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The Slow Death Of All Things Godly

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posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:07 AM
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is time to address that which is before us once and for all. This system of Governments and Politicians World Wide is destroying and polluting everything which is meaningful and of true value to humanity.

When your father is a good father and he raises you with love and morals and principles and supports you and gives you strength in your time of need you grow and take on all the things which were taught to you. You too become somewhat like your father. When your father is corrupt and greedy and has no conscience regarding his words or actions, when he is aggressive and spiteful and destructive you too grow up somewhat like your father.

This Government is father to it's children. We the people empower it and in doing so we expect this father government to take care of us. To do what is right and to love and support us but this father Government of ours is very bad.. in fact it is evil. It wants to kill all of us and it does not care for any of us any longer.

Those of us at the bottom. The ones that work hard for little in return, those of us who are in need of help from the system our father.. we are the one who are persecuted the worst. Where a father should be proud of its successful children in the way the Government rewards those who have money and power in this world, they should also encourage and support and love those of us who find it difficult to cope in this world of difficult challenges but instead it cripples us and punishes us and wants to see us fail.

What is happening around us is simple. Everything Godly, Everything that makes us feel safe and loved, reassured and secure is pin pointed as being something weak and something which should be belittled and ridiculed.

This system, government.. our father which we as its children entrust to look out for us is slowly killing everything that makes us human. It is creating a system of robotic minded individuals who are conditioned to not only be incompassionate and unemotional but also to think in a way which is truly counter productive to our nature and very essence of who we are.

The saddest thing with all of this is that those of us.. our own brothers and sisters who have been given opportunities to succeed and find good homes and good jobs, who are self sufficient and feel as though they have no need of any outside help have turned apathetic and indifferent to those of us in real need of help.

This system our father has turned its children against one another in a way that we point the accusatory finger at those below us.

Everything about the Government and its minions needs to fail. It needs to crash. The longer it continues the more we will be divided. It is only once it is removed from the equation that we will all become equals.

Every man and woman must stop serving their Governments as soon as possible.

We have a cancer eating away at the fabrics of every benevolent feature of humanity and if we don't stop it, it will kill all of us, including you!

Power world wide must be dissolved. We must exit this illusion which is killing us all. There is plenty for everyone on this earth to live a happy and peaceful life but only if we stop thinking and acting the way we have been ill advised to.

I ask each of you here today to stand up and ask yourself is life really how it should be or has some invisible illness taken over us and is slowly at work, destroying everything we should hold dear?

I honestly don't know the way out of this by myself. I as one man can not do that which needs to be done but I do know that only collectively can we emerge from this hellish struggle pure, clean and connected to the beauty of nature.

Before its too late we need to come together in the right way.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:14 AM


posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Oxygenation

The Slow Death Of All Things Godly

Much of what you say finds agreement with me but... I think this has less to do with godliness than humanity. While or society is nursing itself to become a godless culture of those robotic, unfeeling, unsympathetic and one-dimensional creatures, it is first and foremostly destroying its own humanity.

The result is today, and will continue to increasingly be, a species that builds barbed-wire fences around itself on an individual level, while immediately dismissing that individuality when it comes to responsibility and the consequences from the lack of it.

Faith in God... any God of any religion, is our acceptance of our own limited and often self-destructive nature and that alone, we really don't have all the tools required to succeed. And it really takes no more than a rudimentary glance at both the past and the present to see where forsaking the divine will ultimately lead us.

We are spiritual creatures on a physical journey... but for a great many, the spiritual is now denied and the physical embellished... as if its mortality was not an inescapable fact.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by redoubt
reply to post by Oxygenation

The Slow Death Of All Things Godly

Much of what you say finds agreement with me but... I think this has less to do with godliness than humanity. While or society is nursing itself to become a godless culture of those robotic, unfeeling, unsympathetic and one-dimensional creatures, it is first and foremostly destroying its own humanity.

The result is today, and will continue to increasingly be, a species that builds barbed-wire fences around itself on an individual level, while immediately dismissing that individuality when it comes to responsibility and the consequences from the lack of it.

Faith in God... any God of any religion, is our acceptance of our own limited and often self-destructive nature and that alone, we really don't have all the tools required to succeed. And it really takes no more than a rudimentary glance at both the past and the present to see where forsaking the divine will ultimately lead us.

We are spiritual creatures on a physical journey... but for a great many, the spiritual is now denied and the physical embellished... as if its mortality was not an inescapable fact.

Indeed brother,

The question is how do we as humanity, collectively get back to the divine?

I for one refuse flat-out that there is no hope left..that there is no way of attaining that which makes each of us, that which i truly believe we were intended to become. One with the source of our creation.

I really like your post and the way you worded it!

