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Marines told to disarm before Panetta speech

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posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:33 PM
I think the soldiers were ordered to disarm because the local Afghans weren't allowed any weapons. It would look bad if American soldiers were the only ones armed at a press conference about an American soldier that went on a rampage and killed Afghans.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:33 PM
This is huge news

There might be a coup on hand

Panetta is boght and paid for nwo vatican plant

Did you see what he and others said to the congress the other day???

That the us military defers to the UN

Alex jones covered it

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:35 PM
So, it is being reported that someone in a stolen truck charged the Airfield as Panetta's plane was landing...

being that the trip was 'unannounced' doesn't this mean that the people that are attacking the Government are IN the Government?

or do Afghani poppy farmers have the most efficient intelligence operation on Earth?

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
Its really sad when individual soldiers have to disarm in the presence of their boss because people's INDIVIDUAL OPINIONS have become a threat to the stability of the nation.

The best thing about being a soldier is that you don't have to have a political or social opinion regarding your job....

but in this world that's flipped upside down...soldiers think they should influence, compose and implement policy.

Marines waiting for Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to speak at Camp Leatherneck were ordered by Sgt Maj. Brandon Hall to go out and leave their weapons outside the room. Panetta arrived in Afghanistan Wednesday for a two-day visit amidst heightened tensions after an American soldier was alleged to have killed 16 Afghan civilians.

Ummm....isn't individual opinions what we are all about? I always thought the big "danger" was in marching in goose step like a bunch of organic robots.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

there's not much room for opinion for a soldier. and being that its a volunteer force...opinion's are worthless.

Activism pays well from what I hear and in these times it can be synergized with militancy, so if you have strong opinions...that's probably a better career choice.

hearing a story about a soldier that disagrees with his commanders is quite tacky actually...considering he wasn't forced to be a soldier.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:54 PM
It seems awfully stupid to for a bunch of marines to leave their weapons outside, if the pic in that article is accurate. Isn't that one of the first rules of a marine, to never leave your weapon unattended and always have it secure; especially with a nice fat target in town and afgan soldiers around. I know we even had rules about this in the USAF, even though the AF doesn't see as much front line combat.

Honestly I think the guy is a coward too afraid to stand in front of his own armed countrymen. That isn't a trait of a leader, it's a trait of someone who sits behind a desk all day long careless of the grief they are causing.
edit on 14-3-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

i was equally offended to hear Rick Santorum's opinions regarding the section of the US Constitution that calls for a Separation of Church and State.

where in the job description for President were these guys asked to critique the the Document that created the job they are seeking?

things are really getting out of hand around here.

separation of church and state!!!! What is it that he isn't understanding?

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by nusnus

Only a soldier understands what a soldier is going through.

So I think that you should stick to what you know.
I am being nice considering that you called us inhuman.
Go have a coke.

On topic, to everyone else.
Somebody that is considered a leader or representative of armed men should be able to address their men while the men are armed. If the men are ordered to be fully disarmed, (beyond reasons of formality) before they gather with their leader or representative, it shows that person in unfit to lead or represent. It makes a salute worthless.
Panetta, therefore is not fit to be their leader or representative.

If you understand the history behind the salute, you may understand my opinion, and/or the point that I made.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by el1jah

Hmm really? Odd then that the military has been silent as the Government tramples our rights and liberties freely every day. No opposition, no threats of protest or military stand down in the face of ongoing wars that they have to know they were lied to in order to commit ...

Individual soldiers might be disgruntled.. but as a whole they act like a good dog and keep silent, even when ordered to assassinate American citizens.

Yea. real odd.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
reply to post by milominderbinder

there's not much room for opinion for a soldier. and being that its a volunteer force...opinion's are worthless.

Activism pays well from what I hear and in these times it can be synergized with militancy, so if you have strong opinions...that's probably a better career choice.

hearing a story about a soldier that disagrees with his commanders is quite tacky actually...considering he wasn't forced to be a soldier.

Actually...the only thing in this world that scares the SH*&^t out of me is a bunch of soldiers and police who are "just following orders" and not thinking for themselves.

