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Could a person fly a modified RC plane over Area 51 with cameras mounted

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posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:58 PM
Translation using google translate so it is not just the best
Using a dog with a special suit of liquid nitrogen with a vacuum, you can let the cameras into the base, thermal imaging camera will not notice anything unusual.
The dog is trained and prepared, put the radio with earphone in your ear dog to know what to do, or you can also send the smart parrot, idiots will not be able to break because it's just a bird, there are birds that are equipped with the bird knows camera.Smart to get in..
Rc aircraft can be detected by ordinary Tx / Rx radio transceiver, jammer devices can interfere with the signal, it can bring down a simple electromagnetic cannon, but the bird can not.

I think Area 51 is not there to scare people into thinking that it is there, it's somewhere in the urban area of Mexico, because there were seen flying saucers.
When I played the game GTA San Andreas, you have the internal base of the aircraft and keep shooting at you, it's area 51 in the game and you have an old airport with wrecks.
It said the real world, I found on google maps in Mexico, where there is a derelict airport, and there are tennis courts and a medical facility, but at a somewhat strange way, fits the case.
While people are looking for area 51 there are underground bases and perhaps nuclear waste in Mexico is happening too and nobody pays attention
I'll find you the coordinates and I'll give you the names of places and tell me if you like the game, because they teach us through movies, games, and see someone put on youtube, because they did it to see what all the people know that the best preparation

edit on 12-1-2013 by Majstorx because: I remembered something important

edit on 12-1-2013 by Majstorx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:34 AM
No way you're going to be able to get range good enough to see anything. Well if you have super deep pockets you may....

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 01:54 AM
Instead of RC you could use a satellite internet connection. Then you could control it from anywhere in the world even. I think someone did something with a raspberry pi where they received live images from a weather balloon, and that things quite small, I'd bet with a reasonable sized RC plane to work from you could mount that and a camera that could also be controlled and look in any direction. Maybe even making one that looked just like a US military MAV, could buy you time while they phone around asking who launched that thing, before they shoot it down, just stick the DARPA logo on the side.
Anyone want to start a project to build one?

edit on 2-2-2013 by eniar because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:53 AM
Why fly and what you see? Spy satellites are at all interested countries. Well, you will see the hangar. You do not look within the inside?

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:13 PM
I bet this baby can be set on timer. You just drop it off within reach of the target area, it flies it's way around at night with the right camera and have it land somewhere safe.

No rc needed. Just enough battery power for it to do it's mission. Biggest risk is retrieving the hardware. You might wanna have streaming capability and use the copter to pan the area before you have it fly to your location.

I think this thing can do the trick.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:13 PM
I think some people need a reminder that the edge of the base is 13 miles from the border. The border has guards and cameras. They take an interest in your presence. Your exercise would probably have to start from 20 miles away.

Nellis has a GPS jammer group. It wouldn't surprise me if Groom Lake or even the NTTR could jam the civilian GPS at the flip of a switch.

While I'm at it, I'd like to point out that satellite control isn't practical for this task, simply due to payload. The dish and motors are heavy. All you can do is feed it waypoints. You can't fly easily via satellite due to latency issues.

Last of all, the base has radar. It is easy to see things flying around. Hey, they do that for a living ya know.

The only suitable observation scheme would be ground based. The range has a spectrum of animals ranging from lizards to cattle. Automated ground observation is tricky.

I suggest dressing up as a bull. You could dress up like a cow, but you risk a visit from the bull if you know what I mean.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:37 PM
I suspect that anything bigger than a pebble going towards Area 51 would be shot down in pretty quick order.

You might get some pretty good shots if you can launch your own KeyHole satellite though !

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:39 PM
A dog in a liquid nitrogen suit? WHAT ?

If you were going to put the dog in a liquid nitrogen suit so that they could get past security sensors, why wouldn't you just do this with a human and then avoid all the pesky dog training?

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:41 PM
I firmly believe that Area 51 is a decoy. Why would you have a top secret design / testing facility that the entire world knows about?

I believe that they're putting on a good show of security etc, so that people still think that something is going on there so that they can get on with real research and development elsewhere in peace and quiet.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:03 AM
Not a chance, for a start the range would be too small. Secondly, they will anticipate people doing this so they will have jammers for certain frequencies not to mention the mountain ranges surrounding groom lake blocking the radio signal. If all of that does work though, it will still be seen and "big brother" on bald mountain will be able to trace it back to you likely resulting in a visit from the joint terrorism task force.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 02:03 AM
it could work on a u.h.f. hobbyist rc system, i believe they require a licence,..they will go 20 miles and some 40+ miles so its possible range wise thats all i can say.. i have no idea about the signal getting jammed or detection, i wouldnt try

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 02:50 AM
I think that "Mini Cessna - Brushless 2.4GHz RTF SKU: KMNCE01-1" can do all types of the tasks and tricks because it is a small plane but vary large in heart and can perform all stunts very easily and definitly you will enjoy its performance.


posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 02:59 AM
I think that "Mini Cessna - Brushless 2.4GHz RTF SKU: KMNCE01-1" do all tasks and tricks of all types, because it is reletively small and very large in heart and it can easily perform these types of functions.


posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 06:25 AM
I wish we could stop flogging this dead horse. Your talking about trying to trying to fly your remote controlled planes over restricted airspace! You will be caught and prosecuted! Is it really worth it to see some hangars and a runway? And even if you did see something secret you would be forced to sign an inadvertent exposure to classified information form.. Therefore you wouldn't be able to talk about it anyway.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Glassbender777

would love for someone to do that over Skinwalker Ranch!

