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America bashing.

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posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
OP is a troll

or a horrible brainwashed baby boomer

I think you hit the bullseye right there.

No point in returning to this thread.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:14 AM

People who protest or start petitions or run for office to change something they perceive as being wrong are the greatest citizens in this country.

Protesting accomplishes nothing, sitting around chanting holding signs gets us nowhere.
Petitions are best used to gather names of dissidents.
Running for office hasn't worked for a long time, they own that game.

The "greatest" citizens are the ones who help their fellow man, woman, and child at the risk of their own losses or death. Examples...

You seem to have a warped perspective of your country.
The military might have done that to you, or maybe mixing pills & booze.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:37 AM
I dont really think its a good time of year to be ranting at the America bashers (I'm one

We're not bashing American Citizens, Its the Gov. Your well aware of this so they need of your post is kindah pointless.

Plus we're not bashing for the fun of it, we're raising awareness that YOUR COUNTRY is an evil parasite thats trying to infect and control the rest of the world. Im not telling you anything that isnt instead of blindlessly defending in the name of patriotism, take a step back and look around you. Your government is taking away all your rights, freedoms, forcing you into poverty, making you all homeless, and killing thousands of people globally every week.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

Its actually got that bad that even over here in the UK, your closest ally is now opebly discussing your countries depravity. Open the news paper OUR columnists tell us how appalled they are about the treatment of Americans citizens, how non of you can afford to eat, live or have health care.

Heck even Channel 4 have started doing documentaries about poverty in your homeland.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by stewiegriffin
Didn't the U.S.S.R. invade Afghanistan?

You mean " we did?" Yup, war lasted 10 years. Okaaaay?

Didn't Germany invade.......Europe? It's not only the U.S. who is aggressive.

Germany invaded Europe solely thanks to financial and technological aid from good ole U S of A. Your country credited their MIC with millions of Wall Street dollars and patents from GM (without them Luftwaffe woudnt even take it off the ground). Corporations like Standard Oil were selling oil to gerries till 1941. Hell, most atrocious german company IG Farben (biggest chemical company in the world was over in half in hands of wall street banks. No wonder their biggest workforce provided, Auschwitz Labor Camp was never disturbed. At least not with their ex-attorney John J. McCloy as vice-secretary of war.
Oh, and all high-rank officials from german business, board members and so on, all of those sonofa^&#^& released by McCloy when he was High Commisioner of Germany, and their wealth restituted to them over night. Including large chunk from slave labour during war.

Of course I dont expect you to know any of this, elementary school history books rather tend to ommit those details.
So do me a favor: Educate yourself a bit and then DONT SPEAK ABOUT EUROPE ever again.
Good day to you.... not.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 01:57 PM
america is not a country its a COMPANY do some research you sound about as switched on as a x-box in a amish home. .the CITY OF LONDON is not part of the uk the queen of the dammed bows to the lord mayer & asks permission to enter .its a separate entity just as the vatican is not part of italy.america has an area just like that to .your a slave to those CORPERATIONS pure & simple when your birth is registered .you might want to check out the virginia corperation & wonder are you as free as you think . your ss number & our ni number is your slave number .when you grow up stewie listen to the sex pistols .god save the queen listen reall hard to those words and watch brian he licks his bxxx dont be letting him lick yer face

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:19 PM

So do me a favor: Educate yourself a bit and then DONT SPEAK ABOUT EUROPE ever again.
reply to post by stainlesssteelrat

I will talk about Europe. You don't own Europe. Why are you so mean?

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 05:22 PM
I'm not American, but I actually wrote a similar thread a bit back.

The problem, however, is that any references made to American greatness at this point, are almost exclusively going to refer to the past. There isn't a single index attempting to measure either social effectiveness or human happiness that I know of, which rates contemporary America as being higher than around the twenty fifth percentile. Health care, education, crime rates, technological innovation; you name it...the country scores among the lowest on the planet.

The other thing that you'll also find, when you start looking at these metrics, is the correlation with the level of social equality among the countries (Japan, New Zealand, Scandinavia) which do score highly. Capitalism is a disaster, and it's reached the point of being demonstrable scientifically.

I can also tell you the reasons why I see criticism of individual Americans on this forum, as well. A lot of the Americans on ATS are deeply conservative, war mongering, white supremacist racists; who have a strong believe in Manifest Destiny, and their own inherent superiority. I'm not claiming that all of you are, by any means; but this does tend to include the most vocal posters, in my experience.

The problem, in other words, is not the fact that America is suffering as a nation to the degree that it is right now. The thing that people really find antagonistic, is that while the country is doing as poorly as it is, its' citizens are still making the same claim of the exact opposite that you yourself did; and this generally only on the basis of governmental mind control.

