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Applying Common Sense to NWO Conspiracy Theories

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posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 01:00 PM
Much of all this info regarding conspiracies is ambiguous. One can only speculate regarding the agenda behind conspiracies because it's all a secret of course. However, let's try to apply some common sense here.

All this conspiracy stuff is too black and white, almost like a religion. The elite can't be all "evil forces of darkness" vs. us the "innocent good guys". That is too black and white, with an "us vs. them" mentality, and more like what religions preach. In reality, the world is very complex and is not that black and white. There must be some good people among the elite. They can't all be "the bad guys" like characters in some movie, can they? People in real life are not all good or all bad (like in the movies); they are a mixture of the two.

It's also hard to believe that so many people could be in on something and agree to it. In reality, it's very hard to get a lot of people to all agree without dissent to being in on the same agenda, especially people in power and high places since these types are used to getting their way, not being told what to do. The elite have very big egos, so imagine how much harder it would be to get them to all agree on some secret agenda.

Humans tend to fight and disagree, especially since they are governed by an innate moral conscience which is both in their DNA and in the "morphic resonance" energy field (coined by Rupert Sheldrake) that all living things share. It's too far fetched to believe that these "shadow elite" are all some collective hive mind that is plotting sinister things against the world, as though they were all "minions of the dark side of the Force".

Nevertheless, conspiracies do exist. The only question is: What kind of conspiracies exist? Are we talking about a secret Illuminati NWO one world government agenda? Or just corrupt politicians seeking power and wealth? Is there a fantastic conspiracy involving UFO's, Aliens and secret technology? Or just politicians with mundane dirty secrets involving money laundering scams, under the table deals, arms deals, sex scandals, and other mundane types of unethical behavior, lies and cover ups?

Also, is every country in on this? Or just the US elite? It's too far fetched to believe that the governments of all 200 countries of the world would all agree to be in on something.

All we know for sure are:

- The media and government often lie and fabricate things.

- There is definitely a shadow government that works outside of the democratic process and public scrutiny, to implement big changes that the elite think tanks want that would take too long if the public were involved. The Iran Contra Scandal revealed that shadow governments do exist. This shadow government is involved in a lot of sinister operations, but for what purpose, we don't know.

- The US military industrial complex and elite class, or whoever runs the USA (it's certainly not the common people), are definitely war mongerers who have a history and pattern of starting ridiculous unnecessary wars that don't make sense. (e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, etc.)They do not tell the public the truth about why they start them, but only give BS copout excuses that don't add up. So we can only speculate and guess on their true motives. All we know for sure is that they love getting involved with wars for some reason. Whatever their true reasons are, they are likely to be very disturbing.

- Too many important figures who would have changed the world for the better had they lived, have been murdered by too many lone nut cases (e.g. JFK, RFK, MLK, John Lennon). Had JFK and RFK lived, the Vietnam War would probably have never happened, millions of lives would have been saved, people would trust their government more, and the CIA/Federal Reserve/Military Industrial Complex (which Eisenhower warned about) may not have hijacked the USA as it has today. So two lone nuts changed the tide of world history for the worse? Yeah right.

Also, if Ralph Nader didn't cost Al Gore the election in 2000, the War on Terror may have never happened, since Al Gore is not a war monger type. (assuming of course, that the election was real and that Gore really wanted to win)

- The formation of the European Union and attempt to create a North American Union as well, are indicators of a NWO plan, since the formation of these unions would be a logical step they would take in order to consolidate power into an eventual one world government.

However, the key unanswered questions are:

- What is the true agenda of the elite? Are they really seeking to establish a NWO and one world government and have the population microchipped? Or do they just enjoy mind-#ing everyone and reveling in the chaos they create and set up, which they derive a form of "dark ecstasy" from? (a theory proposed by conspiracy researcher and podcast host Jeff Grupp)

- What do they want? Is it just about power, control and profit? Don't they have enough of that? What more do they need? Do they have a more sinister and hidden motive?

