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The Official First Contact

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posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 06:47 AM
Ive not been into alien's and UFO's very long, but im sick of all the speculation, propaganda and spin surrounding the subject.
Dont get me wrong, im fascinated by the subject, but i wish they would hurry up and announce themselves. Or the government should tell the truth for a change. After all the government would be powerless without the peoples innit?!
Come on "Greys", or whatever your called, dont be shy now, come out and meet humanity face to face!!!! ill put the kettle on in anticipation

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 07:51 AM

im sick of all the speculation, propaganda and spin surrounding the subject.

Until disclosure, that's all we've got....
But, there is evidence we can examine and discuss....

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 07:53 AM
Dude, there are no aliens, deal with it

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 08:00 AM
Oh this argument once again :S

Until something does come out, something that is offical, with backing all we have is speculation, and theories.

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 09:21 AM
If the government is the one in control of the information then the public will never be told. More information gives them more power and they aren't just going to give that up if they have anything to say about it.

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 09:34 AM

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 09:44 AM
i just cant see our goverments ever releasing the info,the panic would be too great i find humans in general panic at the slightest little thing that they dont understand so coming out with stuff to do with space travellers would really cause some major freaking out!

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 10:02 AM
Have not our governments been preparing us mentally for first contact by releasing films (ET, Contact, Men in Black) and TV documentries?
With the amount of information on the subject, most people are familiar with the concept of UFO's now. Give it another decade or two and everyone will not only know, but understand what they are all about.

Beer, it would be very difficult to prove the existence of other world intelligence, but it would be even harder to disprove it.

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 10:22 AM

I have been very interested in this topic for my whole life. He is some of my thoughts for you to think about-yes my 2 cents with.

First consider the trillions upon trillions of galaxies (the number expands-the farther out we can see with new technology.

Next consider the billions upon billions of planets that are out there.

Now consider (as some people would have u believe) that we are the only rock that has life.

Or consider (as many others would have u believe) we are the most intelligent life in the universe.

IMO that is nothing but pure arrogance on our part. Life has been found in any number of wild and seemingly unlivable places on this little rock.

Now, as far as aliens "officially" being announced by the government(s) another thought occurs to me. If there are aliens and if they have been here for awhile and if the government(s) know this-the aliens must be in collusion with them. If aliens exist and wanted to be seen, they could do something like land in middle of ballgame, football (American) or big international soccer game. Too many people would see it/them for it to be denied.

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 01:20 PM
Yeah man, im sure aliens do exist. Theres too many planets in the universe for us to be alone. I believe they are here on earth, or visit earth. I just want them to admit it!

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 02:08 PM
How do we not know there are already 'aliens' on our planet. Do they have to be humanoid, or look like a grey? It would be ignorant to beleive that there is nothing else out there.

Maybe they are blobs of jellyfish type creatures living in a ocean of sulfuric type acid? like my 5 year old never know....

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 02:29 PM
I think you'll find our alien brethren have deployed their probes and moved on to the next star system as the synopsis is there is no intelligent life on Earth.

And I agree. It’s very difficult to claim we’re a cultured civilized society when the local village idiot holds the office of the presidency of the United States.

On a more serious note if the institutions of power use fear to control and manipulate the populace then once the so called ‘war on terrorism’ has run its course surely the next manufactured threat will come from above and beyond the sky. First it was communism, then terrorism and finally alien.

I wonder if aliens believe in a Christian god. I know one thing, if Christ were to return he definitely would not be a Christian.

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 02:35 PM
Zugzwang, i wouldnt be surprised if they did do that.

Perhaps the threat of alien invasion would be the final step towards the New World Order?

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 06:24 PM
The problem with this extra-terrestrial discussion is that the entire field has become practically a tabloid industry. During medieval times people faked miracles for attention just like people now are faking UFO videos as well.

Does that mean that there aren't legitimate UFO videos? No. I believe that the media is very biased in the reporting on UFOs and how people who believe in a man who lives in the sky are seen to be credible citizens, while people who believe in UFOs are seen as quacks, especially since there are trillions upon trillians of stars in the sky.

It's unfair and doesn't seem right. On one hand you have a biased media, but on the other hand there's a lot of people who are gullible enough to believe that everything they can't identify in the sky is an extra terrestrial craft.

There's just a lot of crap to sift through, and it becomes difficult to decide what is legitimate and what is forged.

