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The War With Iran, Has Been Planned For A Very Long Time -- Propaganda At It's Finest

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posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by sedona5602

Yes, it is propaganda.

Do your research and don't just listen to one group who made a movie about this. This is imperialism and war mongering, you should really really look into things further, read some of the responses in this thread and then draw your own conclusions.


posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by BIHOTZ
reply to post by tothetenthpower

It is clear that the conquest of the ME part of a grander scheme of world domination. The west's stance of preserving its hold on the world changed since the post WW2 era. Now we seek to enlarge our empire rather than admit it is destined to fall like all others do.

War with Iran would set us down a path we would never be able to recover from. It would set in motion our eventual decline.

I hope our leaders are capable of evolution. Their mindsets are very limited and focus on domination rather than true progress. I see no difference between the west's empire and that of a little remembered empires that end up only as footnotes in history due to their constant need for conquest.

One must never commit the error of confusing the interest of war profiteers and the interest of a nation as a whole. A war profiteer doesn't care if for every dollar he makes, his fellow citizens lose 10. Although politicians proclaim to care about their voters, they usually follow their own secret motivations. Bankers, the Israel-lobby and the MIC are important campaign contributors and are able to apply pressure on politicians or give them huge rewards during or after their political career.

The loudest warmongers of the Bush-administration, who are also the loudest warmongers against Iran today are perhaps the Neocons. They are ideologues who represent both Israel and the MIC. They are fervent Zionists. Many Neocons have also heavily invested in the MIC. Like you have assumed, they have planned world domination and written about it in their PNAC white papers. Hear the testimony of Wesley Clark, about how the Neocons have planned war against Iran and other countries like Libya and Syria.

The catastrophic Neocon-policies hasn't meant an end of their careers. Instead they are still requested pundits who are regularly invited by the MSM and serve as security and foreign policy advisors for prominent Republicans like Romney and Gingrich.

Richard Cumming has investigated the relations between the Neocons and the MIC. He gave an interview on which I highly recommend to you.

Lockheed Stock and two Smoking Barrels - written by Richard Cummings

I believe the decline of the US Empire has not only started, it is almost unstoppable. The politicial process has become so corrupt, that a honest politician has almost no chance to win a high office. Integrity and truth rarely gets broadcast by the media. A misinformed public is not able to resist policies which are harmful to them. In my opinion only a broad resistance at the grassroots-level can stop the insanity of US empirialism. Here is an insightful video of Chalmers Johnson who has written a lot about the decline of the US Empire.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by sedona5602

your first link is referencing the acts of Hezbollah. They are based in Lebanon and formed after Israel invaded Lebanon in what many suspect was an Israeli created civil war. Lebanon was known as the Switzerland of the ME before. Hezbollah formed after it was revealed that Israel sponsored the dissident movement in Lebanon and subsequently invaded during the violence, killing many.

Iran has always supported the counter offensive against Israeli destabilization of the ME. It is no secret that Lebanon accepts donations for its defense, and since Hezbollah has seats in the Lebanese government it can be argued that they get funding from Iran. Really Iran gives aid and support to the Lebanese government not limited to arms and financial aid for defense directly to the account the Lebanese president opened and declared specifically was to modernize their military. They were still using WW2 era American tanks.

There are other bank accounts where even you and I can donate that go to the homeless and displaced people numbering in the millions at one point after the civil war and invasion from Israel.

The US suffered from its allegiance to Israel since this clear act of aggression and invasion was forgiven and aided by American assets.

It is yet another example of why the US has chosen poorly in its allegiance to Israel, an aggressive nation that does poorly at negotiating its problems and too often resorts to violence in their solution. Creating enemies at every pass.

I do not condone the violence Hezbollah has engaged in but understand fully that their creation was in response to Israeli aggression.

edit on 1-3-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:56 PM
I don't hate fanatical Musslims but they do have their point: Stone gays, Stone women that cheat on thier husbands, Let men marry as many women as they want with at least 1 hour marriages that let you marry a prostitute, make all people go to pray, kill anyone that does not believe in your religion, no womens choice. You know we as a civilized society should actually accept those ideals and carry them out.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Hey Tenth its doesnt matter what you or I think and we would disagree. The world is however prepping for war. All of the players are putting offensive and defensive measures into place.
George Bush isnt in office so no blame will be placed there.
Imagine that, no George Bush to blame a war on. What ever will uncle Barry do?

