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You Are What You Eat…….

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posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 12:21 AM
…..and Drink.

From the time the food leaves your fork, or the beverage leaves your glass, and ends up in your mouth that is exactly who you are. Let me explain, but this is going to take a while, so I ask humbly for your full attention, because I can 100% guarantee it can change who you are now, to what you can aspire to be.

Can food and drink change who you are?

I choose this forum because it is not based on facts, links, or statistics cut and pasted from the internet, but from my own experience, philosophies, and intuition. Some people run around claiming they channel messages, but from my experience we are all connected and capable of channeling information, so take it however you choose. Knowledge is all there some choose not to see or hear it.

Everything is a vibration, or energy. I am not speaking about the quantifiable; let’s prove it to the other person energy, with a device, or facts, but an energy known to every single person and creature in the universe. We know about this energy/vibration with our intuition, it’s just that many of us block, or distort these universal vibrations by eating and drinking a certain way. These claims are not judgments in any way, right or wrong, just a guide if someone wishes to achieve a higher vibrational state of being.

Our society has become so comfortable with depression, anxiety, fear, hatred, and lower emotions that are spoon fed to them (Pun Intended) that they choose these lower states, over the higher vibrational states.

I know what some of you are thinking right now, BS. Am I right? Why would anyone want to choose to be miserable? Well I will give you a perfect example.

A gambler, they love to win correct? Nope actually they love to lose; they are not addicted to winning but to losing. Gamblers continue on a losing streak because it’s a comfort to them. Gamblers have gotten so used of losing that when they do win, they have no idea how to handle the money, emotions, or situation and fall right back into the same vibration, that they are comfortable with, Losing.

My Gambler example goes the same for people that eat poor vibrational foods, or foods that don’t nourish their human bodies, thus not allowing their higher selves to shine through. Sometimes they do eat or drink good for awhile, but they are so used to being in a lower state of existence, they sabotage the new feelings only to revert back to what they are comfortable with.

So how do we break the cycle? Awareness is key, coupled with baby step actions, that you will be able to notice.

Many skeptics will scoff at what I write, but the fact is I don’t need to prove a thing to you. The only one that can prove anything to you is you, so do yourself a favor and look within. What I am writing will most likely strike many nerves, and resonate with people here on ATS.

Do any of you know what a magnetic recording is, or how about this a hard drive? Most likely if you’re reading this you know what a hard drive is and many of you know that it’s magnetized somehow, and that is how information is recorded on the drive. So how the heck does this relate to foods and drink?

Did you know that everything we consume is similar? Just like that hard drive, it’s magnetized, but not quantifiable in the way skeptics would like to understand and prove right or wrong. We don't need instruments to measure this, our bodies are that instrument, many just choose not to see that fact.

Food’s and drinks carry vibrations/energy, vibrations that effectively create who we are. Most foods and drinks today are processed by machines, thus imprinting them with chaotic vibrations. Now granted we are not victims, because we can change this and many people already understand this concept and choose a different way of life.

How many people are choosing organically grown foods by local farmers, which do not contain pesticides these days? Many of these unconsciously are making the choice to raise their vibratory state.

If you eat or drink something that makes you feel bad, why do you continue? The answer is my Gambler example; you’re addicted to feeling bad. Again, this is not a judgment, but an observation because I love you all and would like to see you all, in a happy state of being if you choose to be.

I will not post lots of specific drinks or foods, because most of you know what is good and bad, if you don’t look within, because no one is your keeper but yourselves.

In this thread, am not looking for anyone to become a vegan or vegetarian, if you choose it fine, but I am asking you to think about how your food and drink was processed. How is the food I am about to eat imprinted?

Was the animal respected when it was raised, and then killed for its meat? I am not a religious person, but many rites are performed and care taken for foods that certain religions consume, there is a reason for that, but not many know the reasons why. The Native Americans right here in the USA, and Canada were some of the wisest people to walk the earth, because they were always thankful, asked forgiveness when killing their brothers (The animals), so that they could go on with their personal journeys, they only took what they needed, and always gave something back to Gaia in return. How many of us think that way? This instills vibrations of respect, thankfulness and love of the earth.

