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Crazy Sweaty Starseed Monkey Sex [CWC]

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posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 12:08 AM

Crazy Sweaty Starseed Monkey Sex

Part 1

Somewhere on Earth much closer you’d you realize…..
12th of March 2012

[color=96EEFF] The morning air still had a slight chill to it and I tightened the pale blue scarf around my neck. Another beautiful day had dawned, another day in the nearly 13,000 solar rotations I’d walked this planet called Earth as a Watcher. I was placed here by the Galactic Federation following the sinking of Atlantis to oversee our investment in the human race; our ancient experiments in anchoring the Pleiadian genetic code along with those of many other beings of light beings within the 3rd Dimension, and our first-time trial with the concept of complete freewill, (or at the very least, the illusion of it...).

[color=96EEFF] Earth was the perfect place to choose ever since our sister Gaia had chosen taken on planetary form. Located in a small tucked away portion of the Universe, Earth could be well protected overall from those who would seek to disrupt our plans. I myself made the choice to forgo ascension to the 5th Dimension in order to be one of the chosen ones placed here through an agreement with the immortal Thoth and others from the Naacal. Ultimately this would make me much stronger than most of my brethren when I did finally ascend, but this wasn’t my motivation for volunteering. Like most of my race, power never interested me. Rather, I sensed there was still a small primal part of my being which yearned to still be amongst those who dwelled upon the physical plane. Long ago I had lost a child after coupling, and though I know it was merely part of the natural order of all, I still felt the pain as only a mother can. It was because of this I think I drawn to the fleeting lives of our Earthly children.

After so many years living upon the physical plane my consciousness levels had dropped significantly and I now found it hard to ascend even into the 4th for very long. It had been many moons since I’d managed to revitalize myself within the sapphire blue waters of the ocean which so mimicked the healing energies found on my former planet Erra within the Pleiades star system. Indeed the events leading up to the Great Shift necessitated I dwell within the larger human settlements which was in itself a further drain on my energy levels. In any case, a swim in those polluted waters hardly constituted a ‘recharge’ in my books.

Because of this however, my physical body had finally begun to age. Throughout most of my incarnation here I’d dwelled in the body of a 13 year old human girl. This appearance suited both my personality and the work I had to do. In the past 60 years or so I had aged to the point I now looked like I was in my early 20’s. This proved to be an annoyance more than anything for I found many, especially males, would become lost in my physical appearance rather than focusing on the messages I had to convey.

And so it was I paced the bustling streets of men toward the one thing I found that kept the energies within my Earthly body at their optimum, albeit depleted state. A double shot espresso from the Merkaba Bean Café.


[color=E9C2FF] “God save me its 8am. Gotta be at work in 30 minutes!”

Scrambling out of bed, I hopped toward the shower while simultaneously trying to get my boxers off. It wasn’t very successful and simply ended up face planting my naked ass across the carpet.

“Damn it!”

Stumbling to get up, I reached the shower, turned on the tap, stepped in and preceded to scrub my bits. I’d attempted to make a point of meditating at the beginning of each day, but so far nothing had really eventuated. The bong on the sideboard testified to the fact I had a rather large mull-over that morning. Definitely not the on-top-of-life attitude I had pictured myself waking up to every day.

I’d always sensed I was destined for great things in life; greater at least than working in some stinking coffee shop. When I wasn’t working or high, I relentlessly ploughed through mystical texts covering every topic from Sacred Geometry to Paganism to dumbed down versions of quantum physics for new-agers. I was a regular on many conspiracy theory websites; especially now I’d discovered one that seemed populated with semi-intelligent people who I could relate to on a level which didn’t make me automatically suspect they’d simply forgotten to take their meds.

And so I stood in the shower rocking back and forth letting the warm water wash over my skin. God I loved a good shower. I swear there was something in the water which seemed even for just a few minutes to wash all my negative energies away. “Probably just the fluoride” I mused, not that my pineal gland was getting much use these days anyway.


[color=96EEFF]Arriving at the coffee shop I took my usual seat near under the olive tree out the front and waited for service. Truthfully, it wasn’t really the coffee that brought me to this place. Unbeknownst to most of the humans that frequented here, the café was located on top of a convergence of magnetic leys and as such it was a place of high energy.