Peace and love brother.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:50 AM
I would agree that the world is on a down hill slide..
and values have definitively changed.
in fact,, an advertisment on this site just showed it.. and how religion on a new tv show
is sexually corrupt.. and it is shown as a funny acceptable thing.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:59 AM
People aren't any different than they have always been. All thats happened is communication has improved greatly and the mechanisms by which the strong exploit the weak have become more subtle as a result.

There is no idyll in the past where gentle humans smiled beatifically at each other as they helped each other out.

If look to the government as your father, or for guidance, you are doomed.

Life after death is the carrot dangled to the masses to keep them happy toiling for the profit of the few. If you know your 80ish years here is all you get you are more inclined to want a fair deal in the here and now.

The world will improve when people understand whats going on. Its only distortion of perception that allows corrupt power structures to flourish. The failure of religion and the rise of the internet are positive developments for the species.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by justwokeup
People aren't any different than they have always been. All thats happened is communication has improved greatly and the mechanisms by which the strong exploit the weak have become more subtle as a result.

There is no idyll in the past where gentle humans smiled beatifically at each other as they helped each other out.

If look to the government as your father, or for guidance, you are doomed.

Life after death is the carrot dangled to the masses to keep them happy toiling for the profit of the few. If you know your 80ish years here is all you get you are more inclined to want a fair deal in the here and now.

The world will improve when people understand whats going on. Its only distortion of perception that allows corrupt power structures to flourish. The failure of religion and the rise of the internet are positive developments for the species.

I agree in most part with your post however i wouldn't necessarily say that the failure of religion and the rise of the internet are positive developments for us.

Religion in the context of a political world is used as a destructive tool and in the respect i would agree but as a whole religion isn't always a bad thing. We only need to look at those who congregate in churches and temples and mosques and see that most of these people find comfort and hope in their god and are generally very warm and humble people. To rid them of a place of worship simply because of those who wish to use religion to fight and justify wars shouldn't be a reason to hope for its failure.. in my opinion.

As for the internet, yes it has been a useful way of connecting but unfortunately probably about 95% of those connections have not only taken us away from the human connection but that it is itself filled with pornography, social networking sites which do little toward breeding healthy social networks.. and generally not very healthy things.

But i suppose the latter could be used as a tool for good.. only we should perhaps look at utilizing it more responsibly.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:15 AM
Personally i am tired of going round in circles over the same subject matter without seeing any real effective change. It truly is despairing and depressing.

How long can we as a people continue to accept the increasing, intolerable injustices we see daily before our very own eyes.

We speak about denying ignorance on this site but it seems that is all we ever do save our passionate words..

When will we realize that its now or never?

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:27 AM
Religion is destructive to society and the brain

Spirituality is dope though

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:28 AM
You can make this government your Father if you want. As for me? I'm not going to go calling this government my Father. Nothing that comes from man can ever be considered Godly, not in the past, not now, not ever. It is the corruption of men that is causing the downward spiral of humanity and the general lack of Morals.

The lack of Morals that allows unborn babies to be butchered in the womb, or to be destroyed by abortion pills and ejected into the toilet and flushed into the sewers like they are dung. The lack of morals where the Oxford Journal of Medicine's Ethics Commitee is now saying it is ok to murder newborn babies because it is no different than abortion and that newborn babies are not "actual people" and do not have a "moral right to life".

This same lack of morals that allows 2 men or 2 women to marry and adopt children and teach them homosexual values and destroy the traditional family values and the traditional family unit.

This very same lack of morals that allows bankers to steal homes illegally and evict the home owners and gives these banks the right to refuse payments, for the purpose of reselling those homes for the original price to make more money.

The general lack of morals where the government strips away the rights of the parent to discipline their children as they see fit in order to teach them morals and discipline and how to act right and do as they should.

These governments are taking away God given rights and subverting the traditional family home and familial units God intended for us to have. We have inherited corruption and wickedness is the staple of our diets.

So yes I agree with is the slow death of all things Godly within our nation and across the world. The world is sowing corruption and it shall reap destruction.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Oxygenation

Originally posted by justwokeup
People aren't any different than they have always been. All thats happened is communication has improved greatly and the mechanisms by which the strong exploit the weak have become more subtle as a result.

There is no idyll in the past where gentle humans smiled beatifically at each other as they helped each other out.

If look to the government as your father, or for guidance, you are doomed.

Life after death is the carrot dangled to the masses to keep them happy toiling for the profit of the few. If you know your 80ish years here is all you get you are more inclined to want a fair deal in the here and now.

The world will improve when people understand whats going on. Its only distortion of perception that allows corrupt power structures to flourish. The failure of religion and the rise of the internet are positive developments for the species.

I agree in most part with your post however i wouldn't necessarily say that the failure of religion and the rise of the internet are positive developments for us.

