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Unbelievable true life happenings from ATS members

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posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:40 PM
Myself and a friend were walking home late one night after visiting a friend, it was about 1.5 / 2.0 miles walk back home in an urban area. After about 300yds I had the thought that I was going to find some money and started looking about me, but saw nothing. We continued the walk and talk as we went along our way and I casually looked about me as we did. When almost home, within about 150yds of my building, I looked up infront of me and saw a piece of paper blowing towards me, I ran towards it and scooped it up. It was in fact a £20 note. I tell this story often as I have a witness here, who just laughs when they hear me telling it again, its a nothing of a story but true non the less. Yes I did share the money.
edit on 11-3-2012 by ukWolf because: Sp

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by ukWolf

I disagree with you that this is a nothing of a story. What do you think could've been giving you the feeling about the money you were about to find ? Also the fact that you shared is very cool.

Yes I did share the momey

And your typo is hilarious.

edit on 11-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by randyvs

The thought "I'm going to find some money" just came from nowhere.

The "nothing" story is about the events, I suppose I should have added that, I can't explain it to myself. I don't read anything about this type of thing, pre-cognition I think its called, can't explain it either. Just weird to me.

Oops! typo done, many thanx

edit on 11-3-2012 by ukWolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 07:43 PM
Will post some of mine tomorrow.
All kinds of things have occurred that are very real to me, so will narrow down a bit and give you some of my best.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:25 PM
I have often gotten butterflies in my stomach while growing up. Whenever I got them, I felt something was going to happen out of the ordinary. Not necessarily good, bad, or huge, but just something a little unusual. Most of them are stupid little things like a broken toilet that wouldn’t flush when suddenly, I got that feeling, and the actual thought came to me: the toilet works right now. I tried it again and it worked. Please don’t ask what was wrong because I could not figure out why it wouldn’t work and my roommates and I had been dinking with it for an hour or so without resolving anything. But some things a little more interesting: when I was around 8 or so, I had the butterfly feeling again. The next morning, my father (whom I did not live with and had little contact with) arrived for a visit. Another time, a few years later, I had the feeling again and wondered what I could expect within the next day or so. I was never fearful of this feeling, only wondering. The wife in the family I was living with, her parents showed up late that night out of the blue, totally unexpected. They had never visited before and had given no notice of their intent. They were older and lived in Arkansas, we were in Oregon. Another time when in college, myself and other students were boarding the athletic bus to travel to a far town for a basketball game between the two schools. I had boarded and sat in my seat, casually waiting for the rest of the students who were slowly straggeling on. As I was sitting there for a few minutes, I suddenly got that feeling. However it was laden with dread. I thought I was being paranoid and kept trying to reason the dread out of myself. I finally couldn’t stand it. I stood up, stated to a few others that I thought something was going to happen with the bus and exited the bus as fast as I could. I didn’t scream, or act irrational, just made the statement. Immediately upon stepping away from the bus, I felt a sense of relief and knew I had done the right thing even if nothing happened. That night on the way home, the bus had a blow out and ran into the side of a mountain. Thankfully, no one was hurt but the students didn’t arrive home until 5:00am the next morning. I was SOOOO glad I wasn’t on that bus, stranded, waiting for things to be fixed or transportation back to school in the middle of the night. At that point, I really began to pay attention to my butterflies. I rarely get that feeling, but when I do, I am on heightened alert. It is totally out of the blue, maybe a couple times in a year or not for many years.

I have been frustrated when "big" things have happened and I didn’t have any butterfly warning. I wish I could train “them”.

edit on 11-3-2012 by Gridrebel because:

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:33 PM
double post
edit on 11-3-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by SunflowerStar

Righton Star definetly looking forward to the read. Don't forget me now !

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Ok, heres the reason I joined the site:


Originally posted by Tangled2011 goes...

First off, Hi to everyone on here. I've signed up to this site after a couple of weeks reading through hundreds of pages of interesting thoughts, theories & discussions. To be honest I've been reluctant to sign up, despite being deeply intrigued by what I've seen. The reason for me holding myself back was I've seen some quite personal attacks on people who come forward with their feelings, and alot of the time it feels like they are insisting the person is mad...BUT...