A long time ago it was home to a particularly ancient stand of oak trees. In those days when my consciousness level was much higher I would often flit through this grove. Sitting on a small rise, one used to be able to see the ocean far off in the distance. The local indigenous people would hold their ceremonies here, many of which I attended in person. Of course when the Europeans came they butchered the trees for lumber, but the power of this place could not be denied and it was here that the first church of what has now become a thriving city was built.

Over time through scandal and prejudice the church proved to be unworthy caretakers and I myself interceded to have them removed. The old stone building lay empty for many years until once again I played my hand and this café was opened. The constant influx of people was just what was needed to clear out the many negative energies which had accumulated. Better still, being a place of power the Merkaba Bean seemed to attract just the type of people whom I’d been sent to Earth to monitor.

One lad in particular had caught my eye. He’d only started working here a few moons ago and had a particularly vivid aura the likes of which I hadn’t seen since I left the hidden city of Shambhala after Gaia’s Kundalini began to waiver. What was however even more striking was its color, a deeply luminescent indigo…


[color=E9C2FF] “Thank effin God” I thought as I rounded the corner to see a number of people still waiting at the bus stop. The way my day was turning out I could have sworn I was going to miss it. It pulled up few minutes later and I paid my fare and walked to the back. Collapsing in my seat, I finally had a chance to gather myself and my gaze began focusing on the other passengers sitting before me. I let my vision fall out of focus by just a degree and slowly around each passenger a glowing haze appeared.

I’d been able to see the auras of others all my life; in fact as a kid I did not even realize that most others could not see them at all.

The flickering blood red glow around the balding man two rows ahead of me told me he was stressed and angry about something. The auras of the two teen girls near the front door danced back and forth with each other as they chatted and the driver’s was a sickening yellow green color with a dark swirl on the upper left side of his chest. I wondered how long he’d be able to drive buses before the cancer spread too far.

My mind began to wander to the day ahead. There was something about working at the Merkaba Bean I really loved despite my left brain concerns about getting a proper job and making something of myself. The place itself made me feel more energized than anywhere else I’d ever worked, and many of those who frequented here were really something else.

I wondered if the blonde in the light blue dress would be there. The manager had told me she’d been a regular since the coffee shop had opened, sometimes disappearing for months at a time but always returning to her regular table under the olive tree. Something about her made me feel weak at the knees. Perfectly proportioned, lilting voice, impressive rack; she was the type of girl I could only ever imagine being with. Her most striking feature though was her amazing cerulean eyes. Almond shaped, they reminded me of both the stars and the ocean all at once. Even her name sounded like something from out of this world. ‘Nefeté’ I mouthed as the bus approached my stop.


Part 2

[color=96EEFF]I felt his presence before I saw him. Koji I think his name was. Hurrying through the alfresco area he glanced sideways at me. Near black eyes flashed in the morning sun before he almost took himself out walking into the coffee shop doorframe. I chuckled as he gathered himself and apologized profusely to the couple sitting near the entrance. They also were laughing and he hastily went inside.

His eyes, his dark hair and milky white skin gave away his Acturian lineage. This in itself was interesting as few Acturian starseeds were left following Earth’s last entry into the electromagnetic null zone directly preceding the annihilation of Atlantis. But the very fact I’d recently dispensed of several Greys I found following him left me in no doubt as to the true nature of his heritage.

The races of man were all seeded here many hundreds of thousands of years ago by us Pleiadians working under the direct command of the Galactic Federation. Millions of years prior we’d accelerated and guided the evolution of the Simian species in order to create the great apes as a basis to hold our own genetic codes. Eventually the Chimpanzee line was chosen to be our host our stock. I myself would have chosen the Bonobos as I had no doubt the horny little buggers would have created a far less prudish society. “But..” I often thought to myself “…they’re all still just monkeys…”, which left me wondering exactly how things would turn out when the Precession of the Equinox eventuated in another nine or so month’s time.

At any rate my time on Earth would be finally coming to a close. Our leader Plejas had told me I’d be assigned one final task before I left Earth for good, but due to my diminished consciousness levels I’d long since lost my connection to the future and had no idea what lay in store. Through vague intuits I realized it had to do with ushering in the new Christ Consciousness via the return of one of the ascended masters. Hopefully it would be that Yeshua ben Josef again. That guy was truly awesome.

