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I think I found what they were looking for in Afghanistan

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:12 PM
You won't like what I will say but look it from a completely different view that maybe neither side has even calculated.

With the Afghans they will remain poor and hold to strict religious rule while they don't care if they don't prosper as long as they don't have TVs and their women coverup with a few pin holes to look through.

If someone else takes the pie because they happen to have a more progressive views in which man can prosper then why not.

If their god and their system of beliefs hold themselves back along with a potential of helping the world and they are more concerned with blowing people and ancient art up then that is their own curse and downfall.

Let's say America believe in another God and they believe that through this God they can prosper and progress and find new ways in which to improve the lives of people on earth Long Term and they have over years accumilated technology and knowledge in which to prosper and help humanity and their enemies are doing nothing about it or have forfeited their fates then why not.

Maybe the Americans have not even contemplated for this to be the case but spiritually the ball is in their court for a higher purpose to be discovered in which to help man come out of a troubled situation.

Of course if this is not the case and am missing a few points then fine but it seems it could be this kind of hidden spiritual law in which one God allows over the other for a greater good.
edit on 16-2-2012 by The time lord because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:14 PM
Lithium is a fairly abundant material, and is far from rare. I think the facts are why this theory was put to bed long ago.

Look up better sources if you like.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Aeons

Originally posted by Suffi
Interesting read sir, this was also an egotistical war to show proof they were the baddest army on the planet for all of history. Pipelines, mineral deposits and the glory of conquering Afghanistan.

If that was the case, Afghanistan would be a black hole. The whole thing could have been finished in very short order, not dragged out over a decade.

Good point but that black hole doesn't prove they can fight it proves they are dumb enough to use it.
Still think the kids are posing Baphomet the girls face even resembles him.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Gwampo
If Afghanistan is so nutrient/resource/gold rich and we have been there for 10 years, how come our economy is in the dumpster?

Where are all those resources we have been mining?

What makes you think the average American is ever going to see any of the corporate profits from mining Afghanistan?

The rich get richer and they have no national loyalties.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I thought I was having Deja Vu for a moment until I read the date on the article.

I've always been interested in this also. Looks like lots of people are so I'm posting the links to the other threads below. Most of them got no attention.

Someone else may have already posted links, but I'm at work and will have to catch up with this later. Forgive me if these links are already posted.

US Discovers Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan

Grrr... Looting Afghanistans Minerals

Afghan mineral deposits may ......

Was the NYT story on Afghan minerals sincere?

Massive Mineral Gold depostis found in Afghanistan.

Mining in Afghanistan

$1 trillion mineral discovery in Afghanistan bogus.

The last link has a link to an excellent article on the reality of mineral finds from Casey Research to try and bring this into reality and dispel the political hype and spin by the NYT's.

What I find most strange lately is originally the Progressives were all for Afghanistan and now they pretend they are on the opposite side for political reasons. The NYT article was also hyped greatly for political reasons. Odd how people think nobody will remember their mantra about how Iraq was wrong and that Afghanistan was the good war. Amazing how they always get away with rewriting history like they do.

Truth be told, mineral riches lie under the land in pretty much every country on Earth. Problem is the cost of locating and extracting the minerals is usually more than the minerals are worth. Not to mention they don't tell you that of the estimated quantities, much of that is unrecoverable due to its location or the costs of extraction being more than it can be sold for. But then the NYT is likely the most dishonest paper in the US. There is a reason their subscriptions have dropped so low they are likely technically bankrupt. Sad since it was once a great newspaper before they went Partisan and became an arm of the DNC.

Direct Link to the article from Casey Research.

If you want to understand better what the finds mean, that article is a good place to start.

I actually know a spot in Idaho on the Snake River that has billions in gold just sitting there in Black Sands on the bottom of the river that would be really easy to Dredge. Problem is it's all flour gold and the cost of recovery is so great all you can do is stand there and wish you could find a way to make it pay. Many mineral deposits are in similar situations. Specific Gravity is not your friend with flour gold and since you can't use gravity to recover it, it's not worth bothering with. It can be separated but the costs would mean no profits.