I would have been EXACTLY the same as the attackers, until about a month ago! Since just before xmas 2010, I've been a hardcore skeptic and always believed science would explain everything, but something changed, and this is the tricky part. No-one can explain fully what the change is, how or why it happens, and the purpose for it happening, which makes it easy for people to debunk (like I said I would have been the debunker too)...however in the past month or so a change seems to be happening to me too. I've not talked about it until recently because the looks you get just make you feel mad but you yourself can feel it, and its not insanity!

My experience started with crying for no real reason. Just an immense overwhelming feeling of being happy! Then I started to worry when I was crying, but felt sad. Classic Psycho behaviour isnt it lol Well thats what i thought, but then all of a sudden I opened up and accepted it, and then the dreams started...just very odd ones, they felt like ordinary dreams at first but then they started feeling more like an out of body experience, in one of them, it felt like I could feel the stars and planets moving, and as insane as it sounds, it felt natual, like I was part of it all.. and that I'm seeing something going on in space (i don't know what/if any purpose to it was but it felt like it had a purpose, just I don't know why just yet, but its like I know the answer is coming) so when I woke up I just thought well that was weird.

It was about this time I started reading some threads on here about planets/stars etc.

Then the biggie came lol...

I had a normal day, not good, not bad, just normal...went to bed and had what I can only describe as a possible life changing event. This didnt feel like a dream, which is why I woke up my wife and said something along the lines of: "What the *$"R, was that about"

The "experience" I had would be what is typically described by those who have NDE.

I felt like an immense light just emerged, like it surrounded me, and that I too was becoming "the light" I expected it to be blinding and to want to shield my eyes as it started but it wasnt like that at all...I totally get it now when people say this light is made of immense warmth and love!! I started to move towards it and merge with it, It was like my soul was the light and all of a sudden my psyhical life was nothing to worry about leaving, this was meant to happen. So I started merging with this light and for a split second, I get scared, I feel mind literally say "^&3% I don't like this, I want to go back" and I turn to see my wife, I stretch out with one arm, and then for another split second I turn back to the warm loving light and say to my wife "No, its ok, I have to go"....

...I wake up! I guess in more ways than one!

For a total skeptic who berated my mam for going to see psychics, and always saying its science and research that answers/debunks these types of things...I am now starting to feel a little red-faced! This "experience"...I really don't know what word to use, but experience is the closest lol, yeah this experience has changed my perspective on everything. I don't know what has changed or why, but I too like a few others it seems, have this feeling of great change coming, I at first felt like I should be scared because their was going to be pain for some, but the longer I have these feelings, the more it replaced with a feeling of, they will live forever somewhere out their, and that psyhical sacrafice is needed to change this world as we know it.

..So to finish this long winded introduction off (sorry) I should tell you that all of the above was still not enough for me to share my experience. The game changer for me was 20minutes ago I rang my mam (yeah the one I berated for years) and we were having an ordinary conversation, she just asked how my son was (hes got tonsolitits - and sorry i cant spell) but then she said something along the lines of her partner feeling a bit diffrent recently, and my reply was "tell me about it"...I start explaining the above, and to my complete amazment the reply I get is "Person 1 (I wont use his name) has had that, it happened just before xmas, he woke up and said wow that was weird" My m

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:50 PM
before any of the above happened I didn't believe in UFO's, aliens or ghosts...I knew nothing about politics, history, religion..Never heard of the bankers running the world, the NWO, or FEMA camps....

Now I ryhme all the above off to my family and keep telling them that the people will win a war, a war between us and the people that run the world...whilst also telling them my views on ron paul and aliens etc. etc.

Kinda strange how one OBE involving loving light can change someone but I'm glad it happened! Just wish I could get back to it!

