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And So It is....

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posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 09:25 PM
Now i may be late but i see this already past complete. What i mean is that we have very little to no privacy, total war that doesnt look like it will stop anytime soon, A president that only wants our silent consent to do anything he wants.

I feel like from my view of things that its so bad it looks like the well the fall of america in a sense. Now i may be way to out of it or crazy or something but im just some what worried and i wish some one like V could come along and change things but its not gonna happen and we the people are gonna have to do something. I feel if ron paul could win we would finally have a chance to fix ourselves but its unlikely they will let him.
Now what do you think will happen from this point in america? How long do you think we have? What chance do we have of surviving this destruction of our bill of rights?

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by Sorayugiman

If I had to make a guess, we are less than 10 months away from a totalitarian regime going global. Unfortunately, I don't think the penny will drop for those 87% non-critical thinkers (people who can't independently solve problems) until the 2012 elections. The banking scandals are going to increase, but the bankers will be held out as the sacrificial lambs to save what is really going on. I think that might be this globalization deal. Once the 2012 elections are finished, people will finally realize from their own and independent exit poles, that the politicians lied (not that we didn't know that) and the entire system is rigged. At that point, with our "reality" in tatters, the world government solution will be offered and the end will have begun.

This is classic Hegelian Dialectic. Whomever or whatever is pulling these puppet's strings has promoted the amplification of world wide financial corruption (thesis). Will offer a proposal that neuters or castrates all present political and financial figures (anti-thesis). In the end will offer themselves up as benign ruler (synthesis).

We know this can't work though, right? Absolute power may corrupt, but absolute corruption seeks absolute power. What we will have is a militarized world police force/standing army and a totalitarian "nanny" regime that knows everything you do, everywhere you are and everything you think.

It's only a few thoughts...

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Thank you for your response and wisdom i appreciate it. Now do you think you might anything else to add? if so i would love to hear it

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 11:53 PM
3 days in to march come April; OWS will tell, May, June civil unrest and a lot more protest not on the street but on the web and net, July August mid summer heat to say the least, Sept Oct winds of change will come blowing in, all to see the same old same old in November, Dec Xmas canceled Come Jan the same old guard is still in power.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by Sorayugiman

"Poppi" Bush was preaching that scenario while President in the 80's still. Few have woken up. He promises more prisons, more prosecutors to rigidly enforce our laws. His "Thousand Points of Light" talks are a good wake-up call. He praised and promoted the idea, and he let it be clear they were to be 1000's of volunteer citizens to snitch on their neighbors. When you know what his financial interests are you can understand his fanatical interest in a controlled society.

A very thin sugar coating gets applied to "get tough" programs and get eaten up - like we're being programmed to want. Most people run those programs well. We're toast!

It seems like the time is drawing very near now, though I've been saying that for years. A few top thinkers and a few old and unlikely power-players come out against that kind of takeover and maybe keeps it somewhat in-check.

I have heard the preferred model was "Brave New World" rather than "1984" but it seems more and more like the latter on steroids is what they plan.

edit on 3-3-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

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