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US MUST WATCH: Let Your Life Be Friction To Stop The Machine!

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posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Duamutef9
If you are bothered by this state of affairs, I ask you to seriously examine how time you spend blaming the forces that you think are stopping you from accomplishing anything, and compare that to how much much time you spend trying to figure out how to turn the world to your advantage.

I don't want to turn the world to my advantage, I want everyone to be happy, not only me.

Originally posted by Duamutef9

The moment you start doing that, you will see how the mighty think. And yes that includes the bankers, the entrepreneurs, the C.E.O's, inventors, captains of industry, investors, military leaders, dictators, presidents, and monarchs.

Well then, it's the last way I would like to think.

Originally posted by Duamutef9
We meet challenges and we overcome them. Just like we did with the Indians. And we don't care what you think about it.

The indians?! Omg, you are a sick individual.

Originally posted by Duamutef9
The rest of this video is nothing but collectivist whining, and I refuse to waste my time commenting on it.

Yes the collective, it's obvious you only think about your f***in self.
Human society evolution is plagued with animals with your mentality.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Duamutef9

Here's a little secret, too. It's called "reframing" and it exists to support or change the meaning of perceived events.

You're right.
But who actually did the 'reframing'?

Surely the writers of history did wich are the victors.

If you find the notion of the stronger, faster, or better "winning" at anything somehow repugnant

Don't put words in my mouth.

apparently a lot of people here do, you will "reframe" these events in such a way as to satisfy your subjective biases. You don't think that these are morally "right" therefore you frame them in that light, which also means that you have your head in the sand regarding the nature of the world.

A lot of those people are your fellow Americans.

What makes you so sure you didn't 'reframe' your views and opinions to fit your biases?

See that works both ways.

The mighty do prosper, regardless of whether you like it or not. America exists because it's a place for those who would be the best, to do so, regardless of your opinion about it

America isn't exactly prosperous no more.

15 trillion in debt? Nuff said..

Imho America lost a lot of its values.

America isn't the beacon of freedom and hope no more as much as you like to think otherwise.

If you fail to rise to the best of your potential, in a society that provides you as much intellectual, economic, and social freedom as the United States does, then you have nobody to blame but yourself.

Where did you get this from?

How did i fail to rise to my potential?

This is the premise upon which the country was founded, and that principle alone is more than worth all of the blood that was shed to found i

I disagree

The moment you start doing that, you will see how the mighty think. And yes that includes the bankers, the entrepreneurs, the C.E.O's, inventors, captains of industry, investors, military leaders, dictators, presidents, and monarchs.

I know how a lot of these people think and their mindset is poison.

You don't favor contracts, money, power and wealth over peoples lives.

Very few of them sit on the internet and whine about how some boogeyman (a person, a social force, a country, whatever) is stopping them. We meet challenges and we overcome them. Just like we did with the Indians. And we don't care what you think about it.

I never said they're stopping me from being what i want to be.

Like seriously...??!

The rest of this video is nothing but collectivist whining, and I refuse to waste my time commenting on it.

I seriously you doubt you even watched it.

But if you did, fine and that's your opinion.

No biggie

edit on 25-2-2012 by kn0wh0w because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Duamutef9
reply to post by kn0wh0w

Here's a little secret, too. It's called "reframing" and it exists to support or change the meaning of perceived events. The "founding of the nation on bloodshed" part of this "documentary" is what I call "conquering". This nation was conquered by force and guile by those who had better weapons, tactics, and ideas. This was just as true two hundred years ago as it is now and will be a thousand years from now. The crux of the matter is how these acts are perceived. If you find the notion of the stronger, faster, or better "winning" at anything somehow repugnant, which apparently a lot of people here do, you will "reframe" these events in such a way as to satisfy your subjective biases. You don't think that these are morally "right" therefore you frame them in that light, which also means that you have your head in the sand regarding the nature of the world. The mighty do prosper, regardless of whether you like it or not. America exists because it's a place for those who would be the best, to do so, regardless of your opinion about it. Your opinion about that fact reveals much about yourself, your ambition, your ability, your intelligence, and your capacity. If you fail to rise to the best of your potential, in a society that provides you as much intellectual, economic, and social freedom as the United States does, then you have nobody to blame but yourself. This is the premise upon which the country was founded, and that principle alone is more than worth all of the blood that was shed to found it and continue it's existence. If you are bothered by this state of affairs, I ask you to seriously examine how time you spend blaming the forces that you think are stopping you from accomplishing anything, and compare that to how much much time you spend trying to figure out how to turn the world to your advantage. The moment you start doing that, you will see how the mighty think. And yes that includes the bankers, the entrepreneurs, the C.E.O's, inventors, captains of industry, investors, military leaders, dictators, presidents, and monarchs. Very few of them sit on the internet and whine about how some boogeyman (a person, a social force, a country, whatever) is stopping them. We meet challenges and we overcome them. Just like we did with the Indians. And we don't care what you think about it.