- Are the elite of all countries involved in the NWO? Or is it just the US and UK?

- Could the whole NWO thing just be a diversion? Why else would they allow millions of videos about it on YouTube and millions of websites/forums about it to stay up? Is it all part of their plan to incite us into a revolution?

- Even if a NWO or one world government succeeded, how long would it last? History has shown that Empires don't last long without public support. Not even Alexander the Great or Napoleon could hold an Empire together long term. Empires are easily toppled by a combination of many market forces. No elite group can stop that. The elite must know this. Any NWO would be short lived. So I gotta wonder what their real agenda is.

All of this is inconclusive and ambiguous. It's hard to say if there is a NWO plot or not, and if there is, what the plot is really about. The motives don't seem to make any sense.

Any thoughts or comments?

PS - Here is an interesting article someone shared with me:

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by WWu777

Who ever said, that I or anyone else on the "conspiracy" side, have ever claimed to be a good guy?

The thing that I, and I think a lot of others are pointing out ... is that the NWO is a pack of lies. They are liars, who lie their way through ... from GW. Bush the older, to his son, to Obama. From the United States, to Europe and China. Each and everyone of them, is lying ... and as such, their agenda, cannot be anything but something that no one would accept ... unless lied to.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by WWu777

You do bring up some good points. Although I must take issue with your "lone nut" assassin idea. Indeed, it was the assassination of JFK that drew me into this "conspiratorial" journey.

Someone once said - I think it was Webster Tarpley, or Max Kaiser - that if this whole class warfare thing were accidental they would occasionally make a mistake in our favor.

Something else to think about. Have you ever played a Sid Meier game such as Alpa Centauri or Civilization? You build your cities and your workers and your armies. Then something horrible happens, peace breaks out in the game. I am a Taoist/Buddhist in my beliefs, however when you have the war machine completed and there is no one really deserving to turn it loose on you feel like you have a new toy that you cannot use. You are itching to though! Isn't this proof then of the old adage "absolute power corrupts, absolutely"? Of course it is only a game, and no one is really hurt when you attack a country for it's resources. But wouldn't access to that much unbridled power and the ability to use it and spin public opinion be a great temptation? And if that temptation is given into, and you as the one in control were successfully insulated from seeing the results first hand, would you not begin to see that as a game as well?

BTW, I like the article you linked, even if it was picked up by Infowars.

edit on 5-2-2012 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-2-2012 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-2-2012 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by WWu777

You are confused I think. When people use the term "elite" they aren't talking about every politician and millionaire. They are referring to the extremely tiny amount of very influential and wealthy people who use their influences on government policies to push for illegal wars, the elimination of borders, central banks in countries that don't have nor want them..etc. Then those central banks they instal can join the majority of the world in the bank of international settlements.. a central bank for the central banks of the world. For example, the 200 or so people who attend the Bilderberg meeting each year.

These people do not have your best interest at heart. They believe it is their right to shape the world and make choices that affect all of us. They don't care about the death/destruction/poverty that results from their secret club house meetings. Let's not forget the little discussion that took place at Bohemian Grove a few decades ago about something called the atomic bomb. It's shocking that the highest in media, business, and government all come together to discuss plans for the future. They should NEVER be meeting together to discuss things in secret.

Obviously they are up to know good or they would not go to such great lengths to conceal their discussions and use tax payer money for the highest security for their illegal secret meetings with foreign politicians. This is black and white. Media should be the watchdog of government and corporations instead of being their tool and mouth piece. Government should not be used as a tool by corporations to boost their profits. It's disgusting and abhorrent.

This is pretty black and white.
edit on 2/5/2012 by Drezden because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 02:14 PM
Yep....common sense. Either the NWO cabal doesn't exist or it has a supernatural component.

You're right: Men are incapable of working together in a cohesive way that spans centuries and lifetimes. And speaking of lies: There is one known as The Father of Lies. Jus' sayin'

Zarathustra said mankind was locked into battle with demonic forces collectively known as the Ahriman.