Like I said we cannot change the world.It would be nice if I really could positive think my way through outcome but life is like baseball "the hits just keep on coming"
so is the course of world affairs

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by moderateAmerican

I don't hate fanatical Musslims

they hate you my fellow American

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 05:37 PM
The sad thing is, most of us are brainwashed by our
governments, to the point where you believe the
propaganda BS the governments spread, just to get
their own way. This is not about countries, and being
patriotic. Its about a small group of people (governments)
who are obsessed with money, power, and control.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:00 PM
So...what do you think hezbollah and hamas are? Do you have a clue who theyre funded by? Oh yea, Iran. And those groups are definitely aggressors. And of course we have propaganda, but so does every other country on this planet, so stop demonizing one group of nations for it.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:22 PM
I don't no if this proves anything or not, but yeah the retired Generals and such with the pentagon or spreading the propaganda. My Husband today was listening to the Shawn Hannity Radio Show while at work. Oliver North was on, and said War with Iran, and WWIII will be happening very very soon, possibly to start this month sometime. He said he didn't have a date, but that it would be this month... it's just a bunch of

The drums are starting to beat a little harder...I wish I could draw them all a little map to the town of Sane, so when they get there they would surely know they were all INSANE

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

What's the difference between Iran being able to do so, or Russia?

or China?

or Pakistan?

or India?


they're not muslims. this a continuation of the holy war and the crusades started 900 years ago. borders change, people die, but the spirit of war passes on from one generation to the next.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:28 PM
You completely ignore IAEA inspections. You believe that the attempt on the Saudi ambassadors life here on American soil was a lie don't you? The only reason Iran has for being mad at Israel is because of the conflict over the West Bank. Iran has no reason for being involved in that issue at all. Iran supports Hamas and we know they support Syria's Assad. Iran is a Shiite run government run by religious extremists and puts Christians to death. Israel never threatened Iran until Iran using the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as their reasoning threatened to annihilate the Jews. Iran won't let peaceful IAEA inspectors in to examine the nuclear plant in question. Iran is acting suspiciously buddy. Get your war panties on cause this is going to happen. There are things happening in America I absolutely disagree with. I was against the war in Afghanistan. I protested the war in Iraq. I think we were extremely successful in Libya because Obama didn't take the go it alone approach. Iran is acting very suspiciously.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:43 PM
Much talk today about the WH indicating Iran is crossing "the red line", and they know what will happen if they do.
Hillary commenting Iran's currency has devalued by 50%, and we should give the sanctions more time. So, I don't know.

It's becoming apparent that our minds are being prepared for the possibility.

It's election time there.......maybe a change could improve things. It's frustrating. Peace should be much much less complicated than war, but, evidently not.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:28 AM
Ya, its been coming. In 2004 when i was in the military someone i trusted told me to get ready for the next theater. So i figure it's just a matter of time.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by rebellender

the thing is, we are responsible for our world as we can effect change. It is wrong and invalid an argument to say that nothing can be done about anything. I personally am of military age and am very inclined to military service since a child, yet will refuse to join my nations war efforts. I will not participate in conquest. I feel I am missing out on a large part of what would be rewarding life of service. I am just not inclined to cause misery upon this earth.

We are very much in charge of our world. Simply look to the effort put into public opinion. If things were as bleak as you say they would simply do as they please. The need permission no matter how much power they wield. We are always in numerical superiority and are the basis of their power. Without us there is no war. With is there is. Simply put, the single greatest challenge is to convince us before they ask for permission.

Have a solid mind and know what you want and they will always need to be correct before they ask, no matter the effort put into convincing us.

Be the change.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:22 AM
This is ridiculous.

I mean, the last 3 months everyone was saying the same thing. WAR WAR WAR!
It still hasn't happened. When these 3 months past, its going to be within the next
3 months that the war happen. Again. Then 3 months after that. Make up your minds.

There are so many different people, and so many different sources constantly
throwing out dates that I just have to assume that nothing will happen at all.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Gorsebeacon
You completely ignore IAEA inspections. You believe that the attempt on the Saudi ambassadors life here on American soil was a lie don't you?

IAEA inspections? Which ones are you talking about? The ones where they find no proof of a weapons program? Or the one where they have no information.

Lack of proof doesn't constitute guilt where I come from.

No I think that either Mossad or the CIA set that up. False Flags are part of American Intelligence Culture, do your research.

The only reason Iran has for being mad at Israel is because of the conflict over the West Bank. Iran has no reason for being involved in that issue at all. Iran supports Hamas and we know they support Syria's Assad. Iran is a Shiite run government run by religious extremists and puts Christians to death.

That's an emotionally charged argument, I could argue the the US puts Muslims to death all the time in their drone strikes etc. Please keep the non factual anectodes out of this debate.

Israel never threatened Iran until Iran using the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as their reasoning threatened to annihilate the Jews. Iran won't let peaceful IAEA inspectors in to examine the nuclear plant in question. Iran is acting suspiciously buddy.

