanding socio-economic preassures)

How so? I dont think that is true. Any sources?
edit on 26/3/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:09 AM
I've traveled all over the world, mostly for job-related reasons, and prior to that, in the military. Bar none, the friendliest people I have ever encountered have been Africans, absolutely the friendliest, most charming, and enchanting people who welcomed myself and my fellow workers into their homes. They lived in a very 'open' fashion with little animosity to their fellow man and I did not see any display of possessiveness, greed, or hate... unlike some of the European countries.

So how does that fit in with your world-view of 'blacks' OP?

African-American's are trapped in the economic pressure-cooker of the ghetto, and as soon as one moves out to a nicer neighborhood, people scream "there goes the neighborhood!"

You are probably the same type of person who calls white people in the same situation "white trash", yet I never hear someone use "white trash" to denigrate the entire Caucasian race, the way you do with blacks.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Jukiodone
Lumping any group of people together based on skin tone is the definition of ignorance...

But I watched this happen a few years back, how by the time the children reached high school they stated to as if it is natural, segregate themselves in two different groups, I remember it so well because my daughters best friends all the way through school no longer wanted anything to do with her.
edit on 113131p://bMonday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Bar none, the friendliest people I have ever encountered have been Africans

And you are correct, I totally agree, but there is a cultural difference and they have not had the indoctrination our children receive in the school system,

Can we be open and honest with one another without calling each other racist?

Communication ends where insults begin, hear people out.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:16 AM


posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by rexrugerblack
I haven't been a member very long but I've been here daily, incognito, for many years.Some people here that I thought were cool are showing their true sides in threads like these. Here we go with this Affirmitive Action crap. If they scrapped that crap, it wouldn't bother me in the least. Me, my family, nor anyone that I know has benefitted fom AA. Both my grandfathers are decorated WW2 vets,my dad, uncles...vets Even got 2 cousins active now and one of them is a Lt. Colonel in the Corps. Affirmitive action had JACK to do with anything. Whatever my family has, we damn well earned it. And we did it on our own merits. If affirmitive action has done so much for blacks, it must be happening in a parallel universe. And contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of highly intelligent black people, and I happen to be one.

A star for your post, and I happen to believe that it is insulting to a black man or women to pander to their "non existent", inadequacies, by the continual handout, that's what keeps the black man down, the government.

That's what the politician do you know, I live in the inner city,

edit on 113131p://bMonday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

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