The rest of this video is nothing but collectivist whining, and I refuse to waste my time commenting on it.
edit on 25-2-2012 by Duamutef9 because: typographical correction....

I think no one could have more eloquently displayed such a vivid picture of a brain washed mind. Thank you so much for showing all here what it is that must be overcome in the hearts and minds of mankind if we are ever going to stop taking and in turn start giving.

Your regard for "winning" is just as biased as any other opinion and sadly that opinion is shared by many who have never witnessed and learned from the humility of defeat, embraced the joy in being humble and the satisfaction of being a giver rather than a taker.

Yes it is very true that one can easily step into the mindset of the mighty, decide that the spoils of victory should be kept as personal possessions and that our opinions and views need to be adopted no matter what the cost. It is easy to fall into a place of greed and want and it naturally fits that those who think they are mighty will be selfish enough to never look past their own eyes to see the horrors done in their name.

You sir define what the bible refers to as the mark of the beast. 666, the number of man, and your blindness shows that you have fully embraced the movement with a reprobate mind. Will you ever see the pain first hand and will you change your opinion once you have been humbled? I doubt it since its likely your ignorance of compassion will likely put you in the wrong place at the wrong time. Karma is a bitch.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by kn0wh0w

lots of people here who don't want to take their medicine it seems
i've been seeing this stuff about my country since i was 12 ['79]

i've linked to your thread on it's companion piece [as i call it]
Rise Of The Fourth Reich

have you read arthur silber's blog? Once Upon a Time...

pretty strong stuff but i know you can handle it

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:28 PM
I love the language of this straight ahead. No sugar coating the crappy American ways. Good stuff.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
3) Stop paying taxes: Increase your exemptions on your W-4 to 10 or more. Every dollar you keep is $10 they can't "create". The less fuel you buy, the less taxes they collect. The less anything you buy, the less taxes they collect.
Careful there! Rot-13 for spoilers

Or rkgrzryl pnershy. Qba'g qb gra, bayl qb frira. Gura qba'g svyr gur erghea. Vg jvyy gnxr rvtugrra zbaguf sbe gur Vef pbzchgre gb fcvg bhg n ertvfgrerq yrggre gb lbh. Nyjnlf erfcbaq gb vg. Fvzcyl fnl gung bar. lbh erprvirq gur yrggre naq gjb. lbh ner hanoyr gb nhguragvpngr gur fvtangher guerr. qrznaq gung gurl fvta gur yrggre va vax j rzcyblrr ahzore sbhe. qrznaq gung gur yrggre or ersreerq gb gur gnkcnlre nqibpngr bssvpr svir. n fgngrzrag gb gur rssrpg gung lbh qb abg nhgubevmr gurz gb hgvyvmr guveq cnegl pbagnpgf fvk. npphfr gurz bs bcrengvat n znvy senhq fpurzr nppbeqvat gb gur fgnghgr znvy senhq fgnghgr. frira. fvta lbhe yrggre haqre cranygl bs crewhel. Orjner gung Vef hfrf cfrhqbalzf naq gurl qb abg yvxr gb tvir lbh n erny anzr / erny rzcyblrr ahzoref. Arire pnyy gur Vef sbe uryc be nffvfgnapr, hfr bayl ertvfgrerq znvyf. Vef jvyy fraq pbzchgre erzvaqref rirel lrne - ol ynj. Lbh qb abg unir gb erfcbaq gb gur erzvaqref, whfg gur ertvfgrerq. Vg gnxrf n ybg bs thgf gb qb guvf. Tbbtyr Ireavr Xhtyva. Naq qba'g s*x hc! Tbbq Yhpx!
edit on 2/25/2012 by SayonaraJupiter because: tags

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by kn0wh0w

If I could give you a hundred flags I would.

