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Blue Sky and Possible Artifacts on Mars - Mars Exploratiion Rover Mission

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posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 06:27 PM
Below are the Names, Pictures, and the Links to the 3 pictures I combined with RGB from the Spirit Rover Panoramic Camera to create a color image. (SOL-075) This was done so we could get a better look at some of the anomalous features of the landscape in this image for further study. The sky (Atmosphere) is also visible in this Image. More Info below pictures.

[color=#78ECEB]2P133029454EFF2200P2354L2M1.jpg (Red Filter)

This picture is half size to fit this page. Click on link below to see full size image.

[color=#78ECEB]2P133029454EFF2200P2354L5M1.jpg (Green Filter)

This picture is half size to fit this page. Click on link below to see full size image.

[color=#78ECEB]2P133029454EFF2200P2354L7M1.jpg (Blue Filter)

This picture is half size to fit this page. Click on link below to see full size image.

[color=#78ECEB]Combined RGB Image:

This picture is half size to fit this page. Click on link below to see full size image.

There are so many possible artifacts in this picture, I don't know where to begin. There are signs of fabricated pieces of metal all over and encased just underneath sedimentary rock. Notice the corrosion from the iron pieces inside sedimentary outer layered rock. On these pieces you will see a blueish/greenish color near the surface of the sedimentary rocks formation due to corrosion of the iron along with rust from prolonged exposer. Notice the heavy rust in the area of these pieces. Pieces of Metal can also be seen with little corrosion.

My Opinion is that some of these pieces don't appear to be made naturally. Although the sedimentary rock which surrounds the pieces looks natural, you can still spot the sediment following the shape of the artifacts and pieces.

I also feel confident when I say, the sky is blue on Mars, because all of the color pictures I have rendered have a blue sky without altering color levels. Plus when images are rendered correctly, rover instruments are showing blue sky's as well, (See Post=Spirit's Color Sun Dial) to view image. I have additional reasons for believing this and information that could change the way you think about rendering pictures in the future, but thats another above top secret topic in itself.

The Combined color image above has not been altered in any way other than being combined with the above filtered images. This is what I use for my template. Then I can modify it to my liking when observing certain areas or whatever the case may be. More images and info to come.

Hope you Enjoy my release of this Color picture. The sky is blue on Mars and the possible artifacts could be of biblical proportions.

[color=#78ECEB]What do you see in this Image? I would love to hear from you. [color=#78ECEB]Opinions?

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 07:16 PM
It would be nice if Mars had a blue sky. Thank you for putting the time into changing this image to how it should be or at least how we think it should be. There has been a lot on this subject (thx to Kano) and about the color problems that NASA has. These can be found here:

This one page leads to many heated conversations, which I am trying to honor for what they are worth without stating my opinion *cowers*. What to believe though? It�s all up to you...

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 07:26 PM
i once saw a website with regular pictures of mars, but when they took like 15% of the redness out of the picture it looked like a picture from earth. the sky was blue and all, the land was like dirt, and the rocks looked like earth rocks. it was pretty wild, i cant find the site tho.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 07:29 PM
Good work putting thi pic together. This is the first time Ive ever heard of this, much less, seen some simblance of proof. I agree that the sky has a blue hue to it, but Im not so sure about the metals under the surface. Maybe if you could post the same pics with some of the anomolies circled?

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 01:59 AM
I dont see what Nasa has to gain from making the pics a different color but the evidence says that they are changing the colors, Its oblivios that Nasa is not as good as the Air Force at cover ups.

2 things tell me their lying.

1. The pics with all those small round things, they called them blueberrys, but in all of there released pics There Not Blue, Its oblivious that there are blue but if Nasa admits there blue they know there whole color changes days are gone.

2. This link has the exact picture that I sent to Nasa, I asked them why they changed the color?
Nasa Color Change
I got no response, Go Figure.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 02:19 AM
My opinion is that no matter what else you can say, from the pictures and my telescope we have a desert planet with lots of sand turned nearly into talcum powder from millions of years of wind agitation.

This sand is abundant in the upper atmosphere and makes an independently accurate true color photo difficult to verify.

