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Reality Is An illusion Taking Place Inside Our Brains And Nowhere Else

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posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe
The answer is simple and bizarre in the most extreme meaning of that word...

Everything you mentioned doing and happening in our reality,that we we think we're actually doing and that we think are really happening...

We are really doing all those those things and all those things actually are happening...

In our brains and nowhere else...

Our brains are continuously creating a three dimensional illusion within our minds...

Our brains are receiving,arranging and interpreting inflowing signals from our five senses and forming them into images that are compatible and comfortable for itself...

But those images that our brains are receiving,arranging and interpreting,are illusions,they are not real...

And so always remember this...

Even death is an illusion...
edit on 1-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by blocula

By this account, my daughter does not exist; as the sensory input which tells me she is real, is just a "comforting illusion" designed to keep me placid.

Likewise, I do not exist, as my birth was just a "comforting illusion" for my parents, to keep them level-headed.

My whole life never happened, and I don't exist.

Similarly, the death of loved ones and friends was also just a "comforting illusion" as I clearly experienced it with a plethora of my senses. By this logic, none of them are dead.

However, none of them ever lived, either.

Neither did you.

Actually, none of this exists because no one was ever born, as all life is just a "comforting illusion".


The program started. Something existed, which caused the hologram to need to comfort it. So something is real within the hologram.

By all probabilities, that real thing is me, as I'm conscious. Or you, as you're conscious. Or everyone, as we're all conscious. So everyone is alive, living, substantial, and real.

No one is a "comforting illusion", and nothing else is a "comforting illusion" because everything is legitimately happening.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe
I have two daughters,at least i think i do...

Its hard for me to try and wrap my head around my own words...

Living in this reality,is like watching a three dimensional movie and being in that three dimensional movie,at the same time...

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe
When you or anyone else has a few moments,please read this >

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 02:02 AM
I think the persistence of reality comes from its fractal nature. Change one little thing and it will persist because the whole part changes not just... that branch that just fell, or that hole in the wall. It now exists within the whole.

The real fact is that what ever you sense from your 5 inputs, IS created in your brain. Literally electrical impulses.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:02 AM
Blocula, if there's no objective reality, as you say, and all of this is created by our mind (rather than interpreted), why would your mind subject you to the suffering and pain in this world?

Wouldn't your mind want to create a better outcome than this?

And doesn't this lead you to conclude that I am not real? That your two kids aren't real?

And IF people outside yourself are real, why would we be submitted to this torture called life?

If none of us chose to be here, aren't we prisoners?

Alternatively, we can try to make lemonade from lemons. I doubt anybody could say with certainty that anybody chose to be here. But they could say that since we don't have a choice we have to be optimistic. One can choose to look at this as a prison or one can choose to see it as a opportunity.

I admit that this whole idea is interesting to me, but I don't consider it objective.
edit on 1-4-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by R3KR

Nature is fractal-like. But that doesn't mean it's a fractal-creating algorithm on a computer. I know a little bit about perlin noise. It's not technically a fractal, but it's math-based. I was programming a landscape algorithm using very very basic perlin noise functions. I was able to zoom in to the limits of 32-bit numbers. This whole process requires pseudo-random numbers (or random numbers) and a math function to produce the heightmap. In my case, I used a simple curve function to produce the smooth rolling hills - it's extremely common to see this used but not always in real-time. This whole exercise has made me wonder if it has any relationship to nature. So I know where you're coming from. But I also know that likeness is not sameness.

Sometimes I wonder how to make perlin noise with time as an added dimension. I haven't tried it yet. Passage of time is a different ball-game. But I do think that producing semi-believable random landscapes is FAR FAR away from producing intelligent behavior. I'm a long long long long ways from being able to procedurally generate a small village of creatures that move around and interact.

It's a bit easier to do all this if you store the results. But being able to wrap all of it up conveniently in mathematical functions is something far beyond me. I do try to keep links of things I find like: Levy Flight, Brownian Motion, Fibonacci sequence. There's a whole list of things out there. I'm not smart enough to understand it. But there're people out there that're learning the secrets of the math behind nature.

Always I bump into the divide between procedural content and stored content.

I had a thought a week or two ago. I was thinking about the five or six elements that compose 99% of the human body. They're Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Phosphorous, Calcium.

What told those elements to arrange themselves with the purpose of producing intelligence?

What force of nature or physics instilled in them the knowledge to create a mind?

What allows things in nature to "remember" their velocity and direction and their other characteristics? What allows for all of this to interact and produce the varied results we observe?
edit on 1-4-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
Blocula, if there's no objective reality, as you say, and all of this is created by our mind (rather than interpreted), why would your mind subject you to the suffering and pain in this world?