That was excellent.

The part I agree with the most is where it speculates that we might be so ingrained with this way of life that we can see no way out. On some level we are so used to being manipulated that we now think that that is just the way it is. That ALL of our leaders are like that and there's nothing we can do about it.

Let's take this a few notches down from the top elite to the everyday working level scene and see if we can't wake a few people up.

True, the majority of the people in charge from the biggest bank in the world down to the mom and pop hardware store are currupt on some level. But not everyone. And that seems to be the biggest problem. Not only are the good bosses/leaders in the minority but they have been for so long now that the average worker can't seem to recognize them for what they are. Maybe they don't have the work experience yet to be able to see the good ones from the bad ones. Maybe they do but just don't care because the good ones have a tendancy to push you to do your best work and a lot people these days, the younger generation in particular, have this mindset to where they feel they don't have to work hard to get what they want. And where do they get this impression? From the bosses/leaders who in fact DON'T work hard to get what they want. They simply manipute people to get what they want.

You want to make a real change in this country? Gravitate to the leaders/bosses who are genuinely good. Do what they ask and make sure they know you appreciate their efforts. That's going againt the grain these days.

Be the friction that stops the machine.

Let people think what they will about your intentions, that you're a brown noser or whatever. They don't matter much anyway if they can't recognize something positive for what it is.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by kn0wh0w

Just to make sure I got it right, I watched the thing again. It is a communist propaganda video. It makes the assumption that the United States is a democracy (which it is NOT, it is a representative republic), it blames the banks for government policies, blames the government for financial decisions that banks made (that were completely legal at the time), makes the assumption that anything America does to protect or defend it's interests or help it's allies is an act of imperialistic aggression, asserts that capitalism is inherently evil because it has a profit motive, lauds the (failed) Bolshevik revolution as a just and right philosophical antidote to capitalism, holds up the United States constitution as a money making device for "elites", and fundamentally claims that all of the philosophical notions upon which the United States was founded are a myth that wealthy interests have used to hoodwink those "more simple" members of American society to advance their own ends.

Does that about cover it?

Now then. I continue to assert that all of these items are being filtered through an ideological lens in this video, and where it is not flat out wrong, it is being, at best, disingenuous with it's historical narrative. The framers of the constitution knew that all of the social problems of the day could not be solved ex cathedra with the formation of the United States, but they did trust in the ability of educated and informed citizens to choose their own government, as well as change it in wise ways as times changed. If the fundamental assertion of this video is true, then why didn't they just create the United States as the police state from the beginning? Why create a Bill of Rights, just to initiate a multi-generational secret plot to take those rights away? Let's continue to capitalism. Capitalism makes the philosophical assumption that free enterprise is the best way to balance individual freedom and initiative with economic growth and prosperity. The greatest contribution to the economic success of the greatest number of people is the free market system, where investors and entrepreneurs take risks to create wealth. Risk is a part of the system and sometimes those risks don't pay off, and people lose their jobs, investors lose their ass and you have to start over. But what is the alternative to that? A centrally planned economy that tells you what you can be when you grow up based on the needs of society? Where is your liberty then? Are you free then? What this video goes after and attacks is not free enterprise, it's crony capitalism, which is a perversion of capitalist theory. The United States has the highest standard of living of any nation in the world because we embrace capitalism. No economic system will ever be completely perfect, no matter how good it appears on paper. This brings me to my next point. The Soviet Union, founded on Lenin's notion of the "withering away of the state" after the Bolshevik Revolution actually created the most paranoid and totalitarian government the world had ever seen until it collapsed. It seems the road to Hell really is paved with the best of intentions, because if you actually go back and look at Lenin's writings (I have) and read the Communist Manifesto, Das Kaptial, and Economic and Political Manuscripts by Marx (I have), you will see that the utopia they promulgate is essentially the same as is suggested by this video, a truly mythical one where the people rule, without a centralized authority through a direct consensus that they presume to label a pure "democracy" that is presented as an unassuaged good. The problems that you see in Europe now are a direct result of the implementation of policies based on these philosophical principles. Nobody puts a gun to anyone's head to incur a debt. It's a chosen course of action, and that's just as true of a governing body as it is for an individual. You are not free to escape the consequences of your actions and decisions. This is a fundamental feature of the world, and you ignore it at your peril.

