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The Spores of Consciousness

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posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:18 PM
I don't remember if I have mentioned this...but do you know what the largest living organism on the planet is? Do you? No...not the great blue whale. Good guess though. No, the answer is much more obvious, when you think about it. The answer is fungi.

Fungi grow and grow. There is virtually no limit to their empire. And the largest example, on the surface of our planet, is barely 200 miles away from me. That fungi began as a mushroom, which grew and grew. Seasons came and went, and spores blew from that fungi, that mushroom...and become wedged in dead logs and on the ground. More mushrooms grew, creating delicate expanses of fungi, which grew into a giant web. Every single one of those mushrooms looks like it's separate...and yet, they all come from one source, one mushroom. Therefore, it is one single organism.

If biology follows a grand design (and I would imagine fungi to be the most accurate representation of a blueprint on a cosmic level) then it makes sense that we are all miniature gods. We can, on a smaller level, reproduce the miracles outlined in the Bible...we just need to awaken first.

You may still be skeptical, but allow me to apply the fungi example to us, in the most basic way possible: our matter. Our atomic physical components.

Matter is energy whose vibrations have been restricted to a tangible degree. That energy is, on a different level of awareness, conscious...and this energy, ever last bit of it, comes from the Infinite Creator, is part of the Infinite Creator, and the Infinite Creator has used this energy to create a bunch of miniature versions of itself (mini-gods) that have separate consciousnesses, and these have in turn repeated the effect, going all the way down to us.

We are made from the very same material as the Infinite Creator, who created our "god", which means we are tiny gods ourselves.

This is something I firmly believe in...and I also firmly believe that we have not accessed our "powers" (a word I hesitate to use, but it's the most convenient term) because we have not yet awakened...our sentience remains silent, and so we remain sleep. We remain below the super-conscious, the Christ Consciousness.

When we attain Christ Consciousness as a race, we will be ready to take the next step toward becoming gods. Many of you will argue, but I'm just putting this theory out there. You are welcome to your own opinions, although it would please me to see some of you agree with me. I firmly believe this theory to be valid, but...not everyone thinks the same way.

We are the spores of a greater identity. Let us join that identity, and find greater spiritual heights.


posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:30 PM
I enjoyed your post very much.

Welcome to the training grounds my friend! Don't sweat this test because you have had the answers the whole time.

It's no wonder some ancient religions worshiped the sacred mushroom.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:33 PM
Wonderful thread! Thank you for sharing this!!

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:44 PM
Love it! Reminded me of this link.. s&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0xhZT5KcL4bftgfM_73bDg&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=did%20fungi%20come%20from%20plasma&f=false

Where does plasma fit in though... my thoughts surround a dust of plasma.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

Interesting thoughts. Thank you for sharing them.

The largest organism on the planet, however, is actually a giant grove of aspen trees. Fascinating stuff.

The largest known organism is not some giant squid or other cephalopod. It's a stand of quaking aspen in Utah known as Pando. What seem to be individual trees are actually just the visible expression of a gigantic underground organism. Every "tree" is connected via the root system. The individual "trees" are genetically identical.

The concept of a huge grove of trees, seemingly separate in the world, but instead being all one, connected in ways that cannot be seen on the surface, is extraordinary. Perhaps a fitting metaphor we can learn from.

edit on 3/8/2012 by Open2Truth because: clarity malfunction

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

Not to pick one bit of your post out of the rest but, the massive forms of fungus mycelia are what intrigued me so to become a Mycologist.

I'm staring and flagging your post just for the mention of fungi. Sorry I can't contribute more!

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:40 AM
Technology is the footprint of consciousness. If there is no ethics, then we are doomed.

What happens then?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Starchild23
Very interesting theory starchild, i like it
. But is it not an assumption that there is a great creator in the first place? Does this not take faith to firmly believe in? Or is the great creator simply the universe?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by XxRagingxPandaxX

Or is the great creator simply the universe?

Exactly. Or, the universe was made from the creator's own "flesh".

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Starchild23
O okay. Thats what I thought you were getting at, are you by chance Christian? Becasue the root of this theory seems to be stemming from the teachings of the bible, or earlier teachings like the Sumerians that the Bible took.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
reply to post by Starchild23
O okay. Thats what I thought you were getting at, are you by chance Christian? Becasue the root of this theory seems to be stemming from the teachings of the bible, or earlier teachings like the Sumerians that the Bible took.

No, I'm not. My beliefs are not Christian. There are a dozen different points we argue on. It's the same with every Judaic religion.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

So, why don't you wake up and embrace your god-level sentience? It should take nothing more than the realization of the truth of yourself as a god extension if your fundamental nature is what you claim it is. You don't see fungi spores being anything other than what they are. They are fungi extensions and as such, they simply express their funginess as a natural progression of their physical existence. If we are god spores, and all it takes is waking up to the fact that we're god spores, then it seems obvious that your being awake to the fact of your own god-sporeness should be enough for you to achieve godness in the same way that fungi spores achieve funginess - since they're clearly incapable of being ignorant of the fact that they are fungi extensions, and can't be in need of awakening to the fact of what they are.

Just manifest your awakened state and show us that what you believe is - in fact - true. It should be absolutely natural to accomplish if this is indeed what you (and the rest of us) are. Especially if all you (and the rest of us) have to do is awaken to the fact of it and embrace it as true. Hell, haven't you already achieved that?

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

So, why don't you wake up and embrace your god-level sentience?

Because, at the time being, I am chemically unable to do so. I also do not have control of my chakras and ki, and do not have the training or preparation for such an achievement.

It should take nothing more than the realization of the truth of yourself as a god extension if your fundamental nature is what you claim it is.

Not at all. See, what I didn't mention was the different levels of vibrations the Infinite Creator has. There is a multitude of dimensions...we can't simply shift our own vibrations through those dimensions at will. Not without training. And we've gone for so long with the Church calling even science itself arcane, let alone the more obscure, we've been trained not to. It's virtually hardwired now.

One can learn to swim and become injured, then slowly learn to swim again. We have to relearn the process that we used to know, before the Church stomped it out. Ascension was the standard, in very ancient times.

edit on CSaturdayam555548f48America/Chicago10 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

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