If something tastes bad most of us will stop eating it right away, correct? Then why is it not the same if you are feeling bad after you eat something, is it because you are not aware?

Try this simple experiment, if you have a poor vibrational diet, or consume lots of processed foods try a menu that consists of the total opposite for 2 weeks, that’s only 14 days, if you see a difference and really like it choose to not be the “Gambler”, but the beautiful being that is trying to shine through.

Peace Out and Love,


edit on 21-3-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 12:36 AM

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

In a strange symptom possibly of synchronicity (?) something quite strange or possibly just odd happened to me today. I've been eating nothing but vegetables for the last few years, mainly much organic where possible along with organic herbs and spices. I had a mole on my back in the exact same place my father had one. I don't know if mole is the right word because this "thing" stuck out from my body and was about the size of a flattened pea. It is pertinent to mention that my Dad had his removed age 50 or so by a Doctor using liquid nitrogen. They touch the mole very briefly with a freezing cold rod which effectively kills it and after a few days, it just drops off the body of its own accord, a bit like the stub of the umbilical cord on a new born baby.

Anyway, back to me again. My mole has been there since as long as I can remember (I'm 41 now) and today it just fell off of its own accord. I barely noticed. I went to scratch an area on my back (not the mole, I know better) and my hand brushed very lightly against it. But something was wrong. It was way smaller than it used to be. Finding that strange I lifted my t shirt and gently felt the small lump. It came away and just fell into my hand. Very weird. I have no idea if it is related to the largely organic food I have been eating but being rid of it was a nice surprise.
Organic powerrrr!

Sorry if its unrelated to your thread but it seemed to ring a bell. It could just be a natural thing but after so many years? Hmm...

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

Great thread! I was just thinking about to break my cycle of bad eating. I left to get a snack and refreshed the page and here it was! I was raised on healthy, organic foods. Then as I got older, lack of money took over and I started eating a ton of processed foods. It's still crazy to me that processed foods cost more than stuff that comes straight from the ground. Anyway, I have tried time and time again to give up meat and just can't make it past the 3 day mark. I feel AWFUL after I eat it. I get really hot and nauseous. But I continue to eat it. I crave it. My cravings for junk food have lessened. I'm hoping to continue the trend. I feel like food is my vice. I have no other vices except food. Overcoming that is proving to be a great challenge.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

My children and I are gradually weening ourselves off into a more organic mode.Do you think toxic shock would occur if the body was cut off from all chemical food at once and fed natural organic food?

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

How on earth do you come up with a variety of foods to eat? Eating (mostly) raw fruits and veggies is a goal I am chasing after. I would like to have a diet consisting of raw fruits, vegetables, herbs, and grains. HOWEVER, I crave foods with lots of sauce and flavor. Most of all, I crave meat. It has been difficult to try to have a vegetarian lifestyle. I don't make it longer than a few days. Plus I am insanely hungry 99% of the time. Nothing satisfies the hunger except over-eating and junk food. It's a vicious cycle.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Razimus

Originally posted by Realtruth
I can 100% guarantee it can change who you are now, to what you can aspire to be.

Nice pitch mr. shamwow, but I disagree, you lost me by making the above statement.

Since I lost you after that statement and you didn't read the entire thread, what is the point of your post? To derail the thread? Show us your angry, miserable?

If you did read the entire post then you may understand the rest of this post.

