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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: sled735

I hate this thing... I just spent half an hour typing, and lost it. Oh well, it was probably too long. Take two!

Waking up in this body felt very foreign, the brain told me who it was, and where I was. But that felt as familiar as being in the perspective of a character in a movie or game. You know those aren't your hands, that that isn't your reflection. Everything feels wrong and off.
Being aware, but not in control is like being in a glass box, seeing and hearing everything, but not being able to interact.

Even before I was aware that I was more than just a "strange feeling day", I was noticed. The way I spoke (deeper voice, phrasings), the way I carried "myself", my awful short temper (mostly fixed after years of personal work). Eventually, I was "called out", the guy who is now my house mate saw *me* as a shadow over this body. The other had been drawing a humanoid creature for years(definately not human, though), that was what he said he saw, called me out, I became lucid.
Years later I was showing a woman who could see spirits some of our drawings, when I reached one of myself the woman, unprompted, tapped the page and said, "That's you. That's what you look like." I nearly collapsed, I asked how long she'd known, she said since we'd met. The other was still there, but seldom took control by then. That was also the only drawing of "me" out of many other characters, and it wasn't the first drawing I showed her.
A few years later, the other, who had been focused on "becoming void" (I know because I found their journal), they succeeded, and I was alone on waking.
After that, I worked to figure myself out, mostly have, but gained different a issue as a result. I actually don't remember how I came across the term "walk-in", though it was years after I was lucid.
Always had a feeling of searching for someone, there was someone very specific I needed to find, that was why I was here. I did find them, I travelled cross country to meet them.

This is getting too long again, sorry.. I know it sounds crazy, but given all I've gone through, what others have observed totally unprompted. I think I would go insane just trying to "explain away" others' observations alone. I would also like to note I've no illusions of grandeur about being a walk-in. I'm not here to save the world, I don't have amazing knowledge to share, I'm just some guy out of place for a single purpose, and I found her. Now I'm just waiting this ride out until it's over, however long that is.

edit on 21/11/14 by CuteChimaera because: added my amazing apathy!

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: CuteChimaera

Ah, welcome to the club of feeling the body not really being you when waking up! - "f#ck, not this world again! =("

This mind already got its program plan to realign with body movement and voice control quickly, just sending out thousands of signals until input to output is correct when it happens when waking up.

I do have a theory, but I do not understand how we could notice and remember any change as this body about the outside. I felt how (i?) fell into this body as little child as well. The brain should have all the memories and only be connected to the flesh, shouldn't it? So just how can sometimes get a little passed on -

An exact body copy of the body would be required to have the thought flow from before passed on in this manner.
I am the only one with that child memory, but it could again mean the opposite - that memory is external, because at that moment my memory was empty and I had to start learning about this world and to train this body.
As third option this could mean, the mind is the prison keeping one here.

It's fine, to me your story is interesting enough to read 8 times the length

And how do you "look like"? Do you mean the shadow over your body?
How does it look like i wonder?

edit on 21-11-2014 by oneoneone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: CuteChimaera

I find that absolutely fascinating!!!

And I believe you. I am certainly no one to judge the experiences of others, after what I have experienced myself.

So, you say you found this person you were searching for? So did you do what you came to do?
Will you leave and allow the original spirit to come back once you've accomplished your task?

Do you have any drawings of what the woman said you looked like? I would be very interested to see it!

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: sled735

Do you think this is a past memory that your mind is trying to protect you from by not allowing you to remember the rest of it?

Mh no, the dream before that was an ordinary dream and I always forget dreams easily, like probably everyone. I wrote the dream to someone, but can't remember who.

I had always thought I never dream, but after I had started to write them down to train remembering more I noticed I sometimes have at least up to 3 dreams in a row. When I die in my dream I wake up. This happens often. Pretty strange situations of death like a monster dog biting my neck, i bite him back, he bites again .. awake.. , but they feel normal to me. Besides from that I see super scary things, but I got cold towards them. Yet, because I hear and feel things I just cannot turn off the light and a little noise while sleeping anymore. How ironic, trying to find out more and being bored of these simple humans

But what I would do when being about to be chained to this world again would be to fly away immediately!
edit on 21-11-2014 by oneoneone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: oneoneone

I'm with you there! Once I "earn my wings", I'm outta here, and not looking back!

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:15 PM
The feeling at time was that of running in fear, not knowing why. Strange after an ordinary dream.
Yet... Maybe you're right, something is missing. At that moment in that OBE I had felt like something was missing.
But what if that was another "me" -

What if the random dreams are dreamed by the physical body while I am out, be it being everything else or a body copy.
So the spirit part comes back, has my view of the world, wants to run away -
But it was this typical feeling of running from a being, not from the world, just like when I woke up screaming to keep something away.