As for who is a giver and who is a taker, you have the formula all wrong. There are producers, there are looters, and there are those who think that the producers should be givers because "In the name of a return to morality, you have sacrificed all those evils which you held as the cause of your plight. You have sacrificed justice to mercy. You have sacrificed independence to unity. You have sacrificed reason to faith. You have sacrificed wealth to need. You have sacrificed self-esteem to self-denial. You have sacrificed happiness to duty." Your creed is that of "unearned rewards and unrewarded duties" other words, you have imbibed deeply from the well of Marxist Kool-aid. It is a philosophical doctrine that I have rejected after clear and sober reflection. I suggest you go and do likewise.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Duamutef9

And one more thing....on the topic of corporate personhood.

What do you think a corporation is? It is a group of *people* who have created a legal entity to engage in economic activity on behalf of their combined interest. The argument that SCOTUS handed down said that because corporations are comprised of *people* they have the same rights as *people*. How would you have argued otherwise? When groups of people combine their efforts, do they cease to be people? So when a person joins a sports team they cease to be a person? Really?

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by Duamutef9

Ahhh, It has been to long since I have had the pleasure of spouting foolish wisdom in defense of selfish claims, I think I have lost my taste for it.

To begin shall we clarify what it is that you are talking about? Are you still maintaining the position that the Indians where a spoil worth looting because they dared lived simple while free lives on a land they were born on? As part of that argument you are implying that the same conquering and looting is justified across the globe because we have a superior moral code and muscle? It is then OK to bind people to a form of slavery after they have been defeated in a war they did not expect to come from any creature on earth. A war against evil that feels no grief or sorrow.

Or are we talking about ignorant men who unknowingly participate in a corrupt system simply because they have been taught to adhere to a self described morally superior code? These men act as men driven to succeed in the system in which they were born without realizing they were sold before birth.

I am not a communist. I am not a republican I am not anything described by your language or mine. I am simply a free man. I am not going to let people steal anything from me and tell me that I have to pay my share for people who do not want to pay theirs. I am not going to pay for the murder of people who are inferior or morally defunct as described by the culture I live in. I will not turn my head when history reveals to us the play book which has been used time and time again and shows us how the truth is hidden. The truth is always hidden in plain sight, under your nose. You just saw it firsthand if you watched the video and wrote it off as dribble because it against everything you believe in.

You claim to have rejected one philosophical doctrine but yet you fail to see that you are still fully subscribed to another equally as harmful for mankind. If this is solely about you then none of this will matter, but if you have ever really stepped out of your box and looked at what’s going on around you, you would have seen the conquering from the eyes of the innocent. You are innocent aren’t you? No one should have the right to come in and unbalance your justice. You are independent, reasonable, wealthy, have high self esteem and are happy in your cozy world where your efforts fill your belly at the end of the day, never mind that what you posses is only what the system you enjoy so much allows you to have. Never mind that death comes to those who oppose the system that you support with your life’s efforts.

I have not sacrificed any of your proposed evils as I do not regard mercy over justice, unity over independence, faith over reason, need over wealth, self denial over self esteem, or duty for happiness. My creed is nothing like unearned rewards and unrewarded duties and I am not sure how you would come to that conclusion since I mentioned nothing leaning towards a Marxist position.