Claims of American superiority in virtually any area of human activity at this point in time, are very difficult to substantiate. The country is almost completely indebted to China, and your industrial base has been gutted, so you no longer have the ability to produce real wealth. The dollar also hasn't been gold based in 50 years. About the only real area where the usual claim of "USA is #1!" has any real substance behind it now, is in terms of the size of the military, and also the military budget; but then again, most of us would not see that as a positive thing.
edit on 11-3-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Protesting accomplishes nothing, sitting around chanting holding signs gets us nowhere. Petitions are best used to gather names of dissidents.

I guess your not old enough to remember the protests during Vietnam. Quite a few things they stood for was Incorporated into our government. Didn't someone say "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"?

The "greatest" citizens are the ones who help their fellow man, woman, and child at the risk of their own losses or death. You seem to have a warped perspective of your country.

You talk about the greatest citizens but you support a government that rejected a bill that provided medical aid to the first responders. It is offensive to use them in that way.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by stewiegriffin

TextIt isn't perfect but it's the best damn thing going.

This statement says it all - You don't seem to understand - Everyone feels this way about their own Country - warts and all.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by stewiegriffin

Dear Stewie~
There are many things for us fellow Americans to complain about, and cureently(only currently) we still get to exercise our Amendment rights and voice our opinions. As in American fashion: everyone has opinions.

I love things about this country, and things about people, however, not all things or people are loveable. I do not like being force-fed opinions, as I can see, nor do you. I see you are a patriotic person, but your patriotic nature seems to be that of, "Take this, or get out." Who needs you" and "I don't care". If seems you have traits in common with a word we in America use-stodgy(that's right, look up the word before you deny).

I am proud of my forefathers, and honored to be in the USA because of what they believed-in which they were mislead, as other immigrants were. My family came here with a dream of the "streets are lined with gold", do you remember that part of history?

My grandmas' first English words she heard and learned were right there at Ellis Island, "hamburgers-3 for a dime". They came here to make a difference with their lives and their future children, and future grandchildren and so on, lives. I honor America out of love for them. I appreciate what the American Dream really meant then, and should be meaning today.

We are a Nation full of corruption, I will not stand by and be silent. I would die for what I believe in, right here on the American soil, because of how much it means to me to keep on fighting for the "undelivered" dreams of MY forefathers. I do not appreciate the way my family was mislead, the way my Uncle had to work in a coal mine, and how by some "freak" accident, at the age of 18 his legs were run over by a cart in that coal mine. His legs were amputated, and forever he was in a wheelchair. All for the American dream.

So, please, sit back and hush while I complain about the government right here in USA.


One Proud American, Still

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:54 PM
Here's an article from Jan 3rd that will teach you much more than your school ever will and considering the speed at which the House of Cards are falling I suggest you really absorb the points presented here.

The first dominoe is about to fall with the Default of Greece being the trigger point. You really need to know what's going on in the world before you settle down into who or what you support.

TextThe outlook for liberty is dismal. Those writers who are critical of Washington’s illegal wars and overthrow of the US Constitution could find themselves in indefinite detainment, because criticism of Washington’s policies can be alleged to be aiding Washington’s enemies, which might include charities that provide aid to bombed Palestinian children and flotillas that attempt to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza. (Source)

The Bush/Obama regimes have put the foundation in place for imprisoning critics of the government without due process of law. The First Amendment is being all but restricted to rah-rah Americans who chant USA! USA! USA! Washington has set itself up as world prosecutor, forever berating other countries for human rights violations, while Washington alone bombs half a dozen countries into the stone age and threatens several more with the same treatment, all the while violating US statutory law and the Geneva Conventions by torturing detainees. (Source)

There's lots of insight here as to why some Americans and non Americans are up in arms - these may not be your views but you should at least be aware of these views then come back again.

TextOne of the Good Samaritans was a father with two small children. The video reveals the delight that US military personnel experienced in blowing them away from the distant skies. When it became clear that the Warriors Bringing The People Democracy had blown away two small children, instead of remorse we hear an executioner’s voice saying: “that’s what he gets for bringing children into a war zone.”

The quote is from memory, but it is accurate enough. When I first saw this video, I was astonished at the brazen war crime. It is completely obvious that the dozen or so murdered people were simply people walking along a street, threatening no one, unarmed, doing nothing out of the ordinary. It was not a war zone.

The horror is that the US soldiers were playing video games with live people. You can tell from their commentary that they were having fun by killing these unsuspecting people walking along the street. They enjoyed killing the father who stopped to help and shooting up his vehicle with the two small children inside. This was not an accident of a drone, fed with bad information, blowing up a school full of children, or a hospital, or a farmer’s family. This was American soldiers having fun with high tech toys killing anyone that they could pretend might be an enemy.

Now Hitler and his Nazi Cronies did this as they looked over Auschwitz from their watch towers - taking pot shots.

After reading the article (sorry it's not a 10 second Text message) it will take you all of 5mins - then ask why people from all over the world are bashing your Country.

Is this how Democracy should be introduced to the world - I think most people around the world will very soon be saying 'No we don't want democracy if this is what it is'.

America could have been a fine example but I'm afraid, while your backs were turned they chose and still choose not to be.

edit on 11-3-2012 by quedup because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by stewiegriffin

Let me give you a clue.