I worked for a bit for a small mining company in 1978 opening a small mine in Idaho. The Assay revealed the ore was the richest ever found in Idaho. The yield of gold and silver per ton was very high and there was enough lead to pay for the actual mining costs. Problem was building the road would be so expensive by the time you dealt with the regulations, that it's still sitting there in the ground and will never be mined.

I know the topic has drifted other directions, but until I can find time to read I thought I'd respond to the OP really quick.

Excellent points Blaine... the mining of any product, especially those in rock or heavy overburden has a direct and unproportional relationship to its depth and its actual value.

Environmental fees, mining equipment, roads, agreements to protect and repair municipally owned roadways,purchase lease and mineral rights, extraction labor and equipment, and site reclamation all become huge costs.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by ignant
S & F

CIA installed HEROINE plantations decades ago,

now we're BACK in Afghanistan also for those mineral resources...

Truth be told, Afghanistan's resources make it the richest mining region on earth.

Thats why USA dropped 200s of TONS of Depleted Uranium on the Afghani people, to make sure their next of kin don't retake these resources...

US is destroying Afghanistan's gene pool water and food chain with depleted uranium

"Depleted uranium is radioactive and extremely destructive to humans - with a half-life of 4.5 billion years. In other words, it takes 4.5 billion years for one kilogram of depleted uranium to reduce to a half a kilogram - the US has forever contaminated the Middle East.
The United States' use of radioactive munitions in Afghanistan has destroyed the people's health and mutilated the genetic future of the country"

I feel so sad and powerless reading this. What is wrong with people. This is so demonic.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Suffi

That makes no sense, but okay.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:32 PM
You know I hate to bust peoples bubles but do a little research. This is old news and if you dare to actually look you will find that China signed a mining rights for the minerals with the Afghan gov't. I know it's easy to throw rocks at the big satan but please look at all the facts.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:34 PM
I highly doubt it had anything to do with that.

It had to do with oil and opium production as well as ancient occult matters.


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:43 PM
THERE IS NOT MUCH OIL IN AFGHANISTAN. Doesn't even make the list.

Some proven gas... not much.

With its terrain, it doesn't even make a very good corridor for modern trade.

Here is map of the old silk and trade roads. They still apply.

edit on 2012/2/16 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:49 PM
'Ron Swanson'!

This is one of the most intriguing threads I've seen on ATS in a long time. I wish I had more time to read it, but GREAT FIND!


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by OldCurmudgeon

I don't even bother to Prospect anymore. The only thing worth finding unless you have the backing of a huge mining firm, are small rich deposits you can extract in a season without going over the line.

In Afghanistan we are talking recovery from some of the worst terrain on the planet. I've owned some nice specimens from there. They come from locals going into the mountains and getting them over the border to buyers. I had a nearly 5,000 carat Aquamarine crystal with perfect terminations and was about 10% Gemmy, that made me a wonderful profit. That was in about 1995 when material was still showing up. The Lapis Lazuli is still highly sought after when the locals manage to sneak some out to buyers.

This is just more political nonsense. Most people won't even read facts. They only see what they want to see. Some I think believe that mines make huge profits and don't know most companies go bankrupt multiple times and the owners die broke.

The Logistics of a large operation there would no doubt destroy any chance of ever extracting the minerals. I'd say the so called mineral wealth has a true value in the red.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
THERE IS NOT MUCH OIL IN AFGHANISTAN. Doesn't even make the list.

Some proven gas... not much.

The list you linked shows "proven oil reserves" -- not quite the same thing.

Afghanistan Signs First Oil Deal With China – Dec 28,2011

“China National Petroleum Corp. won the first oil deal in Afghanistan earlier this week, signing a contract with the Afghan government to develop a small oil field in the northern part of the country.
The deal, with an initial investment from CNPC of around $400 million, is expected to eventually generate $7 billion in revenues for the war torn nation.”

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:23 PM
Many of you sound as if you not only approve of Terrorist activities you support them. The amount of misinformation and political spin on this thread is breathtaking. Unfortunately some read this stuff, never check it out and believe it all.

The number one cause of death in these countries is Muslim on Muslim violence. Most bombs are set to kill other Muslims over ideological differences. Does that not factor in to this at all?