Judaism/Christianity recognizes the battle for the souls of men between YWHW and Satan.

Muslims, too, between Allah &, again, Satan.

Theosophists see the same battle but reverse which one wears the white hat. (Speaking of NWO...check out Theosophist Alice Bailey's work and ideas at the U.N.)

Sitchinites see the same battle being played out between Enki & Enlil.

The list goes on and some of the prophecies so resemble our world today that I think they BEG a second look.

Just about everyone except Atheists, know that SOMETHING world-changing is in the air and whoever IT is is playing for keeps.

Again: Either a cabalistic NWO doesn't exist...or it's a Hell of a lot more serious and preternatural than a first-glance might suggest, and that it's being waged on more than this one plane of existence.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 02:25 PM
I think there are two types of elites in play. The first group are the power hungry types. These elites already have more money than they can ever spend. They eventually want to reduce the population to a manageable level and live as Pharaoh type rulers, dynasty after dynasty. Thought crimes against the ruler would be considered a executio able offense. As each generation of children are indoctrinated, their power would become absolute.

The second group of elites have good intentions. They feel we are not smart enough to know what’s good for ourselves. They wish to end all conflicts in the world. Their ultimate goal is to have a "Star Trek" type society. These are the elites who would rule as a scientific dictatorship. They would use genetic engineering to "fix" us. Altering our bodies so that we no longer feel emotional pain and anger; the flip is we would no longer think for ourselves or be capable to feel love. Humans would be looked upon as a threat to the planet. Euthanization would first be voluntary and then mandatory.
Pretty scary.

Both of these groups would retain control as long as they could. They would destroy billions of us to protect their power, or for the "greater good". they both want their form of a utopia by brain or brawn. Humans are not meant to live under either system. Both would eventually fail, that’s if it would happen at all. Laugh all you want, history has shown that there are men who were willing to go to such lengths to rule. Worst yet, the technology of today makes this all possible. These people have and will use our own laws and money against us. This is not fantasy, but is very real and quite likely.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 02:40 PM
keep in mind the UK and europe basically created all states in existence in the world. the treaty of westminister gave birth to the idea of states and through the conquest and exploitation of colonialism set up the countries as they are today. along with the world wars and neo-colonialism from multinational corporations, regardless of any NWO conspiracy theory the world is being oppressed by the same system of infrastructure it has been since the industrial revolution that has allowed europe to dominate the world through indirect rule. its not a secret or a conspiracy you just have to be awake and aware to see the system at work present around you and the world and realize who the system is benefiting. maybe your even benefiting and fairly comfortable from the system but most likely because others who were never as fortunate or given the same opportunities is being dominated and working in a sweatshop for your comfortable standard of living

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 05:05 PM
You're underestimating Satan.

Think about how far Hitler was able to go with his "purification" plan.

Now imagine a being as sinister as Hitler but with the wisdom of a million year old being and his master plan is not to purify but to corrupt.

With his wisdom and promises of empowerment, he would be able to anticipate or persuade almost everyone's actions and thoughts.

Consider music artists who openly confess selling their souls for empowerment.

Those he could not persuade with promises of empowerment he could persuade with threats against them or those they love. If threats didn't work he could get someone else to kill them, if it was even needed for his master plan.

Someone like JFK, so beloved by the public, couldn't be allowed to make public statements about secret societies because it would lead too many people to discover the plan and its creator.

For the plan to work, Satan wouldn't need to let anyone in on his plan. Consider how functional the military is even though almost everyone is on a need to know basis.

All the plan would require is promises and patience.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by The GUT
Yep....common sense. Either the NWO cabal doesn't exist or it has a supernatural component.

You're right: Men are incapable of working together in a cohesive way that spans centuries and lifetimes. And speaking of lies: There is one known as The Father of Lies. Jus' sayin'

Zarathustra said mankind was locked into battle with demonic forces collectively known as the Ahriman.