When first contact becomes public, it would have to be at a time when humanity has needed a reason to develop a faster than light engine. I believe we will find them, not find us. How many extra terrestrial species do i believe exist in this galaxy? Truthfully, not a lot. Not only do we have to calculate things such as the chances of a intelligent life forming, but one thing people forget is that we have to calculate what are the chances that the intelligent species is alive at the same time humanity is.

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 09:59 PM
Some above claim the gov. hide or deny that there are aliens/ufo's on earth. But that is not correct because;

1. they know as little as we do. politicans are normal people... most of the time

2. search the net for 'alien spacecraft ufo third encounter' and you'll see its not hidden at all. Read till you get a green face!

3. what panic? By most of the reports I've read it seems the word 'excitement' fits more than 'panic'.

4. organisations and politicans don't have balls when it comes to -for them- the unknown. So when 'our guests' (guess who) call pilots or NASA personell by radio, it is ordered radio silence...


So to get The Official First Contact we must at least change the routine for possibly unknown contacts (for both radio to radio and face to face).
We might discuss how this should change here.

changes I'd like to see (for all countries);

1. unknown aircrafts (and ufo's) should not be stopped (or attempt to be stopped) at our borders by the airforce. Even if it IS human of foregin origin then any and all military and sivilian air companies would LOVE to have a closer look at it if it is a new plane/engine/construction. So no need to prevent them from coming here.

2. respond to unknown radio messages. The only way to get the location of the unknown talker is to have him continue talking until a fix on him is done. And anyway one must talk to know what he want. If it turns out to be a 'faker' then he is reported to the government wich will take all he owns and also 1.000.000 $ or � or euro from his account for wasting the publicks time and effort. After a few 'fakers' thus goes bankrupt the rest will get the idea and not attempt to fake an 'first contact'.

3. we may even attempt to contact our guests by broadcasting ourselves. As they obvious are here on earth already there is no need to send radio messages many lightyears... What to send? I suggest art. Music or poem or anything. Isn't there even Tolkien himself reading from The Hobbit or LotR on tape or cd?

Today they are the one trying to get attention while we do nothing. If we do 1 to 3 above we would be on the move waiting for them to reply. Its better to be on the move than sit still, and we would thell them that 'ok, we see you, ready for the next step?' and that will be good for all involved in the years after.

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 06:25 AM

If the government is the one in control of the information then the public will never be told.

The 'Government' can't even find a couple hairy a$$ed terrorists.....Yet you believe they know all the Aliens secrets??? Or do you mean the Government above the publically elected Government???

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 06:52 AM
I truly doubt that we are the only form of life in the Universe.

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 07:03 AM

I truly doubt that we are the only form of life in the Universe.

Me too, but cousin IT on the other side of the Universe or Galaxy doesn't mean ET is in New Mexico.

[edit on 24-9-2004 by Zero Point]

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 08:33 AM
The gist of this post is that the people need the government or Fox News, or Time Magazine, to affirm any disclosure on the matter of Flying Saucers, Space Aliens and so forth.

There has been enough disclosure everywhere, in fact that is part of the problem, since we have layered our reality in two different places, demanding the first but not settling for the second. Mainstream sources have already accommodated some measure of disclosure, and the remainder continues on the internet and media.

In today's world, the positions are increasingly reversing themselves for credibility, so one would highly suspect any government and/or corporate disclosure. It would de facto have to be some measure of mendacity, that is the record, and "we see through you," as Yoda once said to the young Anaken Skywalker.

It is probable that aside from applied research, that a great body of disclosure has already happened on this subject.

When you see Bill O'Reilly interviewing ET, you just gotta figure once again the media is not leveling with us. Who needs high profile disclosure anyway? The internet is good enough for me.

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 08:46 AM
I agree with you SkipShipman, if there has been contact between extra terrestrial beings and governments of Earth, then we would not be informed directly as this would create mass panic.. not everybody likes the idea of aliens and ufo's.. people fear what they do not fully understand.

However, the kind of people who would not panic are the kind of people who have an enquiring and open mind.. people who may SUSPECT.. this is why so much information has been ALLOWED to be placed on the internet because if you want to believe it then you can and therefore you will not be shocked if evidence of E.T.'s is put in front of you..

But if the idea of aliens scare you then the last thing you are gonna do is trace information about it. You are gonna distance yourself rom it as much as possible. Those who had been scared and are driven by curiosty of what they do not understand fully, will have a more open mind and as the information is picked up slowly by them through watching documentaries, reading internet threads and websites, they kind of get used to the idea and therefore this is a probable way of desensitizing human kind to the possibility of Extra Terrestrial contact.

Just my thought...

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