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Ex-Vatican Translator, Mauro Biglino's Alternative Creation/Translation Theory

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posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by CaptainNemo
I don't believe any of this, but I read a book a long time ago, where everybody's God existed (w/in reason):

Applying this to reality, what if this was true within reason. The Elohim and other E.T races having dominion and control over their own regions.

What would happen to me since I'm a gentile, and subsequently not apart of the mosaic covenant made with the God of Israel?

To whom would I belong?

Just an idea

In the Ancient Testament the covenant is between the Israelite people and their "protector". If you read Leviticus and Deuteronomy there is not a single reference to anything spiritual but only a series of social decrees that Yahweh asked them to respect in order to be his people.

These predicaments also carried punishment usually of a very physical nature but nothing more than that.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by netkomm

The lack of reference to anything spiritual in Leviticus and Deuteronomy also applies to the entire Old Testament... am pretty sure that is correct. And, if we look at Mr. Biglino's translation of the 'Ten Commandments', it appears that the focus was on social order, not spiritual enlightenment. Does this indicate a master/slave relationship existed?

edit on 14-2-2012 by Cataclysm because: add word

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Cataclysm
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle
"not a judgement but more so an assessment, what it feels like to me. as within as without and i look around at my neighbors on earth and i see many levels of good and not so good so it makes sense to me that our star brothers would be no different in their level of evolution, spiritually speaking."

Spiritually speaking. . . given the fact that the Earth is relatively young compared to the rest of the known universe. We're talking billions of years older. I can imagine civilizations and knowledge that are advanced of us in the thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years.. .and, would expect a much hightened spirital level, perhaps even bordering on the supernatural.. . and, probably benevolent, perhaps even altruistic.

you would expect, but man has gone down the same road with technology yet seems to be leaving the spiritual behind. i'm sure there is more than one race out there that is only a thousand years ahead of us in tech, but at the same pace spiritually. to think that all of our past star relatives were kind and loving i think would be gullible. if there is one thing i have learned it's that not all of anything is anything.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 12:21 PM
In an interview, Mr. Biglino mentioned that he read Samuel Noah Kramer's works on Sumer. In Kramer's book, Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement of the Third Millennium B.C., he wrote:

The most myths of a given culture are usually the cosmogonic, or creation myths, the sacred stories evolved and developed in an effort to explain the origin of the universe, the presence of the gods, and the existence of man. , page 44

If Kramer's observation is correct, does a comparison of the creation myths found in the Bible, Torah and other sacred texts, eg, the Book of Enoch, on the one hand, with the Sumerian texts, on the other, provide any meanful information? In other words, do similarities in texts necessarily indicate credibility?

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 02:41 PM
This thread has really gave me some most needed insight, and a special thanks to Netkomm. It sounds like you really know what your talking about and you gave me some enlightening answers; Do you have contact with Mr. Biglino?

Well anyway I've been doing some really intense research, and I had to start with the most essential tool for objectivity of the Bible. Text scrutiny:

LXX (Septaguint) VS. Masoretic texts
predominant vs. oldest

It is important to know that most accurate translations rely on the interdependence of both.

" the assumption of MT- superiority should have no place in the objective evaluation of variants in the OT texts"

Unfortunately both texts have there divergences. Historical findings might support the translations of the LXX over the MT vice versa. The MT especially shows signs of haplography and parablepsis.

"Typically scribes altered or deleted letters deliberately to "protect" God or to correct theology; see the triqqune sopherim"

Textual diversity is KEY.

Please explore the website below.

What is the Divine council ? Who are the Elohim?