Our experiment in the 3rd Dimension had attracted the attention of many of the negative races as well. One of my duties was to monitor this situation and intervene if necessary; a task which I undertook reluctantly, though increasingly more frequently especially since the Greys tricked those that governed this land into some sort of dna/technology trade agreement. Did the fools even realize what they were giving away? And to think Illuminati is meant to mean ‘the Enlightened Ones’…


[color=E9C2FF] “Great, just great” I said to myself as I checked my bruised cheek in the mirror. There she was looking hotter than ever and here I go smashing myself into the door. But the embarrassment I felt soon subsided as it seemed most negative feelings did in this place. Putting on my black barista’s apron I walked to the counter and started on the orders which were piling up next to the register.

Glancing through the window I could see her sitting there. Our eyes met again through the glass and as always I was struck by an overwhelming feeling of warmth and sensuality. I swear she often seemed to watch me. Maybe she was checking me out? Maybe I should ask her out?

“Koji! Stop staring at the blonde chick and clear those fricking tables…”


[color=96EEFF] “Have you finished your coffee ma’am?”

“Thank you yes” I replied.” How’s your face? You ran into that door frame pretty hard?”

“Um all good, it was nothing……..hardly even a scratch”

He stood there looking down and then away. I knew he wanted to ask me something.

“Um yeah…I was wondering…that is…if you’re not busy later if maybe you wanted to go out for a drink later? I usually knock off around four or so...”

“I’m sorry Koji, I don’t drink”

Poor guy looked heartbroken. I had to admit he was actually quite cute, especially in rejection. But I never fraternize with 3Ds.


[color=E9C2FF] “Koji”

Earnestly I turned back and looked at her.

“The glass…”


Rejection. I knew she was out of my league. As I walked inside I kicked the counter hard. Doesn’t matter who does it you always end up feeling like crap. I looked out at her table to watch her walking out. I let my eyes unfocus briefly and immediately she was surrounded by a brilliant turquoise haze which sparkled like the Milky Way. The coffee shop seemed to attract some amazing people but I’d never seen an aura like that before.

“Whoa” I said aloud, “definitely out of my league…”


Part 3

[color=96EEFF]An overwhelming feeling of negativity hung in the atmosphere and hastened me back toward the Merkaba Bean. The feeling left me feeling almost sick and every step closer caused my stomach to roll. I crossed over its threshold and looked around wildly. Reptilians! There were four of them and I had no doubt who they were after. The night before I’d sensed several ships crossing the magnetic grid around Earth. I knew they were not ours but I’d simply concluded that a few more Greys had landed to try and gather some more specimens for their dodgy genetic experiments. Filthy little trouble makers, no wonder their only success came from the cells harvested in the lower intestine. I’d had little luck in locating them and now I knew why. I‘d been focusing on the wrong energy level… I should’ve been concentrating on something much much lower.

Normally four Reptilians would be a difficult task even for me, at least in such a crowded place. But hidden in my friend the olive tree I’d long ago placed a Coinan Stone Tetrahedron from Giza created to amplify all positive energies. They instantly sensed my presence, and I could tell that they themselves had begun gathering energy from the juncture of leys. I whispered to the olive tree and placed my hand on one of her boughs. Without ever take my eyes of the four I began chanting a simple mantra of love under my breath. My auric energy began to expand outwards, and I could already see a noticeable change in the demeanor of the patrons closest to me.

The largest of the four was moving his lips silently while the others focused all their attention on him. An older businessman sitting near them suddenly turned white and began to violently vomit on the table in front of him. But the wave of white light which emanated forth from the tree edged ever closer and slowly they themselves began to be engulfed. Now it was their turn to turn white and the largest’s face actually began to flicker and change. His hologram was failing and he was going to have to make a choice. Leave, or be exposed as the monster he really was.

He grabbed his pack and gave me a look that ripped into the very fabric of my soul. I flinched but continued to chant and finally he could not face me anymore. The other three had long gone.

Koji appeared at the door.

“Hey come back. Whose gonna pay for this…?!”

“Piss off kid’ said the largest and shoved Koji to the ground. He passed across the threshold and I collapsed in the chair, exhausted.

“Nefeté, you came back…”

“Yeah Koji” she smiled up weakly, “I could probably do with that drink right now.


[color=E9C2FF]I could not believe it. Me, the girl of my dreams and a bar.


[color=96EEFF]I could not believe it. Me…in a bar…


[color=E9C2FF]She seemed more fragile than I ever remembered seeing her, so I figured we’d start off slowly - Vodka.