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:56 PM
Alright, at this point I'd really like to extend a special invite to the Owners, Admins, any Staff, Mods and Bryan you to my man. I think you can all ad some great stuff here. And help increase the interest. So please you guys, man fire away by all means.

I love this place so friggen much.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Tangled2011

Excellent and very appreciated post Tangle. Isn't it odd when you get all your beliefs or your way of believing completely turned around ? That's what happened to me. Thank you so much for that.
edit on 11-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:02 PM
I would but how many different user names am i going to have to do that under?

again, meaning to build a site but i am finding that many windows computers bring up a blank page... now.
They didn't used to. pages worked fine.

Still trying to work that out... but you know... Obstacles taking up my time trying to divert me

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:17 PM
Hopefully someone can relate with similar incidents.

I'll start with my personal favorite: Age 10, saw a bright star-like object in the sky with the rest of the family, and it darted from side to side of the sky, disappeared, reappeared, made impossible maneuvers, etc. This was in southern Oregon.

Now, off to the really weird stuff.

Age 18, I go off the ricther scale and "loose my mind" after discovering about the Illuminati, 9/11, NWO - etc.

Needless to say, I was quite delusional however some profound occurrences did happen, things verifiable by family to this day that couldn't have been simply me going crazy. Things that we're seen by people other than me.

A family member had walked into my room, handed me a phone with a relative on the other end who was "concerned about my state of mind" (keep in mind the phone was HANDED to me, I did not have the phone in the room with me), about 2 minutes into talking the "family member" on the other end who DID sound like the person in question, quickly changed their voice into a demonic sounding voice and invited me to "join them in their ship", I told them to go F themselves, glad I did to this day.

The next day, I get this feeling I need to be at this certain place at this certain time. Well, I go there at that certain time. When I get there, there is INDEED a limousine pulling up into this parking in a extremely remote location, this is a town of around 3000 people, and I'm in a remote location as well. I'm furious, I hate the planet yadda yadda yadda, and I start approaching the limousine. Here's where it gets weird.

The driver actually GETS OUT of the limousine and walks towards me to shake my hand. I grab his hand and yell at him with this force of all of my hatred because I suspect he's some evil bastard. I walk away, get PICKED UP - right, PICKED UP by the police, they ask me why I did that and I said some BS reason. Now, NO CHARGES we're placed against me, in fact - I was driven DIRECTLY to my house, and the cop informed my family of the happening. Now, how did I not get verbal assault or something of the likes? I still have no idea what happened.

The next day I find myself locked up in the good 'ol loonie bin. Some fun times here as well, one specifically - energy drinks and anything containing caffeine was not allowed in this facility, and, somehow this kid "Daniel" who claims his dad is a 33rd degree Mason, part of the Illuminati(nice coincidence, right?) was trying to convert him into all these Satanic practices etc.... well, he gets a energy drink. I'm sitting there astounded. A few minutes later while he's not looking, he has a pill slipped into the energy drink. I watched the nurse do it. I told him, and he threw it out.

A few days later a man by the name of "Vernon Stewart" arrives at the facility, older man in his 60s claiming to be ex-CIA(He looked like it), he proceeded to tell me some interesting things and tells me I have a special purpose blah blah blah, just another crazy you would assume. Well, here's what happened.

They drugged him beyond his consent, he had told me that he had been picked up in the middle of the night and taken to this place beyond his consent, etc etc etc. Well, after the drugging, he had made a few phone calls - the next day his brothers who we're in active duty in the Marines showed up, talked with the establishment, and he was left alone for the remainder of my stay there.

There was many other weird occurrences in that loony bin.

After I got out of that place, took about 2-3 weeks, I went into another facility which was more laid back. One of the nights I was there, a staff member whom I've never seen before was working there and had an extremely ominous presence. I went to go to bed that night, and I knew that that freak was going to open the door and stare at me - and he did. When I looked at him, I swear upon every ounce of my soul and heart, his eyes we're COMPLETELY, PITCH BLACK.

