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American troops burn copies of the Koran - deadly riots spread across Afghanistan

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posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
I'd burn them too, except i'd be smart and burn them in the winter when it's cold that way i'd have some heat to stay warm with.

They'd make good toilet paper too. I'd rather wipe my ass with a Quran than use those smooth stones to wipe off with that they use in Afghanistan. I'd rather not give myself hemorroids shoving rocks up my behind.

or use them to roll cigarettes, if its the same as bible paper i mean

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:25 PM
Being a Muslim is a disgusting religion if you havent noticed yet. I am not trying to break rules here , but all they do is kill kill kill kill everyone. Their own Muslims - you burn a Quran!? Ill kill you too! Muslims burn a Bible? Nothing happens generally.

I am sorry to say this Moderators , but these Muslims are getting radical in mass real quick , and more people are supporting a Murderous religion in the 21st century. Its filth.

edit on 23-2-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
It is not just any book, it is sacred. Plus this would not have happened if we weren't raping murdering and pillaging in Afghanistan.

Man, I am so sick of the worthless drivel you post on here.

Sick of the pro-radical Islam stance, pro-Iranian stance and anti-American anything you promote. Go live in the middle east of you love it so much and get the heck out of America. We have our issues, but dang man.

I have been deployed twice to Iraq during my time in the Marine Corps. I was in country a total of 26 months and have seen my fair share of it all.

Never once have I killed an innocent person. I have protected innocent Iraqi civilians (men, women and children) from those that wished harm to both my fellow Marines and the innocent civilians

Unless you have "been there, done that, got the t-shirt" perhaps you should be quiet on the subject. All you know is what you see on TV and read on the internet...nothing more.

Does TV show us protecting innocents? No
Does TV show Marines handing out school supplies, food and toys to children? Hell no...
Does TV or internet show the food, jobs and security we provide for these people? No

Why? because good news does not sell. Everyone wants the misery and the dirt. Everyone wants to hear that an innocent Iraqi or Afghan was harmed or killed so you and all your military hating kin can further demonize all of us. There was a reason behind the burnings but you choose to ignore that part. If you are going to be that judgmental, at least use all the facts not just what you see fit to use.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:27 PM
first they piss on bodies next they burn books.
its all to SET you UP for a fake attack.
something like 911

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
I'd burn them too, except i'd be smart and burn them in the winter when it's cold that way i'd have some heat to stay warm with.

They'd make good toilet paper too. I'd rather wipe my ass with a Quran than use those smooth stones to wipe off with that they use in Afghanistan. I'd rather not give myself hemorroids shoving rocks up my behind.

Let me guess, are one of these soldiers?


posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by buddha

You do realize , 10-20 guys pissing on bodies does not represent the other 1.5 Million Military personnel.

I am sure the 90% of middle eastern Muslims does not represent the 10% of moderate Muslims.

But guess what , you focus on the bad , because you monger drama.

The problem with Muslims is a lot young / middle aged Muslims are turning radical and believing extremist lies , and giving into extremist suppression. Which is reflecting on the Majority of traditionalist Muslims who are suppressed.
edit on 23-2-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by buddha
first they piss on bodies next they burn books.
its all to SET you UP for a fake attack.
something like 911


You know nothing. I was able to work with some of the psy-ops people during my deployments and nothing like that happens. I won't go any security clearance is not worth proving how ignorant you are in this matter.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

No.. it is just a book. Anyone that would act like this is weak. They are willing to defend ideas, but not progress those ideas.
edit on 23-2-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by caf1550
im done with people saying the muslim religion doesn't preech violence

this is a prime example of how the muslim religion does infact preech violence and death

my prayers go out to the families of the soldiers who were killed

Hold on a second. Perspective.

If someone starts burning your possessions after slaughtering your neighbours and cluster-bombing your villages, are you saying you'd react differently.