The colors of the terrain also affect the color of the sky on Earth, which affects the color of objects on that terrain, as does the position of the sun, clarity of the air, etc.

With little or no precipitation the atmosphere will always have dust particles in it, which probably makes the sky look lighter than it should anyway.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 06:12 AM
Personally I am more interested in the evidence of liquid water on Mars, the rovers finding incredibly signs of fossils (and then grind them to dust), the fact that the "face" is extremely reflective for some reason or the fact that indications of current life (via atmospheric readings) on Mars is being covered up.

Who cares what color the sky has!

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 06:20 AM
Interesting picture, and I don't doubt that the sky on Mars is blue sometimes red at other times, yellowy-grey at others, and so on, depending on local atmospheric conditions, position of the sun, and a million and one other variables.

The sky around where I live, and I guess at most locations on earth, is a slightly different colour every day. Today's it's dark grey and yesterday it was pale blue. Sometimes it's red towards sunset or sunrise, particularly if there is a lot of dust in the atmosphere.

What I'm not sure is why Mars having a blue sky on occasions should be regarded as particularly significant?

It doesn't mean that the make-up of the atmosphere is similar to earth's or that the atmosphere is more conducive to the development of advanced organic life.

Spectroscopy readings at the beginning of the 20th Century told us this much and nothing has been discovered in the intervening century that suggests otherwise.

I couldn't see anything resembling artefacts in this image. The red shade is clearly dust on what are probably grey rocks. There's no sign of oxidised metal or anything in any way artificial.

(This whole image looks like the blue has been turned up much too far, by the way).

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 06:50 AM
harris: thats pretty much what has happened.

Street Rat, well done putting that together, the reason behind what we see in a straight mix method like you have used there is covered in this article.

But that article is quite verbose, so I'll give the specific reason here anyway.

Basically, before the Rovers send back an image frame, they amplify each channel so the brightest pixel in each frame is FFFFFF and the darkest is 000000. This is to maximise the signal to noise ratio during the transmission back to earth. To re-combine the images more accurately you need to have the ratios by which each has been expanded to cover the range.

(The actual effect given is pretty much the same as photoshop's auto levels function, which basically does the same thing, maximising all channels.)

There is a list of approximate amplification values somewhere on here, perhaps in the discussion thread off that article. Can't remember them off the top of my head. I'll have a stickybeak later to try and find them.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 08:15 AM
Nice work. I 've seen way too much evidence of the rovers doing more on mars then they are telling us. That alone is enough for me think that there is more ON mars then they are telling us.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 08:48 AM
After several months I have heard absolutely nothing about the rovers on Mars. Maybe I should go visit the NASA site... Either way are they even still running? If they are, weren�t they only suspected to run for something around 80 sols? It seems I have heard nothing about them on TV. Oh well ill go search the NASA site

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 12:37 PM
I am using what I call the Observation Method when looking at the filtered pictures from the rover site. This is something I came up with myself, and is in no way carved in stone, but here goes:

When looking at most L2 pictures through the red filter, you will have all the pixels that are made up of red, or a combination with red, will be illuminated in the picture.

When looking at most L5 pictures through the green filter, you will have all the pixels that are made up of green, or a combination with green, will be illuminated in the picture.

When looking at most L7 pictures through the blue filter, you will have all the pixels that are made up of blue, or a combination with blue, will be illuminated in the picture.

If you look at most of the L2 pictures, you will see the ground being illuminated, while the sky is very dark. Not alot of red being illuminated from the sky here.

If you look at most of the L5 pictures, you will see the sky being illuminated because the sky has a combination of green and blue.

If you look at most of the L7 pictures, you will see the sky being illuminated because the sky has a combination of blue and green.

This makes perfect sense to me. This give's me a good idea what colors should be where. I think the sky is blue. but you be the judge...

Nobody see's artifacts?

Get out your graphics programs and start zooming...but use the large picture from the link to look closer at some of the rocks. Hint- NASA appears to allways sharpen there pictures, or it appears that way. Try softening the picture a little, not too much. Use the lowest softening method. You will be amazed at the order your pixels will have compared to the NASA picture. Now get in there and find me some artifacts. Enjoy...Thanks for your replies...

