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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 06:32 PM

I managed to draw in my breath and whisper hoarsely, "In the name of Jesus, STOP!" The light began getting brighter, the wind slowed down, and I could breathe once again. At the time, and for several years after, it just seemed like a weird dream. Now I can see it from another perspective.

These dreams mean a lot more to me now, because I can see how they're connected. I was called, and I followed Him in the first dream. When confronting evil in the second dream, I saw that it's not so easy to defeat. Every time I thought I had it beat, it got bigger and stronger. It was not until I called upon the name of Jesus that it's power fell away.

Let me say right here that I'm not presuming to be some special somebody because I'm thinking this way, or because I had these dreams. I'm no different than anybody else, it's only choosing to follow or call upon Jesus that anything good happens. By myself I was only aggravating the evil (the worm) and every time I thought I'd killed it, it would come back bigger to show me I couldn't defeat it.

And this brings me to my huge realization or revelation I had today, in the shower of all places! Oh well, clean body, clean mind

It had dawned on me a long time ago that maybe the worm dream was to show me that I need to call upon Jesus when I encounter anything I can't handle, but what I realized today goes back to the black mist or smoke I saw in 2006.The idea of demonic oppression is something new to me, and someone had posted a while back how they had fought depression from dealing with demonic oppression and it got my attention.

Today I realized that yes, I have been having major problems since my mother passed away, but I no longer believe this is the cause. That mist I saw may have very well attached to me in some way, and I have been dealing with something much bigger than I realized. Like I said earlier, I was in the shower when this occurred to me, so as soon as I got out I said out loud, "I cast you out in the name of Jesus. I want you out of my body, out of my house. Leave NOW!"

I didn't really feel any major shift in energy, but I did get strangely short of breath, not a lot, but enough that I noticed it when it came on suddenly. I think I may have aggravated something, like when I whacked that worm in half in my dream. I wasn't panicky or anything, so it wasn't a panic attack or anxiety. I was firm when I told it to leave, but just because I say something that doesn't mean it's going to say, "Okie dokie, sorry to bother you," and leave the premises.

If I do have something attached, I know I need to be very vigilant in fighting it. I'm hoping I can rid myself of it and not have to resort to the endless searching to find someone to a) take me seriously, and b) actually help. This is the part that worries me though. I've watched a couple of episodes of a reality tv show called The Exorcist Files, and one woman on there was a paranormal investigator who had something attach to her in a graveyard investigation.

She had been working with a priest for 5 years, and still had a problem with it. During the session on the show he had her to renounce anything having to do with the paranormal, and she hem-hawed around before finally saying okay. If I renounce everything, I can't help any souls stuck between this dimension and the next. I couldn't even acknowledge them any more if they asked me for help. So far I've never had that happen; I sort of come upon them when I least expect it.

If I have been called to help these spirits, I don't know if I could completely renounce everything spiritual or paranormal. I suppose if I have to I have to, but I hope it does not come to that. I appreciate everyone who took the time to read these two huge pages of my realization, and of course, if anyone has any input, observations, or experiences of their own that might help, I welcome them all.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71

I will never know the truth, but that is what I think.
It has kind of put me into a funk, cause what has been seen cannot be unseen.

Once the bio team is done and the apartment is repainted, I will do a cleansing.
Glad I bought that sage.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I really feel for the man who felt so desperate he committed suicide. I wonder too if the two dreams are not connected somehow. Maybe the shadow/ghost influenced his decision.

I got an associates degree in Criminal Justice in '85, and our classes were held in the crime lab at the college I went to. The walls were plastered with pictures from various cases, and it was overwhelming just to try and wrap your head around some of the things in those pictures. I know that is a world away from what you've seen, and I do hope those images fade as quickly as possible and stop reappearing so frequently in your mind.

For what it's worth, I'll keep you and the man who passed in my thoughts and prayers.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

Here is some friendly advice.

Renounce negativity and only work with Christ and Spirit. That does not mean giving up the paranormal, it only means to not allow negativity to come to you and use you, you are protected by Jesus.

You can still be s spiritual warrior if that is your calling, but from that point on, you wear the armor of God, and everything should be done in the name of God and Jesus. Any time you do anything that is paranormal, invoke the name of Jesus,pray and ask only for the highest good of those involved, spirit willing, and go from there. You might find it only increases your knowledge and ability to see and hear correctly what it is spirit wants you to do with a situation.