Judaism/Christianity recognizes the battle for the souls of men between YWHW and Satan.

Muslims, too, between Allah &, again, Satan.

Theosophists see the same battle but reverse which one wears the white hat. (Speaking of NWO...check out Theosophist Alice Bailey's work and ideas at the U.N.)

Sitchinites see the same battle being played out between Enki & Enlil.

The list goes on and some of the prophecies so resemble our world today that I think they BEG a second look.

Just about everyone except Atheists, know that SOMETHING world-changing is in the air and whoever IT is is playing for keeps.

Again: Either a cabalistic NWO doesn't exist...or it's a Hell of a lot more serious and preternatural than a first-glance might suggest, and that it's being waged on more than this one plane of existence.

I don't share your Christian views. But I do believe in a spiritual realm and dimension. As such, here is another theory:

What if some of these lone nut assassinations were not carried out by shadow governments, but were carried out by spiritual entities? What if they were due to a conspiracy from the spiritual realm? For example, Mark David Chapman said that a voice in his head kept telling him to kill John Lennon. Could he have been used by forces from the spiritual realm, to eliminate key people that they needed to get out of the way who were threats to their agenda for humans?

For example, had JFK lived, the Vietnam War wouldn't have happened, and 60,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese would have been spared. How can one lone nut cause all that? It's just too convenient to buy that lone nuts kill people who would have prevented wars or did some good things (such as usurping the power of the Fed) that would have prevented us from being in the mess we're in.

Had Al Gore won in 2000, we may never have entered the Iraq War, since Gore is not a warmonger. Just because of that stupid guy Ralph Nader, everything F-ed up and went the wrong way off its natural course. How does Nader sleep at night, knowing that one million might be alive today if it wasn't for his stupid act of stealing votes from Gore? It's just too convenient that one stupid person can change everything or change the fate of millions of lives.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by WWu777

Yes, I think that is how it is basically played out. The "shaping forces" if you will, these other-dimensional beings we are inextricably tied to, effect and affect us in subtle ways most of the time.

In other cases, folk willingly open themselves up to these so-called 'higher-intelligences' and then their communication and ability to control mankind becomes a little more coherent.

More of a communication and collusion back and forth between man & spirit beings at that level. If there is a NWO it's run by what I can only refer to as Mages.

After all, I believe the following quote about magic(k) is the very best there is even if from a scoundrel.

Crowley's definition of Magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will."

Requires no supernatural component, but only psychology and willpower...but that's not to negate it's supernatural side either.

Serious Occultists--and I think the halls of power are full of them--absolutely believe they can communicate with--and command--higher-intelligences if you will, demons to others yuk-yuk.

Yes, Virginia, if there is an NWO it's being stage-managed by the light-bringer.

Great discussion here regardless of personal beliefs/differences about who is behind it all.

Edit to Add:

“The name of the game is 'Find Your Adversary'. Your adversary's game plan is to convince you that he does not exist.” - William S. Burroughs

A Classic to Consider This Overshadowed
edit on 6-2-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 01:22 PM
This vid I have here is a -keeper-, and it is -perfect- for this particular thread, as it eloquently answers the questions of the OP.
The feelings we "conspiracy theorists" have, are confirmed/affirmed by those who were not.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 09:54 AM
Conspiracies do exist in that powerful people do get together and make plans in secrecy. No one disputes that. The only question is: What kind of plans, secrets and conspiracies are they? Are we talking about mundane secrets - such as "under the table" deals and alliances, "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" type of arrangements, and covert operations involving power and profits? Or are we talking about a secret Illuminati plan of world domination and microchipping the population under a New World Order global government? Is there a fantastic conspiracy involving UFO's, Aliens and secret technology? Or just politicians with mundane dirty secrets involving money laundering scams, under the table deals, arms deals, sex scandals, and other mundane types of unethical behaviors?

