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Obama and why he'll still be president...

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+12 more 
posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 07:34 PM
Obama has, in my eyes, done as good of a job as possible for what he was given to begin with. Much of the debt/deficit accumulation throughout his presidency was rolled over from policies the Bush administration implimented, something the GOP likes to forget. Also since Obama has been in office he somewhat revamped the job market that bush completely decimated, only problem now is that congress, which is Right controlled, is now not passing any bills whatsoever and is now making the job market back petal. Also Obama has been the best president since Clinton to control the debt, another fact that the GOP would like to ignore, heres a graph:
Who increased the Debt.
Obama has also tryed to impliment policies to help the working man/middle class but again these efforts have been thwarted because of a republican congress that would rather see Americans suffer then a democrat succeed. Moving on to the GOP candidates I'd like to firstly remind everyone that in 2010 Mitt Romney made 21.7 million dollars and payed at the same tax rate as a man bringing in about 25k. Also Mitt doesn't seem to have a problem with this at all, stating that he payed the "fair" amount of taxes and didn't do anything illegal.
Take a look at the daily show as they try to lighten the mood on this absolutely disgusting policy: DS LINK (someone please embed it if you have the time). Also being from the northeast I have a very big problem with taxes as well as anyone would in just about every Blue state, another graph to give you a prospective of what I'm talking about: Red State Socialism. So anyone trying to call Obama a socialist should take a very close look at what their paying in taxes and how these red states are making off like bandits with our money. If I must get into Newt Gingrich then I shall by saying only this: he served his wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital getting treated for cancer... Need I say more? Fine then take a look at this picture, hilarious yes but also quite truthful: Gingrich Family Values. I'm prepared for the BS storm to come by the blind followers of the GOP, I say blind followers because clearly unless you make more then 200k a year your a blind follower skipping behind the walrus and the carpenter. Obama for president 2012.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 07:36 PM
Also a funny video from the Bill Maher show comparing Mitt to Rappers take a look have a giggle anyone who can embed again please do: Mitt a Rapper?.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by NoJoker13

Very well said. I have been asking my neighbors friends and relatives who they favor for President in 2012...and they have all told me (one way or the other)...that they cannot stand the choices of the Politicians that are running for the republican nomination. Some say they will vote for President Obama....some say they won't vote at all.

I think you are right about the (republican congress) they have hamstrung the President...and done this on purpose.

Note: for those who don't know...(hamstrung) "to severely make ineffective or powerless" (Merrian-Webster dictionary)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by caladonea

Thanks for the reply, I knew the definition of hamstrung but thats only because a slang sports term I learned as a kid is to "hamstring", which would be to disable an opponent during a game or to render them ineffective. I hope you neighbors get out there and vote, one way or the other, although clearly I'd like them to go my route. Maybe giving them a little bit of information would sway them, although you probably had already known about much of what I posted maybe giving them some of these facts would help. Again I appreciate the response, thank you.

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 08:39 PM
That's funny, Obama controlled the house and the senate for plenty of time to have passed every damn thing he would ever have wanted, including a balanced budget. It wasn't until 2010 the Republicans gained control of the house. The excuses for him are lame.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

Funny he did pass quite a few bills before the congress was republican held many of which were geared toward helping the middle class this is the list for 09-10: Bills Passed 09-10. Also I like your short post, next time try to put some facts in there. If you'd like to know a list of bills denied by congress since I'll get that for you as well just ask since you seem unable to find this information for yourself.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

Also whats lame is the lake of apparent common sense from the right, may I ask what you make yearly? May I also ask what excuses I've given here for Obama? I've given some factual information, far as I know that isn't an excuse. Excuse: Attempt to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offense); seek to defend or justify.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by NoJoker13

I personally did not benefit from any ONE of those bills, thank you very much.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

No then you must've not filed taxes or made any money at that time. Could I ask what state your from, also again I enjoy your thoughtout intelligent responses. Played like a true republican.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:09 PM
cash for clunkers
debt limit increase
extentions on COBRA
really really..........
where has he helped the job market ?????
he hasn't he passed on keystone which would have brought thousands of jobs
outsourced a contract to build military planes to brazil even tho american companys gave a lower bid

so explain where he has help america in a significant way ???

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by leawyoming

Stimulus, Homebuyer incentives, Unemployment increases and extentions, Many other bills were passed in 2010, before the right gained the majority I'm still looking for a credible list. He also out sourced for military projects to take money away from the republicans that own many of these local out fits that out source many of there products anyway and avoid taxes. So where were you going with that? I'll also ask you the same question, what state are you from and how much do you make a year? Also if you'd like me to list the very beneficial bills the republican senate has denied I'll get those for you as well but that trump card will remain hidden till need be
edit on 26-1-2012 by NoJoker13 because: Spelling Error

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:17 PM
Is a President that you have to defend worth having?
Are you saying the President is unable to defend himself,
and is this the objective of this thread?

edit on 26-1-2012 by Gmoneycricket because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

I think he's shown he can defend himself and when the debates come you'll see very quickly how pitiful the GOP is, again may I ask you what state your from and how much you make in a year?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by NoJoker13

I am from a State of mind, that if a man needs defending, he is not worth the defense.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:22 PM
Also I'd like everyone to remember it was congress who proposed SOPA/PIPA, I know the right has very short term memory.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:24 PM
In response to the bills list you so kindly linked to:

Kept my old car and didn’t cave into new debt for a new car

Don’t use cobra

Congressional pay raise 2010, 2011, whatever, they got under another name

I have no credit cards

Debt limit increase X’s 2, thanks a lot

Hold the oil companies responsible – he needed a bill for that?

Derivatives = n/a

Digital TV, didn’t care about the delay, made no difference

Economic stimulus….where is it?

Executive compensation – they as well will find a way to get their buck. I don’t see them suffering yet. Wonder if SOLERA followed that bill?

Homebuyer tax credit was only through conventional loans methods; regardless, didn't buy a home

Hasn’t made a difference yet with Iran

Jobs package ….what jobs?

Lands bill…how did I benefit exactly?

Not on Medicare and won’t be for years if ever because it won’t be in existance

Didn’t file bankruptcy or have a foreclosure

National service expansion n/a, more for large population high crime areas

Patriot Act extension – thanks but no thanks

Student aid – not a student but students are having just as hard of a time as ever, colleges charging more and more

Tobacco – don’t smoke

I'm employed

edit on 26-1-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-1-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

Great reply ignore the question, we'll see where you stand on the subject when whoever emerges as the GOP front runner tries to defend himself.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

Again the debt limit increases were due to what the BUSH ADMINISTRATION had implimented and handcuffed the congress in doing so. Also thank you for not answering the questions of what you make yearly and what state your from, funny haven't heard much about my red state socialism comments.
edit on 26-1-2012 by NoJoker13 because: added avoived questions

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
Obama has also tryed to impliment policies to help the working man/middle class but again these efforts have been thwarted because of a republican congress that would rather see Americans suffer then a democrat succeed. .....

Exactly what policies did Obama try to implement that would help the working man/middle class?

Hate having a one liner, but this was the only part that piqued my interest.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by NoJoker13

Bill Maher

He has shown what he thinks of Americans

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