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Types Of People in the UFO Forum.

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posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 07:08 AM
Excellent thread OP! Have a star!
if only people were able to recognize themselves from those types mentioned,
they might actually LEARN something, but instead most WILL choose to view
themselves as they WISH to be seen, instead of how they ACTUALLY are.
There´s no denying the power of denial.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 07:27 AM
I did not see anything that would qualify as 'purveyors of disinformation' though I doubt there are any/many given all the kooks which discredit the topic.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 07:52 AM
Type R personality

The "resurrected" poster that pops up out of nowhere, links a video that's been discussed X amount of times or thoroughly debunked but INSISTS on it being real or questionable.

Type D personality

The "denier" that no matter what factual evidence or methods are used to prove/disprove their sighting/picture/video, stands by their original assertion that it was unknown or alien. When faced with logic, facts, evidence or proof, their most common retort are phrases like "that's not a credible source", "that person isn't qualified", "because some guy writes about it on a blog doesn't make it so", "GLP doesn't count" and many many more

Great thread topic btw

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

The Types of people in the UFO forum:

Human beings, in all our marvelous diversity.

Anything beyond that is stereotyping and is nothing more than a means to create self-serving classifications for complete strangers.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:05 AM
Should also be noted that there are two types of Alien/E.T believers;

1) Alien are highly advanced species and visited Earth
2) Could be microbes or single cellular species and maybe have not developed yet.

I fall more into the 2nd category. 1st is kinda long shot for me.

because, if aliens visited earth just because of the fact there are billions of stars and planets, then that means out of all the the billions of stars, and they only found earth?

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by redoubt
reply to post by BruceEFury

The Types of people in the UFO forum:

Human beings, in all our marvelous diversity.

Anything beyond that is stereotyping and is nothing more than a means to create self-serving classifications for complete strangers.

This thread was meant for enjoyment and entertainment purposes, why you would take this seriously is beyond me. You act as if I made this thread out of negativity and somehow turn it around on to me saying i'm stereotyping people.. its just absurd and rude. Alot of people have enjoyed my thread, for you to take something enjoyable and somehow make something negative out of it just proves how arrogant you actually are. And "Self-Serving Classifications"? I like how you can throw in what you think are "big" words and try to make yourself stand out. IF you read my OP, you would know EXACTLY what category you stand in.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:41 AM
You forgot those who haved sex with female aliens like me

edit on 7-3-2012 by xavi1000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:48 AM
Where is the group for enough evidence to not be sure it is not, not enough evidence to be sure it is? In The Middle? I belong to that group and I think EBEs could've vistied the Earth no matter if any specific cases were certain or not. And yet im not sure after all that exists about them.

Some belong to this group you call Moderate something, Im by the way absolutely fine with people who are more skeptical than me yet are open for the possiblity that some cases could be real and aliens on Earth too because there is too much about them to disregard as a certain 'NOT'.

So no one can be certain about either is the best choice, which is why I chose it, which doesn't giev anyone the right to claim what it is not when he doesnt know for sure.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by TXRabbit
Type D personality

The "denier" that no matter what factual evidence or methods are used to prove/disprove their sighting/picture/video, stands by their original assertion that it was unknown or alien. When faced with logic, facts, evidence or proof, their most common retort are phrases like "that's not a credible source", "that person isn't qualified", "because some guy writes about it on a blog doesn't make it so", "GLP doesn't count" and many many more

Ha! TXRabbit I was thinking about the same category except mine was the " La La La's", same description tho. There was a thread a few weeks ago and the video posted from Youtube had that it was CGI in the description. I posted that and the OP ignored it and continued to urge people to "dig & research it some more!".

There is also a very small sub-category I think has shown up recently. The ones that are posting just to get views on their youtube channel/s. No way to confirm that, just a feeling I have.


posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:56 AM

This forum is dedicated to the discussion of historic and contemporary events related to extraterrestrial encounters, UFO sightings, and speculation about related subjects. Discussion topics and follow-up responses in this forum will likely tend to lean in favor of the existence of extraterrestrials and the related conspiracies, scandals, and cover-ups.

I swear...Then you say:

This thread was meant for enjoyment and entertainment purposes, why you would take this seriously is beyond me.

Let's not forget the rest of the paragraph that I quoted first:

Replies that make fun or otherwise ridicule and demean those posting honest experiences and/or questions will be removed. Members who post such responses repeatedly will be banned.

Ahh, it is just replies that are a no-no. Nevermind then.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury


Believers tend to take the topic and "want" to believe that the
footage or topic shown is real because in there mind it is more exciting for them to believe that
the showing is real other then vice versa. Rather then using evidence to support its authenticity,
they are awed by the thread, some people believe in the fairy more then the tale. And
believers deffinitly fall into that statement.

Personally, I think that for many, '[color=0FD14F]Want' is an inaccurate term, and is too weak for this situation.

A majority of those whom you are referring to as 'Believers' have more of a....