These passages illustrate the plurality of Elohim in reference to Divine beings:

Psalm 82
Psalm 124
Kings 22: 19-22
Isiah 24:21 - Divine beings vs Earthly Kings
Exodus 15:11

I love psalm 82, it sounds like the poet or author is calling on Yahweh to come back and take control over the lands again, for the bene elyon who he left in charge have been ruling UNjustly and upholding wickedness. Note line 5: He says that the elohim don't know, don't understand, and they walk in darkness. So did they just pack up and leave? bene elyon: sons of God - Scholars argue that this indeed refers to man as the sons of God; However, a CLEAR contrast between the sons of God and ADAM is made here

In Kings 22: 20, Yahweh sits on his throne with counterparts of his divine council to his left and right. Then a "spirit" comes forth to Yahweh and tells him he will go down to Earth. The strong's word for spirit it RAUCH, I got really curious here. Biglino asserts that the word references some kind of UFO or spaceship, but I'm not finding much to support his claims, aside from one other book I've read.

Exodus 15:11 Moses says

"Who is like unto thee, O Lord among the gods(El)? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? " Maybe Moses is aware of the existence of the other Gods. He is praising the Lord for showing he is superior to the ones God put in charge.

You mentioned Sumerian mythology. I would suggest studying Ugaritic mythology, it is key to any student of the OT. Alot of psalms are taken from Ugaritic poetry and also some scriptures, including psalm 82. "El" means mighty one or God in the OT. In Ugaritic mythology El is the creator of creation, father of man and the gods that serve in his council, KING. The sons of God (70?) sit beside El and judge on top of a mountain. But unfortunately the Ugaritics deviated and started worshiping the other gods and some more than Yahweh, like Asherah and Baa'l. I wonder if their practices are the origins of the Kabbal? But anyway this seems to be the reason why some of the scriptures of the bible condemn and warn against their ways, you know; smash down the asherah poles and jesus said something about jewish mysticism but I forgot where. Yahweh never calls them idols though or fake Gods though, maybe they just are not to be worshiped.

"Since the discovery of the Ugaritic texts, study of the Old Testament has never been the same. We now have a much clearer picture of Canaanite religion than we ever had before. We also understand the Biblical literature itself much better as we are now able to clarify difficult words due to their Ugaritic cognates." This has probably been my most useful tool and the Hebrew Strong's dictionary

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by CaptainNemo

What supports his claim was given in my quotes on the first page. 1. RUACH is a Sumerian word. The Sumerians left us a picture of one.

From the video.

And then he said something to the effect of saying, well lets pretend we still don't know what a RUACH is, and can't define it, so then we will look to the Catholic writings to define it.

From the first video on page one:

If you read last editions of the “Lexicon Recentis Latinitatis”, published by the “:Liberia Editrice Vatican” where they insert the latin neologisms, you'll find that the Vatican inserted “navis sideralis”, which means “starship” They inserted “areia navis”, thus “airship”, they inserted “aireus viator”, that is “astronaut” and they inserted an acronym, “R.I.V” which means: res inexplicatae volantes”, that is UFO's.
---The ones of you that just saw that stuff now will realize that it's an unknown thing that hovers on the water.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Again, a simple google search of "Rauch Sumerian" yeilds almost nothing to back him up, except for this thread of course.

I googled the latin lexicon also, the quote is accurate but there's is no mention of Rauch anywhere. So why did he try to make that connection?

See for yourself.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by CaptainNemo

I'm well aware that this information is buried. But, then we have to go on the credentials. And he has been credentialed. The one book that was linked, had both his name along side another, in the translations.

I also tried doing that search and wanted to bring up the very same information.

The academic Sumar translator, not Sitchin, is buried in translations and scholarly journals, so this is something you have to be educated or a far better internet researcher than myself, but I did manage to find some links in English written by him and/or connected to him.

So,there is a point when you have to run with the education and expertise of the author, and assume that this information can be accessed by those with the language and search skills.

When I search for Ru, or Rua, or any combination I get things like this:

I take it you do too.