I think that would be the way to go.

edit on 4-9-2013 by Darkblade71 because: advise/

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

Yeah, it is a hard image to shake, but I am distracting myself as best I can.

Thanks for the prayers, for me, and more so for the man who took his own life and his family, I think they need them much more than I do.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by sled735

While reading that, I was wondering if the black shadow seen around there could have influenced this person to take his life? They cause disharmony in families, and reek havoc in any negative way possible.

I personally believe that it does have something to do with it. This place has a lot of energy in it, both good and bad. I have encountered both here, and the bad,was really bad. Had I not been attacked myself, I wouldn't believe it, and up until moving here, I have had very few experiences like that. Almost all of my spirit contact has been positive in nature and not given me much of a reason to think about these negatives, or protection.

My attitude has changed, and although this is all a learning experience for me, I guess I have had to learn/still am learning about some bad entities over the last two years, and that there are bad things out there that do hurt a persons body and mind, and cause them to do things they would not normally do.

I only have another year and a half here before I return to Alaska, and I am starting to look forward to getting out of here eventually.

I guess the only way to learn about these things is to experience them though huh.

edit on 4-9-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
reply to post by sled735

I hope you can grab a picture Sled!

I know you have been waiting for a while. I wonder if something has changed that is causing them to reappear to you again?

Maybe a mood change or some sort of enlightened thought (epiphany)?

That thought had crossed my mind, only because of my two recent threads on UFOs, and their message.

Running out the door now to see if I can capture this thing! See ya in the morning!

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 05:59 AM
You're never going to believe what happened...

I went out to my car and got my camera out to get it ready, setting it to night time shots...

and it wouldn't even turn on!!!!! :bnghd:

I had left it charged up in my glove box to be ready all summer, but I guess the heat must have drained the battery.
So, I brought it inside and put it on the charger before leaving for work.

I just KNEW the UFO would show up now, for sure... and it did!

Makes me wonder if they showed up because they knew I couldn't take a picture!! Maybe THEY drained my battery! ARRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!

Oh well, I don't know what is going on with the timing of all this. But, now I am more determined than ever to get a picture of this thing just to show it it can't tease me like this forever! Sigh...

I won't be going back to work until Sunday night. We'll have to wait and see if it returns now that my camera is charged again.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by ctophil

I found your post on the Archangels interesting.....

...any of you who are ever interested in learning Astrotheology (The Science of As Above, So Below), then I would be glad to help.

If you could recommend a site, or books I would like to do some reading about that.

Your post on page 170, about how to help a spirit move on, really struck a chord with was a close match to what I told my mother as she drew her last breaths....

She was so agitated and restless, as the hospice workers had said she would be near the end....they said she could last only a few more minutes, but her grip on my hand was still surprisingly strong.....Knowing what a 'worry wart' she had always been, I told her that she didn't need to worry about 'us', any more, that we were all grown and able to take care of ourselves, that it was time for her to rest, to move on to a beautiful, better place. She looked toward me as if she could hear me, and instantly became calmer.....within 3-4 breaths she was gone.....I may be foolish, but I believe what I told her helped her to go with peace.
edit on 5-9-2013 by frayed1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by frayed1
reply to post by ctophil

If you could recommend a site, or books I would like to do some reading about that.

I recommend you watch Santos Bonacci's videos by visiting his web site here: Universal Truth School. He is one of the greatest experts in our modern time in Astrotheology, which is based on Hermes' ancient, esoteric teachings about how our body is a miniature version of the Material Universe. Many may not know this but Hermes' later reincarnation was the Master Buddha Gautama. I want to remind you that it is a form of science. So it can get quite technical and requires a very open mind to see its philosophy. It is also a very complex subject, encompassing thousands of years of wisdom. After watching a few of his videos, you can read some of Santos' recommended books at Book List to supplement your studying materials.

Your post on page 170, about how to help a spirit move on, really struck a chord with was a close match to what I told my mother as she drew her last breaths....

