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Jacques Vallee: Implications of UFO Phenomena - Thinking Allowed.

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posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by cloudyday
Maybe within the world of our dreams is where the aliens are operating from.Perhaps during encounters with aliens,our bodies are unknowingly being placed into some kind of trance,a form of suspended animation, while our souls are abducted out from within us and what we think we saw and what we think was done to our bodies,were actually false memories of scenarios that never happened that the aliens implant into our minds,to conceal what they are really doing to us...

I think the all but ignored,ground breaking paranormal investigator charles fort said that there must be a "cosmic jokester" who likes to play mind games with humanity...Charles Fort..."The Earth is a farm.We are someone else's property" >

edit on 19-2-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 02:20 AM
Sometimes i think that springheel jack,bigfoot,ufos,lizard men,moth man,aliens,flying saucers,ghosts, poltergeists,demons,angels and all the other weird humanoids and creatures that have been seen and encountered and still are all over the world,are actually tulpas,involuntarily projected,psychic thoughtforms...

Either by an individual or group,who is unknowingly bringing these things out from within their subconscious and into our material realm and these psychic projections take on a life of their own,for short or long periods of time,depending on how much people are "thinking" about them...

And these things often do come and go in "outbreaks" and "waves"...

This also might be why these things remain ever elusive phantoms never captured...

Our collective subconscious desires may be telepathically and telekinetically creating and projecting temporary beings greater than ourselves,larger than life entities who will rescue humanity from destruction...

An author wrote a lot of books in their home about a fictional character called "the shadow" and this shadow was actually seen within the house! years after the author died! this intense concentration about "the shadow", actually brought it to life!...

UFO’s...An Affair of the Mind? >
edit on 20-2-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by blocula

I tend towards the tulpas and delusions because most of my own experiences have a dreamlike quality.

But now I'm reading "Unconventional Flying Objects" by Paul R. Hill and he clearly thinks they are real technology due to his analysis of their behavior. So maybe there are real technological UFOs and they utilize hypnosis to conceal their identity in different ways. Or maybe there are real UFOs and psychic/delusional UFOs also.

edit on 20-2-2012 by cloudyday because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2012 by cloudyday because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 10:44 PM
We will have to travel really deep down into the rabbit hole and out the otherside if we want to try and figure out what aliens and flying saucers are...

But just how are we suppose to ever really konw,when i already know that...

Waking consciousness is an illusion...

Because,like it or not,admit it or not,everything we see,hear,taste,touch and smell is happening within our brains and nowhere else...

We never really touch anything...

If i hit my hand upon a metal table,or if i hit my hand upon a pillow of wind...

My hand is not touching the table and is not touching the pillow at all...

The electrons of my hand are interacting with and propelling against the electrons of the table or pillow...

Electrons conduct heat and electricity and that interaction is what my brain perceives as touch...

What our limited five senses tell us is reality is an illusion...

We are three dimensional pixels of light and thought processed and projected upon a holographic screen we call reality and what we perceive as the space around us and the material objects within,are illusions...

We are not even able see what ourselves and eachother really look like...

We cant even tell where we really are...

So aliens and flying saucers could be anything that we are capable of imagining them to be...

Or maybe what they really are is something thats beyond our human ability to comprehend and understand...

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 02:10 PM
In reference to the case investigated by Vallee that involved a death, the following site is a great resource:

"Given that there is evidence that research has been done into High Powered Microwave (HPM) weapons, Jacques Vallée ponders the relationship between human and alien technology. "Here again, the UFOs seem to represent an alien force that anticipates our own scientific developments by decades, mocking our own efforts to identify its nature and its long term intentions." (Vallée, 1990, p.206)"

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 02:46 AM
Came across these videos on YouTube. Its very interesting and some valid points are discussed. Its the famous radio show and I can't identify the speakers though. The second part has the clear and good quality video of the tether incident. Watch all three parts.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:44 PM
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