Why don't you guys all just sit down and refuse to fight? It's this willingness to "just follow orders" that makes all these senseless wars over stock prices and oil possible.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by AnimositisominA

Taking things a bit personally huh? No body is calling you soldiers inhuman, I actually used the term inside inverted commas because I simply touched on the meaning of the word. But in general soldiers have a pride that would prevent them from admitting that they'd have to kill a part of them (which most of us consider very human) in order to continue combat and war. The same way Golf66 brushed aside an event like killing a kid to protect your tactical advantage. He didn't even bother to consider that SOME soldiers may actually have a more human element than those who have been trained hard to kill for their comrades.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Golf66

I do agree sir.Crazy people make lousy troops.I myself was a bit too "Dirty Harry" for my units,a scout who wanted sniper school.They worried.
I do believe this is the same response a child would give when the missing cookies were found ,he looked guilty because of that.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by nusnus

Considering what I have seen so far in my meager little life, I don't think being "human" is such a great thing anyways. If we had no law and people could do whatever they wanted, no one would give a second thought to killing anything or anyone. The only thing that keeps people in line is self preservation.

It's rare that you find someone with actual pure empathy, even then 99% of the time its fake and you wouldn't know it. Humans are a disgusting, opportunistic species that will do anything to strengthen something even as trivial as their reputation with no concern for whatever happens because of it.

Even the vast majority of people claiming and acting like they are all about helping the little guy, peace, love, being kind to everyone and all that garbage are either consciously or unconsciously doing it in the name of bigotry. It's sad, but it's a dog eat dog world and this is how we even made to the crappy place we are at now.

I tend to think that there is really no such thing as "a part of us that makes us human", it's all subjective talk that just sounds nice to hear. It reassures people in the same fashion a religion or a motivational speaker would, it has no real affects on anything, it's false. It doesn't matter what you do, you are still human and tainted with the same desires and emotions we all are.
edit on 15-3-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
reply to post by usmc0311

i wouldn't want that to be standard operating procedure...after delivering a rousing speech...i'd want my troops to empty a clip in the air in support of my vision.

What goes up, must come down.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
reply to post by InfoKartel

can't have too many of me around...everyone focus on me...i'm the problem with the world.

I'm certain that if you were to act a little less melodramatic your deranged-ness would match the rest of this nutty planets'

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:05 AM
Almost posted this ealier, however being a former marine, and thinking back, it has always been this way, keep magazines out of the chamber when the elite show their mugs.

Nothing new here
move along, shizzle, do not want an elite to get taken out by his own troopers do you

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:25 AM
Asking a soldier to not bring in their gun is like asking a doctor to not bring in his stehetoscope. This is what happens when the troops see that Panetta Cheese is working for Israel and not the USA. They do not want to die by an opium farmer with a $39.99 IED.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by michaelbrux

What wars are 'WE' in? Afghanistan is a NATO mission...we're are there only to provide the testosterone,as the rest of the world has a shortage.

Wow, I think the problem is that you have an excess of testosterone. And as far as I know more than 20 of my countrymen died while helping cleaning the mess that America made for itself, no matter if you believe 911 was an inside job or not.

Don´t act like something happened to the world and that you came to help, it happened to you and other countries came to help you.

Jeez the bassackwardness.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:27 AM
I would like to have seen the clusterf**k that would have ensued in the event that a madman began firing shots in the parking lot, or the camp coming under attack suddenly. Everyone scrambling for weapons.... But with that being said Panetta knows as well as the rest of the administration that the only threatening force in Afghanistan is our troops... No real threat from the outside there. I should know... I was the first set of boots on the ground there following 9/11. Literally the first set. No threat there....

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by michaelbrux

Originally posted by el1jah

The best thing about being a soldier is that you don't have to have a political or social opinion regarding your job....

Are you serious? Its usually when the soldiers see the truth and act justly that a tyranical government collapses.

There should never be a time where one loses a healthy level of discretion, why do you think he is scared of his own troops, why wont Cheney visit Canada, because everyone hates them and its not hard to see why they would.

those soldiers are seeing and believing in an illusion. they forgot to be soldiers and became ACTIVISTS.

i recently became convinced of something i heard some years back...

...what you THINK you see is little more than a reflection of yourself.

the tyrant exists in those soldiers' own heart...and I suppose even the SOD doesn't trust in himself enough to allow his men to be armed in his presence.

flipped upside down, i say. flipped upside down.

If it is society that determines your definition of sanity, then what defines the sanity of your society?

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