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Massive Wave Of Resignation From Top Level Bankers. The Elite Are Loosing Their Grip or/and SHTF

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posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:05 PM
I am glad for these resignations but it makes me wonder where the masters of usury might be headed. Perhaps they have all realized the errors of their banking misdeeds and will spend the rest of their lives repenting for their financial sins.

Because Islamic economics doesn't allow usury interest! I wonder if Bob Zoellick and Goldman Sachs finally understand the Quran when it says : 2:275 Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest. All of these bankers are guilty of it.

In Arabic the taking of unearned interest is called 'riba' *

As an exchangeable term with riba, interest is defined by Ismail Ozsoy, professor of economics in Fatih University, Istanbul, as "an unearned or unequally distributed income."

*deny ignorance

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:09 PM
nvm lol, old info
edit on 20-2-2012 by Equ1nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Equ1nox

But it would be wonderful if this happens, nonetheless.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 09:50 PM
I think its for the worse probably some NWO #

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 10:20 PM
Maybe somebody's purging all the old banksters from the system, so that they can start up the new financial system with the new gold-backed currencies...

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:03 PM
Excellent Post.

Reading this actually made my day because this is not a good sign for the cabal. The fact that the MSM is not covering virtually ANY of this story is absolutely mind boggling. This is a classic tale of good versus evil; and as much as the evil is at the "top", the good guys always come to rescue. The good and bright are more intelligent and fight with faith, respect and love for humanity and all (even the evil), the evil are suppressed to power and agendas which is the sad part and the ever present 'scapegoat', hence the resignations.

edit on 20-2-2012 by Only1King because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by Gab1159

Just had to check on this one as I got change for a $100 yesterday. A $50 a $20 a$10 a few 5s and a stack of ones. Dates were all 2006 execpt for a 2003 and a 2009. Now you've done it... I'm compelled to find a 2010 or newer date. With all the bankers leaving by choice or force, I'm starting to believe this is the year I've been waiting for....

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Gab1159

....ATS should hire this guy...

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:44 AM
What scares me is that the TRUTH will never come out in the open. People will resign and go quietly off in the sunset. The financial system will change but no heads will roll. The sheeple will continue to graze in the field.

Let's face it---we want to see these scoundrels jailed for their crimes. Millions of people have lost their jobs and their homes. Families have been split apart.

My husband had to sell his business and move to another state. Thinking that these thugs can walk quietly into the sunset doesn't sit well with me.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:43 AM
Its more than punishment to me, its about disclosure, truth, freeing ourselves from any form of pyramid system without going backwards into anarchy, with advanced and intelligent councils and intrinsic human rights for substantive equality overriding all things such as religions, they would have to actually put much of their books into history studies and only take out the spiritual and positive things, that harm no one and don't control women and children, and also, childrens rights, with advanced schooling, health, dental, all the extra medical services wished and needed, home, land, good food production, non gmo, for ALL people, without forcing slavery.

Without money, in a system o f complete abundance run by coucils of highly educated citizens, taking turns, half women too and enforced, I sure don't mean Venus system under dictators, that would really be atrocious.

In other words, if this is what Ben Fulford is talking about, I want to see what they mean. Because I'm sorry, but I'm NOT willing to have a surface pseudo changeover.

I mean the real thing is being changed permanently. And the real upgrade and freedom, equality of all people is really coming.

Furthermore, I call sheeps those things you can keep for food and especially to shear and spin yarn from, as a spinner I really appreciate sheeps, but don't really consider humans, just living normal family lives, sheep in the least, thats what humans do.

If this is still soft peddling the crapola and evil system of earth, Its a Big NO GO!

And I am still waiting for what I have seen for years, and its the real upgrade, and the real cosmic arrest team. Arrests aren't punishment, they are protecting good people, and re-teaching those who need to learn more in order to progress themselves because they have made some hefty train wrecks of their lives and progression by turning themselves into monsters.
edit on 21-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:52 AM
Spiritual and the real codings of the whole universe, the way it really works, far far exceeds their political plans and upheavals, and their slave systems.

Progression is a spiral and all things are meant to progress, if you're doing a circle that is very sad, Groundhog Day the movie is quite sad actually.

Another thing, they can plan all kinds of disasters. But if even one person is holding the frequency of a good world of equality and lots of help coming in, then the frequency of the planet cannot be overcome by the dark side.

Think what 2 or 3 or 100 000 or a couple million or even a billion could do holding a perfect thought and really strong minded and righteous about it.

By the way, good thoughts outweigh bad ones enormously, one candle overcomes a lot of darkness.

In fact, one good thought is backed by infinite light/consciousness and cannot be overcome at all.
edit on 21-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:10 AM
There is no such thing as progress in life as well as in society. When will you people learn to stop being in denial?
The only progress is away from those.
The miracle will not happen. The aliens will not come to save us all from evil.
Why is hope deemed so much by all religions? Because it enslaves almost anyone. Makes one suffer happily while awaiting salvation

Step out of the system, it is the only way. System is the source of evil. Let those cannibals eat each other.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:12 AM
This could very well be what is happening:

The chinese got TPTB by the balls. Comply, and clean up your act, or we will crush your economies. And we have some superior technology as well, so don`t mess with us..

Lots of bad guys will be removed from power, and some will go to jail.
edit on 21/2/2012 by Themaninwhite because: (no reason given)

edit on 21/2/2012 by Themaninwhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:23 AM
Seems the Chinese are America

I’m pretty certain the global elite have been softening the hens up for some tough news.

The Lin-China public-relations production has been interesting to observe.

It can only mean one thing.

The average working-class citizen is in for some kind of unexpected and seemingly..

unbelievable to the point of insane surprise from China and America’s so-called “public-servants”.