Lol, you mean Israel never threatened Iran until Iran noticed Israel was carrying out a genocide and operating an open aired prison? And Iran should not be beholden to some regulatory body to do what it wants. It's a SOVEREIGN nation. It does not need permission to do Research and Development from anybody.

I would say that Israel is acting very suspiciously. Why won't they allow inspectors into their nuclear plants? Why won't they sign the non nuclear proliferation treaty?

Get your war panties on cause this is going to happen. There are things happening in America I absolutely disagree with. I was against the war in Afghanistan. I protested the war in Iraq. I think we were extremely successful in Libya because Obama didn't take the go it alone approach. Iran is acting very suspiciously.

Yes yes, war mongers always say they were against the wars of the past. Again provide me with proof, instead of talking points you heard on the TV and perhaps then we can have a serious conversation.

Until then, it's your opinion and it's a dangerous way of thinking.


posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 12:27 PM
May I try something a little different? I'd like to suggest that America may not go to war with Iran. It would certainly seem to go against our recent foreign policy moves. It may be a coincidence, but countries that are willing to consider America's positions, Egypt and Libya, get overthrown, countries that hate us, such as Iran, don't.

We had a chance in the early days of the Obama administration to support Iran's freedom movement, but we didn't, it failed. I haven't seen anything but polite diplomacy and, at the most, hard sanctions that have been announced six months in advance.

Is it possible that, for whatever reason, Obama will avoid war with Iran at all costs instead of running to it?

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Interesting proposition, but I doubt it honestly. The thing is, doesn't matter what Obama wants, he'll bend to the political pressure. Just look at his ability to "compromise" with the GOP in the last 4 years. He's not gotten one thing passed that was the way he wanted and always gave the other side exactly what they wanted.

Effectively making his legislation bunk.

The same will occur with a war mongering GOP Congress & Senate, especially while the election cycle is just heating up, Iran will become more and more of a hot button, always discussed topic.

He won't have the ability to take his time to formulate his stance, and he's pledged 100% alliegence to Israel, both economic and military wise. IMO he'll cave on that too. Obama only works for his political image and towing the party line.

Then again, really Obama is just a puppet for the various 3 letter agencies like the Trilateral Commission among other things. They are the real deciders of what goes on in the United States.


posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Dear tothetenthpower,

Thanks, I wasn't giving enough weight to the domestic pressures on Obama. But I wonder which way they're pushing him? If he gets into war with Iran before the elections does he say goodbye to a second term? And if he waits until after the elections, isn't he pretty much pressure-proof? (Assuming he's re-elected)

Then again, really Obama is just a puppet for the various 3 letter agencies like the Trilateral Commission among other things. They are the real deciders of what goes on in the United States.
Which makes the whole discussion pretty academic. I refuse to try to guess what the Trilaterals, CFR, and the others are thinking.

(Wait a minute, maybe I will guess. Wouldn't Israel be a hindrance to a one world government? That means a war detroying Israel? Obama would be told not to help Israel enough to have them win? My head is spinning again, but that happens a lot here. Straighten me out if you feel like it.)

With respect,

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Dear tothetenthpower,

Thanks, I wasn't giving enough weight to the domestic pressures on Obama. But I wonder which way they're pushing him? If he gets into war with Iran before the elections does he say goodbye to a second term? And if he waits until after the elections, isn't he pretty much pressure-proof? (Assuming he's re-elected)

Israel won't wait until November to carry out military actions. Traditionally they've started attacks in the spring and summer months.

Then again, really Obama is just a puppet for the various 3 letter agencies like the Trilateral Commission among other things. They are the real deciders of what goes on in the United States.
Which makes the whole discussion pretty academic. I refuse to try to guess what the Trilaterals, CFR, and the others are thinking.
More like planning, or what death ritual they are getting ready to set up at Bohemian Grove.

(Wait a minute, maybe I will guess. Wouldn't Israel be a hindrance to a one world government? That means a war detroying Israel? Obama would be told not to help Israel enough to have them win? My head is spinning again, but that happens a lot here. Straighten me out if you feel like it.)

Who do you think would be a MAJOR player in the One World Government? Again we can't forget the ridiculous ammount of influence that Israel holds within most power nations in the world. If Israel would have been considered a hindrance, they never would have allowed it's creation after WW2.

This whole NWO stuff has been planned for a very long time. Just the NAU proposals go back to the 60's if I'm not mistaken.

Mind yout his is just opinion that I have, and educated one mind you from the years of connnecting the dots, but hopefully I'm completely wrong and Israel isn't going to help the rest of the world take over the ME and further enslave us all..

But I doubt it.


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