Americans who "bitch" about the problems in this country -- well this is their country too, and someone who tries to fix national problems is imo what you would call a patriot. The people committing modern atrocities seem to think it's "theirs", as opposed to "ours".

We aren't "free to leave", who the hell do you think is just going to let us waltz into their country and just give out citizenship? Doing that anyway is the equivalent of turning your back on a problem... running away. The problems in America are toxic btw, they will overtake the entire world if not dealt with. So your suggest strategy of "running away" will only work so long.

In other words, I consider your opinion on this to be garbage.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by AkumaStreak
reply to post by stewiegriffin

We aren't "free to leave", who the hell do you think is just going to let us waltz into their country and just give out citizenship? Doing that anyway is the equivalent of turning your back on a problem... running away. The problems in America are toxic btw, they will overtake the entire world if not dealt with. So your suggest strategy of "running away" will only work so long.

In other words, I consider your opinion on this to be garbage.

This is the central problem. Conservative arguments generally don't consist of anything other than fallacies, which are again, usually derived from state mind control, ("If you don't love it, you can damn well leave it!") and raw emotionalism. I don't think I've ever seen a single argument, anywhere, made by an implicit or explicit adherent of the political Right, where that was not the case. It would be an interesting experience to come across a conservative with some genuine rhetorical skill, but I have a feeling that I'm going to be waiting a very long time for that.

The OP apparently also doesn't realise that contrary to his intent, appeals to jingoism actually undermine his argument further, because they emphasise his insecurity.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:41 PM
... if your leaders would have some courage and stand up and be accountable for their actions, myself and many others would gladly bash them.

... but considering they hide behind their citizens.. and their citizens are more concerened with the Kardashians etc.. then we have no choice but to attack you as a whole.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by MightyQuincunx

Hm, your post is a mess in a dress... obviously part of the very group the op referred to. If you are an American, then why do you say "Your country?" I would venture to say the you not leaving this country is more of a function of convenience and hypocrisy than lack of options. YOU really must get out more. Oh, and thank you for your service to the country... I think... you know, the one destroying the globe? Why did you by the way if it's imperialistic tentacles have destroyed all cultures on this planet to the point of leaving you no where to go? Why did you not learn from your family's service ( you did swear to defend the same tyrannical platform they did... didn't you?) Give me a break.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by petrus4

Originally posted by AkumaStreak
reply to post by stewiegriffin

We aren't "free to leave", who the hell do you think is just going to let us waltz into their country and just give out citizenship? Doing that anyway is the equivalent of turning your back on a problem... running away. The problems in America are toxic btw, they will overtake the entire world if not dealt with. So your suggest strategy of "running away" will only work so long.

In other words, I consider your opinion on this to be garbage.

This is the central problem. Conservative arguments generally don't consist of anything other than fallacies, which are again, usually derived from state mind control, ("If you don't love it, you can damn well leave it!") and raw emotionalism. I don't think I've ever seen a single argument, anywhere, made by an implicit or explicit adherent of the political Right, where that was not the case. It would be an interesting experience to come across a conservative with some genuine rhetorical skill, but I have a feeling that I'm going to be waiting a very long time for that.

The OP apparently also doesn't realise that contrary to his intent, appeals to jingoism actually undermine his argument further, because they emphasise his insecurity.

Really? Who are you to state the 'central problem' when in fact you hide behind grandiose, sententious, pontifical prose? The 'central problem' is a complete ignorance of Conservatism on your part (and others), most likely the result of a supercilious refusal to do any real study of the subject. Your post's lack of substance is surpassed only by it's hubris.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by satoriku
Really? Who are you to state the 'central problem' when in fact you hide behind grandiose, sententious, pontifical prose? The 'central problem' is a complete ignorance of Conservatism on your part (and others), most likely the result of a supercilious refusal to do any real study of the subject. Your post's lack of substance is surpassed only by it's hubris.

Actually, I tried Googling for some conservative blogs just a few hours ago, and had a look at Free Republic. About the only thing I could really find, was celebration and mockery over a report that the Occupy movement could run out of money by the end of the month.

It's nice to find one of you on here though, who is apparently literate, and whose responses don't consist purely of either mis-spelled, profane ad hominem, or appeals to white supremacist racism.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by stewiegriffin
I will talk about Europe. You don't own Europe. Why are you so mean?

Im mean because you perpetruate same old lies. You don't even have guts to challenge what I wrote. Lack of arguments?

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by stainlesssteelrat

First you tell me.


Hold on.....hold on....

Im mean because you perpetruate same old lies. You don't even have guts to challenge what I wrote. Lack of arguments?

.... and then this?


I am not going to spell it out for you but I think you just want to argue.

Nope I'm not going to do it. I promised myself I would be good today so I won't say what is really on my mind.
Check back tomorrow though.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by stewiegriffin

Riiight, ya know, polite trolling is still trolling. Take my previous advice and educate yourself.

Thread is dead baby, thread is dead.

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