The homeland is about to import two (2) things.

1. Cheap Chinese labor

History revisionists ofter refer to this as a..

“wave of immigration” ironically during a depression..

and a period of joblessness in the area where the wave of immigrants are headed.

Your standard lover of cheap labor would acknowledge that such a policy..

makes complete sense.

2. China’s human-rights policies.

This will get all the homeland infrastructure upgraded at bargain basement rates..

much cheaper than the current homeland labor costs.

The right will blame the left.

The left will accept the blame.

The left will pretend the right doesn’t like cheap labor as much as the left.

The cost of global labor will be further stabilized.

Don't forget that Mao offered Nixon to take 20 million Chinese women to America...
We should expect more racial mixing inside the bankers enclave (and elsewhere) soon

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
Don't forget that Mao offered Nixon to take 20 million Chinese women to America...

Haha, excellent post, thanks for bumping R's site, that dude is the penultimate researcher of this time.

Your comment above is funny, I didn't know that. I'll look into that but also I'm thinking they may have been trying to bribe him since he also promoted the "Madman Policy" that China should percieve him as totally nuts and capable of launching nukes at any time. So they would surely offer him 20 million women as a booty-bribe if he would just not nuke them. Hmm... Have to research how often presidents have been bribed with booty.

Well anyway, now China can immoblize ships and launch missiles inside the US, not to mention getting the drone tech recently, so in the long run it is easy to see that China will rise. But have they cast out the demon from their nation yet? I still see Mao and Marx shaking hands over pools of blood. No American will accept Maoist leaders, ever.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

Originally posted by DangerDeath
Don't forget that Mao offered Nixon to take 20 million Chinese women to America...

Haha, excellent post, thanks for bumping R's site, that dude is the penultimate researcher of this time.

Your comment above is funny, I didn't know that. I'll look into that but also I'm thinking they may have been trying to bribe him since he also promoted the "Madman Policy" that China should percieve him as totally nuts and capable of launching nukes at any time. So they would surely offer him 20 million women as a booty-bribe if he would just not nuke them. Hmm... Have to research how often presidents have been bribed with booty.

Well anyway, now China can immoblize ships and launch missiles inside the US, not to mention getting the drone tech recently, so in the long run it is easy to see that China will rise. But have they cast out the demon from their nation yet? I still see Mao and Marx shaking hands over pools of blood. No American will accept Maoist leaders, ever.

I don't remember exactly was it Nixon or Kissinger who said this, but it's for real. Chinese didn't know what to do with all those women (people) at that time.

The process of globalization actually means that technocratic rule now cares not much for nationalities, only about cheap labor. It is clear they are sweeping the planet with this intention to bring the costs down, and making everyone a debt slave is a working option as long as people agree to this dirty idea of exchange and making profit at other people's expense. This is the downfall of humankind in my opinion.

Americans will accept it because it has already taken roots in America. All those bailouts have only one purpose, to destroy living standard and make everyone competing for crumbs. Isn't America already conditioned to believe in survivalism? It is already too late to resist, because people don't understand what is going on and there's no one to teach them. Reinhardt has done a great job, bout only few keep his work in sight. Confusion will win this war for the Skynet, not the nukes.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:10 PM
They certainly seem determined to take down former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn,who has been detained for questioning by French police investigating a prostitution ring. He got away with the rape case earlier

Silvio Berlusconi is also in big trouble and hopefully gets what he deserves.
Italian prosecutors have demanded a five-year prison sentence for the former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi in his trial on corruption charges.The prosecutor Fabio De Pasquale has urged the court to find Berlusconi guilty of having paid a British lawyer $600,000 (£382,000) to lie in other trials involving charges of tax evasion and false accounting related to the billionaire media mogul's business dealings."

"The case is one of several pending against Berlusconi in the Milan courts, including a trial on charges of having paid for sex with an underage prostitute."
edit on 21-2-2012 by Equ1nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:17 PM
Here is what is somewhat interesting about this. Greece was "bailout" today. The only important aspect of this event is that it means those who bet against Greece, and actively tried to get Greece to default, will not profit from their hedged bet. This would have been a calamity. It seems this was done in concert at the direction from the top - well above the figureheads we can see.

The heads that are leaving their posts are nothing more then middle management, they make ZERO decisions with regard to what happens in the fiat currency world, or the taking of assets world (war), but they are allowed, to a certain extent, to run amok amid the lawlessness that is the fiat currency world as long as the do the bidding of the select few.

It seems that the rolling of the heads, might, might, indicate a shift in direction from above. Possibly a kind of easing of the breakdown, rather then a total collapse. A total collapse, while desired by a lot of armchair world watchers, would be a far more troubling experience then folks would think. As a thought on that; a huge portion of the population is a drug addict - prescription, alcohol, and recreational drugs, can you imagine what happens when the have to go cold turkey in a collapse?

I could be the hidden elite have decided that the planetary collective will has decided not to accept total collapse, but rather a revealing of the horrors of the system while simply phasing it out. The key here to see the truth is the Syria, Iran situation. They are two world bank holdouts, arguably the last remaining and Iran being the most important. If the war to get Iran to accept the IMF, Global Bank as the lord and savior is put off, then the above is true. If it is not, then the heads rolling and Greece was simply a preparation for the final solution to the holdout.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Equ1nox
They certainly seem determined to take down former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn,who has been detained for questioning by French police investigating a prostitution ring. He got away with the rape case earlier

Maybe. But it's more like they need him to show him around and distract people from other things that are piling up. Enslavement of Greeks is being cheered at the markets.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:53 PM
I'll get excited when all of Wall Street is put in jail and the OWS people are lauded as heroes.

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