I'm not an academic researcher who can access the translators of the Sumeria, or understand even how to find something in a long list of symbols/pictographs a few times.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 05:11 PM
water - MU or A

Not getting far with this

Besides this kind of stuff is really far to left brained for me, I'm high score on right hemisphere. I took the mensa test, parents passed ( my dad's brother was a physicist). Dad always thought IQ scores mattered.
But I was just a few points under the pass, it had to do with these 3d type puzzles, their math part, couldn't understand any of it and only tried a couple. In a Yale university professors book same kind of test but there was a dot on one puzzle piece and I aced it, got 154 IQ IF it was right hemisphere friendly.
But can't figure what kind of structure is needed for these searches.

Right hemisphere works for all the experiences I 've had and my main metaphysics interest in life and remembering, I do have some memories now.

CME's help alot. Gained some real power back and filled with joy standing on a sunbeam remembering what was going on, when the m9 flare that contained the CME hit a couple weeks ago. That is what I'm into. Waking up the world.
edit on 14-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 06:38 PM
If anyone would like to show where the lay person could find info on RUACH's from Sumerian translations, this would be appreciated.

But I am pretty content with the truth so far revealed. And the ground crew also needs to get ready to go home, my message is that they need to really overcome any hard hearts now, this world is very hard on people, and to turn up that dial on frequency, dust off a truly loving heart, because its time to get ready for going home, and that is a wonderful place truly.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Cataclysm
reply to post by netkomm

The lack of reference to anything spiritual in Leviticus and Deuteronomy also applies to the entire Old Testament... am pretty sure that is correct. And, if we look at Mr. Biglino's translation of the 'Ten Commandments', it appears that the focus was on social order, not spiritual enlightenment. Does this indicate a master/slave relationship existed?

edit on 14-2-2012 by Cataclysm because: add word

You are correct to say that there is no reference in the Old Testament about any reference of anything spiritual.

The commandments as you say were a way to form to "mold" this group of nomads and make them become his people.

No, there wasn't any master/slave relationship. In fact the Hebrews were free to choose another deity if they liked BUT once they chose Yahweh they were bound by the pact and they had to live by it. This was the only way to ask for Yahweh to respect his part of the agreement. Yahweh, if you read in the Bible, more than once has tested his followers to make sure they were truly on his side... so much for an omniscient being...

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Cataclysm
In an interview, Mr. Biglino mentioned that he read Samuel Noah Kramer's works on Sumer. In Kramer's book, Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement of the Third Millennium B.C., he wrote:

The most myths of a given culture are usually the cosmogonic, or creation myths, the sacred stories evolved and developed in an effort to explain the origin of the universe, the presence of the gods, and the existence of man. , page 44

If Kramer's observation is correct, does a comparison of the creation myths found in the Bible, Torah and other sacred texts, eg, the Book of Enoch, on the one hand, with the Sumerian texts, on the other, provide any meanful information? In other words, do similarities in texts necessarily indicate credibility?

I don't think we will ever be "sure" to have the truth in our pocket. If you just consider the changes and manipulations that the Bible has gone through before it reached us and... even with a "closed" version that is the Leningrad Codes (the Masoretic version) see how many different versions of the Bible we have in English today (let alone other languages). Literally thousands!

How to deeply compare the Bible with other texts that might have gone through a similar process? It's not possible... We can find surely startling similarities but I doubt we can go further...

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:27 AM

This thread has really gave me some most needed insight, and a special thanks to Netkomm. It sounds like you really know what your talking about and you gave me some enlightening answers; Do you have contact with Mr. Biglino?

Yes, I do have contacts with Mauro. I am one of the admins of the facebook group where we talk about his books (and other stuff too, by the way)

The Facebook group (it's in Italian but you are free to post in English) can be found at the following address

LXX (Septaguint) VS. Masoretic texts
predominant vs. oldest

It is important to know that most accurate translations rely on the interdependence of both.

This is a million dollar question!