Reminds me of these people who try to warn everyone that invisible beings remove/manipulate your memory during sleep, because we would be able to create and erase matter and beings!

Well, I'll be sleeping for today. Good night in advance

edit on 21-11-2014 by oneoneone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: oneoneone

Well, if you ARE in the astral plane (OBE) then it's entirely possible that you WERE running away from a scary monster.
I've heard it said that those monsters are things we need to face, to get past, so we can move on with our "spiritual learning". I've never dealt with that, so who am I to tell you this?
I'm sure it has to be terrifying!

Good night.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:41 PM
Okay.....and I never tell anyone about these things because I know how weird it sounds. 1) My Out Of Body Experineces: These began when I was a teenager. I would wake up in the middle of the night and be fully awake, but my body would be completely frozen. I didn't know at the time this is called Sleep Paralysis. I only under stood I was awake and couldn't move. Yet I had the sensation I had floated out of my body. I felt certain that if I could open my eyes, I would see my ceiling right in front of me and that I had floated out of my body. As I grew older I continued to have this experience, but it changed. It moved from just floating, to being shot out of my body. This experience didn't happen all the time - 3 to 4 times a year from my 20's until into my 40's. Starting in my 20's the experience would go like this- I would wake up from sleeping and be fully awake, but with sleep paralysis. Then I would feel like I had electricity coursing thru my body. Then I would hear a grinding noise in my ears. Then I would feel myself float into a position where I would be face down on the bed (frozen in whatever position I had been lyinging in) then I would shoot out - out of my body - out of my house. Still frozen in my sleeping position....I could see rooftops and tree tops passing underneath me. It was almost a sensation that something had hold of me and was pulling me. Eventually I'd shoot back to my body and wait for the sleep paralysis to subside. This went on for 20 years.

Let me say this - I'm a very active dreamer. Every night I have tons of non-sense dreams. I understand the difference between a dream, and these out of body experiences. These experiences were not ever felt like a dream. It felt real and I felt like I was awake. Like I said I never told anyone about this because I know how weird it sounds.

THE LAST ONE: Scared the crap out of me. It was about 10 years ago. Same routine that I just described. At the end though, instead of floating back to my body, I found myself lying on a bed in another bedroom where my dog was laying on the bed. I was laying there looking at her "on my side" and she looked at me. Then I lifted my head up and felt like I clunked my head on someonne else's head right above me. Then I felt two hands press down on me and I started screaming but no sound came out of my mouth. Then the next thing I knew I was back in my body and my heart was pounding and I had to make myself not panic...and wait for the sleep paralysis to go away. I was scared to go to sleep for the next few nights. But I've never had the experience again since that night.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:12 PM
2) In 2007 my husband and I bought a modest home from an estate. The man and woman who had lived in our house for 40+ years had died. They didn't have any kids , so we basically bought a furnished house. Which was good for us because we needed new furniture! At times we thought we have smelled cigar smoke in the house (and we dont smoke cigars), but about 3 years ago I had a ghostly experience. This happened on a summer day, at two in the afternoon. I was home alone, and was "Facebooking". I wasn't thinking of ghosts, or anything scary. So while I have my face locked into a computer screen, I saw someone in my peripheral vision, walk up to me. It made me jump and look! But there was no one there....I saw a man with a plaid shirt.....don't know what that was but have felt that it was Dale, the previous homeowner.

3) Last January during the polar vortex, my husband and I get home from work and are talking about our day in the living room. We suddenly hear a womans voice down the hall in the bedrooms. My husband said "What was that?" I said "well, there must be a TV or radio on back there." He walked back and said - No nothing is on back here. My husband was very freaked out....It wa so cold outside I do not believe it was someone outside. We live in Iowa. Not California. No one is hanging around outside on a extremely cold night, so I dont believe we heard people outside. I think it was Bessie ( the wife). We couldn't understand what she said, ut definately her her speak. Those are my paranormal stories.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: CatLady3912

Let me say this - I'm a very active dreamer. Every night I have tons of non-sense dreams. I understand the difference between a dream, and these out of body experiences. These experiences were not ever felt like a dream. It felt real and I felt like I was awake. Like I said I never told anyone about this because I know how weird it sounds.

Oh, Honey, you are "normal" compared to some of us here.
OBEs aren't as rare as people think. Actually, we all go on our astral trips when we sleep; some people just don't remember it when they wake up.

Thank you for sharing your experiences, and welcome to the thread.

