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The Bible and the war against God's true and only work.

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posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by autowrench

TextHmmm, let me see, can you tell us all which is the right God to worship? There are 18 Gods in the KJV Bible alone, and thousands of Gods and Goddess in history. How did you come to know which is the real God? For someone who says they deny ignorance, you certainly seem to have a lot of it. There are a few others in here that think they need to save us all from their imagined Hell and Devil, perhaps you can compare notes and come off better next time?

I don't see were you get off lecturing this guy when you can not understand simple English , the bible may mention a bunch of false gods , which is the biggest theme of the bible , so for you to make this absurd statement of 18 gods in the bible surly shows you have no reading comprehension skills .
edit on 13-3-2012 by Azadok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:39 AM
oh dear, not this again.

none of those men picked up swords and did anything wrong... it was all religion doing the killing.

cop out, cop out.

let's see...when we get rid of religion like so many seem to think is going to do any good, what will be the new thing to hijack and twist around?

or better yet, what WON'T they hijack?

killing in the name of ___________

just fill in the blank with the latest trend and then later we'll lay the blame and once again find a new trend.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:43 AM
I have to....


posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:43 AM
In my opinion the biggest war against God’s true work is within mainstream Christianity itself. The man injected paganism is the reason many have rejected Christianity in total, many without realizing many of the pagan associations with Christianity are not found within the Bible. I have rejected mainstream Christianity for this reason, but my personal experience and studies have not led me to dismiss the Bible as a fairy tale. I’m way past trying to decide if God is real due to answered prayer too direct and profound to be a coincidence.

I think all religions may hold certain beliefs that fit together to form truth. I sometimes imagine a day when God (or whatever you may call the Intelligent Designer) saying, “You all had a piece of the puzzle, but instead of putting it together and learning from each other, you fight, divide and conquer one another!” However I am not advocating one world religion here and now, I am not naive to think the truth would survive an experiment like that without divine intervention!.

I found that when I decided to eliminate pagan traditions, for example Christmas, from my Christianity I became “weird” to other Christians, even some friends and family who privately told me they can see my basis for not celebrating it also told me they just were not ready because of the social pressure involved in such a change. It was too uncomfortable that other “Christians” would think you were rejecting Christ by not celebrating Christmas! Many years ago I found smaller groups that believed in giving up the pagan traditions but they also were obsessed with keeping Old Testament laws such as food restrictions that I believe were eliminated by Jesus’ death and resurrection. So for now I’m going down the lone wolf trail when it comes to religion because all I’ve experienced with groups of people is the “we are the ones with the truth and everyone else is going to hell” mentality.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:46 AM
It is great to have faith in God, but you put way to much faith in man. There are contradictions, they are not the fault of the man who spoke the words or even the disciples who wrote the words. The blame lies in man, who concealed and ommitted things for their benefit. The great book was put together in a time when there was not a difference between govermnet and the church. The Christians of old misrepresented God when they staged the crusades, they took others lives at will, so commandment number six did not apply to them? I am not mocking you on your faith, I truly think it is awesome, but in the end all roads lead to him.

I have a thread, maybe you read it, maybe not, I am sure you will not agree, but we all have something to learn from one another, even if they see things in a different light.


posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Vsc1981

I read the Holy Bible King James version. And I'm not tryin to push my religious beliefs on anyone. I'm just trying to get people to thinking. I know there is a ton of different religions and books and beliefs. I'm not saying stop believing what you believe in. But you have to agree that in your hearts you always feel Jesus tugging at it.

Get us to thinking. That's a funny one. How do you think this site became so big, and so famous? People come here to think, and to obtain thoughts and ideas. I myself have learned a great deal more in here than I have been able to teach others.
Please explain "But you have to agree that in your hearts you always feel Jesus tugging at it?" You did know he was just a man, a man who lived long after the supposed crucifixion, and died, and was buried? And, in 1980 the ossuary containing the remains was found? Titanic find: 'Christ's coffin'
There was even a Discovery Channel Program on the find at the time. How do you know that is Jesus tugging on your heart and not some Christian Demon? I'll bet money if I told you I spoke with a dead person, or an ET Being, you would quickly state to me the same thing, right? How can a dead man be tugging at anything? Why do you feel the need to be a servant, with a Lord, and a Master? Is your Spirit so weak it cannot stand on it's own?
I could go on forever, but I digress. Cheers.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:50 AM

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by Vsc1981

All of you thats calling me crazy and stupid read the bible. I challenge to read it. Front to back. You can't say you know the bible is fake or false or pagan stories if you haven't read it.

Robert Wright, in his book The Evolution of God, makes a point on page 102 (of the hardback Little Brown published in 2009) that is worth bringing up...

This point refers to reading the Bible.