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by Glassbender777
Yes actually...this is a very feasable concept believe it or not [xtra emphesis on concept here
] as someone who was in that hobby for a number of years back in the day I can tell you that myself and other members of our club have brain stormed this very idea. Although at that time no one knew of Area 51...the concept in question was identical.

Roughly what we came up with (back then mind you late 70's and early 80's) was a glider for no noise and a small video camera...I know duh that was the obvious. But small lightweight video equipment didn't exsist at that time. But with todays digital technology just think about it. For instance wood/plastic/foam and fiberglass materials=radar avoidance regardless of what people in this thread seem to think. A model made of any or all of these materials would definatley slip in undetected. I would use the old skool 'built up' technique coverd with a clear heat shrinkable tightly form fitting and very strong mylar film type of coating that you can litterally iron on safely the name of this product is monokote they still make it by the way. Paint all interior framework Lt Blue and the model is now extremely quiet, visually invisable and stealthy because of construction materials. Use brass screen as a scatter device (anti radar) covering for all internal return signal and no interference with you as well. That last bit I admit is theory...worth looking into though.

They also now have powerful micro sized servos and transmitters/recievers which weigh next to nothing. Weight is always a critical factor with anything that flies. One can now couple this tech together with solar cells on top of the wing for a primary or subplimental power source, and speaking of which the boom in electric engine tech this last 15 years or so gives you the added option of using powered flight to get 'on station' quickly and then shut down and ride the thermals while filming and (again if needed) power up the model with the very quiet electric engine to egress the target area quickly. But I would certainly be willing to bet that you could ride the thermals both in and out of the area.

Drawbacks? Yes and this has always been a hinderance (even today) just as way back then...Distance, as in transmitting distance. Todays modern Tx (Transmiters) still have around a mile to a mile and a half distance, but note that even at this distance the pilot on the ground can no longer actually see the model anymore. This is the Acheles heel of this concept. If this can be overcome then (if it were me) I would use a spotter(s) with high powered Binoc's to tell me where my 'bird' was at in relation to my objective. I would only record during my fly by so as to avoid giving my bird away. then when I felt I had garnered enough video I would calmly and quietly fly might be able to keep the 'bird' inline with you so you could send a live feed 'straight back' of sorts but numerous test runs on an inocuous target would probably be in order to see if this is even doable. maybe wireless tech could be used for realtime video for both pilot and videostorage? just a last second thought.

So transmitting distance is the #1 drawback. The second drawback that I can call of the top of my head is the weather namely sun and wind...but wind most of all. Must always be aware of the wind conditions even with a powered model. The third drawback that might exsist...your flying skills. For this experement to succeed the primary pilot has got to be very very good. That is if the lack of transmitting distance can be overcome. I hope this helps to answer some of your questions and concerns. Facinating concept I must say...pity it will never happen cuz I would love to see the video!

Your thoughts...

edit on 1-4-2013 by captkilt because: To correct some spelling

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
I firmly believe that Area 51 is a decoy. Why would you have a top secret design / testing facility that the entire world knows about?

Because people can't get close, and opening a new one is extremely expensive and there's no reason to believe that the same thing wouldn't happen. Continuing to use it is the best course.

I believe that they're putting on a good show of security etc, so that people still think that something is going on there so that they can get on with real research and development elsewhere in peace and quiet.

Most of the R&D happens in office parks by nerds on a computer and in an electronics lab, but at some point you need to test fly.

BTW, if anybody attempted to fly a surveillance drone they would get a very, very, very thorough and unpleasant experience with the FBI, because it is what might be expected by a foreign intelligence agency. It might be quite difficult to convince them that the idea was just a prank or anti-government protest. Everything in your life will be hoovered and investigated. I'm sure there are Federal crimes for 'almost espionage' which they use when they think they caught a spy but don't quite have all the evidence to prove intent and foreign participation. Expect to be bankrupted with legal bills and then get a felony conviction on your resume. Good luck with your life, sir.
edit on 1-4-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-4-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by mbkennel

Foreign agencies do their spying the old fashioned way: bribery. ;-)

As I've stated in this thread more than once, all these airborne scheme have no loiter time. A snap shot in time view of the base isn't particularly useful other than seeing new buildings/facilities. And that you do from Tikaboo. You can at least spend a day or two on TIkaboo, which is better than these fictitious overlfights that are never going to happen. [The RC plane over the base is about as likely to happen as the million man march threads.]

That lack of loiter time is why most Area 51 documentaries really have nothing to show that is news worthy. You need to be there and be on scene 24&7, probably for a few months at a stretch. No documentary has that budget. Even these people who move to Rachel thinking they will get the inside story are just fooling themselves. The spy camera was added to Tikaboo without one local noticing the chopper. The new dish got added to Bald Mountain without one local posting about it online. How much more evidence do you need that locals have a very limited view of things OUTSIDE the base, let alone what is happening on the base itself.

Now if you could live at the Medlin ranch, then maybe you might catch something.

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