[color=96EEFF]What on Earth was I feeling? I’d been in such a depleted state when we entered the pub I scarcely knew what was happening. Koji said something but I barely heard him. I just nodded and a glass of cool liquid appeared before me. And then another, and another. It wasn’t doing a good job of quenching my thirst and my head began to spin. The atmosphere in the bar was cloying and I needed to go outside to get some air. I tried to stand but tripped instead and crumpled down onto the carpet.


[color=E9C2FF] “Dude, she can’t stay here. I’m sorry but she’s gonna have to leave.”

Man she drank like a fish. Shame the night ended so quickly. Now I was gonna have to get her home.

“Nef, where’s your house? I can call a taxi if you like?”

“A taxi can’t take me home…” she replied before puking her guts out across the pavement. “Koji…I need to lie down”

My place was just around the corner, so I hoisted her off the ground and more or less carried her down the street until we reached my building.


Part 4

[color=96EEFF]I was barely conscious as Koji lifted me through his apartment to his bed. The air was thick with the fragrance of incense and other things smoked. Through bleary eyes I saw walls covered with dozens of posters of everything from Metatron’s Cube to pictures of Gandhi. A colorful string of Tibetan prayer flags flapped lazily across the open window. Due to the effort of lifting me up the three flights of stairs to his apartment, Koji was sweating profusely in the warm evening air. The pungent musky scent of human sweat filled my nostrils and he gently laid me on his bed.


[color=E9C2FF] “Finally made it” I thought to myself. Though thin, she was far lighter than 6ft frame would have suggested, which I guess was lucky for me as the most physical thing I usually do in a day was run to catch the bus every morning.

She smelled really sweet, sorta like orange blossoms and the sea mixed together. I laid her down on the bed and took off her shoes.

“I wonder if I should get a bucket” I thought to myself. I wondered if I even owned a bucket. Realizing I was covered in sweat, I lifted up an arm and had a sniff. Nasty. I peeled off my shirt and scanned the floor looking for a semi-clean one. It was then I felt another’s hand in mine. I turned around and to see a set of brilliantly blue almond eyes staring up at me.

“Thank you Koji” she whispered.

“Do you want a glass of water?”

She shook her head.

“Look, I’m just gonna be on the couch if you need anything okay. The bathroom’s down the hall on the left….”

“Koji, please stay” said her voice inside my head and she pulled me down next to her. My heart began to race.


[color=96EEFF]I could not keep my eyes off him. Standing before me shirtless, his thinly muscular physique was silhouetted by the deep indigo glow which surrounded his glistening body. I reached out for his hand and pulled him down to the bed. He lay down beside me and I lost myself in two depthless black eyes. How long had it been since I’d had another to take care of me, to watch over and love me? How long had I operated as a singular entity amongst the fleeting souls of Gaia’s children?

The clouds outside shifted and soft white from the moon flooded the room. His youthful face looked almost angelic, and I touched his cheek with a trembling hand…


[color=E9C2FF]In the pale moonlight my focus softened and a shimmering turquoise light surrounded her. As she touched my face I pulled her closer to me and felt her warm rapid breath. I unbuttoned her dress and as it fell open I gently shifted on top of her. She lay there like a vision, and I stooped down and kissed her tenderly on the lips. Slowly, we began to melt together into oblivion.


[color=96EEFF]As he kissed me I felt a deeply primal surge as our energies became full circle. For the first time in my life a son of Adam - descendent of the primate lineage and heir of the Acturian - held his body against my own. Our spirits, our auras twisted together and our bodies moved as one. And as our lips pressed together one final time the physical then ceased to exist…



Indigo and oceans blue,
Ever higher, passing through,
Clouds of golden nebula dust
Moving in exquisite lust.

Above the Earth across the night
Through twisted dreams and living light
A silver cord, a higher plane
Eternal soul’s etheric chains

Astral dreams of silver stars
Vortex growing ever large
Stronger faster quickening pace
Ecstatic swirls in outer space

Through space and time the star gate grows
And penetrates her Earthly rose
Ascended master hears the call
And plants the seed to save us all

Two souls combined unlock the key
And spiraling down they number three
To free man from his gilded cage
The dawning of a golden age

edit on 12/3/2012 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 06:39 AM
Can you throw in any more new age stereotypes?

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by OsirisIndigo

Thanks OsirisIndigo, I can tell by your very name that you're a great lover of new age stereotypes. Its always nice after spending so long on a piece of writing to see the very first comment posted is completely meaningless.