You appear to be searching for something yourself and do not know how to go about it, or you are so angry inside that you are choosing to remain in the lower states of emotion by attacking others, but that is a choice that you have to make and I respect that.
edit on 21-3-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by PassedKarma

I too was a meat lover and as a vegetarian I don't really like vegetables apart from potatoes. Seasoning is key. Ever tried eating meat (not bacon, that is salted already) without salt or other seasonings? Try it, it is flavourless. Now cook some onion and garlic and taste it without seasoning. It's not particularly nice (imho) but it does contain flavour. I mainly eat stews with 5-10 herbs and spices, plenty of salt (not eating processed foods means my salt intake is reduced) and lots of veggies. Don't cook it too long. Enjoy! Indian food is my fave and where I learnt my love of all spices and herbs. Experiment.

Best Regards
A vegetarian that doesn't like vegetables much.


ETA I should add I use the so-called meat replacement products. It's "meat" but made from wheat and soja protein (non-GMO). Tivall is the brand name. I have no affiliation but am indebted to the company.

edit on 21/3/12 by LightSpeedDriver because: ETA

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
because I can 100% guarantee it can change who you are now, to what you can aspire to be.

Let me elaborate, I am not a fan of 100% guarantees, this is a legitimate comment and post. I quite frankly disagree, and if this modest post is in any way shape or form against the standards of this site, may the lightning strike me down, so be it.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

Great thread! Many truths in here. I have for a few weeks now taken my meat intake to maybe 1 or 2 days a week, For a long time I have felt that I need to eat a lot less meat because the animal hasn't been treated right, At least this is what I feel from meat you buy in the supermarket, I don't want the bad karma that comes of it. And not to talk about all the chemicals they put in also. I've been trying to get organic food as well and soon I hope to be fully vege once more recipes are known
Oh and I never ever eat at fast food places anymore(Mcdonalds, Burger King etc) I haven't been able to for over a year now...

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

Awesome post S&F!!

This post hit home for me and I had to reply because of its relevance to my life.

I am about a month in on a strictly raw-vegan diet....I say this ONLY because its the best way to quickly describe how I am eating. There is much more to it that doesn't fall under those labels but I would have to explain in detail, which I don't feel the need to do at this point in time.

Anyway I have always been heavy into exercise and lifting weights. I was a fiend for protein and I ate as much of it as I possibly could. I have a BS in exercise science and knew the importance of animal protein and the amino acids they have. Anyway to make a long story short, I gave it all up about a month ago and I feel better than I have since...well since I can remember. I'll list some of the changes here:

on the raw-vegan diet:

I feel significantly more energetic, and don't need as many if any stimulants to keep me going throughout the day (caffeine)
My appetite is less spiky and ravaging, more consistent and controllable.

Before I used to get very irritable and angry when I was hungry, the only thought on my mind that was important was eating and if anything got in my was removed forcibly removed quickly and without a care. Now when I get hungry its as if I know that I could eat and I am hungry but if I don't no big deal...and from this I gain control over my situation instead of being a puppet to my hunger.

Cooked foods, taste BURNT...I cheated one day about 2 weeks into my raw-vegan diet and had some tortilla chips...I about spit them out. They tasted disgustingly burnt. My taste buds had changed and adapted to my new diet within a couple weeks time and cooked food no longer appealed to me, as it all taste burnt. I still enjoy "warm" food but not "cooked".

I feel "lighter" and more agile...I didn't realize how weighed down I was eating meat all the time until I stopped. I realized that the nap I felt I needed after work wasn't necessary. The pre-workout energy drink was no longer necessary energy levels were just fine.

I don't get bloated and gassy anymore. Although I will admit the first week of eating raw I was very very gassy...after that first week it hasn't come back.

I don't get heartburn anymore, at all...period. I used to get it CONSTANTLY...I had tums on my nightstand thats how bad the heartburn was. Haven't had it since I switched my diet.

I thought my strength would drop because I'm eating less protein...but it hasn't, I feel as strong as I ever have but more light and agile on top of it.

I sleep a lot less but I sleep a lot deeper too, I used to toss and turn and sleep was a consequence of boredom so It would take a while to get into REM sleep...NOW its almost instantaneous, I would say within the first 5 to 10 minutes I am gone.