Even Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the elite's long-time geostrategists, has admitted on public TV in an interview with Charlie Rose that "dirty secrets" and "under the table deals" exist among the elite, but denies that there is any "Illuminati NWO plot" to take over the world and instate a one world government. If there is a NWO plot though, then is every country in on it? Or just the US and UK elite and the Zionists behind them? It's too far fetched to believe that the governments of all 200 countries of the world would all agree to be in on something.

Could the whole NWO thing just be a diversion? Why else would they allow millions of videos about it on YouTube and millions of websites/forums about it to stay up? Is it all part of their plan to incite us into a revolution? And why would they let conspiracy leaders such as David Icke and Alex Jones spread conspiracy knowledge to so many disgruntled people and expose the plans of the elite? Icke travels the world doing public seminars to spread his message, yet nothing ever happens to him. Isn't that odd? Are they shills? Or is what they do part of the elite's plans? Or do the elite view them as too small of a problem to bother with, especially since anything that happens to a conspiracy leader will be interpreted as a "silencing act" by the elite?

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 04:25 PM
More questions:

Do you all think war is all about money? Don't the elite have all the money in the world? They can print it and they have an unlimited supply for themselves. Alan Watt says that the real reason for war is so the elite can bring about global changes that would take too long or never during peace time, changes such as centralization of power, as what happened with the UN after WWII.

Couldn't it also be that the controllers of this world, whether human or extra-dimensional or extraterrestrial, simply thrive on conflict in this world rather than peace? Or perhaps they need to keep conflict going in this world, for some odd reason we can't understand, because we are some kind of SIMS experiment to them?

I think there's gotta be more to it all than just money. The elite have all the money they want, an unlimited supply of it.

Do you really think they are trying to instate a global government like the one depicted in Star Trek? What about that theory that they are planning to microchip us all?

What about the kind of world depicted in "A Brave New World" and Orwell's "1984"? Do the elite want that too? Was Aldous Huxley one of them? If so, why would he leak their plans to us?

Why do you think they took out Lennon? Was it because they saw that he had the power to sway the entire nation against war, as he did with the Vietnam War, so they decided to take him out? Or was it their revenge for his role in turning the public against the Vietnam War?

Do you think lone nut assassins are under the mind control of MK-ULTRA, or patsies, or just actors who aren't even really in jail but set free to live somewhere hidden with a changed identity?

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by WWu777

Perhaps it is more difficult to understand them, if you are not from Europe. Over here you can get a real sense of their secretive and mysterious lives from their old buildings, as well as the huge difference between "us" and "them". For example, Portugal is full of history of the Knights. One of their former houses in Sintra, Portugal, called "Quinta de Regaleira" is particularly unnerving:

It really is surreal. It has underground caves, hidden pathways and entrances, hidden symbols, secret doors, strange statues, creepy gargoyles and this initiation well:

"Palace de Pena" is nearby on the same Ley-line:

There's a good photo on this site that shows the buildings on the Ley-line very clearly:

It is actually like being in a horror film and you can get a real sense of the mentality of these people - of their seriousness and of how downright formidable and intimidating they are. It's very clear that this acts as an effective control of its members. However, I doubt it is often necessary as every member is chosen carefully and is only aware of certain information depending on where they are in the hierarchy.

You said that it must be hard to get people in high power to agree but one has to be a member to get in high power in the first place. They destroy all competition eventually when it suits them - just look at what they did to Barings Bank.

Then there are other ways they make people "agree". They keep "dirt" on their members, recordings of sexual deviances, drug addictions, etc. Or they just invent it - mud sticks, and high powered people don't want all that coming out in public, just ask Strauss-Kahn. He got too big for his boots in France and look how they controlled him - arrested and humiliated. He won't be President of France now, will he?!

Perhaps there are "some good people amongst the elite" as you say, but expressing that could cost them their careers, families or even their lives.

