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Only read this if you are quite young?

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posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 12:04 PM
A very touching poem and a stark reminder of the reality of aging and death. Yet, it also illustrates the contribution we all can potentially make and not even know it.

The worldwide average lifespan of humans is about 67.2 years.

There doesn't appear to exist any technology which can reverse the aging process. However there are specialists (longevity doctors) who treat aging as a disease.

By carefully "reverse engineering" the aging process, it may someday be possible to halt or reverse aging (if it hasn't already been done somewhere only to be enjoyed by TPTB)

It was once explained to me that part of the aging process is like making copies of an old VHS tape. Our stem cells use the current copy (DNA which is always degrading due to telomere and other damage) to rebuild the cells in our bodies on a continual basis. The result is wrinkles, gray hair and a host of other ailments as we continue to age.

It may someday be possible to collect and store samples (umbilical cord fluid at birth) and stem cells (at approx. 18 years of age) and use them later in life to help the body correctly rebuild itself with all the benefits of youth indefinitely.

This type of technique (use of a person's own stem cells) is currently being used to treat certain types of heart disease.

If time truly is money, then theoretically, we are all born into great wealth.

Thank you for sharing your find with all of us.

reply to post by dr treg

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 12:29 PM
I felt very touched emotionally by the poem. It hit close to home as I am now caring for my 91 year old mother. She was born with many health related problems and really wasn't expected to live this long...My father and she adopted me in their late 40's and I was a rebellious teenager. Not the average but, really bad. I spent years fighting the fact that they loved me and sacrifced for me and never turned away. I wondered why was I saved and given this life and not my brother and sister who were left behind.
Anyway, I struggled with the whole "why was I born?" question and when I gave birth to my first daughter at age 29, there in the delivery room when they handed her to me I heard/felt "this is why I was born". To bring her here...she has given my life purpose and meaning that without I may not have lived. Truly, that's the road I was on.
Long story longer...the family always thought Mom would die before Dad. When I look at her sometimes, I know that my daughter was not the only reason I was born. It is not martyrdom or a sense of guilt it is just right, makes things even, my purpose...
Just felt like sharing, for what it's worth...nothing really. Thanks for reading...

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore

Be realistic, you know what is being meant here, becoming nothing but a burden to yourself and everyone you know is not very nice, i see many MANY people doing it, and all you EVER hear about is there latest doctor's visit and how much pain and agony was experienced that day , week whatever.

I WISH these people would either get better, (I.E. stop reveling in the illnesses they have) or leave and let the incredible amount of people that they are HURTING while attempting to keep them alive,, take a break and realize they have a life that does not need to be based around someone who only brings them down... yes i know it sounds tough and harsh.


It all comes down to fear and programming. Humans in Western society are programmed from birth by the materialist paradigm we live in that death is bad, permanent, and vacuous, thus is should be feared and resisted at all costs, and a living hell is better than succumbing to the cold embrace of non-existence.

Or, they are brainwashed into believing you do live on, but either in heaven, or an unimaginably torturous hell, and you are judged by an egomaniac tyrant god who damns them for not worshiping hard enough. Both try to put the individual into a state of fear when they die.

Both utter hogwash too, of course... but once indoctrinated, most people stay that way, never questioning if it actually makes sense or not. The "hang on as long as possible" strategy is ridiculous, and is purely based in fear and ignorance.

If you are old enough that you are incapable of taking care of yourself in the most basic ways, like wiping your own bum, again, thats a sign to pack the bags, hit the road, and find a new adventure, 'cause this one is done.
edit on 2/4/2012 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by bknapple32
Despite what i said, it made me feel sad. But it could be made by a nurse, and if so..its good anyway. I know I will take care as best as i can of my mom when she gets old, and elder people should be taken care of better than they are in some places. Just sayin this kind of post is a good way get more symphaty for elder..

So, Im not putting down this in any way! Think before you judge someone.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus
I understand what you mean. Me and my brother have a deal, if one of us gets the adult-diaper, slipped out rectum or is in a condition thats painful and leads to death, we help each other to leave this world if asked.
I have no death fear, and the truth will finally be revealed in death

People here dont agree, or most, but those examples are IMO singns to let it go and move on. If your guts dont stay in you anymore so what the heck..

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 03:30 PM
This was so touching.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by dr treg

Reminds me of the Bette Midler song- 'Hello In There'. I have spent many years of my life caring for the elderly and if the mind is still there, even if only once in a while, there are stories as great and epic as anything in a book or on a movie screen. All we have to do is take the time to listen.

I remember well the elderly Russian lady that was in my care for a while. She was a child of the Revolution and talked about seeing the Royals in thier carriages and described their clothing and the how the carriages were covered with gold, the horses too. She saw Rasputin once. And during the war itself her sister was trying to run home from caring for a wounded "enemy" soldier hidden in an old barn while a battle raged all about her. She arrived home with nary a scratch, but her dress and cloak were riddled with bullet holes. That wonderful old lady was history.

Another of my charges had been one of Busby Berkeley's dancers in a couple of films. At 80, she got up every morning and did up her hair and applied her make-up. She was always dressed to the nines. The sad part is that her family did not care. Most thought she was making it up or just delusional. But she was the real deal, she had photos to prove it.

One of my favorite elders was one who entered my life only a couple of years ago and left me all too soon. He was a Texan. His grandparents had moved to this area while the Comanches still raided the settlements. The grass grew as high a saddle and those brave and intrepid settlers of his family carved out a home from the hot wilderness. He had many a great story about growing up in the still raw enviornment that was south TX at the turn of the century. My favorite; as a young man on the way home from town on horseback, after enjoying a few to many beers, he saw a large bear lumbering down the road ahead of him. He dismounted, grabbed his rifle and shot at the bear. It just kept walking away from him. He sighted in the gun again and fired. Still no response from the bear. He quickly tied his horse to a near by tree and proceeded to follow the bear, hoping to get a better angle to shoot. The wind shifted and the moon came out from behind a cloud and he saw that he was chasing a couple of large tumbleweeds rolling down the road.

Yes, we will all be old someday, some of us sooner than later. In the meantime, go talk to an old person. Ask them about their lives. And prepare to be amazed.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 11:06 PM
This, my friends, is a wonderful poem and story of aging. Thanks for sharing this. Immediately as I read the poem, I was reminded of John Prine's wonderful song of the realities of aging. I think they belong together.

I've seen this man in concert many times and he can really push the emotions.

Listen for yourself....both older and the young.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 11:09 PM
1st video I've posted.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 08:11 PM
I know I'm not the first one to suggest that whatever preceded life, and follows life, is the normal state, and what we experience now is like time in a classroom, or a dream, and returning to that previous state is perfectly normal. I'm sure what we all fear is that nothing will remain of us when we die.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by dr treg

That was beautiful.

Very good read. I enjoyed it. S&F for you.


posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:58 PM
That is so sad and sweet and its really hard to explain the feeling you I got from it and ive never heard that before and it is really really good.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 09:01 PM
it truly is sad to know that people disrespect these people so badly.

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