These are just some of the benefits I have noticed since I changed my eating habits. I still think about and crave meat on occasion but I consider what I will feel like after I eat it, and it loses its appeal almost immediately.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 02:54 AM
I am a 24 yr old female.

I have been trying to go vegetarian for years. It would always only last about a week or two and then I'd have a piece of Chicken at a barbeque or a burger at a retaurant. I also couldn't stand people laughing at me for not eating meat, or trying not to eat meat. When I did, I just felt so bad afterward. I didn't like that. I couldn't understand why I did it, if I didn't really want to.

After finding out I had a medical condition, I decided to cut out all meat and dairy, as the growth hormones just agrevate my condition. It's been 6 weeks since my OP today, for the first 3 I still had some dairy here and there, and two portions of meat.

For 3 weeks now, I have been a full on vegan. I cannot stress enough how much better I feel. I feel AWAKE. I feel more present. I can actually wake up in the morning when my alarm screams. I actually have to cook my food every night. No take aways.

It feels so good to know what I am eating, and that my energy goes into it when I make it. It feels great to know that I am not contributing to some caged up cow being milked for all she's worth, and have her calves stripped away from her.

I will never go back. I know now that the short lived taste of cheese or pizza will quickly turn into guilt which in turn will make me feel like a weak willed person. It's just not worth it.
I feel too good now.

I wonder how I will feel after a couple of months...

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by Sly1one

and knew the importance of animal protein and the amino acids they have.

I have stocked up on this... You should try it.

Hemp Seed Oil is recognized by the World Health Organization as a natural anti-oxidant and the only balanced (perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3) source of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and is also a good source of Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA).

Hemp Seed Oil has a high content of the enzyme lipase, which is a superior non-invasive chelation therapy for removing plaque build-up (undigested protein and cholesterol) from arteries and cell membrane.

Each 15ml (1 Tablespoon) contains the following Essential Fatty Acids:
Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) 54.8%
Alpha Linolenic Acid (Omega 3) 18.1%
Oleic Acid (Omega 9) 11.2%
Palmitic Acid 6.8%
Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) 4.8%
Stearic Acid 2.4%
Octadecatetraenoic Acid 1.4%
Eicosenoic Acid 0.3%
Behenic Acid 0.3%

Makes you wonder why we ever thought we needed meat in the first place?

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Razimus

Originally posted by Realtruth
because I can 100% guarantee it can change who you are now, to what you can aspire to be.

Let me elaborate, I am not a fan of 100% guarantees, this is a legitimate comment and post. I quite frankly disagree, and if this modest post is in any way shape or form against the standards of this site, may the lightning strike me down, so be it.

I can 100% guarantee what he says is true too. What he/she is saying is something akin to if you go outside in the fresh air and sunshine you will get a tan on your skin. It is basic and elementary and if you follow the thinking to the source you have to know you are what you eat and if you improve that you improve you. Guaranteed 100%.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

If we gave a conscious thought to the animals we kill for food - it would make us that much more aware of each other and the "feelings" of human beings. It would be a different, kinder, better and more humane planet starting with that one thing.

I have always admired the respect Indians offer and show for the creatures who die so they can eat.
It is a way of showing appreciation for the world you are inhabiting. Such a juxtaposition to the inhumane conditions we raise and keep Earths creatures alive in, before slaughtering them mercilessly in front of their partners and their young....And (at least in America) nearly half of the animals slaughtered for food get thrown out, uneaten in the trash bin. Raised, and slaughtered for nothing.

Indians must have been horrified witnessing the mass murder of the Buffalo - just to get rid of the creature so the Indians could no longer use him to survive.There are those ancients who for one reason or another (I think because they lived longer and know it is true) have always treated the earth and animals with respect.