The story of how the Abrahamic God developed, how his character changed over the millenia, is supposedly described in the Bible.
There's a problem, however, if you want to watch this story unfold. You can't just start reading the first chapter of Genesis and plow forward, waiting for God to grow. The first chapter of Genesis was almost certainly written later than the second chapter of Genesis, by a different author

(^^ that last statement in the footnotes refers to a Friedman)

The Hebrew Bible took shape slowly, over many centuries, and the order in which it is written is not the order in which it now appears. Fortunately, biblical scholarship can in some cases give us a pretty good idea of which texts followed which. The knowledge of the order of composition is a kind of "decoder" that allows us to see a pattern in God's growth that would otherwise be hidden.

Anyone studying these things seriously has to change their mind when they discover clear contradictions to what they believed prior to its discovery. And again when they come across something else's a curve, by its very nature. One is never completely "finished" (except hypothetically Jesus who didn't have any trouble "getting it", and also, according to Jesus, John the Baptist).

And don't call me ignorant.
Welcome to ATS.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 10:41 AM
I believe that The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley is more the devil's work than the bible is God's work. This last phrase wasn't any less God's work than the bible.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 10:53 AM
the key to understanding a "belief" is to understand the reasons it was originally started (who gains, and what was the motivation). the same applies to "laws", "policies", "dictates", "superstitions", etc......
edit on 13-3-2012 by jimmyx because: sentence structure

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:06 AM
Why would you put your faith in the oldest illuminati instution invention on earth to control the minds of people?
(aka, religion).

Religion seperates you from the divine and puts a manmade church, book, and ceremonies in order to get a peek into what is simply yours to begin with. You enslave your soul and give all power to a organization meant to keep you from your connection to the universe.

see how that works...

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Vsc1981

Alllllrighty then.

So if you could prove to us that God, in the sense you depict, actually dictated, or wrote down himself the original texts of the Bible, and that no human being changed that text, or misinterpreted it, or omitted parts of the original texts in the last 2000+ years, i'll jump on your bandwagon and take a dance with you.

The reality, should you be able to or wish to accept it, is that the Bible is largely copy paste from previous texts, it has been rewritten many times, has been mistranslated to a large extent and has been misquoted to ensure people are just as gullible as they were 2000 years ago without the technology to allow them to find out the "truth" for themselves.

So.. no dancing, no bandwagon, no star and no flag.

Deny ignorance dear, don't come on to a forum like this and try to ram it down our throats, there's a good boy.


posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Vsc1981
I'm new to ATS and so far I've enjoyed it. The motto for ATS is deny ignorance and I recently came across some ignorance from some people on ATS. You see the bible is God's work. We all know that. Its what He had people of His choosing to write so it could be preached and taught to the whole world so that His most loved creation could learn of Him and worship Him. So they could know of His commandments and follow them. And also to prepare for the second coming of Jesus. To warn of impending disasters to befall man and destroy His creation earth. He wants us to love and obey Him, and to fear Him. Not to worship false gods or prophets. To believe in only Him and only His word. Now these people that i mentioned seem to think that there is these other books that would have God contradicting Himself. Saying things like Jews aren't God's chosen people and He didn't give the land of Israel to the Jews. So i guess I'm just looking for some support on these issues.

Your new so fasten your seat belt because your post has been made in much more depth at least 100 times on this site since I've been lurking back in 06....

Although I can't deny what you say, you must consider that the bible is only part of the truth. We can only know so much at this level of existence.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:18 AM
The bible is NOW the work of man!
does god edit the bible every year?
so they can sell more and make maney?

does god edit the bible each time?
and make big changes?
no! man does.

the true bible, if there ever was one.
is lost in the far past.
why is it that one 4 of the disciples
are in the bible?

what about the other disciples?
Rome did not like what the othere 7 disciples wrote.
Rome only let 4 disciples wright in the Bible.
and they did a lot of editing of it.
and in the years that follow rome is Still editing the bible.

Rome uses the bible to make the people follow the rules.
to be a good slave.
7 times!

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Vsc1981

No i love care about every human and every creature upon this earth. No matter religion or race or gender. Its not about that.

I am happy to hear you say that. Love is the most powerful Force in the Universe, and even the Gods all get back at it's supreme and awesome power.

And if you haven't felt Jesus then maybe you could try to find Him.

I did. He wasn't a God, didn't look like you think, and his name was not "Jesus." I once, in deep meditation, had a short time with several beings, he was there, as was the Buddha, and Krishna, and several other Teachers, all talking among themselves. They seemed to be upset, and wondering how to proceed next. Perhaps it was just a dream, but what if it were real? I only could listen, but it was a remarkable experience, to say the least. Another time I was confronted by two beings, both on Golden Thrones, and both demanded my worship, and that I fall on my knees before them. Upon questioning, they turned out to have no power over me at all.

I'm not trying to push nothing on you its just a suggestion

Really? I believe you said a few things that run contrary to that, friend.