Get a grip.

these are the same as the people who sentenced a sixty year old woman to fifty lashes because she asked some kindergarten kids to call a teddy bear muhamed - so no, I cant empathise with thier sensitivities as they dont have them by any normal, sane or moral standard.

the sooner the west lets them go back to murdering each other because one lot worship the prophet and the other lot worship his uncle the better - never was noble western blood spilled so cheaply as for the war on terror.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:10 PM
wow, a Nazi skinhead would feel right at home on this thread......

I have no words except is on this never thought it was a Muslim hate board....Jesus!

People will get sued if this isn't corrected some. It is just flagrant. F

change the word Muslim for Jew or Christian and you have a world of court on any other day....holy crap balls.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Acid_Burn2009

i couldn't agree more with you, all this guy ever has to post is dribble about how bad america is, how there military is full of trash and will be destroyed.

hes probably never known anyone in the military or cared to get to know one, probably never laced up a pair of boots at parris island, doesn't know what its like to be in a great brotherhood

he loves to point out flaws that have happened, he never mention all the humanitarian missions that the military does, all the volunteer work they do, all the money they have donated and how they sacrafice it all so he can take full advantage of his first amendment right behind his computer monitor.

he doesn't realize that the muslim religion preaches death and violence to all who are not muslim, who doesn't realize that if iran shuts down the strait its going to be a bad day not just for america but for the rest of the world because tons of goods go through there every day

there is only so much you can put up with before things start to piss you off, yes america has some flaws but my god man if he lived in iran, north korea or any communist state he probably wouldn't be saying the same things he would realize how much better america is to some countries because of your freedoms and rights here.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:20 PM
well since it will not be done until like 4 more pages are filled with the sort of thing that gets people stabbed on the subway, I´ll just throw this in here, it is very much needed. Mini moding at its worse....I dont care though.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by casenately

Holy crap! I never thought i would see a westerner who supports killing of innocent people! You meet that rap sheet. There are to few traditional Muslims left if you havent noticed. They did believe in peace and life - that generation is dead / dying out right now. This started in the 60s-70s , yes it was America's / Britain's fault. We let Iran fire up this extremism and it has spread like wild-fire. We let it ferment and even supported it because we wanted their oil.

It is now biting us in the ass. We should have not supported the Khomeini (Whatever you call them - religious leaders) in the 70s-80s.

But guess what? Since it is biting us in the ass , we now have to deal with it. Sorry , we can't keep letting extremism ferment. Look how fast it has spread. We have to deal with it.

Go learn some history. Forgive my blunt words , i am sure you are a good man , but in America , i can have a heated debate with some one and be your friend tomorrow without you worrying i wont be there to help you or me worrying you'll tell the government and they will chop my head off after they torcher me. No one should take my comments as me looking down on them as human being.

We just simply can't support Iran , who is basically the founders (Their religious leaders) of extremism. The cold war helped ferment this process. Look at how much it has spread to all these other Muslims (such as the ones being reported in the thread). (NOT TRYING TO CHANGE TOPIC TO IRAN , JUST GIVING A DETAIL I BELIEVE / HAVE LEARNED).

The older generation would have laughed and said God will have his vengeance but this generation is dying / already dead. Those that believed that way are under massive suppression , have been killed , or their time has come to die naturally.
edit on 23-2-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

So much hate for from someone who claims to be christian!!!!

The Quran is as relevant as the Holy Bible. In fact they actually compliment one another.

The burning of any book should be absolutely banned. Have we not learned from history that burning of knowledge only serves to lower us further and further into the darkness.

Even books like Mein Kampf have value.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by milkyway12
reply to post by casenately

Holy crap! I never thought i would see a westerner who supports killing of innocent people! You meet that rap sheet. There are to few traditional Muslims left if you havnt noticed. They did believe in peace and life - that generation is dead / dieing out right now. This started in the 60s-70s , yes it was America's / Britains fault. We let Iran fermit this extremism and it has spread like wild fire. We let it fermit and even supported it because we wanted their oil.