I think none is to be considered "accurate" as they both have gone through changes, corrections and manipulations... who knows which one has been changed the most? The only reason why Mauro Biglino worked on the Masoretic text is that this book is the foundation upon which the modern Bible approved by the Chuch is based on...

If you start working on other texts, they (the Church) can just shut you up saying that those are non canonical - non approved texts and that THEY only have the correct book... Now, will see what they can reply when working on THEIR material!

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
If anyone would like to show where the lay person could find info on RUACH's from Sumerian translations, this would be appreciated.

But I am pretty content with the truth so far revealed. And the ground crew also needs to get ready to go home, my message is that they need to really overcome any hard hearts now, this world is very hard on people, and to turn up that dial on frequency, dust off a truly loving heart, because its time to get ready for going home, and that is a wonderful place truly.

One resource that could be of good help is the following

Electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary
edit on 17-2-2012 by netkomm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by netkomm

Cool, I requested to join.
And ehh I don't want to be the lazy American with a superiority complex. I'll take the opportunity to learn Italian haha
edit on 18-2-2012 by CaptainNemo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by netkomm

This is the only way for religon to hop on board this flight.

I dont think you will find much sucess connecting what I now view as old world religons like christianity to the new morality that is autonomously developing worldwide.

Free knowledge has FOREVER altered humanitys path,and the root cause of religons creation,a lack of baseline knowledge about our physical universe,is no longer mysterious to us.We are not afraid anymore.

We may be again,if we lose our global knoledge base and consequently our current interpretation of nature and natures processes.We find solid ground in science ,a solid ground that religon isnt ever able to provide,Religon is an ideal born of dark days not days of light and enlightenment for the common man.

Science never refused to accept religon,it is the other way around,religon does not accept science because it grounds people in a real physical reality and prevents them from easily being maniplulated by illusionary stimulation of their emotional cortex.

I am sorry but unless all theological ideologies that define a power greater than nature and man himself are absolutely excluded from consideration and the religous doctrines are considered to be exactly what they are ,history books---and only that,we will see religons as we know them and the institutions that support them quickly fall by the wayside,it has already begun and will only gain momentum.

There is no way to incorporate lies into reality so sorry but I just dont see it happening,we cannot say lies are true,we can come out and say we misinterpreted the scriptures and doctrines ,but this means that ALL religons must then come together as one because as we all know the truth will set us free,it is by grand design that this is happening and it is not religous it is fractal,it is how we are supposed to develope and grow together,not apart,religon was originally designed to bring all peoples from different groups and different times together onto one page,in one shared reality,a perfect world.This can still be done on a greater scale than any preacher or Rabbi,ort Shaman ever concieved possible,the internet makes everything pure or allows humanity to find the real truth that exists for all of us.

The internet brings accountability with it and it will kill organised religon as we know them if proper actions arent taken,Religon and spirituality are as basic to us as cells and DNA strands,we need the input and the output ,but we dont need lies,power mongers and evil representatives of humanity that speak with forked tounges.

The only way to preserve the legacy of organised religons is for them to all admit they misinterpreted their doctrines at one time,this isnt possible without an entity BIGGER than the biggest religon that exists to force it to happen,there had to be a truth BIGGER than the lies,dont you see??

Humanity has always been truer and bigger than the lies past religous leaders have fed people,we were just kept in the dark,and knowledge was withheld from us,the big battle is coming all right except for the first time in human history,when the bullets stop flying it will be so all sides can re-target their common enemy,remember the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The cold hard irony is that religons now need to actually RECRUIT good people, people more honest and pure than themselves,they are contracting out for gods sakes, because they need to.

I mean recruit people who are born to see through the grand deception,the internet has already indoctrinated way over ten percent of the humans with acess to technology and information.

I personally have a bit of a family history with religon,a relative founded a church that developed into a new age religon ,an offshoot of an older one that has members numbering in the tens of millions worldwide,I have a little personal insight into the type of mind that can easily grasp and understand and work with the communication dynamics that make religons tick,in fact I am the first in my family to carry this interest beyond traditional boundaries in a long time and I am a member of the internet generation with acess to as to now unheard fo resources for communicating my perspectives to other people.