I exited the loony pin, got out of all that crap and proceeded to have the worst 2 years of my life afterwards, fighting everything I had came to learn, and fighting for my sanity back. I've got my sanity back, I'm not longer on any medication and I feel completely fine. I've used the good 'ol mind over matter trick, and I know how to tell if my brain is trying to do something that probably isn't beneficial for myself.

There was a bunch more weird occurences during that time as well, countless incidents actually.

That was 4 1/2 years ago, I'm myself now and learned that hating TPTB isn't going to work, in fact, the energy of hatred only makes them stronger... so I just disregard them now. I carry on my life, go to work, work towards my degree, act as though it's just another regular day even though it's not - this planet is corrupted to the core and must be saved or I fear we're all lost.

Hope you enjoyed the read, and as I've said if any of you have had similar circumstances PLEASE let me know.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by b3l13v3

A family member had walked into my room, handed me a phone with a relative on the other end who was "concerned about my state of mind" (keep in mind the phone was HANDED to me, I did not have the phone in the room with me), about 2 minutes into talking the "family member" on the other end who DID sound like the person in question, quickly changed their voice into a demonic sounding voice and invited me to "join them in their ship", I told them to go F themselves, glad I did to this day.

Wow and woe ho ho. That gave me the willies 3v3. That was excellent writing. I love how you just broke out with that demonic part.
That was fantastic. Still shaken off the willies. Ahebubellebuble.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by b3l13v3
Hopefully someone can relate with similar incidents.

Hope you enjoyed the read, and as I've said if any of you have had similar circumstances

hmmm, very interesting. I think your name has been given out and people near you are trying to scare you into being afraid of aliens. also, you shouldn't have been picked up by the police PERIOD. That is why they didn't charge. you've got to do a hell of a lot more than just yell at a man approaching to get a verbal assault charge. Anyone who tells you different is also feeding you bullsh!t.

Also, do you live near any bases? You said you felt compelled to go somewhere.

i don't want to freak you out with what i know about mind control but you should practice building protective chakras, using both hemispheres of your mind simultaneously, thinking critically but not CONCLUSIVELY and meditating on goodness or God to achieve peaceful states if you are being electronically attacked.

I think you are being messed with by people. your last statement just sent chills up my spine. they might even try to take you somewhere one day and are probably conditioning you to not resist them

I have a FIRM belief that if certain things fall into place, certain people working for certain agencies will try to abduct certain people and hold them as leverage. Be very aware of the personal space around you and work to maintain that space. give no one any reason to trespass upon you.

Again, just my take on it because all that seems very weird to me if you are not pulling my leg.

edit on 11-3-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

I'm most definitely not pulling your leg, and I found another ATS member awhile back who informed me of the Monarch Programming yadda yadda. Interesting stuff, could of happened maybe not who knows beyond my power.

I've done a lot of what you might call Chakra balancing, I do a lot of meditation, positive thinking and philosophical introspect. I tread lightly now, and will never do otherwise.

However, what happened 4 1/2 years ago bothers me to this day with every ounce of the blood in my body, and I still wish to this day I could find some answers...

Oh, and just to add to the fun!

December of 2010, I had a fun occurrence happen. I was entering a very positive mind-state, and was fluently meditating. I was more peaceful than I had EVER been in my life... very, very happy. No reason to be happy, either, just genuinely happy.

I was at the bar with a few friends of mine, and I was sipping a beer. One beer, keep in mind. I was watching all the other people dance around in a craze, etc. etc. and I thought how silly and immature we are as humans. I walked outside for a smoke, and two men who looked middle-eastern/Russian pulled up in a brand new BMW. They got out, one was taller and looked to me as though they we're a body guard, and the other was shorter. The shorter one walked DIRECTLY up to me, looked at me eye to eye, and asked me: "Have you figured it out yet?", and I said "No, but I'm trying to." Haven't seen them since.

My life is unfortunately or fortunately filled with very weird events.... I've came to accept the abnormal as normal...