Wouldn't your mind want to create a better outcome than this?

And doesn't this lead you to conclude that I am not real? That your two kids aren't real?

And IF people outside yourself are real, why would we be submitted to this torture called life?

If none of us chose to be here, aren't we prisoners?

If anything was really real,would'nt it never change,should'nt it last forever?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by blocula

The really real does last forever. It is hidden from sight but it is always present. When you find it you will be home free.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite
Look at how far and fast our computer games have advanced in only twenty or thirty years,we constantly try to recreate reality in ever more realistic moving images and virtual simulations and we do,constantly...

So imagine that in the far off distant future of earth,say ten thousand years from now,or even somewhere within the far away distant past,millions of years ago,humans will have or could have developed super advanced computers so incredibly powerful,that they would be able to create a "simulated universe" that we now call "our reality"...

They may have done this to preserve their memories within "ancestral simulations" because they knew their race was not going to survive,as a supreme experiment to ensure some kind of survival,or maybe just for entertainment purposes and here we are...

Perhaps the creators "us in the future" went extinct through either natural or self inflicted disasters and they "we" are actually dead and gone,but the "simulation machine" lives on and is in auto pilot mode,is able to up grade itself and repair itself and we are reborn over and over as history repeats itself over and over down through the ages...

Or maybe in this far away future there is a war on earth between the creators "us in the future" and aliens that invaded future earth and maybe the aliens defeated us and hijacked or stole "the simulation machine" or were given it as war reparations and they have altered and re-programmed the simulation machine and have downloaded all the misery,suffering and war into our "virtual" world...

Its also possible that malevolent? or benevolent? aliens,members of a class-2 or 3 alien civilization came to this galaxy a long,long time ago and discovered this solar system and found a barren,lifeless world,the third planet from its sun and they terraformed the planet and gave it an atmosphere and a hydrosphere...

And the only way they knew how to bring living life to their new world,was to shroud the planet within a three dimensional holographic reality,a virtual simulation within which the living beings believe they're really alive and think they really exist and they call their creators god,or perhaps even satan...

And those aliens may have been super advanced pre-programmed androids,robots sent from another galaxy,or even from another dimension...
edit on 1-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by blocula

A place of no change would probably be boring. Hell would be the opposite, complete chaos!

Someone on this forum mentioned that perhaps there's a knowledge limit in this universe. Once a species hits this limit it grows anxious. And thus it forever lives in the minds of inferior beings, striving to re-ignite purpose. In this way, it lives continually forgetting and remembering, but never remaining in one phase for long. If it remained in inferior beings it might become exhausted. If it remained in its utmost form, boredom would overtake it. So all of this is the product of a finite universe and a mind that desires the unknown.
edit on 1-4-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by blocula

Whenever I try to imagine something like that my mind goes blank. I just cannot picture us living inside our simulations because I believe if people are given a reasonable choice between simulated reality and real reality they'll always choose the real one. The weaker members of society might choose the simulated reality, but it's in our nature to always move forward and discover what's not known and to bolster our strongest members to ensure our survival. Thus, living in simulations is moving backwards and not natural.

I do see us one day being able to live on computers, but I don't see us particularly living in simulations. Living on a computer is not the same thing as living in a simulation, understand? I think that by living as fundamental energy we will be able to travel easier to other places in the universe. Not being dependent on a physical body will remove some of the barriers we presently have to deal with. That will relieve us and allow us to expand into areas we currently cannot afford to. And again, these areas are real, not fictional.

But when I say "real," the meaning is sort of loose. For example, if you live in an apartment in San Francisco, this is not a whole lot different than if you lived in a simulated San Francisco that exists on a computer. The whole premise is a comfortable living and whether you live on a computer or live on a planet doesn't matter much. Everything is made of atoms and whether you live on a computer or not, you're living in a world of atoms and electrons and so on. The thing is that where we live is not as important as what we strive for. We strive for REAL things, not for fictional things. So while I see us living inside computers and maybe even living in a virtual San Francisco, I do not see us deriving our desires and dreams and purpose from these computers. This will almost always come from the real universe, especially for the strongest members of society. I think that virtual places where people live will be often modeled after REAL places. People will have a desire for that. For example, they might have a probe orbiting an actual planet and all of this data about the planet is fed into the computer and the computer recreates the planet and thus the people that live in the computer are living in a world that originates in reality.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There will many many people living in reality. Bodies will be created and can be inhabited by these souls. Who knows? Maybe we'll be able to travel as a sort of energy. So I may be exaggerating the extent of living on computers. How we live in reality will dramatically change. We will start out living almost everywhere on planets: surface, underground, oceans, sky cities, etc. We're halfway there. There're many people in military that live underground and many people work underground. There're people that work on submarines that travel the ocean and people that sail on ships. The same can be said for all of our airplanes and blimps. So we're halfway to living everywhere on our planet already!! We'll move on to space ships, moons, etc. During this process we might start living on computers too. We may figure out how to exist purely as energy and be able to transmit ourselves at light speed to any point in the universe. I cannot fathom what we will invent. That's what gives reality its purpose - the unknown.