She was so agitated and restless, as the hospice workers had said she would be near the end....they said she could last only a few more minutes, but her grip on my hand was still surprisingly strong.....Knowing what a 'worry wart' she had always been, I told her that she didn't need to worry about 'us', any more, that we were all grown and able to take care of ourselves, that it was time for her to rest, to move on to a beautiful, better place. She looked toward me as if she could hear me, and instantly became calmer.....within 3-4 breaths she was gone.....I may be foolish, but I believe what I told her helped her to go with peace.
edit on 5-9-2013 by frayed1 because: (no reason given)

When I get a chance, I will post techniques on the "art of dying" or Bardo--transitional phase from physical to a higher plane of existence, which means how to die properly and see Paradise right after death. If everybody was educated on the process of death and the afterlife, we wouldn't be so afraid of death nor fear the unknown.

edit on 9/5/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/5/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by ctophil

More things to add to my "list of things to do".
Sounds interesting. Thanks!

I am interested in your information on how to help people with dying. My mother isn't getting any younger, not that I expect her to die anytime soon. But I know she thinks about death a lot because she talks about it quite frequently.
I have talked to her some to try and ease her fears, but I can tell she is scared... even though she is a "born again Christian".

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by sled735
My thieving ghost is back.

The other morning my tweezers and my blush were missing from my bathroom drawer.
I asked my daughter if she had taken them. She said no. I really don't think my husband would take my blush...

But, then... maybe there's something he needs to tell me.

Okay. (Takes deep breath) My daughter just now got out her winter coat for the first time this year because it is getting rather cool here at night now, and she was going out to smoke.
She reached in her coat pocket, and guess what she found?


She swears she hasn't had the coat out for any reason, and I believe her. Why would she pull out a winter coat in the dead of summer?
I think she was freaked out as much I was.

Now, if it will just return my tweezers, I'll be a happy camper.

edit on 9/6/2013 by sled735 because: add comment

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
Yesterday morning I wake up after having a dream about two brothers fighting in an apartment.
(broken doors etc)

It is strange that I had these two dreams (one about a ghost, almost never dream about ghosts)
and then the two brothers fighting.

Once the bio team is done and the apartment is repainted, I will do a cleansing.
Glad I bought that sage.

Do you think it was the ghost of the man that killed himself that visited you in a dream? Could he have put the dream of the two brothers fighting in your mind to let you know it was him?
Did the ghost talk to you in the dream? That is too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence, if you know what I'm saying.

That would be a horrible thing to witness, I'm sure. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and the family.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by sled735

Your missing/reappearing blush reminded me of another long, old paranormal thread : " Have I Disturbed Some One? (Revisited)" ....where the author had similar might enjoy reading some of it, if you've not already found's a link, to it in the general area about some lost/reappearing spoons...

Also reminded me of the time my mother lost an opal earring......looked for it for ages, nearly a year later it was laying in plain view in the floor.....and the room had been vacuumed dozens of times, no way it had been there the whole time!~

edit on 6-9-2013 by frayed1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by sled735
reply to post by ctophil

I am interested in your information on how to help people with dying. My mother isn't getting any younger, not that I expect her to die anytime soon. But I know she thinks about death a lot because she talks about it quite frequently.
I have talked to her some to try and ease her fears, but I can tell she is scared... even though she is a "born again Christian".

I want to begin by saying that throughout our lives, we have been preparing for two very important things: Death and Ascension. Death is actually a final exam so to speak. It is a spiritual test to see if we learned anything while journeying through this current life. Depending on what we learned and how much we applied it, a person after death will see the results right away. The more spiritual you are in life, the better it gets after life. This means after the death test, you will see the results by how far you will ascend into the higher planes, and in some cases, higher dimensions. Bare with me and I will explain these things soon.

For most people (I would say 90% of people), the death process lasts for 72 hours or 3 Earth days. Not everybody goes through all 3 days. The goal here is to do it as quickly as possible. You can either take a few seconds or the full 3 days. I mentioned about the "Art of Dying" in the last post. Well, it is an art. Because if you know how to do it, it is the easiest thing you ever did in life. It all boils down to how you do it. There is some science involved. But it doesn't matter if you understand it or not.

As discussed earlier, it is of utmost importance to cremate the body instead of burying it after the 3 days. This allows the person to finish their transitional period. The 3 days can be split up into 3 phases of death. Now, if you are pretty high spiritually, you won't see the 2nd and 3rd phases.