Edit to add: I'm most definitely not afraid of aliens. However, on the topic I do have a slight belief that I may have been abducted at the age of 4. I have this recurring memory that pops up at random times of me being in the back yard and staring up at the sky and seeing this silvery thing very high up fly by, then the next thing I remember is sitting under neath the kitchen table crying my head off with my mom trying to comfort me. Interesting indeed.

reply to post by randyvs

In fact, I think the person actually said "would you like to join me in my *craft*" now that I think back on it... yeah, it was absolutely frightening. The reason I emphasized the phone was handed to me was because if the phone was just sitting around people might think I just imagined the phone call, however that was not the case.

edit on 11-3-2012 by b3l13v3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2012 by b3l13v3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

hmmm, very interesting. I think your name has been given out and people near you are trying to scare you into being afraid of aliens. also, you shouldn't have been picked up by the police PERIOD. That is why they didn't charge. you've got to do a hell of a lot more than just yell at a man approaching to get a verbal assault charge. Anyone who tells you different is also feeding you bullsh!t.

I do have to agree with what you've said about verbal assault. The cops had not a damn thing on this guy.
Could be someone was messing with your mind but I don't think it necessarily had to be a family member.
Too many possibilities to say for sure. But an excellent read.
edit on 11-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)


In fact, I think the person actually said "would you like to join me in my *craft*" now that I think back on it... yeah, it was absolutely frightening. The reason I emphasized the phone was handed to me was because if the phone was just sitting around people might think I just imagined the phone call, however that was not the case

I got that indeed. It did make a difference in the read. Still gives me chills. That would go perfect in movie somewhere.
edit on 11-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:57 PM
At six foot six it is rare to finnd anyone the same height as myself.I was waiting at a train station opposite my house on a rainy day when I was 16.A man who looked familliar sat down beside me on the bench.

He spoke in a comforting voice,just small talk etc allthough older his dimensions were identical to mine.As the train pulled up he turned and said,dont ever learn to drive will kill you.As people departed the train he seemed to have gone.

Im still convinced it was my future self time travelling in some way.
edit on 11-3-2012 by paperface because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by paperface
At six foot six it is rare to finnd anyone the same height as myself.I was waiting at a train station opposite my house on a rainy day when I was 16.A man who looked familliar sat down beside me on the bench.

He spoke in a comforting voice,just small talk etc allthough older his dimensions were identical to mine.As the train pulled up he turned and said,dont ever learn to drive will kill you.As people departed the train he seemed to have gone.

Im still convinced it was my future self time travelling in some way.
edit on 11-3-2012 by paperface because: (no reason given)

I am so glad I started this thread. You people are creepy.
Twilight zone in fashion. I love it.

Not sure if any ladies have offered anything yet. I know for a fact their lurking at this very moment. Don't be shy ladies. You won't be doubted here. At least there is no one going that direction yet. but I promise you won't be laughed at unless you post something humorous of course. Then all bets are are off.
edit on 11-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:04 PM
Several years ago when I was younger, I woke up one day and went to look out my window. Pretty much right down the road, in broad daylight, was a UFO slowly floating through the air. It was all black, no visible features, with a round top and flat bottom. I still wonder why I saw it, why it was so easily visible, and what it was doing near my house.

I was with a friend, at her house. I was sitting on the couch, when all the sudden a bright light appeared and floated through the air in front of me for a second and then disappeared. I told her about it and she said it was this orb that she sees every now and then, and that it messes with her phones and computer.

I was hanging out at a local "haunted" place with a friend one night. We were sitting in my parked car, which was turned off. I'd seen and heard things previously, but not as dramatic as what would happen this night. First, the back end of my car slammed down, as if someone had jumped or sat on it. Then, I started hearing a drumming noise coming from the woods, like one of those giant, deep-sounding drums. I brushed this off as possibly being from some kind of gunfire, as this was near a military base. Soon though the drum sound came out of the woods to right behind my car and was very loud. My friend started freaking out and crying, telling me it was something bad and that we need to leave. I'd never seen her like that before. I panicked and started the car and started down the road, at which point it felt like something was physically choking me. I couldn't talk for a minute.

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