War is horrible and should never, every happen I agree. That does not excuse pretending that radical Islam is not real when it is most certainly real. Radical Islamist are slaughtering their fellow Muslims at an alarming rate in fact. People burying their head in the sand about that is insane.

But then, propaganda works because people are to lazy or often don't care enough to deal in facts and the truth. Armchair Quarterbacking a war is hardly like doing it for a Football game. The Middle East would be a killing field even if we never stepped foot in the Middle East. That is just a fact and has been for over a thousand years.

People with their heads buried cause more wars than they prevent. That and lying politicians pandering for votes.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:27 PM
This is old news, but glad to see it's reaching more people. China also was rewarded by Afganistan with the largest Copper mining project in the entire Country. ~SheopleNation

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:31 PM
If you throw in the unproven reserves at 1.5billion, that's okay. About middle of the proven pack. Still lots of work on infrastructure and lack of security to account for in that, and the end result isn't any of it going to the USA.

edit on 2012/2/16 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by NellahB
I had read about the lithium in Afghanistan ... sorta like the diamonds in Africa, huh? Let's take their natural resources and put the money in the bank for ourselves.

And, of course, the poppy fields ... I find it odd that they haven't been burned down ... just who do you suppose makes the money from the drugs??

Indeed, USA have painted the Afghan Taliban as their current ARCHENEMY (aside from Iranians & alCiada) because the Taliban banned Opium and burned down the crops when USA detoured a few decades back to bomb up Southeast Asia and tried to install the same Opium cells in Laos.

So USA paid and is STILL paying BILLION$ a day of our tax dollars to private individual American citizen "Contractors" on salaries like $250K/yr+ to snipe off Taliban (and civilian women and children that survived the Uranium bombardment) one by one.

Afghanistan's CIA-sponsored heroine supples some 97% of the worlds heroine (And drug dealin' USA makes the profit!) is simply the new Laos Opium transplant.

This time around from the looks of it, radiological bombardment and all, its clear USA is so boldly determined to maintain its opium crop in Afghanistan in the long run. No matter what ... as in no matter the genocide of the Afghan people in order to rape them of their resources.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Good to see others are becoming aware of the REAL situation.

Afghanistan is just the most obvious. Once one looks a little deeper into the greater region's potential wealth then it becomes obvious The New Great Game is being played out right in front of our eyes. It was never just about Oil pipelines or Poppy as many here at ATS would have you believe.

While many have been focused on Libyan oil, Syria's unrest and the Iranian question.

The "Stans" have been in play.

SLAYER69, I haven't had a chance to see the video (almost 50 min. long) yet, but I did S&F your old thread on the New Great Game. Very interesting thread, thanks for calling attention to it.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:09 PM
No reason to invade a country, when you gain nothing. I mean its not like we did it to save each other.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Many of you sound as if you not only approve of Terrorist activities you support them. The amount of misinformation and political spin on this thread is breathtaking. Unfortunately some read this stuff, never check it out and believe it all.

The number one cause of death in these countries is Muslim on Muslim violence. Most bombs are set to kill other Muslims over ideological differences. Does that not factor in to this at all?

War is horrible and should never, every happen I agree. That does not excuse pretending that radical Islam is not real when it is most certainly real. Radical Islamist are slaughtering their fellow Muslims at an alarming rate in fact. People burying their head in the sand about that is insane.

But then, propaganda works because people are to lazy or often don't care enough to deal in facts and the truth. Armchair Quarterbacking a war is hardly like doing it for a Football game. The Middle East would be a killing field even if we never stepped foot in the Middle East. That is just a fact and has been for over a thousand years.

People with their heads buried cause more wars than they prevent. That and lying politicians pandering for votes.

I read your posts with interest, Blaine91555. I really loathe Islam and consider it the most dangerous form of totalitarian government yet. But I think TPTB are using Islamic extremists for their own purposes. There is nothing simple about what is happening in the Mid-east & Eurasia.

I don't doubt the reports that the terrain in Afghanistan makes mineral extraction difficult. But the Chinese are doing it. And if any particular natural resource is desirable enough to TPTB, they will find a way to get it.

If you've posted it before, I've missed it -- why do you think the US has been in Afghanistan for 10 years?

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