Phase 1: Right before death (usually 5-10 minutes before your last breath), you will see a huge light source right in front of your eyes. No one else can see it but the person who is dying. It doesn't matter your spiritual level or lack thereof, you will see a beautiful light. Your objective here is to merge with the light. All you have to do is acknowledge that it is God and think of God. At that moment, your thoughts should only be of God. Then in a blink of an eye, you will be completely merged and surrounded by this light. Your physical body will be taken over by a light body that is 1,000 times lighter. Death and Birth are very similar. In Birth, you are born through your mother's birth canal. In Death, you are born again into a birth canal made of light. This is the light tunnel that people see in their near death experiences. Once you are out of this birth canal of light, you will see the world at your spiritual level, either it be in [Emotional, Mental, or Identity] Paradise or complete Ascension to the Spiritual Realm (Heaven).

Phase 2: If you didn't merge with the light in Phase 1, you get a second opportunity. The light source will show up again, but in this phase it is much dimmer. So it is even easier to miss it. Also, by missing the first phase, you are going to have wait 24 hours before seeing Phase 2. Not to worry though, you will be hanging out in Limbo within that time frame. You get to hear and see all the Earth folks going on their daily business. But it is pretty difficult to interact with people who are still alive. This, however, can cause loneliness and depression. Limbo can be extra dangerous because what you envision within your mind, it will manifest instantly. For example, if in life you were an alcoholic and you desire a drink, you will instantly be warped to a bar scene where you are drinking with some guys. Any desires or emotional attachments you couldn't get rid of in life, you will manifest it here. This can cause you to miss the second light to merge with.

On the other hand, if you were pretty spiritual in life, you will see Angels, Guides, hear beautiful music or sounds, and lovely Spirits leading up to Phase 2. Therefore, you will most likely merge with the light easily now.

Phase 3: If you missed the opportunity to merge with the light in the first 2 phases, you will now must go through your life review process. It is not really like a movie, but more like a reenactment of your life. You will relive the moments in your life as a spiritual test to see how you would correct them. These changes that you make will determine where you will go within the many areas of Paradise. It is not a test where you pass or fail. It is just a learning lesson for you to figure out. It is your own Conscious Self correcting itself, not judgement.

To Be Continued....
edit on 9/6/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/6/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by sled735

....Continued from previous post

A person can miss the light of God in the first 2 phases due to their lack of religious and/or spiritual beliefs. They could be confused to what it is and not knowing how to merge with the light. The light is also quite powerful and intense. Some people would be scared and try to ignore it. Drugs administered by the hospital can also confuse the person, and they will most likely not recognize it. With a higher spiritual level, you will instantly recognize what the light is and merging would be very easy.

After entering Paradise, it is a resting period. Enjoy your stay there in a place that is many, many times more beautiful than Earth, where you can manifest anything you desire through valuable training. It is also a place of spiritual development. It can last anywhere from a year to over a thousand years. It is up to you. But eventually, you may have to reincarnate again either on Earth or anywhere else in the Material Universe to continue your spiritual journey. As I said, it is much easier to learn in the dense physical environment than in the higher planes with much less resistance.

I will now give some tips on how to achieve the best death experience possible while the person is still alive.

1. The person dying should already have a Will and all loose ends tied with family and friends. So he or she will feel at peace and a high level of completion.

2. The person needs to make final good byes to everybody and learn true forgiveness. Death bed confessions should be made so there are no guilt within their mind.

3. The person must have guidance from a spiritual person on the death process, such as the one I have given in this post. Advise them to think of God in the last few moments and nothing but God. The last thought you have will be where you will end up.

4. No drugs should be given to the person. Drugs will clog the mind and will have a hard time recognizing the light of God when it shows up in the first 2 phases.

5. The body should face in an eastward direction. The east has the most spiritual significance. The Sun rises in the East for a reason.

6. Make special prayers for guidance from God or Higher Self concerning this death process. It will in itself raise your consciousness at the deathbed.

7. Play spiritual music and have orange lights or candles in the room. This pushes the Kundalini energy upwards to the highest Chakras possible. I will explain below why this is important.

Do you know why expanding your Chakras in your bodies is so important? Because when the physical body dies, your soul and spirit will leave the body from one of these Chakras. And from where you leave, it is how your ascension will be, meaning higher planes of existence you will end up at.

If you are pretty grounded physically (enjoy Earth life very much and attached to it), you will leave from the Root Chakra (Red).

If you are devoted to your creative or scientific work, you will leave from the Sacral Chakra (Orange).

If you are goal-oriented (finish everything to completion), you will leave from the Solar Chakra (Yellow).

If you are love oriented, God or otherwise, you will leave from the Heart Chakra (Green).

If you are a truth seeker and love to communicate spiritual and religious things, then you will leave from the Throat Chakra (Blue).

