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Incurable "VIRUS Of The LAMBS" Wipes out Thousands of Aminals in Seconds! Prophecied?

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posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Spiratio

Virus found in Antarctica bottled and released in northern hemisphere?

You mean from that Lake vostik the russians just opened up that was buried for millions of years?

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 12:38 AM
I've been on a diet since Christmas
I best ditch it and get some burgers and lamb kebabs down my neck whilst there's still some left to eat

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 12:42 AM
It doesn't kill in seconds because some are still born so already dead also when was it prophsied or is that just another BS title on here YET again

Also the next lambs infected sheep had seemed to be ok!!

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 12:47 AM
Again, the TITLE comes from the Video referenced in the OP...

"BRITAIN Mysterious LAMB DISEASE! Thousands Die in Seconds "

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by porschedrifter

It's contained so far, plus the deaths of these lambs happened in Europe, Japanese winds were going east, not west. If the Japanese learned ZPE tech, then they can stop the radiation contamination in it's tracks.

reply to post by BiggerPicture

This Virus is more of a mutation that seems like it hits the lamb fetus and rewrites it's DNA code for construction and messes up it's plans.

Imagine a blueprint, everything is perfect, all the dimensions are in line, then some idiot or sabator comes in and alters the dimensions just a little here and there, and the construction is proceeded. Once it's finished, it looks nothing like the blueprint and it's a miracle that it was able to hold together during the construction.

So what is happening to the lambs is no different when someone comes in and alters the DNA code.

Someone is doing this, and it's on purpose.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:48 AM
I would really like to see the media cover this story a little better.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:14 AM
We seem to be dealing with a genophage. If it is indeed a virus, it looks to be targeting the reproductive system to create massive genetic mutation in the gametes (sperm and eggs, to the biology-jargon illiterate). I INFER this based off of the observation on no apparent damage to the host, but fatal damage to any zygote. It is the only thing that makes sense to me. If so, then this is a virus that has the ecological effect of making a species go extinct by massive infant fatality.

Which, to me, alludes to the idea that this is not a natural virus. From where viruses and bacteria are on the ecological totem pole, it would not make evolutionary sense for a virus to have a super-specialized niche. HIV only targets a TYPE of white-blood cell. Yet it's one food source just so happens to destroy the integrity of the host's immune system. The Ebola bacteria eats through the arterial walls to create the massive internal bleeding and eventual death by hypovolemic shock. And now this virus targets the reproduction system in such a way to ensure that it itself will have no food source once it eats through the first generation. It has no future as a species, this virus. I think this is a strong selling-point to hypothesize that this virus, and many of the ones we deal with these days, are engineered weapons.

If this virus just stays to our livestock, that spells disaster for the world as it is in this volatile age. The developed world is on the verge of an economic breakdown. The developing world is fraught with instability of a dogmatic origin. And the undeveloped world is already being wiped out by the massive poverty created by this particular global economy. And on top of the social terrors are the ecological facts that this economic system is also tainting all of the basic resources needed for life. Water is being poisoned by flouride and radiation, air has become a noxious fog of industrial smoke. This is a straw on the back of a camel that's already on the verge of breaking.

It's just this whole idea of a genophage on our food-stock that makes me wonder how they are engineering the GMO crops to work with the poisoned water/air/soil to degrade our genetic virility to guide our evolution into a devolution. They already have the social game in check, so that the average American (who live in the land with the most opportunities atm) has no will to fulfill the responsibility of living under a system of government where the citizen, each and every on of them, has to be a senator, They ensure that we have no moral/social backbone that is truly solid; otherwise we could possibly unite, which they can't have because information can be traded across oceans within seconds. All they need to do now is get our genetic strength of min to slowly degrade so that there ends up being two separate humanoid species on the planet.

This is all just inference, but this is where logic critically applied tot he situation brings me. I am TOTALLY cool with being wildly off with these inferences. I'd rather not be wiped out as a species by watching as our own technology destroys the stability of life on Earth.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by SoulVisions
I would really like to see the media cover this story a little better.

Lol There's no chance in hell that will happen. The only thing the mainstream media cover is their master's ASS!!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

Could this be nuke fallout from Fukishima being transmitted via midges? As far as i know 'deformities' occur more often when animals/people have come into contact with high radiation levels!! Didn't the same thing happen after Chenobyl?

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 06:56 AM
Is it just me or do i sense some MONSANTO involvement here.

I mean, they began being thrown out of different countries, beggining with India in september(?) and in november a new virus is born that hits livestock?

Does anyone else see a connection here?

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

if pigs can be infected does that mean we can be infected
as we use pig organs in some transplants

just asking

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:05 AM
Although I do not argue that this virus is natural and coincidental, I have to say that there are many viruses which affect a fetus or embryo in utero such as measles.
The fact that so many animals are being affected is awful news. Is the virus affecting other species in the same way? Are the offspring deformed and dying?