Oh unless you are talking about the humanitarian feel good stuff. I just happen to believe that all good leaders give their followers some bait to chew on, you know, some propaganda to make them feel better about holding irrational positions in an arena where there position is really just that of a subjective spectator. Marx, Stalin, Hitler, Bush, Obama, Tsung, Columbus, and on and on, they all had something that people believed in and the evil committed was/is ignored because their followers collect the spoils.

My mottos is balance and leave me the F alone. I will help you when I can and will do it gladly but if you fail to try then you and your kind can die in the woods. If I am not physically harming any one then I should be free to do as I please and so should everyone else.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by budro

your whole post is onpoint!

but sir let me tell you, i bowed for this part.

epic and exactly sums up my feelings!

I am not a communist. I am not a republican I am not anything described by your language or mine. I am simply a free man.


posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:36 AM
Marx and Lenin? How is 19th century colonial economics theory pertinent to 21st century living?

Industrialism required new economic theories in the mid 19th century.
Post-Imperialism required new theories in the 20th century.
A Global open source democracy in 2012 requires new theories for the 21st century.

I think this much is true.

Salvador Allende was an economic genius in the early 1970's. Please see his Project Cybersin, a technological economy without profit motives.

edit on 2/26/2012 by SayonaraJupiter because: add Allende

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

You know Taupin the problem with the people recognizing leaders today is that they think altruism is a weakness and we need "tough" leaders to deal with an "evil" world.
Honest, giving people are constantly taken advantage of in our society ("Suckers").
We live in a country where principles have been turned upside down and so long as we equate acquisition with success things will never change.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Duamutef9
reply to post by Duamutef9

And one more thing....on the topic of corporate personhood.
So when a person joins a sports team they cease to be a person? Really?

Do you refer to them by their team name or their individual names all together?

It's either one or the other - a collective or as individuals.
The same should apply in a legal sense (which the Supreme Court apparently lacks)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Duamutef9
reply to post by Duamutef9

And one more thing....on the topic of corporate personhood.

What do you think a corporation is? It is a group of *people* who have created a legal entity to engage in economic activity on behalf of their combined interest. The argument that SCOTUS handed down said that because corporations are comprised of *people* they have the same rights as *people*. How would you have argued otherwise? When groups of people combine their efforts, do they cease to be people? So when a person joins a sports team they cease to be a person? Really?
A corporation is not a person because it cannot be punished as a person. It cannot be jailed, it cannot face the every day penalties that every real person faces when it does wrong. It can only be fined. In other words, a corporation can do anything it wants as long as it is willing to pay the money to do so. There is no real accountability with real punishment for real crimes. Poison millions of people as a corporation? big fine. Poison millions, or even one person as a Person and you face jail or even the death penalty. Unless you support punishing the entire board and all executives in the corporation for the actions of said corporation? Thus if the corporation knowingly poisoned millions(directly or indirectly) every single board member and executive would potentially face the death penalty. Then, the corporation would just hire more people to replace those punished. Corporations face no real penalty for their actions and are thus amoral. They worship only profit with no fear of the consequences for acting wrongly.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by broahes

Originally posted by lokdog
So the United States has some questionable action's in it's history. Show me a nation that does'nt, there are no innocent nations in the world.

Are you suggesting that it's ok because everyone else is doing it, or that we should be linking you tube videos of all nations' inconsistencies in the way they portray themselves in their histories to further derail a topic that is clearly about America?

I'm saying that America is everyone's favorite punching bag. Ofcourse you won't post video's of other countries doing the same thing's because that would interfere with reality and the pleasure you seem to take from wallowing in America's mistakes. I think you don't want to acknowledge other countries doing the same exact thing because it makes it harder for you to hate on America , if that was'nt the case you would be fine pointing out how common America's action's are compared to other nations around the world.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte A corporation is not a person because it cannot be punished as a person. It cannot be jailed, it cannot face the every day penalties that every real person faces when it does wrong. It can only be fined. In other words, a corporation can do anything it wants as long as it is willing to pay the money to do so. There is no real accountability with real punishment for real crimes. Poison millions of people as a corporation? big fine. Poison millions, or even one person as a Person and you face jail or even the death penalty. Unless you support punishing the entire board and all executives in the corporation for the actions of said corporation? Thus if the corporation knowingly poisoned millions(directly or indirectly) every single board member and executive would potentially face the death penalty. Then, the corporation would just hire more people to replace those punished. Corporations face no real penalty for their actions and are thus amoral. They worship only profit with no fear of the consequences for acting wrongly.

