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theory of why we are seeing more theories proven right.

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posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:11 PM
so here is my theory. im starting to see more...disclosure of aliens, political, world domination, and game changing scientific breakthroughs that would normally be covered up. i think this is part of the plan. hold our information back until the right moment. then 2012 rolls around and let it all come out. you notice they are being bolder and bolder? because they want us in an uproar so they can thin the herd when the time is right. basically they dont care if we know anymore because the time is close. they are using what they once hid in top secret, now declassified, and letting people stew over it and make a wrong what you get along with that, is a peak at who is in opposition of you so they can check you off for the ones who probably wont make it. let this stuff surface, watch who bites the bait, and take name for later use. genius, but dangerous as well. theyre seemingly pretty intricate with their plot. they actually have to be to be pulling it off so well. stands to reason this is another genius move towards their total control.

theres a few threads lately that are more than convincing about 9/11, aliens, political mischief and the like. game changing things. i watched a documentary of the wtc falling because of bombs today, not planes. too much evidence as of late on ufos,and giant human bones, then im reading about a book from 2009 about step by step plans to invade iran. and now i saw something on cold fusion energy.and to top that off,someone spoke at the house of lords and is investigating a 26trillion dollar scam involving the fed reserve with documentation to back it up. you can say these are proven hoaxes or not, but i used my own logical thinking to say that i believe in those and more. sometimes it isnt the evidence of something that tells me theres some thread of truth. i also look at the sheer amount of evidence. like ufos, aliens, and sasquatch. apparently we cant get conclusive untainted, unquestionable evidence of their existence. but the sheer volume of sightings, stories, and worldwide similarities, tell me theres something to it. anyway, thats my schpiel so what do you think? you think they are letting it happen? theyre very well orchestrated. A+ for effort and planning, F for the ice cold veins and needless destruction.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by mactheaxe

I think They are still trying but I also think They, against even their own comprehension, are loosing control. Sure to the average conspiracy theorist this would all just be a part of their plan (which in a weird cryptic kind of way is still correct) because we would never think that could finally be trippin over the shoestrings they normally keep tied so tightly.
This is my opinion: they know their end is near, but they are throwing out their last ditch efforts to start WWIII anyway. The more power they loose the more the media will be willing to talk about it so really, time will only tell. If MSM suddenly starts to open up about all the things we already know anyway then we'll know our freedom is near.
Interesting times though for sure.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by mactheaxe

very well said post, and i agree on the report card

yeah something doesn't seem right to me ' as of lately' the last few years more and more has came out into the spotlight, i feel its like they are releasing this or they are letting it be released in small parts or they just dont care anymore. i honestly believe something big is gonna happen around 21 dec 2012 or nearby.. something us humans are gonna look back at and say "why didn't i", thats if we arnt doomed by a catastrophe of some sort . until then we are constantly being attacked with fear and propaganda (aliens,niburu,2012endof'world',economy failure,jobs,crazy weather,wars,wars with nukes,japan radiation,natural disasters, mainstream news) keeping us thinking and living at that low vibration state so that we do not question what is not asked inside so we ignore eachother and satisfy only ourselves, never question outside of the box we live in and question existence, believe in what your told and have an extremely powerful belief in these lies, these concepts, i go crazy thinking about everyone i know... there like computer A,I , peace!!

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:33 PM
The fact that this site and many others exist now in order that we can all get together and exchange notes has a lot to do with why things are being exposed. Many people may have had suspicions before but they did not necessarily have a forum in which they could express their suspicions. I believe that the internet gives all of us access to information and ideas that we simply did not have access to not long ago. Social acceptance of conspiracy theorists has also done a lot to empower these discussions in spite of the elites.

Having said that though, the NWO and its one world religion has no chance of being established without public support. Social programs currently being implemented are designed to encourage everybody to set aside their cultural, national, and religious identities in favor of a global identity. Their spill is that the globe should embark on multiculturalism like that being practiced in the U.S. However, the bad thing about it is that the NWO doesn't want people to have the same freedom of thought, speech, religion, etc. that Americans have. Just like the internet enables us to discuss conspiracies, the internet also enables the NWO to spread propaganda all over the globe. For example, the NWO is actively trying to convince the globe to adopt socialism/communism. As we sit around on sites like this discussing how ridiculous the U.S. government is, NWO propagandists are chiming in on our discussions in order to throw fuel on the fire. The NWO wants us to think that the U.S. is ridiculous so that it can convince Americans to just forfeit their national identities in favor or a global identity. Conspiracy theories work both ways; they help us expose criminals and they help criminals to manipulate us.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by awakendhybrid

you hit the nail on the head. ive thought the same thing. there is just too much goin on in everything right now. economic crisis. govt crisis, alien crisis, unprecedented weather crisis. which by the way i want to add three things on. first, i was pressure washing my driveway in the dead of winter in a tshirt. i shouldve been shovelin snow. second, i live in the southeast part of america and weve had record tornadoes touching down and were only 3 months in 2012. third, its two weeks before spring and weve got trees in bloom. stuff like that sais this year is gonna be a sight to see. i can go on for days on the signs im seeing.

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