I think religons were all created in a grand design that was specificly measured to allow us to find a way to preserve and maintain spirituality and religous empowerment ,in unison with technology and science,and in unison with our natural environment,and we are able to do all of this and still maintain humanitarian self respect and be honest and pure to each other and to ourselves.

I guess a smart church would be sending me a blank cheque and building me a school somewhere I am comfortable,because I have no religous leanings whatsoever in terms of doctrine,i have a spiritual heart,and this encompasses all doctrines.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by one4all

I don't believe that religions are meant to come together as one, in my memories, which more and more flood in, inner knowing, religions are not meant to be here, we are meant to be spiritual seekers and grow up, uniting the higher frequencies energies of Mother and Father, not into adrogeny. No matter what the bloodlines wish for, true love exists forever. Family is forever. But nothing is selfish above.

There are many ways of putting it. We're spirit in flesh. The universe is like a matrix/womb/testing ground, hologram, dream lab, interactive, infinite channels, infinite frequency matches.

Like a computerized television set with infinity within. Its all around us, but our brains only pick up this channel.

We're supposed to be growing our golf ball orbs bigger, consciousness bigger. That means question everything, obey nothing.

There are no laws in the higher eutopias, there are virtue. We live by virtues and never harm anything and help all we can.

Is there a God? I believe in the Good Family, infinite Fractals, infinite energies and intelligences, all at once, No Time, so we're going through what amounts to clips in the inifinite roll of film and earth is like an old dvd on the shelf. We enter in.

Except, there is no measurement possible in infinity and time isn't linear. We probably don't do clips in a linear fashion either.

All things are meant to progress and I don't believe a loving heart ever gives up on anyone so all people, even the big bullies and dracos will one day make those U-Turns and grow their light bigger.

Spirituality and Religion are two different things. Spirituality is Quantum Physics.

As to God, if there could be in Infinity a Infinite One holding all of us within, OK, but, Infinity doesnt do Ones, it does Infinite Ones so somehow this would have to be Outside of Infninity, yet in Infinite Progression because if its not Infinite Progression it would be One idea or thought, and if it has a boundary, its Finite, so it would already have passed away. Infinity is infinite everything, all at once. And yet I suspect that there would have to be Infinite Ones doing that, so then is God Infinity? It gets kind of complex, but I don't like pyramids. I know I have a spiritual Father and Mother and Family, but also Grandfather, Grandmother, Uncles and Aunts, Cousins, and Great Greats into infinity.

Maybe the Love between us all is God.

Science and Religion don't have a war going on, they both represent Finite or Squaring the Circle, and most of all Pyramids, thrones, control of the few.

We don't graduate till individually, and hopefully collectively we turn that pyramid upside to Equality and Family.

Infinity and contemplating it is my favorite subject.

Also, is it a Circle or a Spiral? It is a spiral! But if people really arent ready, and I hope there is a perfect plan that will heal and wake people up and that what I'm going to say won't happen, but some may do a circle, like Groundhog Day the movie, until they make that perfect day, or close enough.
edit on 20-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Thank you Unity99 you wether you were aware of it or not are the single strongest motivator for my remaining on ATS a long time ago.

It is always nice to hear your thoughts here on ATS.

Thank you for the kudos but I can take no credit for anything other than simply careing enough about humanity to share my personal journey and experiences with as many people as I can,I think thats what our lives are all about.

Unity,reverse extrapolation is the key here,this gentleman is very deeply indoctrinated into a belief system he cannot help but feel has decieved him on one level or another.He is struggeling to find a way to connect the truth of humanitys history and a theological perspective or basis,it cannot ever be done,dont misinterpret the agenda behind this informations being supported and distributed.The church has no conflict with this man,they are useing him as an instrument to attempt to create a hybrid mindset or perspective that includes an incredible finding and realisation discovered by someone they can refer back to in sixty years to in defence of themselves and their theologies if ever need be.This is still wrong to do,there needs to be progress not regression.