Is every country involved? I think the situation now is dire and every country has been infiltrated and is controlled in some way, otherwise they wouldn't feel so confident about coming out with the truth now. They've had control in Scotland/England and the USA for centuries, then they used the First World War to destroy all the powerful German families and caused a "revolution" to take Germany, which failed, then they lost Russia to Stalin. One of "Them" was interrogated by Stalin's police and confessed a lot of important information. His name was Rakovsky and the interrogation is in "Red Symphony":

I think it's invaluable reading and explains everything about Marx and how Communism and Capitalism are being used very clearly.

Also, you can learn a lot about these people knowing that they are atheists but follow the teachings of Spinoza:

To answer your key questions:

Yes, they have a very clear agenda - to "streamline" the world's population, mix the races, reduce the differences between men and women, reduce the age of puberty, reduce the age of "old age", have intelligent "Alphas" at the top and stupid "Deltas" to do all the mundane work. The higher in the hierarchy will psychologically not want to mix with the lower levels. The New World Order is all about psychological control so people are "happy" being slaves. It's diabolical but really very clever. It has potential to last forever as people will be too separate to organise themselves (hell, we can't even organise ourselves now!) and it is certainly conducive to a more progressive society where all the wealth and resources saved, will mean that we can start investigating and populating space much, much sooner than we ever would otherwise. For some reason, they are obsessed with going into space. This reason may be that they are the keepers of the information that Earth was visited thousands of years ago, I can only speculate, but I certainly don't believe in modern UFO stories.

I think your observation that the internet is flooded with NWO videos as a "diversion" to cause a revolution is correct. The internet itself is a means to an end. They will need a revolution to take full control just as they did famously in Russia. Firstly the people take over, mess it up and in all the confusion, "They" take power in the second revolution. They rely on the stupidity of the "homo-stultum" which they themselves have created through television, films and school-books. How they must be laughing at us...

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 05:23 AM
Check out my friend's insightful comments about this topic:

I find these conspiracy theories interesting and some of the theorists seem to make pretty compelling arguments and there are many mysteries of the world we cannot explain. In Icke's case, it appears the reptile aliens either enjoy #ing with humanity and enjoy working much harder than they have to. It would be far easier just to kill off most humans and raise a new breed of them in various warm climes like they raise catfish in Mississippi, not teaching any of them to read and treating them as servants/chattel. Look at how easy it was for a relatively physically weak white man to sometimes control 200+ African slaves and get them to do forced labor. The Africans were only imported to the Americas after the Indians died out from the arduous labor. The average Indian native could only last a few years whereas the African accustomed to the hot tropical sun could work 10-20 years. Yes, there were slave rebellions but most were quelled and put down and there were far fewer than one might imagine there would be. If human were raised without notions of liberty, democracy, etc. then they are subject to believe anything, as proven in many totalitarian regimes--just read Hannah Arendt's massive tome on the effective totalitarianism of the Nazi and Stalin regimes. Stalin just had history rewritten and was able to effectively convince people that things they assumed had happened NEVER happened, and history books were just rewritten. Surely a group of superior alien beings would be far more successful in running human "catfish" farms and breeding us for their precious blood fuel without going to the trouble of shape-shifting and sorting out the world's various complicated affairs, lol.

We had been advising in Vietnam since at least 1954 and JFK probably would have been forced to go along with the war since to not intervene would have been political suicide. Johnson was a smart mother#er and he knew we could not win the war but he also knew he had no choice but to stay in it to appease the powers that be. Kennedy had already shown his willingness to take military chances as via the Bay of Pigs.

There is no doubt that all sorts of clandestine things are going on and have gone on probably from the time the first white man landed on "American" soil. As I said, I think the "truth" might even be so horrible and forbidding that if we were to know it we might all collectively suicide from the sheer horror of it all.

I too feel that there is some "horrible secret" about our existence, that may be out of this world, that we don't know about, or at least most of us don't know about. It's probably one of the biggest secrets there is.

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