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Are dreams a Emancipation of the Soul?

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posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 07:58 PM
You often say, 'I have had a strange dream, a frightful dream, without any likeness to reality' You are mistaken in thinking it to be so; for it is often a reminiscence of places and things which you have seen in the past, or a foresight of those which you will see in another existence, or in this one at some future time. The body being torpid, the spirit tries to break his chain, and seeks, in the past or in the future, for the means of doing so.

"Poor human beings! how little do you know of the commonest phenomena of your life!
You fancy yourselves to be very learned, and you are puzzled by the most ordinary things. To questions that any child might ask, 'What do we do when we are asleep?' 'What are dreams?' you are incapable of replying.

How can we ascertain the fact of a spirit's liberty during sleep?

"By dreams. Be very sure that, when his body is asleep, a spirit enjoys the use of faculties of which he is unconscious while his body is awake. He remembers the past, and sometimes foresees the future: he acquires more power, and is able to enter into communication with other spirits, either in this world or in some other.

"Sleep effects a partial freeing of the soul from the body. When you sleep, your spirit is, for the time being, in the state in which you will be after your death. The spirits who at death are promptly freed from matter are those who, during their life, have had what may be called intelligent sleep. Such persons, when they sleep, regain the society of other spirits superior to themselves. They go about with them, conversing with them, and gaining instruction from them; they even work, in the spirit-world, at undertakings which, on dying, they find already begun or completed. From this you see how little death should be dreaded, since, according to the saying of St. Paul, you 'die daily.'

"What we have just stated refers to spirits of an elevated degree of advancement. As for those of the common mass of men, who, after their death, remain for long hours in the state of confusion and uncertainty of which you have been told by such, they go, during sleep, into worlds of lower rank than the earth, to which they are drawn back by old affections, or by the attraction of pleasures still baser than those to which they are addicted in your world; visits in which they gather ideas still viler, more ignoble, and more mischievous than those which they had professed during their waking hours.

And that which engenders sympathy in the earthly life is nothing else than the fact that you feel yourselves, on waking, affectionately attracted towards those with whom you have passed eight or nine hours of happiness or pleasure. On the other hand, the explanation of the invincible antipathies you sometimes feel for certain persons is also to be found in the intuitive knowledge you have thus acquired of the fact that those persons have another conscience than yours, because you know them without having previously seen them with your bodily eyes. It is this same fact, moreover, that explains the indifference of some people for others; they do not care to make new friends, because they know that they have others by whom they are loved and cherished. In a word, sleep has more influence than you think upon your life.
"Through the effects of sleep, incarnated spirits are always in connection with the spirit-world; and it is in consideration of this fact that spirits of a higher order consent, without much repugnance, to incarnate themselves among you. God has willed that, during their contact with vice, they may go forth and fortify themselves afresh at the source of rectitude, in order that they, who have come into your world to instruct others, may not fall into evil themselves. Sleep is the gate opened for them by God, that they may pass through it to their friends in the spirit-world; it is their recreation after labor, while awaiting the great deliverance, the final liberation, that will restore them to their true place.

"Dreams are the remembrance of what your spirit has seen during sleep; but you must remark that you do not always dream, because you do not always remember what you have seen, or all that you have seen. Your dreams do not always reflect the action of your soul in its full development; for they are often only the reflex of the confusion that accompanies your departure or your return, mingled with the vague remembrance of what you have done, or of what has occupied your thoughts, in your waking state. In what other way can you explain the absurd dreams which are dreamed by the wisest as by the silliest of mankind? Bad spirits, also, make use of dreams to torment weak and timid souls.

"You will see, ere long, the development of another kind of dream, a kind which is as ancient as the one you know, but one of which you are ignorant. The dream we allude to is that of Jeanne Darc,1 of Jacob, of the Jewish prophets, and of certain Hindu ascetics, a dream which is the remembrance of the soul's experiences while entirely freed from the body, the remembrance of the second life, of which I spoke just now.

"You should carefully endeavor to distinguish these two kinds of dreams among those which you are able to recall: unless you do this, you will be in danger of falling into contradictions and errors that would be prejudicial to your belief."

Dreams are a product of the emancipation of the soul, rendered more active by the suspension of the active life of relation, and enjoying a sort of indefinite clairvoyance which extends to places at a great distance from us, or that we have never seen, or even to other worlds. To this state of emancipation is also due the remembrance which retraces to our memory the events that have occurred in our present existence or in preceding existences the strangeness of the images of what has taken place in worlds unknown to us, mixed up with the things of the present world, producing the confused and whimsical medleys that seem to be equally devoid of connection and of meaning.

The incoherence of dreams is still farther explained by the gaps resulting from the incompleteness of our remembrance of what has appeared to us in our nightly visions--an incompleteness similar to that of a narrative from which whole sentences, or parts of sentences, have been omitted by chance, and whose remaining fragments, having been thrown together again at random, have lost all intelligible meaning.

Why do we not always remember our dreams?

"What you call sleep is only the repose of the body, for the spirit is always in motion. During sleep he recovers a portion of his liberty, and enters into communication with those who are dear to him, either in this world, or in other worlds; but as the matter of the body is heavy and gross, it is difficult for him to retain, on waking, the impressions he has received during sleep, because those impressions were not received by him through the bodily organs."

From the Spirits Book- Allan Kardec. 1800's.

What do you guys think. Considering we all do this nightly, so little is known about sleep and dreams. Is it really more than it seems. ?
When you die does a dream take over and become real?
Are my dreams visions or memories of a parallel me?

edit on 12-3-2012 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-3-2012 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 03:44 AM
For more dream exploration, I highly recommend reading Carlos Castaneda's The Teachings of Don Juan. Any Don Juan related book will have a lot of dream insight. You don't have to regard it as fact, of course, but it will definitely open your mind up to more possibilities.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

This may be a little too deep for these so called free thinkers.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:33 PM
I believe the above to be true. Deams have always fascinated me and I cannot wait to go to sleep at night. When I have the feeling that I am trying to seek something, yet I don't know what it is, I take a nap and that feeling will usually dissipate.

*Plus I have to give you a star, because the first image you used was my background for a few years

edit on 13-3-2012 by tk2dsky because: added stuff

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:54 PM
The brain is a vast neural network. Neural networks store patterns. The concept of Archetypes is useful for describing these patterns. Dreams are expressed in archetypes. Dreams are not incoherent once you understand how these archetypes interconnect and express themselves.

Spirits in dreams? Perhaps, but if there are, they are few and far between. I've encountered fellow dreamers much more frequently, and actually verified shared dreams with them. There were slight differences in our individual versions of these dreams, but they were archetypal in nature and essentially describe the same thing.

The concept of probability patterns in duality could be said to be archetypes. In my opinion, dreams are an expression of duality.

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan
For more dream exploration, I highly recommend reading Carlos Castaneda's The Teachings of Don Juan. Any Don Juan related book will have a lot of dream insight. You don't have to regard it as fact, of course, but it will definitely open your mind up to more possibilities.

I was going to quite Don Juan from Journey to Ixtlan, but I just realized how horrible my e-reader is a turning pages. On page 82, he says basically dreams are pretty much only good for practicing control.

If you're interested in control, check out my thread here
Or any of Mzzck's threads

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