If you are focused on the third eye and want to see the paranormal and things that are divine, then you will leave from the Brow Chakra (Indigo).

If you are a seeker of great knowledge and wisdom, love things that are divine and of your Higher Self, then you will leave from the Crown Chakra (Violet).

Of course, the ideal is to leave from the Crown Chakra. Those who leave from this Chakra will end up in the Mental Plane (Higher Areas of the 4th Dimension) or higher. Some people will end up in the 5th Dimension (Spiritual Realm--Heaven) right away from their Crown Chakra. Case in point, Jesus was there soon after his death. All you need to do is master your 4 bodies and therefore your 4 minds from the 4th Dimension.

To be continued....

edit on 9/6/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by sled735

....Continued from the previous post

I want to finish up with something called the Death Hormone. As people are about to die (within the last few hours), their body will create the Death Hormone. This is a special substance that will nullify their bodily pains. So the closer you are to death, the less pain you will feel. So at the very last minute, the person will feel no pain. That is why drugs are not important.

The Silver Cord or Life Thread from Heaven reaching down to your heart will be cut off at the moment of death. So there will no longer be light coming to you. Remember when I explained that you are still alive due to light from Heaven?

The Consciousness Thread will also be cut off from your Third Eye or Pineal Gland. All things will be separated from your physical body. Your new body will still have these intact. Depending on your spiritual level, you will be operating in your Emotional, Mental, Identity, or Spiritual Body (Light Body) once you die.

There you go, death is not so scary as it seems does it? It is only scary if you don't know what it is and you don't realize your True Self. Get to know yourself today, then you will know God. Death is just an illusion. Don't believe the hype, it's just another learning experience.
edit on 9/6/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/6/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/6/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 06:32 PM
Just a short post.

We all went back into the apartment today to see how well the bio hazard team cleaned up.

At first everything seemed fine, no creepy feelings, but after about 3 or 4 minutes, everyone started to get weird vibes. I took a moment to stand in the spot where the guy killed himself, as I have never had this kind of an opportunity before, and right away I got light headed and and could feel pressure in my skull, kind of like a sneeze build up that doesn't go away. Definite pressure in my head. It was interesting, although a bit morbid, but then, there is no other way to check these things out. You just have to take what chances are thrown at you and see what you get.

After standing there and then stepping away and then standing there again, it would release when I moved off the spot, and then when I would step back on the spot I got dizzy.

I was asked to do a sage burn after the apartment is totally cleared of all items. The living room is stripped bare, and the flooring has been removed, so it has some work to go before I will be going back into it.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Mindless1980

I don't think the ghost was the guy who killed himself. I spoke to the spirit, or rather it told me a story as I followed it around, as to the connection, I had two strange dreams right before all of this happened with the guy who killed himself, and I don't get strange dreams hardly ever like that, so there is some sort of connection, but I think maybe it was just "a disturbance in the force" for lack of a better way to put it. The two brothers fighting dream however, I do think has something to do with it as from what I have been told, the guy and his brother did not get along at all, so I think they were arguing the night before and it pushed him over the edge he was already hanging onto.
I also believe there was other forces at work with this, as I have come to find out the last couple of days that there have been several deaths within these two buildings since the late 1970's, and at the rate it is going since I started care taking, it is averaging 1 every 6 months. 3 deaths within a year and a half,and 2 of them were suspicious as in there may have been more to them than anyone knows, and the other one, a crime was commited as the old man died at the hospital, someone stole his wallet and money.

I actually felt that one as I had an odd thought about his wallet before even getting to his door, before it was taken, so I believe there is something sinister at work here with these deaths.

There has been one baby, one old man, and one 20 something year old who took his own life since I started.

And like I said, I am finding out that there have been more, from what someone was saying, several. So I am wondering if there is a pattern to it. If the thing I encountered here in my apartment has something to do with it?

It makes one wonder....

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by ctophil

Thank you for all that information, Ctophil. I appreciate the time it took you in posting.

Where along your learning did you come upon this knowledge?

I've watched a lot of NDE videos, and I learned from what they told about their experience.

Then you have other "teachings" in books too.
There are a lot of different "takes" on what happens. That's why I ask.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

That's wild, DB! So, you were picking up on the energy of the person in his death state?

I appreciate your post. I hope something can be done to get rid of the demon, or whatever it is, before more people die. I do feel like there is a connection there.

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