Religion in the context of a political world is used as a destructive tool and in the respect i would agree but as a whole religion isn't always a bad thing. We only need to look at those who congregate in churches and temples and mosques and see that most of these people find comfort and hope in their god and are generally very warm and humble people. To rid them of a place of worship simply because of those who wish to use religion to fight and justify wars shouldn't be a reason to hope for its failure.. in my opinion.

As for the internet, yes it has been a useful way of connecting but unfortunately probably about 95% of those connections have not only taken us away from the human connection but that it is itself filled with pornography, social networking sites which do little toward breeding healthy social networks.. and generally not very healthy things.

But i suppose the latter could be used as a tool for good.. only we should perhaps look at utilizing it more responsibly.

Star for a considered and reasonable response.

The future IMHO is in 'humanism' or a form thereof. The worlds religions contain a great deal of wisdom buried under the god myths and ancient bigotry. The trick is to adopt the good without the bad. We need to evolve a creed that unites rather than divides us and respects all of us as individuals. If we don't get there we'll destroy ourselves.

We all can have an after life, its our children, and theirs and the future of the species. No praying required. Imagine if those attending church were involved in some public works instead. Not to please god, or to get brownie points but because its good for other people and that is the end in itself.

The internet is a tool. It can be turned to good or evil depending on the hand wielding. Its also a mirror, if we don't like whats on there we should work on changing the people, not blaming the mirror. The internet didn't create those unhealthy things and they won't go away if the internet does.

There are things to be hopefully about though. Web activism for example. The internet has the potential to allow people across the planet to unite on individual issues in a way never possible before. Its that potential that must be protected at all costs. The more we become integrated the better. Eventually, hopefully, to the point of one common hybrid language.

edit on 4-3-2012 by justwokeup because: typo

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 12:01 PM
This troubles me also, but it is no suprise. Read your Bible. What is happening is what we were told was going to happen. By seeing the correlation, realize that it validates what we believe and that despite what we may think...

God is in control. Maintain your faith and enjoy the roller coaster ride. Frankly, seeing Ezekiel 38-39 being played out in the news just as described blows me away... more literal than I ever dared imagine.

Keep looking upward.All of the rumbling sounds and horns being heard around the world in the upper atmosphere... is that you, Gabriel?

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 12:15 PM
We are becoming less like people and more like ants or bees...our cultural hive mind decides for us what is acceptable and what is not, etc. We are slowly on our way to becoming the Borg of Star Trek.

I think a perfect utopia is impossible since perfection is not possible for mortals, but I think we can change our outlook on individualism and the beauty that can come from it...maybe if we all were more worried about ourselves, the "I" which drives us, we wouldn't be concerned with all the BS politicians are saying we "should" be mad about. Keep our noses out of everyone's business,especially on the individual level, is what can save mankind imo.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 03:18 PM
No worries, here's the solution:

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Oxygenation

If we take a school of fish or more appropriately to what is going on today in this world of ours a flock of sheep or if you look at the starlings as they perform their heavenly ballet among the clouds - you will see that they all move together as one.

Unfortunately the human species over thousands of years have never learned to do this and until we do, the collective conscience will remain scattered and we will never see our true potential and who we really are. We allow ourselves to live in fear and encompass the victim mentality which entraps us forever in a low vibration state and until each individual raises their vibration to a higher speed by considering themselves as part of the whole - the collective conscience will remain as it is.

Those in Power know that this is the case and that if we didn't live in fear we would be happy and begin thinking of higher things and the Universal Laws would quickly come into play which would free us from this never ending cycle. Each civilisation from ancient times have had to restart from the ashes and floods of the one prior - eventually they rise to a level of technology and greed that they destroy themselves and never learn this vital lesson - all ancient roads lead down the same path and there isn't much time left for mankind to take the opportunity that is here now and start a new paradigm a new way of thinking and living.
Already there are groups of people who recognise this but the word needs to spread and people need to come together and act as one - keep a close watch on these evil forces who have kept the Secrets of Universal Law hidden for centuries but watch them as an observer standing on a tall building - stay abreast of the situation for mankinds sake but do not allow your need to 'sort them out' take priority to your responsibility to the collective conscience via your own individual awareness.

Be intent on a better world and imagine how it would be. Believe it is there for the taking and the Universal Law of Intention and Allowance will activate.

If everyone participates and educates them selves on the power of awareness and at every opportunity says the following mantra: 'I am a human becoming .... help me to become' We will be supported - this too is a Universal Law of which there are many - THE WHOLE OF THE HUMAN RACE IS ONE COLLECTIVE CONSCIENCE MADE UP OF ALL THE BILLIONS OF STARLINGS ON THIS PLANET WE CALL EARTH. Do your bit and raise your awareness - give it the amount of attention you give to all the problems of the world and the world will change - Before it's too late and we become ANOTHER civilization who missed their opportunity.

'I/we/they/he/she is human becoming .... help us to become' think of the collective conscience as you say it - together we have the power to create - so go create it!

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