You see, I don't think what humans manage to produce will ever outshine the real universe. Look around you. The universe is immense. Nothing we have made compares. There's a good chance this trend continues. This is why we will almost always find our passions and motives in the real universe.

That doesn't mean humans can't create beautiful things that inspire people. It doesn't mean that some people won't be enchanted by it and made fanciful. What's a billion planets if we've already seen a couple? What're other galaxies if we've already seen a few already? Perhaps the rest of the universe will lose its luster as we expand our awareness of other things. Maybe we will even find holes in our universe that lead to other universes. Or maybe humans and other intelligences are actually an evolution of the universe itself and we were meant to create. Maybe we're the universe's children and we weren't meant to rely on it.

About living on planets:
The case could be made we shouldn't live on planets so that other life has a chance to evolve. But another case could be made that life SHOULDN'T evolve as we did - the amount of suffering is uncountable. So... Once we explore and find other planets, we will have to determine the ethics of living on them, especially if we discover the extra-terrestrial life is common. Why would we supplant ET life in our pursuit of other planets? Why would we revoke them of the right to be free? And lastly, SHOULD life evolve and experience suffering? Or should we "save" it from having to do that? Either way, it brings into question a lot of things.
edit on 1-4-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite
Dr. Nick Bostrom...Oxford University Professor...Do We Live In A Computer Simulation?...

Simulated Reality >
edit on 1-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by blocula

I am wondering what you think of this, Blocula...
In your/this "world view", do you think any of those responding to your postulations...are you?
I am wondering...because, if I were to accept this "world view" - I know that I would be wondering, constantly, if I weren't The Only One Here...and if everything from responses to stimulii were not simply a generation of...The Matrix (term used for simplicity's sake).

I realize that in stating " you..." I have opened the door to - "I don't even know how real I am"... And, if that is your reply - that's fine.
Otherwise - I would like to see/read your answer/s.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by WanDash
If you read the above wiki link about simulated reality,it gets into things that are just like what your saying,check it out and especially pay attention to the "other issues,Non-player characters and Bots" section,it and the entire article is an amazing read...

edit on 1-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by blocula

Okay - will give it a whirl.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by blocula

I've heard the arguments before.

There's one guy referenced in several places... he's at one of the universities, he says that it's something like 300 million to 1 that we're an ancestor simulation. This argument can be looked up on youtube.

I'm not very interested because the argument is too theoretical and not backed by consensus.

But there's no doubt that everything we know is in our brain. Everybody that has ever talked to us. Anything we have ever read. Anything we have learned on our own. It's all stored in our brain. Even if I tirelessly write it down I still must think it in order to recall it or to assess its meaning.

The idea that something exists outside me is itself existing inside me.

In the classical world, space is mostly empty. So this means that distance is a kind of illusion. We perceive things to be far away, but in fact, most of the distance between things is emptiness. This is not necessarily true at quantum scales since things aren't discrete at that level. They're probabilistic.

There're a lot of other illusions.

Reality is inherently consciousness because we cannot think it without being conscious. Reality as a term and a concept is meaningless without it. Objective reality may exist outside our intelligence, but so what? From our standpoint, reality is a human sort of thing. It's subject to our species, our civilization, our individual self and those around us. I think you're partly right.

edit on 2-4-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite
The whole simualtion idea and the reason for its design,from the perspectives of the simulators,is to create a three dimensional,virtual reality thats realistic enough to make those within it think and believe its real and thats probably why there are so many unexplainable aspects to our reality and if there really are super intelligent simulators operating from somewhere and i think there is and if i could ask them just one question only,it would be "whos simulating you?"

edit on 2-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by blocula

I've heard the arguments before.

There's one guy referenced in several places... he's at one of the universities, he says that it's something like 300 million to 1 that we're an ancestor simulation. This argument can be looked up on youtube.

3 people just hit the big lottery jackpot and those odds were something like 1 in 175,000,000 so,we very easily could be living within a simulated reality and dr,nick bostrom,an oxford professor,has written several very in depth analysis of the simulation scenario and its amazing
edit on 2-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by blocula

I have to go to bed. I'm told it's time to defrag and update the simulation. J/k.

(i think dreams are our brain's method of simulating reality for learning purposes)
edit on 2-4-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

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