  • [color=33FF00]Craving to believe!
  • [color=AAFF00]Desire to believe!
  • [color=FFEE00]Yearning to believe!
  • [color=FF8000]NEED to believe!

    It seems to reach far beyond a simplistic 'Want'. 'Wanting' to believe, leaves some room for doubt, which is something that many are incapable of.

  • posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:04 AM
    reply to post by BrokenCircles

    That and the ommision of "skeptic" let's us know that they wanted believers in a "good light".

    I mean "debunker" is on there twice, but no skeptic?

    posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:42 AM

    Originally posted by Destinyone

    Originally posted by Stormdancer777
    reply to post by SaturnFX

    I see your point but sometimes there is no explanation.

    I hate talking about it, because it makes me seem delusional, actually it is best not to discuss it.

    I totally understand your stance on talking about our experiences. I was offered a regression session with John Lear, turned it down after much consideration. I don't think I could handle that much fear again. To this day, 31 years after that night, I can still taste the dirt in my mouth from trying to dig a hole in the earth to get away.........some things are best left alone.


    That's interesting Destiny, my experience was a positive one, but I do believe I was in a state of induced calm, not unlike prophets that met angels,

    Now I have had hundreds of dreams throughout the years where I was hiding from myriads of ships in the sky, hate that dream, but always feel invigorated after waking up.
    edit on 093131p://bWednesday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

    posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:46 AM
    reply to post by JibbyJedi

    Why do I get so upset when I see things like this that sound ridiculous but apply to me?

    I understand, I am skeptical of most claims, even though I have experienced it myself.

    posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:50 AM
    reply to post by nineix

    It is not an experience you chase or force, most likely

    I am 62, My father spoke of his experience fishing late at night, he saw them, but he never spoke of it till years later. It will never happen to someone desiring the experience.

    edit on 093131p://bWednesday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

    posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:54 AM
    Great topic OP. I would say I fit in the "Believer" myself. I also like to look at it when there are facts present or any kind of evidence.

    One thing though..."Actual Aliens"? People actually think real aliens post on ATS?
    I find that a little hard to believe...But thats just my opinion...

    Again great thread. S/F


    posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:57 AM

    Originally posted by SloAnPainful
    Great topic OP. I would say I fit in the "Believer" myself. I also like to look at it when there are facts present or any kind of evidence.

    One thing though..."Actual Aliens"? People actually think real aliens post on ATS?
    I find that a little hard to believe...But thats just my opinion...

    Again great thread. S/F


    People who claim to be actual aliens post on ATS.

    posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:01 AM
    reply to post by BruceEFury

    (Moderatly Balanced People Using Evidence To Decide Autheniticty.)

    MBP's can be labeled as the only "real" truth seekers, considering both sides of the field and taking all of the thread's contributors opinions, evidence, speculation, etc into consideration. MBP's tend to be well mannored people and will not take a side but rather stand on evidence, reliable sources,
    confirmations, witness reports, etc to support the authenticity of the occuring topic. MBP's aren't commonly found in the UFO section because they have realized there is no hope left within the forum. Only pointless off topic arguments, bogus debunks, and rudeness which in turned caused the topic to slowly get less and less appealing. But when they are found in the UFO forum, there replys and contributions are greatly appreciated. MBP's should be listened to closeley, there information and add-in's are wise and uses all evidence, testimony's, etc. MBP's keep threads on topic and should be highly looked up to. If the MBP's mindstate we're adopted by all of the community. ATS would be a much freindlier and better place.

    Sorry, but this "type" isn't what you are trying to "crack them up to be"! The reality is that most do not understand the evidence presented, like ost f the others, AND,put very little effort into iproving their own education to a pint where they might begin to comprehend. In my experience they fall far short of what is needed to find truth.

    Leaving a topic because of some loud idiot is descending to the level of that idiot! There is always truth to be found, even in that loud idiot, or that pebble that managed to find its way into your boot. Truth follows no rule, and presents itself when and where it truth decides, not where some half intelligent ape decides.

    No actually the real heros here are the exeriencers, they are the only ones who have had a "brush" with truth, with the possible exception of one or two of your "actual aliens". I sometimes wonder when T.Humans will begin t understand that all any of us (all livig things) have is personal experience. Everything you know, have learned, think, is a product of personal experience. And, personal experience is the first thing thrown out the window around here...and then you "pat yourselves on the back" thinking that you are clever and intelligent..sigh.

    As for evidence; there are one or two here on ATS that have their stuff together enough to recognize evidence when it is presented, the rest decide truth by knee jerk and which eye is blackened.

    Etharzi od Oma.

    posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:05 AM
    reply to post by BruceEFury

    Is this your own information and content?

    If not - please post a link.

    If so, please forgive my schepticism and don't take it personaly.


    edit on 7-3-2012 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

    posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:16 AM

    Originally posted by markymint
    The Prick First Poster

    That person (idiot) who always writes a sarcastic one liner before anyone else gets to say anything.

    This is totally me sometimes

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