It is now biting us in the ass. We should have not supported the Khamini (Whatever you call them - religious leaders) in the 70s-80s.

But guess what? Since it is biting us in the ass , we now have to deal with it. Sorry , we cant keep letting extremism fermit. Look how fast it has spread. We have to deal with it.

Go learn some history. Forgive my blunt words , i am sure you are a good man , but in America , i can have a heated debate with some one and be your friend tomorrow without you worrying i wont be there to help you or me worrying youll tell the government and they will chop my head off after they torcher me. No one should take my comments as me looking down on them as human being.

We just simply cant support Iran , who is basically the founders (Their religious leaders) of extremism. The cold war helped ferment this process.

Ummm, when did I say crazy isht like that. I don't support killing innocents...are you drunk?

to say that they are all extremists is a bit much. That part of the world has so many boots on the ground it's hard to be normal I guess. If we were to leave and let them rebuild their lives, they might not be resorting to extremism. Bombs and bullets don't really convince them the west is NOT trying to kill them all.

I´m sure you guys aren't evil either, but you must realize this sort of mentality is getting dumb kids killed over there.

really, we shouldn't be there at all. Now that we broke the pot, we need the worlds glue. The hammer and nails we are using isn't working. In fact it's what broke the pot.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:34 PM
Ive only read 2-3 pages and I can't believe people are getting upset over this. If you read WHY it was done than none of you would have argued that the did a stupid thing.

Honestly people, I sometimes wonder about the human race.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by calnorak

I can't find it..why was it done? just says they found burnt copies and went ape.

why were they tossed into the trash's like throwing a bible in there. I have no beef with that, but I would never do that. I understand people will go ape if they find out. Like if I throw away an old tattered flag not following a respectful way of disposal. I would ask and not do something insane in a Muslim country....Just saying, its a little retarded on their part.
edit on 23-2-2012 by casenately because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:49 PM
Those idiots Talibans have destroyed monumental Buddha's statue hundreds of years old with artillery, now they expect someone to respect their monstrous religion? Give me a Break
They stone to death children who want to go to school - that is called religion? To hell with them.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by casenately

In 2009 , all those Muslims that stood up and wanted Freedom from the Khomeini? Those are the ones i have respect for. So many good people (Muslims) who were killed - stood up for their rights - TRUE PERSIANS. Who believed in freedom , life , peace , and culture!

That was the time to stand up to Extremism - to take out their head of the snake - the Iranian government and revolutionary guards.

Yet America and NATO stood by, I am very frustrated with America and NATO - we had a chance to stand up for Freedom and we did not.

This must be made up for. Freedom of religion , speech , elections , and LIFE is what i want Iran to have. I am willing to fight for it.

The time to strike down the Iranian government is drawing near. We must try to free them - it could backfire , it could ignate a global war , but who are we to own freedom and declare freedom is the right of all men who desire it , and not help those that request freedom and help from the United States of America? Filth , and America is not Filth sir.

Iran , must be rebuilt - Persians must come back to their culture they once enjoyed in peace with the entire world.

To make this one subject , the riots - and the soldier shooting Americans. Is obviously extremism - if i killed you for burning the Bible - that would be considered extremist.

Extremist are the face of the Muslim religion today , because that is what the Radicals want you to think .. the problem is .. extremism has spread so quickly in the past 30 years in the Middle East i think it threw the U.S / Allies and NATO for a loop and they are wondering just what they have done.

(Russia) excluded from NATO. Russia has been doing some very under handed things to influence extremism i rather not speak about on this thread as it dramatically changes the topic - just stating Russia is excluded from NATO when i mentioned NATO.

(Did not proof read , have to leave for a few minutes)
edit on 23-2-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-2-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:59 PM
Meanwhile at Nag Hammadi, never before seen Christian texts have been dug up and promptly burned by the finder's mother because she was cold...or wanted tea.
And no riots thankfully.

Maybe it's the intention that matters.

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