So it sounds like the former homeowners are still lurking about. I bet they wonder who these people are in their home, and why you are ignoring them?

I wouldn't worry about them unless they start to get mean. Then you need to talk to them; tell them they died and it's time to move on; this is your house now. Be firm.

Thanks again for sharing with us. Great stories!

edit on 11/21/2014 by sled735 because: add comment

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: CuteChimaera

I've had over ten years of practice getting rid of unpleasent feeling things. I could give my basic "recipe" if you would like.

Yes, please share...

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 02:04 AM
I'm new to this forum.
I have had plenty of weird psychic things happen to me. I'm in my 40s One thing l cannot explain is seeing a crystal body? Almost like invisible/mirrors Does anyone know what it could be? It freaked me out! Once it notice me looking at disappeared.
To this day lm still perplexed about it.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: Alessandra

Welcome to the thread Alessandra.

I don't remember if anyone has posted about a crystal bodied entity, or not. It does sound familiar.

I would love to hear the details of your encounter, and any other experiences you've had, if you would like to share.

Thanks for stopping in. If I come across any information, I'll let you know.

ETA: I just found this site. Does this sound like what you saw?

edit on 11/23/2014 by sled735 because: add comment

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: oneoneone

I don't have access to the old sketchbooks, but my SO can see me sometimes. The first time she did, she jumped a bit, and said, "I saw you!" now she doesn't bother mentioning it.. It's pretty much the same thing that the other on drew, and my SO has never seen those pictures. image

As far as remembering things that the brain/body didn't experience, I think it stains, whether you want to call that "soul", "spirit", or what not. Kind of like how residual ghosts stain a location, sort of. I get memory dreams sometimes, I call them "memories" because the place I am at is consistent. It always *feels* the same, the same way you feel when you revisit a place after a long time away. That, and the structures never change, I've drawn pictures of shops, and a map of a grocery store I have had many dreams of. There was one place I dreamt, maybe fifteen years ago, I had a couple dreams of that shop around that time, I can still recall how the lighting was. Maybe two years ago, I saw it again and it had different owners. The building was the same outside, and within, but all the shelves and products were different. It still felt like it was the same building, mind you, it didn't change while I was there, like a dream, it was different upon entering it. I believe that store is in a different town from the one I am usually in, in dreams. A town near a sea, or lake.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: sled735
a reply to: CuteChimaera

I find that absolutely fascinating!!!

And I believe you. I am certainly no one to judge the experiences of others, after what I have experienced myself.

Thank you, I feel the same, I can't see as much as my SO or cat, but I won't say *both* of them aren't seeing things.. It's like telling people they don't have feet because you can't see them..bad analogy, but I did just wake up..

So, you say you found this person you were searching for? So did you do what you came to do?
Will you leave and allow the original spirit to come back once you've accomplished your task?

I did find her (the one I refer to as my SO)! Which was the extent of my "mission", so to speak. It's actually taken months of work to not just let go, since I didn't have any plans past "Find her." Though, I'm stuck here, she won't let me go back now she'd be lonely, and "hate [me] forever if I left [her] here alone." As for the other, they were pretty much done. They went on and on about not wanting to be at all. Though, it is possible they have reincarnated by now, they left late summer 2008.

Do you have any drawings of what the woman said you looked like? I would be very interested to see it!

I asked my SO to draw what she sees over this body, it in the previous post, since oneoneone asked as well.

originally posted by: sled735
a reply to: CuteChimaera
I've had over ten years of practice getting rid of unpleasent feeling things. I could give my basic "recipe" if you would like.

Yes, please share...

Well, I use white sage, a black candle, and a white candle. I light the black with the intent on the absorption of negativity, black absorbs heat, that is sort of the basis behind my person way of using them. Then I light the white sage and take it's smoke along the walls, blowing the smoke into each corner, while I do that, I focus on what I am allowing to stay, and what I want to leave. I usually say my deceased cat is allowed, and anything uninvited must go. once the black candle is done, I light the white candle, while focusing on "clearing the air", purifying any remaining muck. After the candle is burnt down, I dispose of both of them, as their purposes are completed.
It usually leaves the area feeling a lot lighter. If it's persistent, or I'm feeling lazy, I'll light a few sticks of cedar incense with intent to "cleanse", then go about my business. That one is slower, and less effective, though.
edit on 23/11/14 by CuteChimaera because: added more stuff, so as to not triple post, yo.

edit on 23/11/14 by CuteChimaera because: trying to fix this thing! D: extra DIV

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: CuteChimaera

Thank you for answering my questions.