It just so happens that one of the sponsors of the Olympics this year is heavily into GM products. No saying the two are connected but it makes me wonder....

Dow Chemical Company

I feel that though we are obviously moving forward very quikly these days, we may not like where we are going any more than where we are.

I live in hope that we will overcome this insanity.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by morpheusxxz

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
I really hate and I can't emphasise how much I hate quoting religious texts. But isn't it predicted in revelation that when there are no more new souls in heaven that will be the last sigh before the end? If mammals if all kind can't have kids well........

I think there is indeed a shortage of souls in the heaven that the evil souls from hell are coming on earth and are trying their best to destroy it.

Its sad that nobody can argue that point for if we look at the world in general it is mainly populated by selfish greedy sadistic and narcissistic people. But what can we do?

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 10:42 AM
One word. CONTAGION.

Hollyweird done already told you how this new plague of the century was gonna pan out. The warning is there people. I would say keep it green, but they have modified the crops too much for pure food.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by BiggerPicture

What I find suspicious about this is how quickly it hits. The offspring are dead before they are even born... that is extremely weird behavior. A virus typically doesn't like to kill its host too quickly because it means the virus will also likely die before it has a chance to spread to another host, thus reducing the chance the virus will continue on. It seems to imply to me that this isn't a natural virus at all. Though I would like to know if the parent of the offspring also gets sick, or if it's just the offspring. That is a critical question. And if the parent animal is not infected, I would also like to know how it reaches the offspring without effecting the parent. It seems like maybe the parent animal is infected, and the virus has a mechanism which causes genetic mutations at early stages in the development of the offspring, whilst not dramatically affecting the parent animal because it is already fully developed.
edit on 1-3-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

Good insight there. You're asking the right questions.
From what I've read about GMO's they tend to make offspring sterile in as few as 2 or 3 generations. Perhaps this is a virus but one that could only turn deadly because GMO feed was given to the parent animals.

For as "advanced" as our sciences supposedly are we keep getting hit pretty hard with diseases like this. Either they are profoundly ignorant of what they are doing or this is indeed an intentional release of an epizootic to decimate the food supply.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by omgitscj
We seem to be dealing with a genophage. If it is indeed a virus, it looks to be targeting the reproductive system to create massive genetic mutation in the gametes (sperm and eggs, to the biology-jargon illiterate). I INFER this based off of the observation on no apparent damage to the host, but fatal damage to any zygote. It is the only thing that makes sense to me. If so, then this is a virus that has the ecological effect of making a species go extinct by massive infant fatality.

Which, to me, alludes to the idea that this is not a natural virus.

Which is very interesting, and not to beat on the GMO drum, as it could be engineered
without the use of GMO...however GMO is shown to be able to render sterility in three

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 12:32 PM
Wonder if this is Monsantos genetically engineered revenge for being rejected by Europe. They could always rush in and be the hero with their genetically engineered cure. Lots of money to be made off suffering.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by stevcolx
The more you look at the past, present and future you can see a trend developing. In the words of 'Codex Alimentarius'

'He Who Controls The Food Controls The World'.

There are many ways to destroy the food in the world to make way for Genetically Modified poisonous food. Specially targeted diseases and radiation. Fukushima was not an accident. Neither are all those 'Just Released' special animal diseases. They are trying to wipe out our food supply be they crops and or animals. They have succeeded in poisoning most of our water supplies with Flouride and other nasty chemicals so here comes more nasties to kill off our meat and veggies!

These nasty viruses were not prophesied. They were PLANNED!!!

My first thought was GMO processed feeds ..... I can't believe the arrogance of scientists and businesses promoting GMOs ... they will never be held liable and will just go bankrupt......

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by BiggerPicture

What I find suspicious about this is how quickly it hits. The offspring are dead before they are even born... that is extremely weird behavior.

Was thinking the exact same thing... We have a "virus" that doesent act like a virus at all. What kind of virus kills the host before has the chance to infect more. It's almost like the first breath of oxygen into the new borns lungs cause it to go deadly. Could O2 be the trigger that makes it mutate into a deadly strain? Then why are some born dead?

Why isn't it infecting the parent animal? Or is it and it layes dorment?... If thats the case i'm going to have to really think about my meat intake till we get a better idea of the cause and effect of this so called "virus". They seem to be at a loss where it came from, and who knows if the entire food supply is already tainted. Sorry don't want to fearmonger, just asking the important questions. Because it seems like it comes from the parent animal, perhaps they are just carriers. Either way this doesen't seem natural...

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Jace26
Its probably just an African virus that Britain imported from the flood of immigrants there.
If thats the case, i'm surprised Australia doesn't have it.

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