Definitely seems to me like only the white man doesn't know (translation, before ppl get uppity; British Colonists)...THE EARTH ITSELF IS A LIVING THING - The only thing she does not "own" is us. If you respect the earth, her bounty, Earth will treat you kindly in return, keeping food (fruit, veg and grains) delicious and plentiful, animals wonderfully cooperative and useful and your weather mild....(No 100% guarantees here but for the most part and as much as possible!)

edit on 21-3-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:05 AM
It is impossible to get enough carbohydrates on a raw vegan diet without having access to fresh organic fruits and being rich enough to afford them. Some people can live without a lot of carbohydrates but I can't. I've been trying for years to adopt such a diet, sometimes for weeks at a time, but it never works. Lack of carbohydrates just makes me depressed and lethargic and irritable to an almost psychotic extent.

Testimonies like the ones in this thread depress me because it's just not that easy for everyone.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by PassedKarma
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

How on earth do you come up with a variety of foods to eat? Eating (mostly) raw fruits and veggies is a goal I am chasing after. I would like to have a diet consisting of raw fruits, vegetables, herbs, and grains. HOWEVER, I crave foods with lots of sauce and flavor. Most of all, I crave meat. It has been difficult to try to have a vegetarian lifestyle. I don't make it longer than a few days. Plus I am insanely hungry 99% of the time. Nothing satisfies the hunger except over-eating and junk food. It's a vicious cycle.

PassedKarma, you just need to think outside the box. You don't have to sacrifice sauce or flavor when you change your ways of eating - just do it a different way. Instead of using a jarred tomato sauce, make your own sauce from tomatoes, peppers, olives, etc. It is really very easy once you get used to it.

Think of it this way: You like to eat Mexican/Indian/Thai/Chinese/Ethiopian/Italian/French/other ethnic food, right? Well, who started to cook that way? Do you think those poor farmers who were scrounging around for something to eat had access to any preservatives, any msg, any man-made flavorings?

Nope. Just cook as if you only can use fresh ingredients and pure spices. It is actually not very expensive if you know what to look for.

You can buy spices in bulk. (Look for stores like which have a large selection of self-bagged bulk spices, grains, rice, etc.)

You can buy produce weekly from a local co-op. (Check your closest college for any food co-ops, if there is an agricultural program, there is most likely a co-op. Or, look for something like this: )

There's nothing wrong with craving meat - just eat fresh meat rather than processed meat. Chicken nuggets, for example, aren't the kind of meat you should eat. A roasted chicken breast cooked in its own juice with cilantro, jalapenos, garlic, and onion? Heck yes.

You can always ask people on ATS for help, head over to the health forum for some tips!

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

I definitely agree with you - We ARE what we eat.

We have forgotten where our food comes from, and we have sacrificed health for convenience. We have become walking preservatives and our bodies and brains are bogged down with unnatural substances we have fed ourselves with.

But, it does not have to be so.

We can change ourselves.

All it takes is the belief that we can change.

I believe We can change, I believe You can change, and I believe Change is possible.

Do it! I will help.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:45 AM
I feel like the power has been taken from me when I realize.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by elliotmtl
It is impossible to get enough carbohydrates on a raw vegan diet without having access to fresh organic fruits and being rich enough to afford them. Some people can live without a lot of carbohydrates but I can't. I've been trying for years to adopt such a diet, sometimes for weeks at a time, but it never works. Lack of carbohydrates just makes me depressed and lethargic and irritable to an almost psychotic extent.

Testimonies like the ones in this thread depress me because it's just not that easy for everyone.

Here is the problem: "I've been trying to work for years to adopt such a diet..."

You don't have to adopt a diet, just change how you look at food.

The food that goes into your body is fuel. The purer the fuel, the better your body works.

If you feel you need some carbohydrates, eat them. But eat good, unprocessed, carbohydrates - old fashioned oatmeal, fresh fruit as a snack, nuts as a snack, hummus with toasted or baked (vs. fried) chips or crackers.

You can do it, just don't try to go all out. Take little steps day by day.

Eventually, you will be making great strides and not even be out of breath.

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