I see in the picture you have hoofs and horns, and wings. Were you a fallen angel? A demon?
Are you one of those that is getting a second chance, so to speak, to rise above the negative influences of your past?
Is using/inhabiting another person's body the only way you can come back into the physical world?

I've read that ALL living creatures will eventually go to be one with God; He won't leave anyone behind, not even the demons. But, they will take longer to "come to the light". Do you have any knowledge about this?

This is very interesting!

By the way, you have mail.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: sled735
Ok I have tried several times to reply to this post, and typed for half an hour only to have the post lost for some reason. If this one doesn't make it thru I am done with it.

We have lived (My wife and I) a very paranormal life. I was an atheist when we met, but had my eyes reluctantly pried open by many experiences I could not explain. I will list them by category and simply give an example of each.


Our first real apartment was in an old mansion that was divided into 4 apartments. While we lived there things tended to move my themselves and doors would slam, windows would be opened in the middle of the night and many many things happened there. I first thought the house was haunted, but these phenomenon have happened wherever we have lived.

When things move by themselves you either need to admit there are ghosts or that you need some medication, one or the other.

Psychic phenomena:

My wife has saved our lives and others many times over the years, and nowadays I truly believe we both have very good intuition at the very least. One time a dog ran away and was gone for days. I looked high and low for it to no avail and had pretty much figured it was gone. Then at 5 am my wife suddenly woke me from a dead sleep telling me that Copper was in the woods a couple hundred feet behind our property tangled in some bushes, and he was dying of thirst and needed water and I needed to get up and go get him.

I was like OK and rolled back over and went back to sleep. Exasperated with me, she got up and took my flashlight out there and sure enough she found him with his broken chain tangled in some blackberry bushes out behind the house in the woods. He was very thirsty and glad to be home.

Psi stuff:

We practiced with a psi wheel during our time training under a incredible human being who taught us energy healing and energy work techniques along with some other cool tricks. I learned to make it turn at will, and stop it and reverse it at will. We also worked on some mindsight techs and both of us got to be very good at guessing games compared to the average.


Seen a lot of very interesting things in the sky over the years, but when I was about ten I was waiting with mom and my little brother in a dark alley behind my dad's friends garage for him to come back. We observed 9-10 lights doing impossible moves in the night sky doing an intricate dance. Then they all came together into one bright point and zipped off out of sight in a split second. Much faster than anything could fly back then.


A couple of years ago in 2012 I saw a huge sasquatch cross the road in front of me. I got a very good look at it lit up in my bright headlights and there was no question if it was a bear or other animal. This thing was HUGE and it was moving onto Ft Lewis military reservation, and the thought crossed my mind that there must be a breeding population and that they have to know about it. They have FLIR and night vision scopes, and night ops with overhead support going on all the time. They have to know about it plain and simple.

Anyhow that is the short version of all of the above. Figured my last two attempts may have been too long so figured I would minimize it and hope for the best.


edit on 24-11-2014 by Coopdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Coopdog

Wow! You've had quite an array of experiences too, haven't you?
Welcome to the thread, and thank you for sharing with us.

Nothing like an old haunted mansion to make a believer out of someone.
I always get a thrill when skeptics get a dose of the ghostly realm, and they have to admit that they're is such a thing.

I've never tried PSI, but I am psychic to a low degree, or maybe I should say I'm intuitive to a high degree... whatever.

I have always been interested in learning to heal with Reiki. I have a friend who is quite gifted in that area.

Sounds like you have it mastered.

UFOs... Oh yeah! They are definitely out there! I've seen them my whole life. But after all this time since the Roswell crash, I have to believe that the government has used the technology to build some of "our own". I don't think they are manned by humans though. A human could never stand the g-force of some of the maneuvers I've seen.

Sasquatch... near a military base. Very interesting!! Yes, they're real too.
There's another critter that people don't believe exists. I hope someday someone will offer physical evidence of their existence. I just don't want one to be killed to provide such evidence.

Maybe those Big Foot Hunters on t.v. will actually run up on one while filming and give us the proof that way.
I bet they would crap in their pants if they came face to face with it out there in the dark forest!
I can just see them now, running for their life, screaming like little girls.

Thanks again for sharing. Great stories.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: sled735
I have many stories on each topic. I will try to add a couple here and there as time permits. Improvin your ability to focus your chi will bring on a lot of positive changes in your ability to "feel" and sense things. It is a very interesting process. I actually published a book about it but not going to say the name in here as that is against the site policy.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Coopdog

Awesome! Nice to have someone on the thread with in-depth knowledge on the topic of PSI.

I look forward to hearing what you have to tell us on each of your experiences.

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