I dont believe that the people running these religons really believe in them themselves,I mean really,they cant visualise a greater future than what the scriptures have given them and they are stalled and if a belief system stalls it dies and fades into history.

I see a bigger future and a way to grow beyond the scriptures from WITHIN them,religons dont need to die and fade away they dont need to feel like there is nowhere left to grow,because there is an entire universe out there,we just need to pass the truth test to join in and grow beyond our wildest dreams,but nothing will grow in a garden of lies.

The basis of religon lies in self discovery of the truths around us and also from the self growth that allows us the forgiveness to accept the room that the things and people around us need to have to grow to their own rightful potentials.

If we cant find a way to incorporate spiritual growth,science,and nature,in an equitable and balanced fashion we will lose the humanitarian support that our organised religon allow us.

The battle between science ,religon,and nature is a ruse,a false battle,these three things are the tri-fecta of realitys that the majority of humanity subscribe to they are all siblings they are all connected at birth and cannot ever be seperated,and if they are seperated they become just a fraction of the experience they could be if they remained connected to each other.

It is my assertation that all religons are from a common humans mind,one human began this journey,and brought us all along with them.All religons contain a history of humanity,purely a history,the message within all of them is the same,the fact that we have somehow had ONE idealism seperated surgicly into many pieces that have a common beginning but then seem to begin to heal themselves or to build scar tissue over their own eyes ,each piece of the whole had to protect itself and to survive,as a result these became competing perspectives or realitys,in order to survive they had to compete and we became the hosts of these competeing ideas,these competing ideas and the original thought are not our own ,someone gifted us this first kernael of the thought it is not purely our own,this is why we seek our creator,we know inside that the message came from a greater understanding than our own,NOT A GREATER POWER just a greater understanding,the greater power part was what religons developed to protect themselves and grow spiritual scar tissue around their individual realitys or perspectives.

I also assert that religon holds more power than the internet although numbers seem to prove me wrong,the internet has brought together the mighty powers that have as many traditionally fought to supress religous beliefs and it is now a mighty power,and the moral compass is not yet fully visible---we dont have a finite moral guide without religous insights,but with the insights so corrupted as they now are,we cant even get that from them.

It is time for religons to beg forgiveness of the people and to begin to come together to fight the oncoming battle,if we lose our spiritual foundations we will fall into dark times,we need all of these ideas to remain alive and balanced.

It is now a numbers game like never before,and the future is even bleaker because the people the organised religons have chosen to inherit their legacys and bring them forward have all been indoctrinated into and trained to accept and incorporate the lies that have been told ,so the people in those positions as we speak are to damaged to possibly be trusted and accepted.

So who you gonna call???

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by netkomm

I apologise for answering you twice,but you might like to hear this point,it is comforting to hear if you have a religous background of any type and even if you arent religous it is still comforting to know that there exists a design grander than we are.

Sit down somewhere before you read this ,ok?

You dont have to convince the christians of anything my friend,the same message is in every major doctrine,the same trojan horse is hidden there for us all to one day open and embrace and unite around as the greatest humanitarian power ever witnessed.

This is why i said take your own bible,as you sit in your chair,in your home,and useing your pencil in your hand,and reading with your eyes and marking words with your motion,you see these things are needed because you have to OWN your own reality again,you need to take possesion of something that you forgot how to handle.

And it is through the realisation of the true content of the doctrine that you have ALREADY ACCEPTED AND SUBSCRIBED TO,that the miracle happens,this is the true awakening the true rapture,this internal realisation that you can manifest yourself in your own home with your own family.

This is a reality you can OWN,your own not a predestined one.

This is the defenition of empowerement.