There is more to be said about this.

A corporation is effectively immortal as long as there are people to run it. A corporation can deduct every roll of toilet paper as an expense from the bottom line (pun intended).

A human being is not immortal and if the human being is a wage worker he cannot deduct the cost of toilet paper from his taxable income.

Certainly, an individual may incorporate under the business rules if one were to own a small business or sole proprietorship. Building contractors do this a lot.... they become 'free agents' in the marketplace. However, being a 'free agent' in the workplace doesn't automatically allow them to deduct a roll of toilet paper as a business expense....

Ultimately, a sole proprietor or individual contractor is required to keep a high standard of accounting which is expensive and the proprietor or contractor is always in a constant running battle with the tax man just to stay in business. The battle with the tax man takes place every single quarter. Every 90 days.

But a corporation (especially large corporations) employs dozens or hundreds of accountants who dutifully deduct every roll of toilet paper, every light bulb, every gallon of petrol, every penny of electricity, every cent paid to wage earning employees.

A corporation can hire lobbyists (as wage earners) to lobby the government for corporate tax breaks. Which is known as Corporate welfare.

When Mitt Romney says "Corporations are people, my friend" he displayed the kind of arrogance that comes from having a silver spoon in his mouth when he was born.

Mitt Romney has a very distorted view of economic reality. His father was the CEO of American Motors. Romney was named after hotel magnate J. Willard Marriott, his father's best friend. His father served in Richard Nixon's cabinet.

Mitt Romney actually believes that corporations are people yet he spent his entire business career screwing people and killing (sorry, saving) corporations.

Regarding job losses, Romney later said, "Sometimes the medicine is a little bitter but it is necessary to save the life of the patient. (the patient is the corporation) My job was to try and make the enterprise successful (by laying off the workers) , and in my view (a distorted view of economics) the best security a family can have is that the business they work for is strong (by laying off the workers from other families)." Source

Mitt Romney wants to take America back to 1911.

edit on 2/26/2012 by SayonaraJupiter because: words

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

So under the standard of the law, once a person enters into an agreement to share a combined risk with likeminded individuals after forming a corporate legal entity to engage in economic activity, you would have them cease to be human beings? Or would you have them agree that they lose certain constitutional protections in order to create a corporate entity? Do you realize the legal problems that idea creates? Besides, that rule has been in effect for almost two centuries (the precedent is cited as having it's base in the interpretation of "person" in the Fourteenth Amendment). It is only a gripe now because of the Citizen's United decision which ruled that political donations from corporate entities are constitutionally protected free speech, just like an individuals political donations, and people who believe that those with the most money can essentially buy elections don't like it. I refer them to the current problems that Mitt Romney is having with securing the Republican nomination to point out how wrong that idea is. Besides, ultimately it doesn't really matter anyway right? Because if the elections aren't bought, they are rigged, or if they aren't rigged, the people are brainwashed with advertising, or if not that it's some nefarious back door interpretation of a little known document that controls the Electoral College, and if not that it's the fact that they are all members of the same secret societies. Anything to avoid stating that the system works, it just sometimes doesn't work how you like it. Anything to absolve yourselves of responsibility for it.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Duamutef9
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Anything to absolve yourselves of responsibility for it.

Nice verbal jui jitsu. The problem is corporations take responsibility for nothing while real persons bear liability for everything they do. The idea of the benevolent corporation died in Bhopal. WHooPS!

The system works just fine for those on the inside which consists of corporations and a few select individuals. The other 99% are supposed to just smile and bear it with good humor. Others make far better arguments against corporate personhood than myself.

Believe what you want but my mind is made up. The same supreme court who appointed a President also says corporations are people too.

When I see a corporation bleed I will believe they're persons too.
edit on 27-2-2012 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

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