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The Media Turns A Blind Eye As The GOP Rigs Maine For Mitt Romney

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posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 10:13 PM

The mainstream media has chosen to ignore it, but Mitt Romney’s win in Maine demonstrated again that there is something shady going on with the Republican primaries and caucuses.

Despite the facts that not all of the state had caucused yet and the margin separating Mitt Romney and Ron Paul was less than 200 votes, state GOP Chairman Charie Webster told Washington County, who had to postpone their caucus today because of an expected snowstorm, and anyone else who didn’t caucus today that their votes will not count.

The GOP establishment wanted Mitt Romney to win Maine. They needed Romney to win Maine, so they made sure that Mitt Romney won Maine

This is insane! Paul was only 194 votes behind Romney, when the rest of the votes were cancelled due to a snowstorm, and Romney declared the winner.

Check the link for more:

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

just want to add that there were only 98 votes uncounted it was only 83.7 % complete at 502 votes out of 600
even if he got every vote in that county he still would of lost.but iimho i think it had to be a distraction on purpose
so they could set it up for romney.thats my take on it anyways..

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 11:30 PM
It amazes me how far the GOP will go to keep Paul from getting the nomination. Its such a shame that they are willing to put this country back into the hands of those that would do it harm. Romney will lose to Obama if he gets the nomination, it's a no-brainer. The democrats will not give him a chance to pull off a victory. I believe that most of the people who are voting in favor of Romney are the baby boomers who can't stand to see change. It's only my opinion, but I think their fear of brown people from another country makes them think that only a war monger can save them, like some kind of Golden-Age super hero. It's that fear of turban wearing comic book villains with their finger on a huge red button that keep them ignorant of the the real problems we face in this country: NDAA, SOPA, ACTA, TSA, or anything else ending in "A". The choice to be woefully ignorant of the dangers inherent in our nations policies are crippling us in a way not seen before. We need people to start caring about what is going on or else this is it. There is no one else to save us but ourselves. Don't be afraid to say "I don't care what is popular." It's okay to ignore pundits and talking heads, because at the end of the day, they are getting paid by people whose only interest is selling you a story. Just because Billy saw a 30 foot alligator doesn't mean he's telling you the truth. Bottom line folks, we got to start using our heads. Let's think for ourselves, instead of being told.
edit on 11-2-2012 by wrekk69 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-2-2012 by wrekk69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by intheknow29
reply to post by daaskapital

just want to add that there were only 98 votes uncounted it was only 83.7 % complete at 502 votes out of 600
even if he got every vote in that county he still would of lost.but iimho i think it had to be a distraction on purpose
so they could set it up for romney.thats my take on it anyways..


there are many counties that still have not finished their voting

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

I find it fairly unbelievable Paul would lose in a state that did the following in 2010.

(The Maine republican party) It caused a stir during its 2010 convention when the historically moderate party passed a radical platform supported by "Tea Party" activists. The new platform calls for the elimination of the United States Department of Education and the Federal Reserve System, the rejection of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a freeze and prohibition on stimulus spending, and the prosecution of perpetrators of the "global warming myth". It also demands a "return to the principles of Austrian Economics", and the assertion that healthcare is "not a right" but "a service" that can be addressed only by using "market based solutions". Indeed, the platform says, "The principles upon which the Republican Party was founded, to which we as Citizens seek return, and to which we demand our elected representatives abide, are summarized as follows:[3][4]


Please consider telling Charlie how you feel about his decission.
Feedback is a good tool. You will feel better after you do. I promise. :-)

Charlie Webster- Chairman
[email protected]

Michelle Dale- Assistant to the Chairman
[email protected]

Michael Quatrano- Executive Director
[email protected]

9 Higgins Street
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone 207.622.6247
Fax 207.6235322

Contact us

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 03:34 PM


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