And I'm calling peoples beliefs or religion ignorant. I'm calling the name calling and down talking on me ignorant. Thats just not fair in so many ways.

I hope that you do not think that I think you are ignorant, but even so, that is not a bad name, just means you do now know, but are willing to learn. Are you willing to learn? The big problem with BELIEFS is that they are set into stone. Once a person forms a "belief," it can never change. There is no room for other thoughts, or ideas, or new information, the beliefs take up all of the brain and keeps out everything else. I was raised in a Christian Cult, I know a few things about them. I was warned severely not to read secular books, or any book on Occult Knowledge, or any other religion. I am a reader though, and that could not stand. I have IDEAS. Ideas are Dynamic in nature, not Static like beliefs are. When I get a new idea, I can include it with my other ideas. If an idea become stale, or is proved wrong, I can discard it without a second thought.
Many have said of me that I am Anti-Christ, and Anti-Christian. That is only partly true. What I rage, and fight against is the hierarchy itself. The clergy claim to be ministers (from minister, a Latin translation of di‧a′ko‧nos, “servant”). For this, they graduate from colleges or seminaries and are ordained.
Now I have had many conversations with "ordained ministers." Not one could ever successfully defend his/her position as opposed to my own. When I point out that to raise a man before the Creator God as a Godman, some hang their heads in shame, and that is when I ask them what about the Divine Mother, or Feminine aspect of the Godhead? Even thought in the Bible she is called "Queen of Heaven," Christians all seem to either forget her completely, or cast bad names and vile terms to describe her. She provides all that humankind has, from the clothes on your back, to the shoes on your feet, the food you eat, and the water you drink all come from Mother Earth.
You will find that fairness rules in here, but, one must give respect to get respect, and when one posts things without proof, other will demand that proof be shown. People will show you the truth of the Bible if you ask them, and I can guarantee you that people in here know lots more about it, it's content, and what it is based on than you do. That does not make you ignorant, perhaps just younger, or less apt to read and study. Enjoy your time here, and be sure to follow T&C.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:35 AM
Once again I ask, Why is this thread on the front page with only 11 flags and 5 pages of replies, when there are hundreds of powerful, fact filled threads that never see the light of day on ATS, dealing with the topic at hand and many other topics.

What is wrong with the new admin on this site ever sine TONS of new pop up ads and stupid punk children doing ATS reporting videos that I have to look at ever time I open the home page. I might as well just use yahoo as my home page.

Sell outs.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Vsc1981

no other books are needed for the bible to already be contradicting itself many many many times.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Vsc1981

Ive never understood these peoples all loving god that demands worship and fear. Sounds like a tyrant. The bible is used for control. I mean how many different translations are there? The original source is long gone.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Vsc1981

The first step in wisdom is to realize and accept we are all ignorant. Then we move forward with a mind open to possibilities.
If you close your mind off to all that could be, then you will definitely miss things that could prove true. Religion teaches you to close your mind to all things except for its path.

For isntance
I believe Evolution is the most sensible understanding of how we are here. I am open to other ideas, but until I see equal evidence supporting something else, then I stick with the supporting evidence..doesn't mean I won't look at other things though. I am actually very easy to sway, just give me some strong evidence that cannot be disputed as evolutionary theory has.
Do you have your watermark of openness? Typically religious people can literally go in a time machine and watch evolution happen and will refuse to alter their beliefs out of...whatever reason. The true intent of that though is people want to feel they have the answers, and when things contrary to their preconceived notions pop up, they simply ignore.
to ignore evidence is to, by definition, embrace ignorance.

So, step 1. Admit you are ignorant...know your flaws, because only when you accept your flaws can you take measures to slowly try and correct them.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Vsc1981
I'm new to ATS and so far I've enjoyed it. The motto for ATS is deny ignorance and I recently came across some ignorance from some people on ATS. You see the bible is God's work. We all know that. Its what He had people of His choosing to write so it could be preached and taught to the whole world so that His most loved creation could learn of Him and worship Him. So they could know of His commandments and follow them. And also to prepare for the second coming of Jesus. To warn of impending disasters to befall man and destroy His creation earth. He wants us to love and obey Him, and to fear Him. Not to worship false gods or prophets. To believe in only Him and only His word. Now these people that i mentioned seem to think that there is these other books that would have God contradicting Himself. Saying things like Jews aren't God's chosen people and He didn't give the land of Israel to the Jews. So i guess I'm just looking for some support on these issues.

I think some people are just never meant to know Him. I dont know if faith is a gift from God or just something we have to have on our own. I've been witness to numerous events that cannot be explained away with science. Where I see a miracle, another may see nothing more than unbelievable luck. It has to be ANYTHING but an entity that we owe everything we are and have to.
edit on 13-3-2012 by GoldenRuled because: (no reason given)

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