[edit on 20-9-2004 by Street Rat]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 01:02 PM
For the umpteenth time, read Kano's thread here


It's very extensive and will answer most of your questions.

As for the numbering sequence look here

Which by the way is linked to from the first article. Folks, there are lots of unexplained things out there from NASA and other places. Spending so much time and effort on things like this once they have been explained in a rational, duplicatable way is just taking time that could be spent looking at the unexplained.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by SirKillallott
After several months I have heard absolutely nothing about the rovers on Mars. Maybe I should go visit the NASA site... Either way are they even still running? If they are, weren�t they only suspected to run for something around 80 sols? It seems I have heard nothing about them on TV. Oh well ill go search the NASA site

It was originaly 90 sols, but Spirit is on sol 255, and Oportunity is on sol 234,and both are still working. Nasa updates there progress daily, those 2 rovers were worth the money, they have gotton some good info and amazing pics.

[edit on 20-9-2004 by Murcielago]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 08:17 PM
It still looks alot like Capricorn One to me... I'm all for (extinct) life on Mars, yet I'm still troubled by the "faces in the clouds" syndrome.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 09:47 PM
You've given me a lot to think about.

[edit on 20-9-2004 by Krakatowa]

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 09:00 PM
Arrows pointing out possible artifacts in picture below:

external image

This is the picture from above, only arrows have been added to point out possible artifacts.
There are alot more, but this should keep you busy for awhile. The picture has been softened and the arrows might have degraded the picture some. To view the full size picture, click the link below. 9454EFF2200P2354L2M1ColorArtifacts.jpg

Arrow A - Points to what looks like a cow catcher. Same angle on both sides.
Arrow B - Points to what looks like a intake or exhaust vent. Nice lines.
Arrow C - Points to what looks like a piece where the center has been carved out.
Arrow D - Points to what looks like part of a wheel gear.
Arrow E - Points to what looks like a squared off piece of metal under sediment.
Arrow F - Points to what looks like part of a wheel. Fabricated piece comming out of it.
Arrow G - Same angle on both sides, leads to point at top. Metal under sediment?
Arrow H - Points to what looks like a Broken peice of wheel gear.
Arrow I - Two possible metal piece's next to each other.
Arrow J - Possible artifact under sediment.
Arrow K - Points to what looks like a fabricated piece. A cradle or bracket.
Arrow L - Points to what looks like a metal bar running up the side surrounded by sediment.
Arrow M - Points to what looks like a fabricated piece.
Arrow N - Points to what looks to be fabricated. Like a fitting.
Arrow O - Points to what looks like a fitting on top of a square bracket.
Arrow P - Points to what looks like an angles piece of metal.
Arrow Q - Points to what looks like a fabricated piece of metal with a flap on it.
Arrow R - Points to what looks like it has a fabricated ball on the end of it.
Arrow S - Points to what looks like a piece shaped like a nut from a bolt.
Arrow T - Points to what looks fabricated. Nice straight line to the top.

Whatever these piece's are, some of them don't look very natural.

[edit on 22-9-2004 by Street Rat]

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 12:06 AM
Street Rat - That pic is bogus.
I've seen several pics of Mars taken by telescopes and probes, and none have shown any greenish blue color on its surface, and you cant tell me that Europe is in on the whole conspiracy as well.

BTW, The rovers have once again being extended for an additional 6 months
, or as Nasa puts it, were gonna use them till they break.

Good choice Nasa
, plus its only gonna cost an additional 2.8 million for it, so its well worth it.

There current plans are to have spirit cgo up a hill so it will have a good point of view and take pics from up there.

and Opportunity is going to take a 3 mile jouney to go look at an interesting looking site.

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 10:11 AM
Article T definatly took my attention, definate geometry there that looks was too smooth to be natural, although, i guess we will not no for sure until they catch the image of a foot stomping the lunar rover or someone actually steps foot on Mars itself...

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 10:36 AM

Here's a picture taken by NASA from the hubble telescope in February 1995.
It looks to show a blueish sky and clouds. Amatures are getting the same result with as little as a $5000.00, for telescope, camera, and software. There are more reasons to believe this, but this should help you doubters.

Also I don't remember refering to a blueish surface color, but a blueish sky color.

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