You see the bible is the most published widest distributed book in know human history,do you really think it is possible to burn all these copies of the truth??You see all these people already accept exactly whay you described at the beginning of your post,they just need the veil lifted,but the secret is THEY NEED TO LIFT IT THEMSELVES OR IT NEVER COMES OFF,IT WAS PUT THERE WITH FREE WILL AND IT MUST BE REMOVED WITH FREE WILL.

And the sweet irony is that the key to lifting the veil yourself is already in the minds and hands of literally billions of humans via one doctrine or another,this is surely a grand design because the power I speak of is unheard of and unthought of by any man ,the internet is the conduit to our future and prior to its advent no man could have envisioned the future i clearly see.

And no man when this journey was began could have recognised the connection and symbiotic existance of data or information and spiritualism,as one man began this journey for us all one man must end the journey and take us to our destination,all journeys have a beginning and an end and humanity may take turns following the path through generations but all journeys are finite as are our lives and at the end of one journey including our physical life a transition occurs and this transition is the beginning ,the seed ,of the path we take on our next journey.

The universe is comprised of energy and motion,energy grows and expands and creates forward momentum,our journey one after another are this energy growing and expanding.This is why we all have great reason to have incredible expectations for our future journeys and experiences that are surely on the horison as the energy of the universe continues to grow and expand our potential.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by one4all

I can see depth in your posts, and deep insight. Sometimes, its hard to flesh out the meaning with words. The trinity, the triad, mind/body/soul, or nature/science/religion?

To me there is two possibilities, with this translation and information, its revealing a history, akin to what you're saying, but also there is possibly the intention of disclosure and a kind of control of how it should go.

A friend told me they were going to do a controlled disclosure, that would present NWO, as the way our "creators" obviously the sumar ones, live and this is the way to progress. Including transhumanism, microchips, probably, giving away your sovereignity to these dark siders.

But for the basis of freeing minds, this needs to be out there, also, the author himself did put the concept of these beings who call themselves our "creators" in question and wrote along the lines of questioning everything and freeing ourselves. So if it is an agenda, I sense a real message to dig deeper in the book. There was nothing that he wrote that would indicate settling for something, or, out of the frying pan into the fire, kind of idea.

I found alot of integrity there.

The thing about religions coming together, is that the funamentalists, in all these faiths, are harming women and children and believe in punishing those they can't control.

Perhaps people who have been heavily indoctrinated must overturn it all and emerge free from within this. To see that it was only a version of history and there is more, the hidden stuff, for Sumar was only a chapter and not the beginning. That true spirituality is to go within and seek to turn your weaknesses into strength and find love and goodness to give others. Trying to grow up and help the children.

But something else is happening right now. The cme's are coming in, and lessoning the hold the gravity and magnetic field is having on our memories.

So consequently a materialist, athiest scientist from Ontario is revealing that Telepathy is real. Wow! He brings up Ingo Swann, one of their participants and yet Ingo Swann knew that Spirit/Soul was eternal and that we were multidimensional sensing machines in our body AI, that we had many many DNA toggles to psi. And in his essays, he reports that they know this, they've already mapped them in their real studies, not the ones we're privy to.

This scientists will tell us, that when the cme's hit, we will get memories from earth's magnetic field, that stores all things.

In other words, They Are Very Alarmed That We Will Wake Up More, And They Want To Control Our Awakening.

Of course the Cme's coming are bringing me my memories, and I'm not from earth, so earth's history isn't being downloaded into me, rather windows are opening to the message that people need to get their acts together together now, and polish their loving hearts up, and take off the distortions and apathy, because its to get ready to go home now.

When people exert alot of control, to me it means, they are very frightened and insecure.

If people do start to wake up, and these energies are coming in more and more, the religious issue and uniting them will go to the back burner, we'll know its history. We won't be guessing but starting to remember our missions and why we're here. We'll be starting to do the work we came to do.

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