I chose to base the story in a world where these stereotypes are true, instead of basing it in the usual 'Aliens come in, take over the planet and enslave mankind' type world. Why? Because its my feeling that any alien race with technology capable of actually reaching Earth would be well past the point of actually needing to invade Earth for any specific reason. For this reason I feel that the new age stereotypes to be a much truer reflection on how alien-human contact would actually play out rather than the traditional viewpoint.

You may have a point though as I did chuck in every one that I'd ever actually heard of - the story was originally planned to be much shorter. But as I've never actually seen a work of fiction with new age views of alien contact in it, I guess I was attempting to establish a baseline.

But more to the point though, what did you think of the actual story? As I've never really written very much fiction for an audience before it would have actually nice if you'd actually been constructive in your criticism.

Or did you simply, as your sad attempt at sarcasm suggests, simply read the first 3 paragraphs before deciding it was necessary to post your pointless one-liner response?

edit on 12/3/2012 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 12:45 PM

Hands down,this is the best story so far.


I do believe that their are those that can see auras. Its plausible that their are those fallen from the stars,at a more mental among us.

Very well written indeed.
edit on 13-3-2012 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 12:57 PM
Would have been a great story if you didn't feel the need to be "cute" and use colors that hurt your eyes while reading.

Why do people feel the need to do that here on ATS?

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:10 AM
Myself, I thought the story was very well laid out, the pictures being a nice accent to the multi-colored text. It worked for me, and fit together the story you were telling very nicely. Awesome work, as always!

Catchy title, well-formatted. Kudos, and of course another flag.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by amongus
Would have been a great story if you didn't feel the need to be "cute" and use colors that hurt your eyes while reading.

Why do people feel the need to do that here on ATS?

Because theres a thing called individualism, and freedom of expression. Dont like it? Copy and past into notepad or keep it movin.

Great story OP, best one ive read yet.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 06:24 AM
Great story and great delivery S&F

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 01:55 PM
You had me at monkey sex, but then you made the text blue and that just hurts my eyes. Back to black please. And I mean that in a non-prison movie kinda way.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 04:37 AM
Hey I’m back,due to work related reasons I haven’t been able to access the internet for quite a while so it’s encouraging to come back and see my story has actually been appreciated….

Originally posted by sonnny1

Hands down,this is the best story so far.


I do believe that their are those that can see auras. Its plausible that their are those fallen from the stars,at a more mental among us.

Very well written indeed.
edit on 13-3-2012 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

Thanks so much sonny, that means a lot coming from the guy who I thought had the best story in the competition. Glad to see you took out 2nd place

Originally posted by amongus
Would have been a great story if you didn't feel the need to be "cute" and use colors that hurt your eyes while reading.

Why do people feel the need to do that here on ATS?

The main reason I used the colours was so I could flip back and forth between the 2 main characters minds with minimal fuss on the reader’s behalf. I wasn’t actually trying to be ‘cute’. If it means anything it took me ages to find the two shades of blue/violet which still stood out from the grey but weren’t too epilepsy inducing.

Personally I think the colours compliment the poem at the end and I really don’t see a problem with them.

Originally posted by Druid42
Myself, I thought the story was very well laid out, the pictures being a nice accent to the multi-colored text. It worked for me, and fit together the story you were telling very nicely. Awesome work, as always!

Catchy title, well-formatted. Kudos, and of course another flag.

Thanks Druid. I love a few pics when I’m reading but I didn’t really want them to take too much away from the actual story itself. As it is also kinda long I thought it might break things up a little. Great story yourself btw….

Originally posted by Ear-Responsible

Originally posted by amongus
Would have been a great story if you didn't feel the need to be "cute" and use colors that hurt your eyes while reading.

Why do people feel the need to do that here on ATS?

Because theres a thing called individualism, and freedom of expression. Dont like it? Copy and past into notepad or keep it movin.

Great story OP, best one ive read yet.

Cheers ER, as I’ve already got my ‘Writers’ signature I now only write to please myself so it’s really encouraging that others love it as well. I really don’t see why everyone has issues with colours. I thought they nicely complimented the story and if ever I write something similar I’ll probably do it again.

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
Great story and great delivery S&F

Cheers Timelord, you had a few good ones as well if I recall….

Originally posted by Monkeygod333
You had me at monkey sex, but then you made the text blue and that just hurts my eyes. Back to black please. And I mean that in a non-prison movie kinda way.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

It may help if you don’t try and read it on ur phone.

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